Time: 14.92


Time: 33.12


Time: 42.84


Time: 47.2

for everyone who is watching this

Time: 51.28

with this group in particular they are

Time: 54.399

all about discomfort

Time: 57.6

seeking discomfort this is not for

Time: 60.559


Time: 65.199

don't do this at home directly like

Time: 67.36

copying don't do it

Time: 69.2

these guys are experienced

Time: 72.86


Time: 83.92

he's able to withstand extreme cold this

Time: 86.88


Time: 87.2

runs the top of everest in his underwear

Time: 89.04

he says it's easy experts are baffled

Time: 91.28

how is he able to survive

Time: 93.97


Time: 95.2

or as some of you may know him the

Time: 97.36


Time: 99.2

he might well be one of the most unique

Time: 101.04

humans currently alive

Time: 103.119

for the past 20 years he's been breaking

Time: 104.88

countless endurance records

Time: 106.399

mostly around his ability to resist

Time: 108.399

extreme cold

Time: 109.68


Time: 113.68

from spending nearly two hours submerged

Time: 116

in ice water without his core body

Time: 117.84

temperature changing

Time: 118.96

to climbing past the death zone of mount

Time: 121.2

everest barefoot

Time: 122.64

wearing nothing but shorts or running a

Time: 125.52

full marathon in the desert of namibia

Time: 127.84

without drinking water

Time: 129.44

he surpassed what anyone thought the

Time: 131.12

human body was capable of

Time: 133.52

over and over and for a while

Time: 136.56

that's what he was known for as the

Time: 138.959


Time: 139.76

the freak of nature who breaks

Time: 141.28

impossible records but after a series of

Time: 143.52

independent scientific studies

Time: 145.28

he's proven that with his specific

Time: 147.36


Time: 149.12

we're all capable of pushing our minds

Time: 150.959

and bodies way past what was thought

Time: 152.959


Time: 153.76

thank you and he calls it the wim hof

Time: 157.04


Time: 157.68

how is it possible for a human being to

Time: 159.92

be exposed

Time: 161.2

in an ice bath for one hour and 44

Time: 164.16


Time: 164.64

wim hof is changing scientists

Time: 167.36

understanding of how the body works

Time: 170.08

he recently shook the scientific

Time: 171.68

community after injecting himself and a

Time: 173.599

few of his students

Time: 174.64

with the form of an infectious e coli

Time: 176.959


Time: 177.84

we saw less fever he had less flu-like

Time: 180.319


Time: 181.519

and he also had lessened concentrations

Time: 183.76

of inflammatory proteins in his blood

Time: 186.56

together they fought off the disease

Time: 188.4

through breathing and meditation

Time: 190.319

both of which are major pillars of his

Time: 192.4

method leaving the world

Time: 194

confused and us like many others

Time: 197.28

fascinated while wim may seem superhuman

Time: 200.08

and a total anomaly to the human race

Time: 202.239

there are now millions of people around

Time: 203.92

the world practicing his method

Time: 207.4


Time: 208.799

his records and his life raises the

Time: 210.959

question what if there is a world of

Time: 213.12

untapped potential and all of us just

Time: 215.44

waiting to be released an ability to tap

Time: 217.92

into deeper parts of our brain

Time: 219.36

to regain control and willpower over our

Time: 221.84

own bodies

Time: 222.879

and do things we never thought we were

Time: 224.64

capable of before

Time: 226.48

and so after meeting wim in la a few

Time: 228.56

months ago and hearing about all his

Time: 230.159

claims we were fully intrigued by the

Time: 232.08


Time: 232.879

of unlocking our full potential we felt

Time: 235.84

like we had no other choice but to fly

Time: 237.439

out to his training camp in poland

Time: 239.36

and experienced it in person our goal

Time: 241.599

was to understand whether wim

Time: 243.28

is simply a madman with superhuman

Time: 245.36

abilities whether he has actually made a

Time: 247.36

groundbreaking discovery

Time: 248.959

about what the human mind is capable of

Time: 251.68

we brought a group of friends and

Time: 252.799

filmmakers to help capture the process

Time: 254.879

and even though we arrived in poland

Time: 256.4

with over three years of experience and

Time: 258.079

seeking discomfort

Time: 259.28

none of us could have expected the wild

Time: 260.959

journey for answers

Time: 262.32

we were about to embark on and it begins

Time: 266.639

yes oh it hasn't started you don't have

Time: 268.56

to wear a t-shirt you can wear a jacket

Time: 270.24

well i'm acclimating

Time: 271.68

we haven't done like the breathing or

Time: 273.04

anything i went on a run last night

Time: 275.04

shirtless to acclimate this is good

Time: 279.28

they turned off the heaters at midnight

Time: 281.36

last night and then it progressively

Time: 283.04

kept getting colder and colder and i was

Time: 284.72


Time: 285.36

wow i was freezing yeah my feet are

Time: 287.52

freezing we're not in the snow yet we're

Time: 289.12

going to be walking and

Time: 290

we're talking about wood being cold yeah

Time: 292.24

i feel like women would give up on us

Time: 293.84

if we told them you're refusing to kind

Time: 296.88


