You May Never Eat SUGAR Again... Challenge

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Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to talk  about what would happen if you were to completely  

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cut out sugar for 30 days. I want to challenge  you to watch this video carefully and understand  

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exactly what sugar does to your body and then  join me in a challenge to eliminate it completely  

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for 30 days and just see what would happen to your  quality of life. The first thing that would happen  

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is you would reduce your short-term cravings and  there's two reasons for this the first is that  

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sugar is a very addictive drug and just like all  other addictions and drugs the best way to conquer  

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it is to just eliminate it completely for a period  of time and your body will stop craving it so much  

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the second reason is that you will stabilize your  blood sugar so whenever you eat sugar or processed  

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foods or processed carbs then your blood sugar  will rise very quickly and then then you release  

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insulin which is a hormone that will bring your  glucose back down but when something Rises very  

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quickly you need to release a lot of insulin to  deal with it quickly and now it's going to drop  

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quickly and then when it drops quickly you get  a craving you get a hunger your body wants to  

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raise that blood sugar and on and on and on this  goes in a Perpetual roller coaster and every time  

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that you are at the bottom of the blood sugar  curve you get hypoglycemia then you will have  

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cravings for more sugar so when you eliminate that  Sugar the fast carbs and you eat real food with  

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protein and fat now your glucose will rise very  very slowly it will drop very very slowly over  

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a matter of hours and then your body will have  no problem problems stabilizing the blood sugar  

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so that will reduce your Cravings because your  body will have a stable energy Supply the next  

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thing that happens is you reduce your long-term  cravings and here's something interesting that  

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most people don't understand that where does this  sugar go they think that you get a blood sugar  

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Spike and then when the blood sugar drops then  that Sugar mysteriously disappears right no it  

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either gets used in the moment or it gets put into  storage and we have a very limited capacity to  

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store Sugar we can store about one day's worth of  energy but we can store a whole lot of something  

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else called fat and we could store months worth of  fat for energy so every time that we have a blood  

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sugar spike it has to come down we can use a tiny  little bit in the moment but most of it actually  

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it gets turned into fat and the whole purpose of  storing that extra fat is for future energy needs  

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if we were to ever have a time where we don't have  food which doesn't happen much so now this fat is  

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supposed to be turned back into energy but when we  eat a bunch of sugar frequently we release insulin  

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frequently we become insulin resistant we develop  High chronic levels of insulin and whenever we  

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have high chronic levels of insulin now we can't  turn that fat back into energy it's stuck in that  

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fat cell and then we get more Cravings again  so by cutting down the sugar and reducing the  

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insulin levels we become more insulin sensitive  we start functioning the way that we're supposed  

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to we're becoming metabolically flexible and the  body knows how to access that fat again and then  

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we become less hungry we have less Cravings we  can control our appetite we can stop overeating  

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and we can lose some weight and get rid of that  pesky belly fat I bet you here all the time that  

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Sugar's bad but complex carbs are good because  they tell you that there's a world of difference  

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between the two but the fact of the matter is  that they're basically the same thing so when we  

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talk about sugar we're talking about a molecule  with six carbons it's a ring it's just the way  

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the molecule looks it's a very small molecule it's  absorbed in the bloodstream very very quickly and  

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this would be called a monosaccharide meaning just  one unit and then if we link two of these together  

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together we have a disaccharide this is how  most of the sugar looks when we get it when  

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we eat sweet things from refined sugar or candy  or fruit this is primarily what the sugar looks  

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like and then they tell you that this is really  really bad but that complex carb starch is good  

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so this ring looks the same thing but I'm just  going to draw it like this to save some time and  

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this is what starch looks like it's the exact same  molecule it is the same exact glucose molecule but  

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they just link them up by hundreds or thousands  and they tell you this is really bad and this is  

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really good that you should avoid this as much  as possible but they tell you to eat 300 grams  

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of this every day the problem is that they're  essentially the same thing that this will enter  

