Asthma | Wim Hof Method
Time: 0.291
So I've been doing the Wim Hof Method now for ten months
Time: 3.75
and it's been amazing
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For many years I was suffering from chronic asthma,
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so hospital visits three or four times every year, cortisol injections,
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three different inhalers
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It plagued me.
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And since doing the Wim Hof Method, this is the first year
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I've not been admitted into hospital and for six or seven months now,
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I've thrown away all my medication, all of it is gone.
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You know, I was a cynic and I came in and I saw the videos of Wim
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with yourself,
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thank you.
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Great news right?
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Chronic asthma...
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It’s gone!
Time: 51.291
It’s gone man!
Time: 52.5
Where is it?!