Time: 297.52

show any emotion about everything that

Time: 299.52

is said on everything that is happening

Time: 300.88

i'm just patiently waiting just because

Time: 302.8

someone's message is good doesn't mean

Time: 304.479

that the messenger themself is like

Time: 306.08

anything special he said you have to

Time: 307.44

fully believe in order for it to work

Time: 309.919

and the men is here

Time: 311.84

yes that's me

Time: 315.759

i'm a simple man yet i'm going to change

Time: 319.28

the world

Time: 320

we are made to believe that a whole lot

Time: 322.08

of things a whole lot of crap

Time: 323.68

is normal like war and disease and

Time: 326.639

mental disorders it's made a

Time: 328.639

sort of playful like uh yeah that's life

Time: 331.6

life it can be a

Time: 333.12

tough [ __ ] and all that [ __ ] i don't

Time: 336.24

believe that

Time: 336.88

within four days i will bring you guys

Time: 340.72

into a state of mind

Time: 343.919

more than ever you have experienced

Time: 346.479


Time: 347.28

making you able to go in very stressful

Time: 350.4

environments like a freezing cold

Time: 353.84

mountain frozen over in short

Time: 357.039

four hours in four days it's not like a

Time: 359.919


Time: 360.88

it's an awakening and in this awakening

Time: 364.08

we show the world

Time: 365.199

that we have so much more power already

Time: 368.319

here right now

Time: 370

and it needs just a couple of steps

Time: 373.12

to this cover when it comes to climbing

Time: 376.24

the mountain

Time: 377.12

um what kind of gear are we going to

Time: 379.44


Time: 380.319

yeah just a a couple of spikes under

Time: 382.8

your shoes

Time: 383.84

and as short a little shorts little

Time: 386.8


Time: 387.68

shorts yeah yeah shows enough to cover

Time: 389.919

it all you know

Time: 390.72

how long is it going to take to go up we

Time: 393.039

don't know oh it depends on the mountain

Time: 395.199

a mountain in sunshine is a very nice

Time: 397.919

you can stay for hours there's nothing

Time: 399.52

going on but you will not do that when

Time: 402.319

there is a wind chill

Time: 403.52

of 100 kilometers it's like a whip on

Time: 408.16

you don't stay picnicking while a whip

Time: 410.639

is going on you just want to go as fast

Time: 412.72

as possible and

Time: 414.08

maybe it's not even possible the

Time: 416

mountain is a mirror

Time: 417.52

of our capacities coming up and we

Time: 420.8

got so much more within us and the

Time: 423.599

mountain will just bring it out

Time: 426.08

but before that is going to happen we're

Time: 428.319

going to pollute it

Time: 429.36

with a nice splash you better be ready

Time: 432.24

are you ready

Time: 433.039

do you feel ready yeah i don't know

Time: 435.28

ready for what but yeah

Time: 437.12

okay that's exactly what i need a

Time: 439.919


Time: 440.72

expression let's do this

Time: 445.68

you want to ring the bells baby

Time: 450.639

right off the bat we got a feeling that

Time: 452.4

wim had no intention of treating us

Time: 454.72

like a regular group normally he begins

Time: 456.96

by teaching his breathing and meditation

Time: 458.639

techniques that allow you to cope with

Time: 460

the extreme cold

Time: 461.12

but his most recent study has indicated

Time: 463.36

that this may be possible to be achieved

Time: 466.08

all through the power of the mind so

Time: 468.4

instead of training us he thought it'd

Time: 469.759

be an interesting idea for the first day

Time: 471.759

to start off with a real life trial of

Time: 473.919

that study

Time: 474.8

by taking us straight to cliff jumping

Time: 477.199

into ice water

Time: 478.24

he doesn't usually do this where we go

Time: 480.16

in without any breath

Time: 481.36

work oh he doesn't specifically we've

Time: 483.44

been told if you're in

Time: 484.56

water without training that temperature

Time: 486.56

for three minutes your body shuts down

Time: 487.919

yeah i mean all he said was to put on

Time: 489.199

freaking choice so i'm assuming we're

Time: 490.639

about to get

Time: 491.199

really cold i'm down for the breathing

Time: 493.36

and the training

Time: 494.24

i'm not down for the jumping with

Time: 496

nothing and no training

Time: 497.52

and no breathing nothing just full-on

Time: 500.56

noobs all right we are about to go for

Time: 502.96

our first adventure with wim

Time: 504.319

to the waterfall we're jumping from six

Time: 506.16

meters up we have never

Time: 507.36

we have not done any training

Time: 516.8

what about frost bites no no pros right

Time: 519.68

here that is in the

Time: 521.519

long time exposure into gold don't you

Time: 524.64

do it

Time: 526.32

it's from that is the one where we jump

Time: 529.519


Time: 530.399

down into the ice water zero degrees and

Time: 534.08


Time: 535.04

so it's colder than normal we're about

Time: 537.04

to discover

Time: 538.64

the definition of freezing your nuts off

Time: 553.2

dude i've never jumped in cold water why

Time: 555.12

are we doing a cliff jump

Time: 556.399

six meters up freezing shallow water

Time: 574.59


Time: 578.399

oh [ __ ]

