Your Doctor Is Wrong About Blood Sugar & Fasting

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Hello Health Champions. We all know that when you eat food your blood sugar goes up,  

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and when you don't eat your blood  sugar is supposed to come down.  

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But for a lot of people the exact opposite seems  to be happening and if you've noticed this you're  

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not alone. That when you're fasting your blood  sugar stays high even in a diabetic range,  

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and it won't come down until you eat something.  This all seems very confusing and paradoxical,  

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and it happens mostly to people who are insulin  resistant and who go on a diet of low carb  

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and intermittent fasting. So today I want to talk  about what's really happening in the body, and if  

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you have something to worry about or if you're  actually on the right track. Coming right up  

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hey I'm Dr Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a  former Olympic decathlete, and if you want to  

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truly master health by understanding how the  body really works make sure you subscribe hit  

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that bell and turn on all the notifications  so you never miss a life saving video so blood  

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glucose is how much sugar is in your bloodstream  at any given time and it's measured in milligrams  

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per deciliter and a healthy level is to be between  80 to 120 so when you're fasting like overnight  

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and between meals then a good level is going  to be in the 80 range then you eat something  

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and now your blood sugar goes up because  the food gets from your digestive tract  

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into the bloodstream blood sugar goes up and then  your body processes through and over a period of  

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few to several hours your blood sugar comes down  again this is how it's supposed to happen but if  

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you are insulin resistant and an extreme form of  insulin resistance is type 2 diabetic then your  

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fasting levels are too high typically about 130 or  above but this could be two or three or 400 also  

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and then when you eat something your blood sugar  goes way way up because your cells are resisting  

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receiving that blood sugar out of the bloodstream  so it's difficult for the body to transition the  

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food from the digestive tract through the  blood into the cells and therefore you get  

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very high levels and they stay high they  come down very slowly but then we have this  

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in-between pattern this paradoxical pattern where  people who start doing the right thing they want  

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to reverse their insulin resistance and they  eat low carb and do intermittent fasting but  

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their glucose doesn't change much it might come  down a few points or it's pretty much the same  

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but then when they eat now their blood sugar comes  into a normal range dawn phenomenon is not the  

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same thing as what we're talking about but it's  related and it can help us understand a little bit  

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so when you are sleeping and you're getting ready  to wake up your body produces some hormones to  

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get you ready for the day so it releases  a little bit extra cortisol and adrenaline  

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and glucagon and growth hormone and this is to  raise blood sugar to help you make more energy  

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and the adrenaline and growth hormone is there to  arouse you to get you ready for the day to get you  

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from sleeping to awake and as a result if you're  insulin sensitive there's supposed to be a slight  

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increase but if you're insulin sensitive it's so  small it's barely noticeable however if you're  

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insulin resistant now these same small hormone  boosts is going to look like a dramatic increase  

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in blood glucose levels because even a  small change is going to show up bigger  

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when you're insulin resistant we also have  to understand a little bit about insulin and  

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the levels so insulin is the hormone that takes  glucose from the bloodstream and into the cells  

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so if you're fasting you're going to have a low  insulin level because it just needs to be enough  

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to support that basic level of glucose and a  healthy level would be between two and five  

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then when you eat something now you put food in  the body the food has to get into the bloodstream  

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and insulin has to help it through the bloodstream  and into the cell in a matter of hours and now  

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it produces extra insulin and you're going to see  levels of about 50. that's still a healthy level  

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but if you're very insulin resistant like a type  2 diabetic now first of all you have a higher  

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glucose level but on top of that your cells are  resistant to the action of insulin so your body  

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makes a whole lot more insulin it might be sitting  at 25 units even at a baseline that's typically  

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the cut off for type 2 diabetes but then when you  eat something it might shoot all the way up to 150  

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but even with these huge amounts of insulin it's  still not enough to bring the glucose into a  

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normal level and that's what insulin resistance is  and a lot of times we hear that in type 2 diabetes  

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they give you insulin because you're not making  enough well that's the wrong way to look at it  

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because you're already making five to eight times  more fasting and a whole lot more after a meal so  

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you're making a lot of insulin the problem  is you've pushed your body into an imbalance  

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by stuffing it full of carbohydrate and sugar all  the time and then in our paradoxical example here  

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again people are frustrated because they want  their glucose they want their fasting glucose to  

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get into a healthy level and the thing to focus on  though is the fact that when you eat the insulin  

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is actually working the insulin helps you get  into the normal range now the question is then why  

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does it stay so high before we eat i often  talk about how intelligent the body is that  

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there is a reason for everything it does so we  want to think of really high blood sugar as an  

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emergency that a healthy level is just going about  business as usual but when we go from a hundred  

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units or so 100 milligrams up to two and three and  four and five hundred this is an emergency this is  

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very very dangerous this is what causes micro  vessel disease and blindness neuropathy kidney  

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failure swelling so this is something that's  very very different from everyday business  

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everyday operations now let's talk about a concept  that usually is a huge surprise to people the  

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difference between a blood sugar level and a blood  sugar amount difference between levels in the  

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blood and amounts of carbohydrate so if you have  a level of 80 milligrams per deciliter how much  

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blood sugar do you actually have circulating and  most people are shocked you have about 2.4 grams  

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of glucose because we multiply out this 80  milligrams times 50 deciliters which is 5 liters  

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that's the average amount of blood in a person  but then we take into account the fact that only  

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60 percent of the blood is liquid the rest of  it is solid cells the red blood cells we come  

