You Won’t Lose Belly Fat Until You Do This….
Hello Health Champions. Why is it almost impossible to lose belly fat and lose weight,
and even harder to keep it off? And why is it that some people can lose weight easily, but then those
same methods they used can backfire for people with stubborn weight? Today I want to talk about
the factors that really make a difference because that's the only way that you can lose belly fat
and lose weight and more importantly to keep it off. Doesn't it seem sometimes like food is the
problem? If we could just forget about it and not eat then we'd be so much better off. Well, not
really because we need food there is a profound innate drive in every living species to go
look for food and a lot of the behavior a lot of the time of almost every species is geared toward
finding or eating food because food is fuel that leads to energy that of course
helps us survive and all of this behavior all this drive is driven by hunger and satiety it's
guided by these two sensations and because they're so important to survival they're also controlled
by very very complex systems that we have to get it just right but when we don't get it just
right when there is excess fat why is that what happened? Well, we go back to the standard phrases
that there is more calories in than there is calories out or if we flip that around another
way of saying that is that we're burning less than we're consuming and then we keep hearing that
these are part of the laws of thermodynamics that the energy in the system is constant and so forth
so these are indisputable we can't argue this is the way it is but it's not the whole picture
and we'll get to that now the problem is that there's a lot of blame and there's a lot of guilt
involved with simplifying it this much because if you take in more calories than you burn
then you are a glutton then your appetite is out of control you have a hedonistic
appetite you have no character no self-control that if you could just control yourself then you
wouldn't have these issues is what we keep hearing and if we look at number two if we think that the
problem is we're not burning enough then of course now we're lazy and we don't exercise enough we're
called slothful and these both gluttony and sloth are two of the seven deadly sins so we should feel
really guilty and really bad about not being able to control this but it's not really your fault and
I'm going to get to that so if we believe the standard simple model like a lot of us have and
a lot of us have tried then we decide all of a sudden we're going to eat less and move more so
based on the two things that we talked about calories in calories out and burning calories
then we follow simple math and we have found that if we eat 2,000 calories our weight stays the same
so we do the math and we decide we're going to cut back to 1,500 calories calorie restriction now we
have a 500 calorie deficit based on our dietary intake and then we decide we're also going to move
more so we exercise to burn another 500 calories which comes out to a thousand calorie deficit per
day we do the math and that's equivalent to two pounds of fat per week or one kilogram of fat per
week and we're all excited this is going to be so easy in this hypothetical example we have someone
weighing 300 pounds we know we're going to lose 2 pounds a week according to the math. Math is not
flexible it's exact this is the way it's going to work so in 50 weeks or about one year we're
going to go from 300 pounds to 200 pounds and it's like this is so straightforward this is so simple
why didn't we think of this before well a lot of us probably did think of it before and a lot of us
did try it and the problem is it probably didn't look like that my guess is that it probably looked
like that and then we get more guilty and we get more blamed and we say you should control yourself
better but we're going to look at this in a second and it isn't your fault okay these are mechanisms
that you do not have control over but why then is there such an enormous difference between
the result that science predicts and the reality that we observe and it all comes down to the
body's perception does the body perceive that we have an abundance of energy or do we have
a lack of energy and to understand that we need to look a little bit deeper because we didn't really
finish this slide we only got to point 2 but there's a 2a and a 2b and one part of burning if
you're not burning enough is if you're lazy if you don't move then yeah you're not burning but the
other part of that is what is the body burning on its own what's the basal metabolic rate and part
2b if you're not burning enough is because your body doesn't want to if it has a sense of lack
then it says I can't afford to spend that energy I have to save that energy but then you're going hey
look I've got plenty of energy what's the problem and there is a misunderstanding because again it's
not about the reality of the situation it's about the perception of the body it's the same as if
people are really wealthy but they still feel insecure they can have millions in the bank and
they can't make themselves spend anything because they have a sense of lack whereas other people
with hardly anything in the bank go spend every penny so it's about perception it's not what's
actually there and if you could talk to your body and you would try to explain this misunderstanding
then you would say hey listen body I know you think there's a sense of lack I know you
think we can't afford it but I promise you we can afford this you can safely go down that straight
line that green line toward weight loss because here's what's really going on I weigh 250 pounds
I have 50% body fat for example and then you would have over 400,000 extra calories to spend
that's a veritable fortune when it comes to surplus energy these numbers make someone as
wealthy as they can get so what's the problem why doesn't the body get it because there's a language
barrier that unless you speak the language of hormones you can't convince your body it's an
internal dialogue and here's what drives it so when you're hungry your body says I want to eat
find some food you eat and then when your stomach is full your body gets satisfied and there's a ton
of different hormones and don't worry about what all these are but insulin goes up amylin goes up
pancreatic polypeptide goes up cholecystokinin goes up PYY, GLP-1, ghrelin goes down leptin goes
up we're not going to worry about what all these are I just want to show you that there's a lot of
different players that when your stomach is full there's a bunch of different messengers in place
to signal satiety to signal to basically say hey shipment has been received we're good for now and
then if all is in balance if this body is still in a state of insulin sensitivity and balance
then in three to four hours all these values return to baseline values but here is where it
gets interesting and here I really really want you to pay attention whether you have a weight problem
or whether you can easily lose weight you need to understand this either so you could lose weight
or you can have some sympathy for the people who have a harder time. What is the difference between
a thin person let's say someone who is sort of like myself six foot three or 190 centimeters 180
pounds or about 85 kilograms I guess someone who has usually been thin hasn't fluctuated very much
and someone who is the same height who used to weigh 300 pounds but now they have successfully
lost they have whatever they have done they've gotten down to 185 pounds? So now on the surface
these two people look the same. But what is the difference in these signaling hormones that signal
hunger and satiety and eating behavior? So when we look at insulin, ghrelin and
pancreatic polypeptide the insulin is a fat storage hormone that means we have an increased
tendency to store away the energy we have less access to it so that's going to make us hungrier.