Time: 592.91


Time: 617


Time: 624.64

as we were celebrating completing his

Time: 626.399

initiation without us realizing it

Time: 628.88

wim was carefully watching us and our

Time: 630.959

reactions we're about to completely

Time: 632.56

determine how our next three days

Time: 635.04

would pan out

Time: 643.519

i've never like pushed my body like that

Time: 645.2

before like every single voice inside

Time: 647.2

your mind is just like screaming at you

Time: 649.12

like are you insane

Time: 650.64

you cannot think about nothing than

Time: 652.88

surviving when you are in the cold

Time: 655.36

you don't think about your indulging

Time: 657.68

into your emotion

Time: 659.279

and your brother broken heart and all

Time: 661.36

those things

Time: 662.32

you just gotta survive thus you learn to

Time: 665.44

control your emotions

Time: 666.72

today when we went to jump off the cliff

Time: 668.32

you said that the anxiety and the fear

Time: 669.839

that we're facing is natural

Time: 671.6

yes uh what would you say your

Time: 672.959

relationship with anxiety and fear is

Time: 674.88

uh today it was a great day because i

Time: 677.519


Time: 678

not only me having fun the the waterfall

Time: 682

but you hold it this ball game is going

Time: 684.48

to be good

Time: 685.2

this coming four days so how i'm dealing

Time: 687.279

with this anxiety

Time: 688.56

there is no anxiety there's only power

Time: 692.16

and that power is going to be ours it's

Time: 695.12

going to be our mind and

Time: 696.56

my challenge these four days is to bring

Time: 699.519

you to the full

Time: 700.72

understanding by feeling of your of the

Time: 704.32

power of your own

Time: 705.76

mind and send that into the world that

Time: 708.72

it is there

Time: 709.68

that we knock on your heaven's door

Time: 711.76

inside and that you are the master of

Time: 714.32

your own brain

Time: 715.279

you are the owner of your own brain

Time: 718.48

got that your own mind your own

Time: 721.04

happiness strength and health

Time: 722.399

is yours our first day in poland came to

Time: 724.959

an end

Time: 725.68

without training we went to bed hopeful

Time: 727.68

that the next day would finally start

Time: 729.279

preparing for the intense climb up the

Time: 731.12


Time: 731.839

in three days but when we woke up we

Time: 734.399

were told that whim

Time: 735.6

had other plans

Time: 740

normally i don't i go gradually into

Time: 744.72

step by step but not with this group

Time: 747.68

they are

Time: 748.399

all about discomfort seeking discomfort

Time: 752.24

is exactly what i needed so we jumped

Time: 754.959

straight into the depth

Time: 756.8

which normally i do absolutely not it's

Time: 759.839


Time: 760.32

heart attacks to people because the

Time: 762.8

vascular system is not right

Time: 765.04

but in this case i could specifically

Time: 767.6

with this group

Time: 768.72

i want to try out the last study i've

Time: 771.92


Time: 772.8

that it is all in the mind we are built

Time: 775.68

to be happy strong and healthy we got

Time: 777.76

all the tools

Time: 778.72

but they are not awakened but who is

Time: 781.44

going to wake them up

Time: 783.6

that's us this week we're gonna do

Time: 786.88

things i've never done because i've been

Time: 789.44

a guinea pig

Time: 790.32

all my life and i changed the books

Time: 793.36

now i'm going to do that with yes theory

Time: 805.279

here's the plan there is no plan

Time: 808.72

we do whatever whim decides we were

Time: 810.8

supposed to have

Time: 812.079

do something up here but apparently

Time: 813.44

we're gonna go downstairs and figure out

Time: 815.44

what his plan is

Time: 816.24

if he tells you to jump in the water you

Time: 817.519

jump in the water if he tells you to

Time: 818.88

sleep you sleep

Time: 820.8

if he wants to slap you in the face you

Time: 822.32

get slapped in the face

Time: 823.839

that's what a master does

Time: 826.88

wim told me to do that whim said it dude

Time: 829.36

we're [ __ ]

