Will MCT Oil REALLY Help You Lose Weight & Reach KETOSIS Faster? 🥥

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Hello Health Champions. You've probably heard that  ketones are great when you're on keto and how it's  

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the best thing since sliced bread for helping  you boost ketones and burn fat, but how does it  

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do that? When you understand completely what MCT  oil is and what it does then you will also know  

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why and when to use it then you can reach your  goals not waste money and get healthy all at the  

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same time. Coming right up. Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm  a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete  

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and if you want to truly master health by  understanding how the body really works  

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make sure you subscribe hit that bell and  turn on all the notifications so you never  

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miss a life-saving video. MCT stands for medium  chain triglycerides and here's what that is.  

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The medium means it's sort of average not too long  not too short. Chain refers to a chain of carbons  

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in sequence and triglyceride just means that  there's three of these chains three fatty acids  

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linked up to a glycerol backbone. And this is  how virtually all the fat in your body as well  

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as all the fat that you consume that's how it's  configured. That's just the way fat is packaged  

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in nature and medium length usually refers to  six to twelve carbons in length so this would  

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be six this would be eight this would be ten  and if there's six of these if there's three  

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of six carbon chains linked up then they're called  Caproic acid eight carbons is called Caprylic  

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and ten is called Capric and these are the main  ones that we're concerned with in this talk.  

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A lot of people also will include Lauric acid  which is when there's 12 carbons but we're going  

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to talk about even though that's often included  in the definition from medium chain triglyceride  

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that is not what we're looking for because that  has some different properties that keeps it from  

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giving us what we need when we're using MCT also  we'll come back to that in some detail. Why are  

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we talking about MCT oil at all well let's back up  just a little bit most people want to lose weight  

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they want to lose fat and they have too much  fat because they have an imbalance between fat  

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storing and fat burning and the reason they have  that is that they have too much insulin. Insulin  

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is a fat storing hormone and when we eat in such  a way that we have high insulin levels we cannot  

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burn fat at the same time. And you probably  know by now that carbohydrates is the thing  

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that raises insulin the most but they do one more  thing. They create dependence and a lot of people  

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will say that carbs are the preferred fuel because  they're burned first and that's not really how it  

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works because carbs raise blood sugar and blood  sugar is dangerous the body has to deal with it  

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first and when we burn through the carbs but  then we fill up more carbs before we're ever  

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getting to the fat then we just keep burning more  and more carbs we become carbohydrate dependent.  

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We shape our metabolism we up regulate all the  pathways related to carbs and we down regulate  

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all the pathways related to fat burning So in a  sense the body forgets about how to burn fat. So  

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now you hear about this great idea to become fat  adapted to go keto and low carb so you cut out all  

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the carbs and your body thinks it just got  robbed of all the fuels. So it only knew  

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how to use carbohydrates for energy and you  just took them all away so there is no fuel  

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and you have no energy you get fatigue you get  brain fog you get nausea all of these things that  

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collectively we call keto flu and your body is  slowly adapting it is looking for another fuel but  

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it takes time to develop ketones to get into fat  burning and make ketones for your brain so in the  

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meantime you just feel terrible let's talk about  the different ways to get ketones into your system  

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and the first one is to go low carb go keto and  or to fast so when you're fasting you're obviously  

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very low carb because you're not eating anything  at all the problem like we said is that it's slow  

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the second way is to buy exogenous ketones  you can buy these in powder form or in pill  

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and they work fantastically well they're the  fastest way because as soon as you eat them  

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your body absorbs them they're in your bloodstream  and you have ketone the problem though is that  

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they're kind of expensive and the next thing is  that they don't teach your body to make ketones  

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because you're just putting them in the way  they are in their finished form so there is no  

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incentive for your body to make its own so  you never really up regulate that function  

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in your body the third way is to take MCT  oil medium chain triglycerides and they are  

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almost as fast as taking the exogenous  ketones but better they are cheap and they  

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still give your body an incentive because your  body still has to convert the MCT into ketones  

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so you will up regulate that function you  will assist your body in that function.  