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your bloodstream in seconds and this will start  breaking down and entering your bloodstream in  

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a matter of minutes so both of them are going to  spike blood sugar very very quickly and they'll  

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contribute to these Cravings that we talked  about so what you're looking for instead is  

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fat and protein because they both take hours to be  processed and that's how you get that nice smooth  

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curve it's like rocket fuel on the fire which is  not great because the Fire doesn't give you heat  

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very long versus a Log on the Fire the fat and  the protein it's like putting a Log on the Fire  

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it'll keep you warm all night that's the kind of  energy Supply that your body needs so while they  

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are very very similar there's one reason though  that sugar is especially bad first of all most of  

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the time it's a very processed so it's a totally  empty calorie but the second thing is that the  

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sweet taste is very very attractive to our taste  buds it's very addictive so when we get that sweet  

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wheat taste over and over it it's like a drug  that is the drug effect it makes us go look for  

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more it makes us want more of not just the sugar  but of other carbohydrates as well now let's talk  

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about one gram of sugar how bad could that be  well all of this sugar that we're talking about  

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the critical part is the blood glucose how much  is in the bloodstream at any given time and that  

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is usually measured in milligrams per deciliter  and the healthy level a really healthy level is  

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somewhere around 80 milligrams per deciliter  the average person has a total blood volume of  

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about five liter or 50 deciliters and then  we have to also realize that this blood is  

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measured in the serum in the liquid portion  of the blood but some of the blood is also  

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solid the cells the red blood cells the white  blood cells so the serum the liquid portion  

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is about 60 percent so now if we multiply this out  and we come up with the total blood glucose for a  

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healthy average sized person we get no more than  2.4 grams less than half a teaspoon at any given  

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time in the entire body and now if we go from a  really healthy level up to a fasting glucose of  

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a hundred which is pre-diabetic and we keep these  the same now we are up to three grams we've only  

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increased 0.6 grams it's like it's so little you  can barely see it and if we go all the way up to  

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a full diabetic level we now have 3.8 grams of  glucose in the bloodstream at any given time so  

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to go from super healthy to diabetic we're only  talking about 1.4 grams so I'm showing you this  

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to demonstrate how tightly regulated your blood  glucose is and also how just a tiny little bit  

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can make a huge difference once your body loses  the ability to regulate this once you become a  

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little resistant so I had a patient who was doing  really well he was doing low carb he was getting  

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some exercise he was fasting he was losing weight  lowering blood pressure but he could not get his  

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blood glucose down it kept hovering around 125 and  we looked at it and we looked at his food and then  

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one day he said there's something I've forgot to  put on this food journal I've been taking some  

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vitamin D gummies and some apple cider vinegar  gummies and it was such a tiny little thing it  

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thought of them as a supplement so it didn't count  but the average serving of a couple of gummies  

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will have three to four grams of sugar and then if  you take some apple cider vinegar gummies that's  

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another three to four grams of sugar so when you  don't eat anything else and all that Sugar gets  

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into the bloodstream really really fast now even  a gram of sugar one gram of sugar can make a huge  

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difference so as soon as he realized that and he  cut out his gummies his blood glucose went from  

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diabetic levels into the 80s in a matter of days  and not everyone is going to be that sensitive but  

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we need to understand these things so that if this  happens to you that you know to watch out for it  

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now A1C is a little bit better marker for blood  glucose than glucose itself because measuring  

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blood glucose is just a moment in time whereas A1C  or hemoglobin A1c measures a three to four month  

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average and this is based on something called  glycation when glucose sticks to a protein such  

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as hemoglobin then they form a very tight bond  that doesn't come apart so now we can measure  

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how much of the hemoglobin has glucose or sugar  stuck to it the glycated hemoglobin and because  

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the average red blood cell lives about three to  four months now we have a wonderful measurement  

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of the average of what your blood sugar has been  in the last three to four months and then you  

