Can the Wim Hof Method help with MS?
My name is Anuschka Franken.
I play the violin and am mother of five.
I have a disease. MS.
MS affects the central nervous system.
In my case de last attack was on the left part of my body.
I barely couldn't use my leg, as well as my arm and hand anymore.
Because of the cramps and problems with my sensitivity playing the violin was impossible.
When I was searching for ways to fight the disease Wim Hof crossed my path.
I signed op for a workshop.
During the workshop I noticed with certain exercises, especially the breathing, that I felt a tingling sensation in my fingers.
And for me it felt...
As if the skies had open-end up again.
I never thought I would have that feeling again.
Especially because the neurologist had said to me months ago;
'You should give up playing the violin. It will never get better.'
'It's a lost cause. I hope you can accept that.'
But it wasn't like that.
After that horrible diagnose the Wim Hof Method gave me something...
that makes me feel confident that I have a say in what's going on with my disease.
It's not all a lost cause.
I don't have to think about Damocles' sword hanging above my head.
I still have a say. Even if that sword falls down.
En that's priceless.
Especially if your life has turned upside down because you think you're surrendered to the horrible effects of a disease.
That's what it gives me. Because everyday it feels...
like I’m resetting my body because of the breathing exercises and the cold shower.
I can really feel something is happening.
With the breathing it's like; ‘I’m turning my body ‘on'.
And with the shower it's like...
I'm preparing my body's army to temper or withstand any attacks from this disease.
If I don't practise it for one day.
Which actually doesn't really happen.
At first it bothers me mentally.
It doesn't feel right.
And after a while it translates into my physical well being.
I don't use any medicine.
I practise the Wim Hof Method.
I changed a few things in my diet.
And I also take extra vitamin pills and such.
From those three. It's very clear If I don't apply the Wim Hof Method.
So it a like a daily injection that I should have injected in my leg according to my neurologist.
But I'm translating it in air
And cold.
It has been a way of life for me. Absolutely.
I can see myself doing this for the rest of my life.
I don't have any doubts about that.
I'm totally living the life that I want to live.
I help out at my kids' school.
I take them to school. I pick them up.
It wasn't always like that.
There is constant energy flow that I'm getting and that's a really big difference.
My MS doesn't need to be reckoned with.
I can do what I want.
I'm not going to be the one preaching on the corner of the street.
That will not work.
Nobody would listen.
But people see what is happening with me.
And people are really interested.
The only thing that scares them is the cold shower.
But I think around 20 - 25 people from my orchestra have also started taking cold showers.
For Wim!