Wrist Pain Causes And Treatment

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Carpal tunnel is an epidemic of our modern times stay tuned and I'll explain

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how you can fix it without drugs or surgery hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with

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wellness for life and by subscribing to our channel you will learn everything

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that you need to know to master true health millions of people have had

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surgery they're wearing braces wearing splints they're having ergonomic

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keyboards because of something called carpal tunnel a lot of wrist pain that

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gets diagnosed as carpal tunnel really isn't carpal tunnel but we're not gonna

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get in too much detail carpal tunnel is one kind of wrist pain where there is a

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nerve that is compressed inside a couple of bones called the carpal tunnel but

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whether you have that or you have some other source of wrist pain it doesn't

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really matter what I'm going to talk about applies to most of that anyway so

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the first thing that you need to know is that carpal tunnel and arthritis very

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very often is a b6 deficiency so we find very very often people get dramatic fast

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improvement by giving them some b6 vitamins in our product in our office we

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use standard process they have a product called b6 niacinamide the more natural

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that you can find your vitamin the better off you are

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but there's lots of them that should work great

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that's the simples and the fast simplest and fastest solution the other thing is

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to understand where does this come from why do so many more people get wrist

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pain carpal tunnel from doing a lot of keyboard work

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what is this motion and what does it do well in a brain you have two basic

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divisions you have a stress response called flexion pronation those two

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movements go together and they are associated with the stress response

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because when we have a fight flight response then we flex too

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protect and we pronate the opposite of that is extension relaxation and

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supination it allows our hands to turn out so obviously with a lot of keyboard

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work what happens is you pronate all day long all day long your arms are bent so

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here are two factors that feed in to a dominance a flexor pronator dominance

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and the solution there is extremely simple you stretch the flexors that's

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why you see all these exercises for stretching you want to stretch the

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fingers you want to stretch the forearm because their flexors the other thing

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you want to do is you want to practice supination so you do exercises to help

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the hands develop this motion and the muscles that oppose pronation and by

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doing this on a regular basis you change the patterns you change the dominance

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from flexor and flexion and pronation into extension and supination and you

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help the body balance because anything that you do an extreme amount of times

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is going to become a pattern it's going to become a habit and the best way to

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undo that habit is to do the opposite it's as simple as that use it or lose it

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anything you do a lot becomes a habit you do the opposite you break the habit

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so there you have it two things b6 and supination and extension exercises thank

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you so much try it out let me know how that works we have had some tremendous

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success in our clinic comment below if you have any other questions we'll be

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more than happy to answer and remember to hit that subscribe button so we can

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keep this life-saving material coming your way thank you so much

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