Can Wim Hof juggle chainsaws?
Time: 0.12
can I juggle chainsaws if I want a
Time: 4.5
massacre absolutely
Time: 7.22
Massacre of myself
Time: 9.62
I can juggle with all kinds of things
Time: 12.96
clubs and sticks and uh balls and uh
Time: 17.58
things and Stones I do a lot but uh yeah
Time: 21.9
I I think I saw to a guy who has the
Time: 25.439
Guinness World Record in a show where I
Time: 28.619
was to perform as well so I saw how we
Time: 33.44
juggled three uh chainsaws in the air I
Time: 38.52
saw it and I thought as and that's not
Time: 41.34
my cup of tea
Time: 43.079
but can I hey man I don't know I gotta
Time: 46.8
practice for that I think because you
Time: 49.8
want to be sure that with a running
Time: 52.14
chain show you don't want to make a
Time: 54.899
Time: 55.92
so I don't know about it it's not my cup
Time: 59.52
of tea but you know I you can learn
Time: 62.64
anything I think
Time: 64.26
in the end
Time: 65.519
but once again it's not my cup of tea