Brian MacKenzie Talks About The Wim Hof Method
My name is Brian Mackenzie.
I'm a Strength and Conditioning Movement Specialist
That works in sports.
I learned how to apply new techniques to training.
Through movement and through exercise.
When we found the Wim Hof Method
I had never been able to really get into meditation
Or a lot of breathing stuff.
And I was messing around with the training mask
And I became very curious about breathing at that point
Because the training mask allowed me to get into a better position and breathe more.
Then, we came into the Iceman stuff.
And we literally
Found a way that we could do meditation without really doing meditation.
To where I'm not somebody who likes to sit for 20 minutes.
And do nothing, and try and be quiet.
I'm somebody who wants to do a lot in 20 minutes.
And through the breathing exercises it's not
You're never in a place where you are really kind of being
In a deep meditative state and what takes people like 20 minutes or even
Sometimes a lifetime to achieve, with meditation.
Can be achieved in 3 or less than 3 minutes with this method.
The most important thing about training is that you recover.
Recovery becomes quicker, faster
And the body is able to respond and get back to doing what it should be doing a lot sooner.
So it's been a very big help to what we've done.
It's played a very large role in what we've done.
For myself, it changed my life!
From a health standpoint.
From a centering or consciousness standpoint.
From an openness standpoint. All of that.
The online course it's a must for somebody to establish a foundation in anything.
And the online course provides that foundation.
Wim Hof rules!