Ghrelin is a hunger hormone it tells us to go look for food so all of these
are increased in the person who have lost the weight even though they are now the same weight,
these hormones are much higher. And then we look at some other hormones like leptin
which is a satiety hormone we look at PYY and CCK and don't worry about what they do but the point
is they're all different that these two people that look the same on the surface their hormone
levels are very very different their hormones are still signaling as if this person is content and
this person has lack and you don't need to know all the detail and I'm not going to memorize it
but what they do tell you is that these signals they act to make you regain the lost weight the
body wants to gain the weight back it's not happy where it is it signals to increase hunger it
signals to decrease satiety meaning after eating the same amount of food or at the same frequency
the person who has lost the weight instead of never having had it is not going to get as full
from the same amount of food and this person is still going to have a much higher capacity
to store fat they're going to have a tendency to store fat rather than use it and the other
thing to understand is what I say all the time I'll show you this arrow to help you understand
that there are going to be some people who have a very slight tendency they'll be on the green
end of the spectrum their tendency to regain this lost weight and to have all these factors
to reverse the process are going to be very slight whereas for some people it's going to
be like a total rubber band the force the pull is going to be enormous so we need to understand
that whatever it is it is and just because we are at a certain place we shouldn't compare ourselves
to someone who is in a different situation but even though we have all these different signaling
molecules and hormones in different parts of the body different tissues it all comes back
to the hypothalamus that's where the signals and the triggers originate and the hypothalamus is a
very tiny little area in the middle of the brain under the thalamus but on top of the brain stem
and it's the master regulator if anything needs regulating hypothalamus is involved it regulates
heart rate blood pressure temperature, sleep cycles and temperature of course is related to
expenditure of energy breathing energy balance and breathing of course has to do with oxygen levels
co2 levels and pH all of that is regulated and related to energy balance of course also
hunger and thirst so the hypothalamus is where we ultimately have this perception of abundance or
lack and if there is a misunderstanding then that is where that misunderstanding occurs
and that's where long term we have to try to undo it and there's not a single simple precise way to
do this it's more like the whole picture of a total lifestyle and we need to understand
more about the body, the physiology and the laws of nature this is what I talk about a lot on this
channel to give people not just the methods but also a more philosophical understanding
about what the right thing to do is so there are laws of nature just like there's a law of gravity
and so forth that in nature all other animals eat food that is appropriate for their species there
is no other species there's no other animal that has a weight problem why because they eat things
they're supposed to they all eat whole food they eat food that has never been processed like this
guy running around he's not gonna find a processed breaded salmon he's going to get the real thing
and that thing is going to have essential amino acids essential fatty acids it's going to have
all the minerals and the vitamins and the fiber and the enzymes that he needs and if he doesn't
get it from the salmon he's going to go find something else that has that but it's going to be
whole food so that's the first key and then of course all animals on the planet are involved
in some sort of movement in acquiring their food and that's something that humans have
bypassed we don't have to move we don't have to go after anything we push a button we order it on the
cell phone and then it shows up and movement is involved with not just burning calories
that's not why we move movement stimulates and balances all aspects of physiology and when we get
all the pieces that we need of a holistic balanced lifestyle then the result is homeostasis that is
equilibrium it's the place that the body returns to it's the place where everything is working the
way it's supposed to and if we follow the laws of nature and we live like this then the hypothalamus
is also going to be part of that homeostasis it's going to have a precise and appropriate perception
of what the reality is and what to do but humans don't really live like that anymore
do we instead we have become experts at breaking the laws of nature and the thing though is
that nature doesn't care if and when we break the laws we just suffer the consequences because we
have these principles these laws running inside us so instead of following the laws we now get
60 to 70 percent of our calories of the fuel from sugar, white flour and seed oils
things that are completely processed, completely devoid of any nutrients anything that gives life
we also eat a lot of addictive chemicals we eat a lot of toxic chemicals that interfere
the addictive chemicals of course change the eating behavior change hunger and satiety they
bypass these normal regulatory mechanisms and we now have three solid meals but we also have
snacks in between and a lot of people will go sipping on a sweet tea or a soda or a drink
all day long so there's rarely 10 minutes where we don't swallow something and if we
