Becoming cancer-free using the Wim Hof Method.

Time: 0.16

Hi Marcos,

Time: 1.36

Marcos Jarvis.

Time: 3.24

What is your story?

Time: 5.08

Hi Wim.

Time: 6.76

Yeah, my story is...

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Two years ago I got diagnosed with stage four incurable advanced cancer.

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And obviously, they didn't give me a lot of hope.

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They just sent me home to...

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try and live the best way I could and put me on a palet of chemo.

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But I came home,

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and I decided that I COULD do something extra to go along with the chemotherapy I was on.

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And my brother in law suggested that I read your book.

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and obviously I read your book,

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and it inspired me and blew my mind.

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And they told me not to touch anything cold during chemo

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so the first thing I did was go in an ice bath.

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Yes and cold showers every day.

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I was running with no t-shirt on all the way through winter

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to try to get the cold exposure.

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And doing the breathwork

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and my first scan I went for,

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The tumors had actually started to shrink.

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Yes amazing.

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Absolutely amazing.

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And I was feeling really, really good,

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even though I was going through chemotherapy

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I found that I wasn't losing my hair

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because of the cold showers.

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I don't know whether it's the different type of chemo I had done but...

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I had 35 rounds of chemotherapy,

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but I managed to run six miles every day,

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whilst I was on chemotherapy.

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I changed my diet to vegan

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Yeah just basically lived my best life.

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And then they actually decided that there was an opportunity to do surgery,

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and now they've done surgery.

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And I just carried on with your method and my healthy and running exercise,

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...meditation, breathing.

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and two years later I am now cancer free.

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So that's my story.

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The world needs to know

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that you, in spite of not going into the cold,

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went into the cold,

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and felt so good about it.

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Because these white blood cells levels just went way up.

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And that makes you feel energetically great

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it preserves the healthy tissue

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because the immune system when it is way up,

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it is able to...

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to fend off the poisonous chemo in the healthy tissue.

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Yet in the tumor,

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It (chemo) gets into the tumor

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And that's amazing.

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And you are examplifying this

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with an absolute positive attitude

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which is absolutely helping

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you to get through all this and take the lead

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instead of being a helpless victim taking on some chemo in his last days.

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You turned the tables.

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On the day of chemo therapy I would do your breathing exercise.

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before I went.

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And when I finished chemotherapy that day, I would come home

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and whatever the weather was,

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whether it was raining or snowing,

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freezing cold, minus 8 (Celcius)

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I would just put my pair of shorts and trainers on

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Goodmorning everyone.

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What a perfect morning it is this morning.

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It’s snowing

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I’m in the middle of Birmingham

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I have no picc line,

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I have no T-shirt

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And I’m just about to run.

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I'd run six miles every time I had chemo and I was able to do it.

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and I was able to do it.

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Whereas a lot of patients were saying,

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“I can't even walk down the stairs when I’m finished here.”

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so there's definitely something in that

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to be able to push through

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because chemotherapy is horrible.

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It is.

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It is.

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This is a strong message to anybody looking at this,

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having chemo and having cancer.

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You are able to make the absolute difference

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and there is so much difference,

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and you can not ignore this story.

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It's where YOU and your spirit came in and made all the difference,

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turned the tables,

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and after two years the ‘incurable’ liver cancer is suddenly gone.

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You are clean,

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you are a soul that has survived.

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All I can say to anyone out there, just change your mindset.

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Get in the cold,

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and there is hope and there is chance.

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because I did it.

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and I'm just a normal person

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that comes from a building background.

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And I got the devastation of the diagnosis

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and I just took it head on.

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With your strength and your mindset,

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and the cold therapy and changing the diet,

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Exercise and meditation.

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It all complimented along the way.

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I put everything all together in a big package,

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and smashed the hell out of cancer.

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You are inspiring possibly tens of thousands of people

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who are in a similar situation.

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for that I salute you.

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I thank you.

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You are a warrior

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who brings the light where there is so much darkness.

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Thank you.

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