Time: 843.92

i woke up at half past three and since

Time: 847.199

then i've been thinking oh [ __ ] this is

Time: 849.519

gonna go a completely different way we

Time: 851.76

don't want a

Time: 852.72

another vice documentary we want

Time: 855.36

something new

Time: 856.56

right now i'm preparing a 10 minutes ice

Time: 859.839


Time: 860.48

for you guys 10 minutes all of you

Time: 864

set your mind the latest study

Time: 867.12

showed we are able to tap into the

Time: 869.36

deepest part of the brain

Time: 870.639

just at will we will show and without

Time: 873.92


Time: 874.56

how to handle the brain how to handle

Time: 877.12

the mind

Time: 877.839

set your mind your mind

Time: 881.12

will make your body able and survive

Time: 883.76

from a 10 minutes

Time: 885.12

ice bath as a treat we come back up here

Time: 888.56

and we have a great festival in the

Time: 891.68


Time: 892.24

and then you get food okay what about

Time: 894.88


Time: 895.68

bruh yeah one mouth method baby tomorrow

Time: 898.959

we're gonna do

Time: 900.32

breathing we make it a shortcut because

Time: 902.88

you guys

Time: 903.519

all from going out of comfort

Time: 906.639

into the discomfort there is the comfort

Time: 909.6

i will

Time: 910.079

show you what is comfort perfect we're

Time: 912.48

ready let's go

Time: 913.36

ice bath baby let's go okay stop look at

Time: 916.32


Time: 917.68

i wish we could replace just his face

Time: 921.839

we're supposed to learn the breathing

Time: 923.279

techniques to cope with the cold today

Time: 924.959


Time: 925.279

he decided to skip that step and just

Time: 927.92

throw it

Time: 928.48

straight in the cold and see if we can

Time: 930.959

just with the power of our mind

Time: 932.88

adapt to it

Time: 936.48

what does that mean man i was freezing

Time: 938.959

when i had my toes in the snow i was

Time: 940.56

supposed to sit

Time: 941.279

in the freaking ice bath do you know 10

Time: 943.12

minutes is a very long time

Time: 944.399

thanks man yeah i had no idea it's a

Time: 946.639

very long time in ice water

Time: 950.079

involves breathing and that's a big part

Time: 952.48

of it

Time: 953.199

and the fact that we're surpassing that

Time: 954.88

and just trying to go straight to the

Time: 956.48


Time: 957.519

i've never done like a full ice bath

Time: 959.68

without the breath

Time: 960.56

if you've never done ice baths you're

Time: 961.759

not gonna do more than three minutes

Time: 966.32

or even two to start and we're doing 10.

Time: 969.04

the whole point of us being here is

Time: 971.199

to learn and i feel like we're just

Time: 973.36

being thrown into [ __ ]