did that once in a while on a vacation once or twice a year the body would be able to reset
and return to homeostasis but when we do that every day year after year for 10, 20, 30,
40 years now the body has no defense against that we're pushing the body further and further
we're changing the momentum and eventually that hypothalamus gets confused it has no reference
anymore it ends up out of balance and it can't tell whether we have abundance or lack
and of course if we have broken the laws on nature the way to improve things are to restore the laws
of nature and how do we do that well I often talk about an analogy between health and physiology and
homeostasis the the healing principles that go on in the body and that of water. If we have water
it tends to flow it follows another law of nature called gravity and water at an altitude will
always try to get to sea level and if there's no obstacle the water will always get to sea level
but if we build an obstacle if we build a dam then we will stop the water from flowing temporarily as
long as that dam is there but here's the good news that if we remove the dam we don't have to
teach the water how to flow again it already knows how and that's how the body works as well that if
we just start removing the obstacles, the things that interfere with health, we don't have to teach
the body to do anything different it's already doing it it's already flowing toward health and
that's such a powerful understanding to have that once you remove the dam the water will flow again
once you start removing the obstacles of health, health will start flowing again now depending on
how long the obstacles have been there and how many layers of obstacles there are,
it could be a good while before you see significant results you'll probably see
some results within weeks, but you may not see all the way sort of results that you're looking for
unless you go months or years and the number one thing that keeps health from flowing in the body
is sugar so you want to stop eating sugar it's the ultimate processed food it's the ultimate
useless food it's the ultimate interference it clogs up the liver it causes insulin resistance
the fructose in sugar is a liver poison just look at some of my other videos where I talk
more about the details I have videos on every one of these things that we're going to talk about so
you can go back and review that number two you want to eat whole food try to get at least 90
percent of your food from real unprocessed food that means meat fish vegetables plants roots
anything that is roughly in its original form the way that we found it or hunted it or picked it
should be close to that form then it's a whole food and if you're eating mostly garbage today
then try to get to 50 percent eat half real food and then you try to increase that percentage
gradually if you're pretty healthy it doesn't necessarily have to be a hundred percent you
can make exceptions here and there but closer to a hundred percent is going to be better number three
is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and again I've done videos on this this isn't necessarily
equally true for everybody it depends on how carbohydrate intolerant you are and most people
who are overweight are insulin resistant and very carbohydrate intolerant so cutting down on carbs
and then cutting down on the number of meals also because every time you eat a meal every
time you eat a meal high in carbohydrate you're going to stimulate insulin and that's
where a lot of these problems are coming from number five is you want to add some movement
and even if you don't have to move to go find your food then you want to find some other movement
in some other fashion it doesn't have to be in a gym it doesn't have to be called
exercise but your body requires movement it drives every physiological function in your body. Number
six is to get sleep try to get an adequate amount whatever that means for you and try to get it on
a reasonably similar time period and for most people it fits the hormones and the circadian
rhythms better if you can get it during a dark period of the day and number seven is to reduce
stress and the best way to do that is with breathing exercises and meditation
every single disease known to man can be linked to stress in some way but stress
is your perception of what's happening out there you can't change the world but you can change
your perception of it and like I said the best way to do that is meditation now humans are creatures
of habit and any time we even think about changing something we have resistance because
changing takes a little bit of effort and therefore our first impulse is that this is going
to be too hard but it's not just allow yourselves to spend a little time with the thought and then
just do something make a really small simple change that you know you can do and stick with
and then what's going to happen is pretty soon you'll feel better because your body
starts moving toward homeostasis and then even if it takes years like we talked about
then it's not going to be a burden it's going to feel easy it's going to feel like you want to do
it because it's getting better and better and you're understanding why and before you know it
you're you might have set out to just lose some weight or some belly fat but you're going to be
amazed at how many areas of your life and how many areas of your health get improved as a result of
helping your body move in the right direction and in the end what you end up with is a better life
not just a leaner body and in the words of Wayne Dyer "Remember that it's never too late to have
a happy childhood". If you enjoyed this video, you're going to love that one. And if you truly
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