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up with about 2.4 grams that is less than half a  teaspoon of sugar a tiny tiny amount that's all  

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that you have circulating in your body at any  given time that's what all this talk is about  

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it's that tiny tiny amount and if you are insulin  resistant if you're pre-diabetic now that number  

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jumps to a whopping 3.6 so it doesn't seem like  a whole lot but it makes a big difference that  

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if you go from a half a teaspoon to three  quarter teaspoon now you have years and years of  

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adaptation to insulin resistance to create that  difference and if you're a full-blown diabetic  

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now you might have a full teaspoon of sugar  circulating so we're talking small amounts now  

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let's expand this and understand the difference  with amount if you're eating low carb let's say  

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that you're at a healthy level you're maintaining  you're eating 25 grams of carbs in a day  

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divided by 24 hours is rounded off to about  one gram per hour so you have half a teaspoon  

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circulating and every hour you use up a gram and  you put in one more gram so that's a continuous  

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replenishment just a tiny tiny bit one gram per  hour from the food that you eat that's not a whole  

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lot it's not an emergency it doesn't take a whole  lot for the body to do that and if you're insulin  

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resistant and you've gone low carb then we use the  same number one gram per hour if you are diabetic  

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and you're still following the general guidelines  of eating plenty of whole grains and pasta  

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and you're eating 300 grams now that's 12 grams  per hour so if we represent this graphically then  

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you have this much in your bloodstream at any  given time and every hour you have to pass this  

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much through your bloodstream and into the cells  but now let's expand this idea this is a fasting  

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situation this is continuous what's what's going  on but what about when you eat something now we  

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have to mobilize some resources so you have a  meal if you're low carb let's say you're eating  

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twice a day then those 25 grams would be about 12  grams per meal so if we represent that graphically  

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we're talking that amount relative to that amount  so this is how much you have at any given time  

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and then in one big lump you're introducing  this much which is five times more 500 percent  

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so even though it's a lot more it's not a big  deal it's still a small amount the body is not  

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going to panic it does just fine with that and  if you're low carb with some insulin resistance  

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then that represents three and a half times 350  percent so again not a big deal to process through  

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that but if you're diabetic and you're following  the general guidelines and you're still eating  

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tons of carbohydrates three to four hundred grams  of carbohydrate you're eating three meals a day  

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then each meal of a hundred grams would represent  twenty times two thousand percent even though you  

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already have more blood sugar to deal with you're  adding an enormous amount it's a mountain of  

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carbohydrates and this is not easy for the body to  work through now let's put all this together and  

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think of it as a receiving department at a company  and we'll look at these three cases again we're  

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having the insulin sensitive so 2.4 plus 1 gram  plus 12 grams twice a day so this is like you're  

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getting a couple of letters and then twice a  day they drop off a box and a single person can  

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can handle that no problem same thing in the  second example just a little bit of traffic  

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no big deal but what if we have this third  scenario where we're already a little bit stressed  

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this is sort of a normal workload but then several  times a day they drop off a couple of containers  

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now they got to get on the phones they got to call  in the extra help they got to call in the temps  

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it's an emergency and if we think about it this  way that in the type 2 diabetic case this is how  

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much we're working on every hour that's the  baseline amount of insulin but then we get  

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the containers we get the emergency and we call  in all the help we can but we still can't get it  

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handled we still can't process through everything  that we need to process through so therefore  

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basically the whole operation is failing however  in this paradoxical example that so many people  

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are frustrated about what we have to understand  is this high fasting level is not an emergency  

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there is not enough incentive for the body to do  something about this because things are working  

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it's like sure there's a couple of letters over  there but we'll deal with them later because  

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we're not getting overwhelmed so this one gram an  hour represents a lower level of insulin and even  

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though you're still insulin resistant this low  amount of carbohydrate is allowing the body to  

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reduce insulin production and to become less  insulin resistant and therefore once you eat  

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something now this work force gets to work and  it has no problem at all processing through  

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and getting the job done so now they  find out that well there were a couple  

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of letters sitting here on the shelf but now  once we got to work let's take care of those  

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letters also and get the job done and now you're  getting back into the normal range so that's the  

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key to understand that it looks like this is a  high level but it's not a large amount of glucose  

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and the intelligent body doesn't treat this as an  emergency it knows that things are under control  

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and you're very much moving in the right  direction does that mean we shouldn't even bother  

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measuring glucose well i don't think it should be  your primary concern don't measure it too closely  

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and expect it to change and base your success and  your expectations based on that because it could  

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be very frustrating but use it as a tool to learn  it's a great tool to see how your body responds to  

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different foods if you eat certain thing and your  blood sugar goes up well now you learn something  

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you can also use it to watch general trends  see how your blood sugar changes over weeks  

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and months but don't worry too much about what  it does on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis  

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instead you watch you get some blood work from  time to time and you watch your a1c which is  

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your three to four month average glucose you  measure your fasting insulin which hardly  

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anyone does but it's your best indicator  of a long-term trend for insulin resistance  

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you measure things like triglycerides and VLDL  very low density lipoprotein and you measure total  

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to HDL cholesterol ratios and you don't get too  hung up on any one of these but you get a baseline  

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and you learn what the bigger picture means so  that you can understand the trend so you can see  

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that you're going in the right direction because  all of these put together are indicators of what's  

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happening if you enjoyed this video and you'd like  to learn more about how the body really works that  

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one's going to be great one for you next thank  you so much for watching I'll see you next time

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