Time: 974.88

being like the power of your mind

Time: 977.92

just shut up and do it when your house

Time: 980.32

is on fire you run fast

Time: 983.279

you don't need to think you go because

Time: 985.92

adrenaline is there

Time: 987.44

so it's like the house is on fire it's

Time: 989.68

not on fire

Time: 990.639

but you are on fire follow me in this

Time: 993.759

and it's going to happen begin to doubt

Time: 996.72


Time: 997.12

something else is going to happen so is

Time: 998.72

there something physically i do

Time: 1000.72

or something mentally that i need to do

Time: 1002.399

to like center my mind

Time: 1004.32

just follow the breath okay

Time: 1008

here you are the only thing is don't

Time: 1010.399

interfere what the body is able to do

Time: 1012.48

with what the body is able to do

Time: 1014.32

adaptation meditation is dynamic

Time: 1017.519

it's real it's a deeper part of the

Time: 1019.44

brain having a sufficient

Time: 1021.759

blood flow now they studied mindfulness

Time: 1025.039

of research

Time: 1026

and they saw that within 10 minutes what

Time: 1028.88

we do

Time: 1029.839

people even after years of training in

Time: 1032.64


Time: 1033.52

are not able to get into now put the

Time: 1036.079

signs out of there

Time: 1037.28

and get back to your sense you are the

Time: 1039.439

one in command

Time: 1040.799

over yourself you got that yeah

Time: 1044.319

three minutes is hypothermia right yeah

Time: 1047.6

and we're doing 10 minutes without

Time: 1049.6

training that's good

Time: 1052.24

okay in alaska we were in the water for

Time: 1054.48

probably 30 seconds and i

Time: 1055.919

never in my wildest dreams thought that

Time: 1057.76

i could stay in cold water for three

Time: 1060.16

more than like two minutes this is

Time: 1061.84

testing every assumption i've ever made

Time: 1063.679

about myself

Time: 1064.88

in the cold i hate the cold and in a way

Time: 1066.799

there's like a method to his madness you

Time: 1068.559

know at first i was i was mad at him

Time: 1070.559

i was like why are you training us and

Time: 1072.88

then the other part of me

Time: 1074.24

after a while thinking about it was like

Time: 1076

[ __ ] just happens in life and you have

Time: 1077.52

no control over it and

Time: 1078.88

there's no training you just have to

Time: 1081.36

like react

Time: 1082.16

the house is on fire what are you going

Time: 1083.44

to do survive

Time: 1085.2

actually surviving is something that we

Time: 1086.96

never do you never have to survive

Time: 1089.919

you know yeah you have to survive

Time: 1093.84

hypothermia like if you lose control

Time: 1096.08

over your body

Time: 1097.12

you will literally just collapse

Time: 1104.799

i'm already freezing you go down put

Time: 1107.28

your hands here

Time: 1108.4

tight on your thighs long exhalation

Time: 1112.64

and let the body do what the body is

Time: 1114.559

able to do don't interfere

Time: 1117.039

let it go you got it yeah

Time: 1120.4

are you ready yeah it's just talking to

Time: 1122.799

thomas that's how we're saying

Time: 1125.84

yes let's do it let's do it baby let's

Time: 1128.48


Time: 1128.88

here [ __ ] it

Time: 1132.48

here's what i've come to terms with

Time: 1134.16

without training without any of this

Time: 1136.16

the only thing we can rely on is our own

Time: 1138.72


Time: 1139.2

if we can accomplish this something that

Time: 1140.88

i legitimately think is impossible right

Time: 1142.72


Time: 1143.36

then we should be able to push our minds

Time: 1145.76

beyond anything else

Time: 1146.96

in regular life

Time: 1153.34


Time: 1157.44

your brain knows what to

Time: 1160.41


Time: 1163.2

let's do let's do it

Time: 1179.18


Time: 1186.88

you got it

Time: 1195.21


Time: 1201.36

get them on your thighs ties feel the

Time: 1204.64

palms of your hands

Time: 1206.159

they are walk this is the way you learn

Time: 1209.36

how to deal with utmost stress

Time: 1215.36

let it go you are thinking

Time: 1232.84


Time: 1244

thomas i'm afraid of my hands

Time: 1250.48

halfway through halfway

Time: 1272.08

thomas you got that you got this

Time: 1279.52

it's good together

Time: 1301.46


Time: 1302.09


Time: 1316.84


Time: 1330.08

how do you feel

Time: 1338.64

hey guys good job ten minutes

Time: 1341.84

like no preparation just the power of

Time: 1344.32

the mind

Time: 1344.96

dealing with stress severe stress

Time: 1348.08

i have never ever seen thomas like in

Time: 1350.08

that much just that much pain and that

Time: 1351.6

much discomfort

Time: 1352.72

like the vein on his on the side of his

Time: 1355.12

neck was just popping i've never seen

Time: 1356.88

like that suffering on a human's face

Time: 1358.559


Time: 1359.039

i'm so proud of thomas you just feel so

Time: 1362.799

alive like all your primal instincts

Time: 1365.6

just kick in

Time: 1366.72

to save you i could do this again i'm

Time: 1368.96

the egyptian iceman

Time: 1370.08

not born for this weather but [ __ ] it

Time: 1372.159

survive anything

Time: 1376.799

i can't feel my hands i can't feel my

Time: 1379.6


Time: 1381.76

is it a myth that if you stay a minute

Time: 1383.44

and a half to two minutes in freezing

Time: 1384.799