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take the A1C and you put it in a formula that you  can look up if you're interested but basically if  

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your A1C is about 4.8 which would be a low healthy  level then your blood glucose on average would be  

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91. if your A1C is 5.0 then your average glucose  for the last three to four months would have been  

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about 97 so that's not your fasting blood glucose  that's averaged in with every meal that you've had  

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so if you eat less sugar and you eat more fat  and protein you're not going to get these huge  

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spikes that are going to drive the average up and  you're going to still have an average glucose that  

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is really really close to your fasting level and  you'll often see different levels that are sort  

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of within a norm but to me 5.3 is about the upper  end of optimal what's really healthy and now our  

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average average glucose is about 105. now if we  go a little bit further up here at 5.7 that is  

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the cutoff for pre-diabetes and now the average  glucose is about 117. and this is where it's  

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starting to get out of control so you see there's  not a huge difference in these numbers but this is  

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a very tightly controlled variable your body wants  to keep the blood glucose in the 80s and 90s if  

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at all possible and if we get up to 6.5 that is  the cut off for type 2 diabetes Now your average  

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glucose would be about 140. so just a few more  points and it's getting totally out of control and  

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if people don't catch this early if they're not  measuring this there's a lot of type 2 diabetics  

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that have uncontrolled glucose they don't watch  their diet and they're not taking any medications  

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so you could have an A1C of 10 15 20. so here  already your glucose on average is about 240 and  

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now we're getting into some really big problems  of Health but here's what we need to understand  

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about glycation glycation has to do with sugar but  hemoglobin is not the only thing that it sticks to  

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it can stick to all kinds of different proteins  in the body and when it sticks to proteins in  

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different tissues it very often creates something  called ages Advanced glycation end products and  

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these are responsible for all kinds of different  damage of oxidative damage of free radicals in  

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the body they're basically the driver of a lot of  premature aging and a lot of degenerative disease  

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another protein that is often glycated happens to  be LDL low density lipoproteins and this is where  

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heart disease comes from when LDL particles get  glycated and oxidized and inflamed but primarily  

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glycated then they shrink and now the body can't  clean them out they get stuck and they're small  

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enough to kind of get through the little passages  and the walls of your arteries so now when they  

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get through the wall they form the plaques that  cause atherosclerosis and heart disease so this  

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glycation is a huge huge problem it's at the  center of virtually every disease process or  

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most disease processes and it is sugar that drives  it but there has to be some side effects right so  

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the number one thing is that whenever you change  something your body gets a little bit of a shock  

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it doesn't quite know what's going on so so with  these changes you might get a little bit cranky  

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But realize that it's only going to last for a  few days two three four days that's all it takes  

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for your body to start adapting and changing its  internal machinery and during those first few days  

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your body will go through something called enzyme  up regulation and down regulations the first thing  

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it's going to change is when you stop putting in  Sugar now it's going to decrease the enzymes and  

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the pathways and the metabolic Machinery related  to sugar and instead it has to find another fuel  

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source so it's going to up regulate all the  pathways and all the enzymes that deal with fat  

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but right at first if your body is used to sugar  and carbs now it's going to feel deprived and  

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you're going to feel bad because you're removing  the primary source of fuel but once your body has  

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gotten just a few days of adapting now the side  effects change to completely different so what  

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you're now going to notice is you have less mood  swings because the mood pretty much follows your  

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blood sugar roller coaster so if you don't have  a roller coaster in the blood sugar you're not  

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going to have a roller coaster on mood swings then  over time you find that not only do you have less  

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swings but the overall level of mood is going  to increase you feel better because you don't  

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have all those low points and if you take it just  a little further now because once you cut out the  

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sugar you get more protein and fat you find you  don't need to eat as often so if you go really  

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low carb and this isn't necessary for everyone but  if you get into the point where you start making  

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some ketones ketones are a fabulous fuel for the  brain brain it's more stable and if you're insulin  

