Can children do cold exposure? | Craig Foster on The Wim Hof Podcast
Do you do a lot of the cold exposure as well or not?
No not that often, but I do come here sometimes,
and take the ice bath with my dad.
But you know what my dad did with me?
He held me by my Achilles and dunked me into the ice bath.
And I never got sick again.
Yeah when he was a baby!
He was never sick.
And he always laughed afterwards.
You get them into cold water.
Just a brief moment...
Fully immersed and then out.
The energy you know...
He says I never stopped laughing after that.
The funny thing is when my dad...
when he brought me home from being born
from the nursing home, I think it was just my second day on on the planet.
We lived right next to the ocean and the Atlantic.
And he took me in and it was like 10 to12 degrees (Celcius) water.
And as a tiny child, he put me straight into that water.
Well, same thing...
So as little as two days old... - Another!
And I always thought it was child abuse.
But so ok, other people do it as well.
I was like [complaining]
Comforting your child too much is abuse.
It works like abuse.
Yeah interesting.
We we're talking with Lewis Howes right?
About loving people...
Loving is not like protecting them from everything out there.
It's more like exposing them for everything out there.
So they may grow and develop. Make the them ready to be exposed.
Trusting them to know, look after themselves of a bit.
I've done that a lot with my son and it's been terrifying at times
with big sharks in the water and that kind of thing.
But it’s...
You know...
Youngsters need initiation.
They need to know their boundaries and be responsible themselves.
if you closet them too much, then I agree that can actually become irresponsible.
With my son... Yeah, he was very, very good with the cold
when he was like seven, nine years old,
Seven to nine.
And then when he hit puberty, he found that cold a bit difficult.
And now that he's out of that, he can deal with the cold easily again.
The thing with my dad... like always when I climbed a tree
he was never like, "oh, get down!"
He was always saying, "Go high, go higher, go higher."
And I never fell. I never fell.
But the thing is that you have to expose your children to that,
because falling is learning how to fall...
Otherwise, when they're adults and they fall, they break three legs
and they only have two.
Strange logic, right?
Yeah, I got that from you.