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What are the benefits of MCT? The first one  is going to be improved brain function because  

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your brain needs energy and if you're insulin  resistant or if your glucose drops now your brain  

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is starving and ketone is a fantastic alternative  fuel so boost the ketones and you boost your brain  

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energy. You also boost the overall energy of  the body and because you do this without adding  

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any carbs or insulin you also lower your blood  sugar and you feel less hunger it also can help  

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with replenishing energy so you reduce lactic  acid after exercise so you can recover faster it  

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improves cardiovascular function because the two  organs that most readily use ketones for fuel  

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are brain and heart. It also has some  anti-microbial properties anti-fungal properties  

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but this is primarily the Lauric acid and  that doesn't convert to energy as well but  

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I just want to show you that there are different  benefits to different components and most of all  

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what we're going to talk about is MCT makes an  easier transition into a state of ketosis. There  

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are three very interesting mechanisms that  are unique to medium chain triglycerides.  

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So when you first eat something it gets into your  gut into your digestive tract and if what you eat  

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is a long chain triglyceride a regular fat then  it doesn't get into the bloodstream right away it  

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gets into the lymph system first and this is where  a lot of your immune system lives so the immune  

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system gets to sample the food first to check  that it's safe you have these white blood cells  

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that make sure everything's okay before it passes  it into the blood but MCT's are much much smaller  

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MCT's and glucose are very very simple  molecules and because of that they're deemed  

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safe by the body and they're allowed to bypass the  lymph system and they get absorbed directly into  

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the bloodstream. From there it goes via the blood  into the liver because the liver gets first crack  

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at everything it gets repackaged sent out into  circulation so that we can make energy from  

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this now what this means is that MCT's are  about as fast as carbohydrates as glucose.  

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You can make energy within minutes whereas  the regular fat the long chain triglycerides  

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are going to be delayed by several hours. Two to  three to four hours depending on what else you  

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ate. And here's a very critical distinction  even though MCT's are sometimes including  

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carbon chains up to 12 this bypass only works for  chains there are 10 carbons or less so the one  

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that we mentioned before the Lauric acid which has  12 carbons it's good for certain things but it is  

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too large to bypass the lymph and therefore the  lauric acid is not good for making energy quickly  

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and therefore we want products that don't have  lauric acid in it for that purpose. The second  

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mechanism is similar but now we're talking on the  cellular level this is where we have mitochondria  

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they're inside the cells they look sort of like  this and they make almost all of your energy so  

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it's not that you eat food that gives you energy  it doesn't become energy until the glucose or the  

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fat makes it into the mitochondria if you eat  a long chain triglyceride a regular dietary fat  

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then it can't get in to the mitochondria without  jumping on a bus and that bus is called the  

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carnitine shuttle carnitine is a substance  that's necessary to guide the long chains  

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into the mitochondria. However the medium chain  again they're tiny they're smaller particles and  

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they're allowed they can pass straight past that  mitochondrial membrane. Because there is no need  

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for carnitine now we can produce energy even  faster. But there is more to the story because  

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the carnitine is made up from nutrients you need  protein you need amino acids you need certain  

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other nutrients like vitamin c and if these  are in short supply you may not be able to make  

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enough of the carnitine so now that whole system  becomes a bottleneck so it's not just about  

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speed but if you don't have enough then you may  not be able to get it in at all at that time. The  

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third mechanism has to do with how MCT's on the  one hand looks like they're both fat and a carb  

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and on the other hand they're neither. So MCT's  are very quickly absorbed they turn into energy  

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in minutes just like a carbohydrate but they have  no impact on blood sugar except maybe lower it a  

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little bit and they require no insulin. On  the other hand triglycerides are certainly  

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a fat but while other fats will stimulate the  gallbladder to release bile for emulsifying fats  

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the MCT's are already so fluid that there is  no need for bile and the benefit of this then  

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is that even if you don't have a gallbladder even  if you have really poor digestion or in some cases  

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where you have a full-blown malabsorption  situation where you can hardly absorb anything,  

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MCT's are a way of getting energy into the person  without having to just pump them full of sugar  

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or carbs. How do coconut oil and MCT compare then  because MCT's are made from coconut oil and very  

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often we hear that coconut oil is mostly MCT's.  Well it's yes and no what you're looking for  

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is called Caprylic acid with 8 carbons. Capric  acid with 10 carbons these are the short ones that  

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will bypass the digestive processes and become  energy very quickly and coconut oil has about  

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eight percent of one and about seven percent of  the other so all in all there's about 15 percent  

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of these good MCT's in there these quick MCT's but  most of the fat in coconut oil is the lauric acid  

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which again it's not a bad food but it doesn't  serve the purposes of quick energy there's a full  

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45 percent and this is why you often hear that  coconut oil has 60% MCT's but it depends on your  