water like that you would just get

Time: 1385.84


Time: 1386.96

there are people who could collapse

Time: 1389.6

because their vascular system is not

Time: 1391.6


Time: 1392

okay they're not in good condition but i

Time: 1394

prepared you and you

Time: 1395.76

working well now yeah you feel good

Time: 1398.64


Time: 1399.36

10 minutes no preparation just the power

Time: 1402.88

of the mind

Time: 1406.09


Time: 1412

this is so painful things around the

Time: 1414.96

corner opening up

Time: 1416.4

so your extremities the blood from your

Time: 1418

extremities and from your arms your legs

Time: 1419.76

are now mixing in with your

Time: 1421.279

warm core blood you know

Time: 1424.96

like you feel the cold blood going

Time: 1426.72

through your body it feels wow this

Time: 1429.12

feels cold

Time: 1430.96

it's coming back like i did not shiver

Time: 1433.76

for a second in the cold water but

Time: 1435.76

here you're like my entire body is just

Time: 1440.36

going to do it

Time: 1443.89


Time: 1454.559

in the water i was picturing like

Time: 1456.48

headlines being like

Time: 1458

youtuber loses his hands in polish i

Time: 1460.96

don't know i was like so

Time: 1461.919

scared for a lot of it like i

Time: 1463.84

legitimately thought i was gonna get out

Time: 1465.36


Time: 1465.679

no longer have control of my hands when

Time: 1467.84

i get out i couldn't move them

Time: 1469.2

i was looking at my hands and they

Time: 1471.039

couldn't i couldn't fold them in

Time: 1472.559

they were stuck here i've never

Time: 1473.84

experienced that before are you proud of

Time: 1475.279

yourself though

Time: 1476.4

yeah definitely i legitimately i was

Time: 1478.08

convinced i would get out there's

Time: 1479.279

several moments when i was like alright

Time: 1480.559

i'm standing up now

Time: 1481.52

and what made you stay in probably you

Time: 1483.44

guys like looking around being like

Time: 1485.36

if you guys can do it i can do it too

Time: 1487.279

what do you think of thomas

Time: 1488.96

he sucked oh no no no no

Time: 1492.559

that's it that's the yeah thomas was

Time: 1495.919


Time: 1496.48

he had an issue but look how he got with

Time: 1500.159

his focus

Time: 1501.2

through his trauma through his issue and

Time: 1504.08

you got an issue

Time: 1505.36

you think looking at this hey man you

Time: 1508.799

follow thomas during this wildly

Time: 1511.2

unpredictable day

Time: 1512.4

whim put us in the ice water five times

Time: 1514.559

longer than what he ever usually does

Time: 1517.039

with fully trained groups and by the end

Time: 1519.44

of it we were promised that the

Time: 1521.12

following morning

Time: 1522.08

wim was finally going to introduce us to

Time: 1524.24

his famous breathing technique

Time: 1525.679

to help us cope with a cold

Time: 1529.679

it's too early for this let's have some

Time: 1534.37


Time: 1540.84


Time: 1548.52


Time: 1554.84


Time: 1557.6

right now we're about to do finally the

Time: 1559.76

breathing he's going to be leading the

Time: 1561.36

team for about 45 minutes and is in 45

Time: 1564.32


Time: 1564.72

okay are you relaxed yes

Time: 1567.84

just move your body a little shake it

Time: 1569.84

you know

Time: 1572.48

get the [ __ ] out i'm here i'm here i

Time: 1575.279

wake up

Time: 1576.559

i'm gonna do my best and everybody is

Time: 1578.559


Time: 1580.32

possibly do three minutes without air in

Time: 1582.88

the lungs

Time: 1583.52

so think and feel as if you fill up your

Time: 1587.2


Time: 1588.159

through your mouth or nose it doesn't

Time: 1589.919

matter pull it in

Time: 1592.64

then the chest and then into your heart

Time: 1595.12

and then you let it go

Time: 1598.72

belly check high light and go

Time: 1603.679

belly chest hide

Time: 1606.72

letting go belly guy

Time: 1611.76

let him go would you

Time: 1615.039

like to see waves on the shore

Time: 1619.12

and letting go letting go

Time: 1622.799

this is round number one if you feel

Time: 1625.2

light-headed loose in the body

Time: 1626.88

tingling it's all all right breathe

Time: 1630.159

into it intensify whatever you feel

Time: 1634.32

intensify and three boulier

Time: 1640.32

as we're finally starting to learn the

Time: 1642

method i think it might be a good time

Time: 1643.84

to explain

Time: 1644.799

what it consists of there's three main

Time: 1647.36


Time: 1648.08

breathing meditation and gradual cold

Time: 1650.96


Time: 1651.76

and its main objective is to awaken the

Time: 1653.6

deeper parts of the brain that wim

Time: 1655.36

claims we've lost control over first

Time: 1658.159

whim's meditation technique differs from

Time: 1660

traditional practices by preparing the

Time: 1661.76

mind and body

Time: 1662.88

to stay strong and calm during

Time: 1664.399

situations of stress when the

Time: 1666

fight-or-flight response

Time: 1667.6

is activated he then gradually takes

Time: 1670.08


Time: 1670.799

through cold exposure countless

Time: 1672.88

independent studies have shown that cold

Time: 1674.399

exposure boosts the immune system

Time: 1676.159

and decreases inflammation in the body

Time: 1678.48

which is also why pro-athletes use it

Time: 1680.48

all the time