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resistant then it's a fuel that can get into the  brain regardless of your insulin status whereas  

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sugar if you're insulin resistant it can't get  into the brain properly so with this you might  

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actually notice that you get better focus that  you're more productive you can stay on track  

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and get more things done and now if you cut out  the sugar you eat more fat and proteins now it's  

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easier to go lower the carbs even further because  you don't have so many Cravings you don't need  

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the carbohydrates because your body knows how to  make energy from fat you're making some ketones  

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now you find that you don't need to eat as often  it is completely unnecessary to do snacks or even  

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three meals a day so most people find twice a day  is perfect and now with that longer fasting period  

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your body starts making some human growth hormone  and along with that it also makes something called  

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BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor, and these  two are like miracle grow for the brain every time  

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you learn something your body your brain nervous  system makes new synapses it rewires the brain  

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physically and you can't learn without this  happening and it can't happen without these  

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two hormones and when you get a little bit of  fasting or a little bit of exercise you make more  

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of these so going cutting out the sugar going  more low carb and a little bit longer between  

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meals you're actually going to find that your  ability to learn improves whether you're five  

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years old or 90 years old it's going to happen  much easier for a five-year-old obviously but the  

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point is even at 90 you have this capacity and it  can be stimulated by you doing this but the side  

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effects don't stop there when you cut out sugar  you will find that inflammation goes down because  

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insulin tends to be pro-inflammatory ketones  and growth hormone tend to be anti-inflammatory  

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so now you might see some benefit with arthritis  or joint inflammation you will probably see less  

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joint pain you probably notice that you feel more  flexible because tight muscles are mostly tight to  

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protect joints that don't work properly and then  of course you probably heard that it's bad for  

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your teeth to eat sugar so by cutting that out you  also improve the health of your teeth and you do  

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it two ways because the sugar feeds the bacteria  to cause cavities but also when you cut out the  

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sugar you improve your mineral absorption so you  have more of the calcium and minerals to create  

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strong health healthy teeth and if that wasn't  enough there's more side effects and these are  

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the ones you should seriously pay attention to  most people start getting healthy because they  

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get a diabetes diagnosis or they want to lose  weight but this goes so much deeper because sugar  

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also causes edema which is swelling around the  blood vessels and around nerves it causes tissue  

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damage and vessel damage and in doing that it  also causes neuropathy meaning you can't feel  

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you can't use your extremity so well and a lot of  times they end with amputations and these blood  

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vessels that get damaged are both in the kidney  and in the eye so kidney failure and blindness  

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are primarily caused by diabetes and high blood  sugar levels and because of the glycation that  

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we talked about that causes Advanced glycation  and products and glycated and damaged LDL sugar  

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also causes cardiovascular disease and stroke in  fact it's the primary driver for both of those  

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conditions and as I talked about in the previous  video sugar is also the primary cause for dementia  

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and perhaps the most serious side effect is that  you'll probably end up living longer but unlike  

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all the people around you who are simply dying  longer and kept on artificial life support for  

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the last 30 years through medication and machines  and props you might actually be healthy enough to  

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enjoy it and if you cut out the sugar for 30 days  this is going to set you on a path where you feel  

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so much better you understand more what sugar was  doing and how good you can feel and then you're  

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going to be on the path for the rest of your life  you don't want to say I'll do it for 30 days and  

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then I'll start eating all my candy and drinking  my soda again that's obviously not going to work  

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so I challenge you to stop sugar for 30 days  and then as you notice how you feel now you  

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start sharing the experience you start sharing  the results that's the purpose of this channel  

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is to change the Paradigm of Health in the world  and you can do your part because people actually  

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read these comments if something has a thousand  thumbs up and a hundred comments that means 10  

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000 people actually read that and if you have some  good experiences then tell people so that they  

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understand this is real if you enjoy this video  You're Gonna Love that one. And if you truly want  

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to master Health by understanding how the body  really works, make sure you subscribe hit that  

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