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definition if you're really looking for the quick  stuff then the lauric acid doesn't cut it and  

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coconut oil only has 15 percent of the stuff we're  really looking for. Then there's some other fats  

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which are either shorter or longer than 8 or 12  that make up the balance. Now MCT oil is made from  

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coconut oil so the ratios between the proportions  are going to stay about the same but they extract  

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only these two basically so a good quality MCT oil  is typically going to have 55% Caprylic and 44%  

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Capric sometimes they extract only one or  the other so that they have a hundred percent  

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of either but there's really no point in  doing that just from an energy standpoint  

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and then because they can't clean out the  Lauric entirely there's usually going to be  

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a few percent a good quality will have less than  one percent but it's not critical if it has one  

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or two or three it doesn't really matter. But you  want to avoid poor quality oils when they don't  

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extract all that much so a lesser quality might  have 43%, 27% but a full 30% of the Lauric acid so  

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MCT's are cheap enough today that the one that I  use I found at Costco which is super super cheap  

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these days and it had these ratios so there's no  reason really to buy anything that's of a lesser  

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quality so the one that I used gets 99 of these  quick ones whereas the lesser brand might get only  

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70. so again just make sure you get in the high  90% range so you get value for your money. Now  

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for the million dollar question. Should you take  it? And you're wondering what am I talking about  

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you've mentioned all these benefits well on the  one hand we just say go for it but then on another  

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side of this we might say hey not so fast. Do we  really need this? So we want to think of this as  

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a tool as a hack not necessarily as food it will  definitely allow for a smoother fat adaptation  

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so if you're just getting into keto if you've been  eating a bunch of carbs and now you're trying this  

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low carb lifestyle before you're adapted it can be  uncomfortable and this can make it much much more  

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comfortable and also if during the holidays you  slipped up and you had more carbs than you thought  

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you should then you might be out of keto and  this is a great way to help you back into keto.  

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For some people they might be in keto but  they never get any decent levels of ketosis  

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they might read 0.2 - 0.3 and they just want some  better numbers and they notice that they do feel  

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different they feel better when they have some  higher numbers then you can use a little bit just  

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to boost the levels because they'll definitely do  that. Another way to use it is to prolong fasting  

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that if you want to do one meal a day you want to  do intermittent fasting something like that then  

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it will give you that extra energy and allow you  to go a few more hours. Now if you're fat adapted  

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then the MCT's really don't have an advantage  over a normal fat like butter or coconut oil  

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because it's not the speed of the energy that  you're looking for. And like we mentioned the  

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people with malabsorption if they have trouble  absorbing anything quickly except sugar then this  

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is a way for them to get more energy. What about  the not so fast portion? Well here's what I really  

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want to help us understand that this is not food  your primary purpose with staying healthy with  

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developing a diet should be to feed the body  things that you eat should have minerals and  

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vitamins and essential fatty acids and essential  amino acids they should feed your body they should  

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provide building blocks things that you can use  for energy and rebuilding and metabolic processes  

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all right. The MCT's don't have any of that  except fuel so in that sense it's like a sugar  

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that it's empty calories of course it doesn't  trigger insulin so it's not nearly as bad as  

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sugar but we don't want to think of it as a food.  Also there's not really a need to take MCT oils  

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if you're already fat adapted if your body knows  how to burn fat if it knows how to make ketones  

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then you don't need a tool or a hack because your  body is already doing it. We want to understand  

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the purpose of keto is to lower the carbs until  your body learns to burn fat and then the fat you  

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want to burn is off the body you're not burning  more fat because you're adding fat in the diet  

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you want to keep the fat moderate right so in keto  we go low carb moderate protein and enough fat to  

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fill you up it's not that more fat burns more fat  okay you want to burn the fat off the body so if  

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you take too much MCT's then you're just going to  burn that instead of the fat of the body. And also  

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even though the MCT's bypass all these digestive  mechanisms it still has a tendency to cause some  

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stomach upset or maybe even diarrhea in people  when you're not used to it so what you want to do  

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is you start very low you start with a half a  teaspoon or one teaspoon and make sure your body  

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gets used to it and then you can work your way  up but unless you have a malabsorption situation  

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I don't see a reason to use a whole lot okay it's  just a little bit to push you over the edge to act  

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sort of like a catalyst to get some ketones going.  If you enjoy this video that one right there will  

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give you a lot of good information thank you  so much for watching. I'll see you next time.

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