Time: 1681.44

for recovery but win believes the cold

Time: 1684

can do

Time: 1684.48

so much more and lastly his breathing

Time: 1686.72

technique is designed to take deep

Time: 1688.32

inhales and gentler exhales in order to

Time: 1690.799

take in

Time: 1691.36

more air than we're letting out this

Time: 1693.52

allows your body to function at a higher

Time: 1695.279

level than normal

Time: 1696.32

it can get you to hold your breath for

Time: 1698.559

three to four minutes

Time: 1700

this process can in some cases cause a

Time: 1702

wide variety of physical

Time: 1703.679

and emotional responses

Time: 1711.9


Time: 1722.84


Time: 1725.16


Time: 1735.2

it's all right all right

Time: 1739.52

okay okay

Time: 1753.33


Time: 1764.84

relax relax

Time: 1766.91


Time: 1768.64

oh okay oh okay

Time: 1774.48

breathe good and relax

Time: 1780.159

deep enough and three full yet

Time: 1783.679

letting go two

Time: 1786.799

pull the end letting go

Time: 1791.2

one fully head letting go

Time: 1797.919

of anything relax guys relax

Time: 1801.279

it's all right the blood has been

Time: 1806.84

alkalized oh

Time: 1808.399


Time: 1814.24

at some point i was just just completely

Time: 1817.039

out of my body

Time: 1819.12

i feel amazing i've never been able to

Time: 1821.44

like hold my breath longer than like 45

Time: 1823.44

seconds so holding it for three minutes

Time: 1825.2

was like

Time: 1826.159

trippy it felt like 10 seconds

Time: 1830

like you lose track of time like i'm

Time: 1831.84

holding my breath

Time: 1833.039

and then he's like good that's three

Time: 1834.32

minutes i was like whoa that felt like

Time: 1836.64

20 seconds

Time: 1837.919

when you were holding the breath for

Time: 1838.96

like three minutes i saw his hand was

Time: 1840.88


Time: 1841.6

like a little bit like that so i just

Time: 1842.96

started filming and suddenly he was like

Time: 1845.6

his eyes were like rolled up and i

Time: 1847.36

thought he had like a seizure

Time: 1857.84

what the [ __ ] just happened as we

Time: 1860.64

thought we were finally going through

Time: 1862

the full wim hof method

Time: 1863.76

he decided to fully flip the script

Time: 1866.159


Time: 1866.799

and skip the rest of the training and go

Time: 1868.64

straight to the mountain

Time: 1870.399

today shut the [ __ ] up and let's climb

Time: 1873.6

this mountain

Time: 1874.64

it's about do it leave the mountain

Time: 1876.559

alone with your pathetic

Time: 1878.399

thoughts over done and now we go up

Time: 1881.6

the mountain and do it buddy already

Time: 1884.399


Time: 1884.88

what it is going up against

Time: 1889.679

it is so cold outside

Time: 1892.96

and it's snowing and we're about to

Time: 1895.12

climb this mountain

Time: 1896

hopefully we'll make it to the top

Time: 1898.34


Time: 1905.279

so when decided to completely reverse

Time: 1907.919


Time: 1908.399

the whole setup for us so he started

Time: 1910.399

with showing us the power of our minds

Time: 1912.72

and then

Time: 1913.36

training us but even with all of that he

Time: 1915.2

still decided to skip day three of

Time: 1916.799

training which is usually more

Time: 1918.08

more breath work and like kind of ice

Time: 1919.679

baths and take us straight up the

Time: 1921.279


Time: 1921.919

they've never done this with a group

Time: 1923.279

before ever and all the groups they've

Time: 1924.96

had here for training is the first time

Time: 1926.64

he's done it like this

Time: 1927.76

and it's like we're the guinea pigs for

Time: 1929.36

it i mean the only thing we can rely on

Time: 1931.279

is ourselves at this point

Time: 1932.88

like in each other right like it's just

Time: 1935.2

this is on like the verge of being

Time: 1936.72


Time: 1938.08

i mean it is pretty much reckless and i

Time: 1939.84

think he even acknowledges it but i

Time: 1941.679

guess we'll see uh

Time: 1943.6

where recklessness can take us

Time: 1950.64

wow climb the mountain already here

Time: 1954

like your spikes

Time: 1956.01


Time: 1961.36

hey baby let it snow

Time: 1964.48

let it snow let it snow and let us go

Time: 1968.399

pep talk so that's what we do yeah let's

Time: 1970.72

go hey pep talk is over man

Time: 1972.64

we are just gonna do it so here it is

Time: 1975.6

and you

Time: 1976.159

guys know what to do yeah what is it one

Time: 1979.36


Time: 1980.24

another one another one and then we

Time: 1983.2

reach the top

Time: 1984.08

this is it what's happening bro [ __ ] now

Time: 1987.12

or never

Time: 1994

dude nobody's even skiing that's how

Time: 1995.76


Time: 1997.36

cold stop thinking it's cold it's hot

Time: 2000.399

it's hot

Time: 2001.12

it's hot

Time: 2008

how does this make any [ __ ] sense can

Time: 2009.76

somebody tell me please

Time: 2011.039

no it doesn't none of it does

Time: 2014.08

we picked a day where it's the worst

Time: 2015.679

weather conditions possible no [ __ ] dude

Time: 2017.919

my mom

Time: 2018.48

she's going to watch this and she's

Time: 2019.84

going to [ __ ] kill me

Time: 2023.44

no way this is the speedo guy of the

Time: 2027.36

group let's do this

Time: 2028.399

you always have this right

Time: 2034.96

[ __ ] are we doing it's minus [ __ ]

