Yogurt Benefits For Health

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Hello I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg and I wanted to talk a little bit about yogurt. Yogurt

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and milk are very different nutritionally. Yogurt is made from milk

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but milk is very different. The store-bought milk is very different from

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raw milk. When milk comes from the cow it has bacteria and enzymes in it that

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help you digest it so it's like a predigested food it's

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very easy to assimilate when we buy in the stores it's been pasteurized and

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homogenized that means that they kill off all the bacteria they ruin the

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enzymes and they homogenized it so the fat structure and even some of the

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proteins get changed so it's a very difficult food very allergenic very

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inflammatory when we make yogurt we restore some of those properties some of

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those good properties to the milk because we add bacteria to help us

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digest it so lactobacillus is what makes the yogurt sour and those that's also

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known as probiotics those are the good bacteria that we want more of in the gut

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so milk is kind of sweet it has a lot of sugar in it and yogurt is kind of sour

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that's because when we add the lactobacillus it's called an

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acidophilus bacterium that means it's acidic it tastes sour and we add a

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little bit of the bacteria and then they eat the sugar and they multiply so the

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longer you let the bacteria eat sugar the less sugar is left in the yogurt but

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also the more bacteria is in there the beneficial bacteria so when you pick a

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yogurt you want to look for one that is little bit sour the ones that are just

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too gentle and too mild they really don't have a lot of bacteria in them and they

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also have most of the original sugar left out so I did a little bit of

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research and found that by the time a yogurt tastes sour

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it has about 30 to 40% of the sugar being consumed by the lactobacillus so

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when you buy a yogurt the only kind you want to get is whole plain yogurt

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organic whole plain yogurt if you do Greek yogurt that can be fine as well

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but what you want to look you want a product that has not been altered more

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than necessary so it should not have any pectins it should not have any fillers no

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glycerides it should have milk and bacteria that's it so this is not a

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brand placement or anything I'm not promoting a specific product but here is

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my favorite it's from Trader Joe it's called a European style it's a little

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more sour than any other yogurt that I've found in the market which happens

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to be the kind of like the taste stuff but it also turns out that it has more

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of the good bacteria and less of the sugar so again you don't have to pick

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that one but you do want to get a whole plain yogurt don't get things that they

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have messed with and that way you retain most of the nutrients and you get a

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product that is actually healthy and good for you the only exception would be

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if you have a severe way allergy then you want to stay away from dairy

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altogether but most people I find 95% of people that do poorly with pasteurized

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milk can still eat yogurt if it's a good quality

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so stay tuned for more health tips and more health videos and more recipes

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leave us a comment let us know what kind of yogurt you like or what you like to

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know more about and then subscribe to stay tuned and help us spread this

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message so that more people can find out about real food thank you

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