Why You Are Cold All The Time - Dr Ekberg

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have you ever asked yourself why am I so cold all the time I'm gonna explain hey

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I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with wellness for life and if you'd like to get as healthy

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as possible by understanding how health really works then make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that bell so that you don't miss anything have you ever found

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that you're feeling cold and yet no one else in the room is complaining you tend

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to wear a sweater when everyone else has t-shirts if you're feeling cold all the

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time sort of in the whole body then it is a energy problem you're simply put

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you're not making enough energy so let's break this down and make it really

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simple so we can get it your cells make energy and there's three factors that

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play in in terms of your cells making enough energy the first one has to do

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with the thyroid and your thyroid is like the thermostat for the whole body

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you have a hundred trillion cells in your body give or take and every one of

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those cells have thyroid receptors and then the thyroid makes thyroid hormone

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and the thyroid hormone attaches to the cell and determines that tells the cell

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how much to do of whatever that cell is doing so with more thyroid hormone every

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cell it's going to make a little more with less thyroid hormone every cell is

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going to slow down and do less of whatever that cell is doing so it's like

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a thermostat you increase tyroid you speed up everything in the body a little

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bit you reduce the thyroid output and you slow down everything in the body a

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little bit and this is energy production heart rate digestive speed the

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production of stomachacid the rate of healing the transmission of nerve

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impulses you name it every cell depends on thyroid hormone and if it slows down

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then everything slows down so that's part one

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then once the thyroid has kind of placed the order to hold the the cell what to

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do now the cell has two requirements it needs fuel and it needs oxygen

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so the way that we get fuel is obviously from the food that we eat and if you

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don't eat anything for a really long time that's called starvation if you

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starve or if you go on an extended fast or if you're trying to go on a diet and

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starve yourself then your body senses that there's less fuel in the system and

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it's it slows down it shuts things down gradually to conserve energy to conserve

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resources and that's why it can be difficult to lose weight for example by

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just cutting out the how much you eat so-called calories because the less you

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eat the more the body tries to conserve and you're kind of caught in a vicious

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cycle but even if you're not starving yourself you can actually be short on

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energy for another reason it's called hypoglycemia and this happens if you

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have what's called a blood sugar roller coaster if your metabolism primarily

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depends on carbohydrates and sugar for fuel like most people in the Western

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world then what happens is you eat some sugar and carbs and your body has an

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insulin response and that insulin response is going to suppress the blood

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sugar it's gonna drop the blood sugar but because sugar is such a stress on

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the body the body tends to overcompensate because it's kind of a

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crisis when blood sugar goes up so it's overcompensate and it tries to get it

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down really really fast so now you get a valley and that's called hypoglycemia

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now you're too low on available fuel and your body goes screaming give me

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something give me something and you get cravings and what do you get cravings

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for you guessed it carbs sugar bread snacks junk food so the way to get

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around that is to cut out the junk food cut out the processed food cut out the

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sugar and the carbs and develop a diet more like a keto or a paleo diet where

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you rely more heavily on fat and protein because that's how the body gets a

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stable blood sugar level once you have a stable blood sugar that means you have a

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stable fuel supply for your cells and you no longer get hypoglycemia and your

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body has the available fuel to produce energy and then we said that the cells

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need in addition to the fuel they need oxygen and just like anything else in

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the world that's gonna burn anything that's going to produce energy

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it needs oxygen and in the body what delivers the oxygen obviously is the

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blood their red blood cells and in the red blood cells the thing that actually

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carries the oxygen is called hemoglobin it's a protein so you can either have a

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low number of red blood cells or you could have less hemoglobin in the red

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blood cells either one of those situations is called anemia that means

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that your blood doesn't have the capacity to transport enough oxygen so

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if you're really anemic you could lose 20 30 40 percent of your oxygen carrying

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capacity and now your cells are constantly starving for energy because

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even if it has fuel available it can't turn the fuel into energy without the

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oxygen if you enjoy this kind of information please share it with others

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who need to know this we need to find natural solutions for people's health

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problems so that we can get off the dependency on drugs and surgery and live

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the way we're supposed to if you're new to this channel make sure you hit the

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subscribe button and the bell so that you can keep getting this information

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and you don't miss anything if you have comments questions etc please list them

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below we really do want to answer those questions and if you

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a topic for a video I'll be more than happy to make a video on that topic and

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try to explain how things work thank you so much for today

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