Time: 2036.96

three or four

Time: 2038.08

celsius climbing a freaking mountain in

Time: 2040.399

poland why

Time: 2041.2

we could be in hawaii right now you know

Time: 2043.279

could be in hawaii

Time: 2046.99


Time: 2052.71


Time: 2056.079

we cross anyone right now coming up or

Time: 2058.24


Time: 2059.2

they think we're freaking kids there's

Time: 2061.52

just like eight people

Time: 2062.879

shirtless walking up this museum

Time: 2064.32

mountain i mean

Time: 2066.48

maybe we should take that advice and

Time: 2067.919

just stop nope

Time: 2069.919

okay okay just focus on like one step at

Time: 2073.44

a time that's the only thing that works

Time: 2074.639

for me right now

Time: 2075.76

i think about the [ __ ] two hours

Time: 2078.72

ahead of us

Time: 2079.919

makes me very sad

Time: 2095.119

it will not stop just go on

Time: 2100.079

fourth of the way there starting to feel

Time: 2101.92

it on my back mostly

Time: 2103.92

but just trying to focus on the

Time: 2105.44

breathing and just follow women's

Time: 2107.599


Time: 2109.119

keeps you distracted just thinking of

Time: 2110.56

your breath this is like

Time: 2112.4

slow pain whereas the ice bath was

Time: 2114

instant shock and so if you keep

Time: 2116.16

keep your calm i think you can you can

Time: 2119.119

make it up

Time: 2130.76


Time: 2135.72


Time: 2139.92


Time: 2141.52

it's a power of the moment

Time: 2144.64

coming to you and then suddenly the body

Time: 2148.32

is able to do so much more

Time: 2160.86


Time: 2165.44

this guy's spot was sharp just like a

Time: 2168.079


Time: 2169.04

whereas this is getting colder and

Time: 2171.2


Time: 2172.32

and because we're climbing up a mountain

Time: 2173.76

as well we're getting more tired

Time: 2176.48

a little bit more altitude oh do you

Time: 2178.64

feel that

Time: 2181.44

that feels good that's a whip straight

Time: 2183.76

to the chest

Time: 2187.92

ah this fresh snow it's not helping the

Time: 2190.72

situation though

Time: 2191.92

it's the fingers they're like blocks

Time: 2204.22


Time: 2207.359

ah some

Time: 2210.48

[ __ ] wind we just got to the point

Time: 2213.44

where the

Time: 2214.72

wind is really starting to catch up and

Time: 2217.2

there's snow

Time: 2218

hitting it hard in the face it's so cold

Time: 2221.839

look at these trees this is so crazy

Time: 2237.119

let's go max

Time: 2254.88

it's pretty deep we're getting too deep

Time: 2257.2

we're about 1900 meters in elevation

Time: 2259.2

which is almost

Time: 2260.24

like it's over it's it's 5800 feet and

Time: 2264

at this point the snow this one still

Time: 2266.48

goes up all the way here so

Time: 2269.2

can't it's almost lips anymore i can't

Time: 2270.64

feel my hands but

Time: 2272.4

other than that the internals are still

Time: 2273.92

warm thomas is gone tom just wants to

Time: 2275.92

[ __ ] run down there

Time: 2277.119

and i second that let's go a few hundred

Time: 2279.68

meters from the mountain summit

Time: 2281.28

we got stuck the snow levels were

Time: 2283.2

getting up to our waist and making the

Time: 2284.88

call to continue the trek to the top

Time: 2287.04

became extremely unsafe amidst the

Time: 2289.04


Time: 2290.24

weather conditions we should be sensible

Time: 2293.04

about this

Time: 2294.4

together with the windchill it is more

Time: 2296.64

than 20.

Time: 2298.8

and it is impossible to to go up

Time: 2302.72

still it's going to be here we did it we

Time: 2304.8

did we bloody did it hell yeah we bloody

Time: 2307.2

did it

Time: 2307.92

continuing past this point would have

Time: 2309.359

put us in real danger

Time: 2311.28

but in our eyes and in whims eyes we did

Time: 2314.4


Time: 2317.21


Time: 2324.48

it took us a silent climb down of

Time: 2326.4

reflection and a day of warming back up

Time: 2328.24

to fully understand the purpose

Time: 2330.16

of all the pain crazy like a monkey

Time: 2333.76

crazy like a monkey i will

Time: 2338.079

we begin to realize is that wim's

Time: 2339.76

objective this entire week

Time: 2341.52

hadn't been to teach us his method but

Time: 2343.76

instead to show us that even without it

Time: 2346

the human mind is capable of so much

Time: 2348.4

more than we ever

Time: 2349.839

thought possible that we were capable of

Time: 2352.8

so much more than we thought possible

Time: 2355.28

and that no matter what challenge we're

Time: 2356.96

going through in our lives we should

Time: 2358.64

never lose hope and underestimate our

Time: 2360.96

ability to shine

Time: 2362.16

and find the strength within us to

Time: 2364.24

succeed we spent the morning after the

Time: 2366.079

climb doing a group reflection with win

Time: 2368.079

and he decided to end our trip

Time: 2370.079

where it all began i wanted to complete

Time: 2372.96

the make it full circle

Time: 2374.64

and so now i want to end this

Time: 2378

ritualistic basically he wants us to

Time: 2380.4

take these torches

Time: 2381.68

light them up and walk back to that

Time: 2383.2

waterfall that you guys that everybody

Time: 2385.2

jumped off the first day

Time: 2386.88

normally i go and do not exceed

Time: 2390.24

no longer than two minutes in ice water

Time: 2392.8


Time: 2394.16

you guys did five times you guys

Time: 2397.68

jumped directly from seven meters down

Time: 2400.56


Time: 2401.04

gainers i saw hey what was going on here

Time: 2405.52

because you have three years of working

Time: 2408.079


Time: 2408.72

or even more always going into

Time: 2411.28


Time: 2412.56

that means you have gone out of the

Time: 2414.72


Time: 2415.68

way of thinking and that made you

Time: 2418.88

for me perfect to be my guinea pigs

Time: 2423.04

for new research pioneering because we

Time: 2426.56

gotta revolutionize something

Time: 2428.48

in this world and show that we are made

Time: 2430.96


Time: 2431.599

much more than we think and for that we

Time: 2434.4

have to dive into the depth

Time: 2436.16

yeah and for that you got fear right now

Time: 2440

because this is normal this is nature

Time: 2443.92

this is for the guys who venture who

Time: 2446.48


Time: 2447.68

who go past their fear and their

Time: 2450.24


Time: 2451.04

way of thinking they go past and show

Time: 2454.4

new ways new directions and that was the

Time: 2457.68


Time: 2458.16

of these last four days you guys

Time: 2461.28

did bloody great to unlock your

Time: 2464.16


Time: 2465.119

we have given ourselves fully the last

Time: 2468.319

four days

Time: 2469.28

to show new directions past fear

Time: 2472.8

past fear there is a lot more coming to

Time: 2476


Time: 2476.8

you are the new generation you are the

Time: 2478.8

youth you got to change this world

Time: 2481.119

now unlock your own power of your own

Time: 2484.56

mind because it's so beautiful

Time: 2493.89


Time: 2494.52


Time: 2495.16


Time: 2506.839


Time: 2509.66


Time: 2517.63


Time: 2534.839


Time: 2537.79


Time: 2553.52


Time: 2562.839


Time: 2575.68


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