Why Sand Will Power India for Centuries

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India is on the brink of a nuclear

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Innovation that could redefine its

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energy future but there's a problem at

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the tail end of 2022 the spokesman for

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India's Department of atomic energy

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announced that its new Advanced reactor

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the ambitious prototype fast breeder

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reactor faced additional delays and was

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extending its completion to late 2024 so

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what's happening on the Kuran kulum

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reactor your predecessor said that the

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delays will damage the reactor now the

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delays are happening because you're not

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able to commission the reactor is the

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reactor damage what is wrong it has been

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38 years running and you still don't

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have the Prototype fast breeder reactor

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which is 20 years in the

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making while setbacks on nuclear

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projects aren't new the Prototype fast

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breeder reactor has the rather

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uncomfortable distinction of being in

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the running for the most delayed nuclear

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project in history having been initially

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designed in 1983 and supposed to be up

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and running before 2000 even by nuclear

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industry standards things are extremely

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late but this is isn't just about Miss

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deadlines because this reactor is key to

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a much larger plan unlike most other

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countries which focus on only a single

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technology like water cooled reactors

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decades ago India mapped out a distinct

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three-stage strategy for its nuclear

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program that is as ambitious as it is

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complicated but it's one that could

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unlock centuries of cheap sustainable

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energy so to find out how India a

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country eager for Progress can get its

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nuclear energy program moving again we

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need to answer a few basic questions

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first what exactly sets India's nuclear

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energy Ambitions apart from the rest of

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the world why despite its potential is

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India's nuclear development Stuck In

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Perpetual delays and perhaps most

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critically is there a solution once we

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do that we can put India now the most

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populated country on Earth on the atomic

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blender nuclear energy

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leaderboard when you look at What

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official information is presented from

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the government or media in places like

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India or really anywhere else for that

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matter it can be difficult to get a

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proper understanding of what the data

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actually means as there are so many ways

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that the information can be

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misrepresented but there is a free and

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easy way to understand the world better

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with brilliant.org the sponsor of

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today's video their excellent module on

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data visualization makes it much easier

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to see when media Outlets or even

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scientific studies misrepresent their

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data in graphs or comparisons even as a

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nuclear physicist I found it incredibly

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valuable to go through brilliant's

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nine-part exploration on data

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visualization brilliant helps even busy

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people learn analytical and problem

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solving skills in stem all broken down

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in a way that makes it not only much

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easier to learn but really fun brilliant

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storytelling and interactive

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visualizations which are six times more

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effective than traditional means bring

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Concepts to life in a way that makes

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getting better at what you want a treat

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rather than a chore plus everything is

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made by experts from places like MIT and

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Google giving you access to knowledge

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from people who really know what they're

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talking about I personally found myself

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noticing visualizations of data in the

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media that have led to lots of sections

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in these videos presenting information

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in a more straightforward and truthful

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way it's like the old adage

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move to avoid the large Investments

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while getting started sooner by the

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1960s this plan wasn't just on paper

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anymore India bought its first nuclear

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plants two relatively modest 200

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megawatt heavy water reactors from

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Canada and thus the first stage was set

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in motion but these weren't just for

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lighting up homes and powering new

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Industries there was a dual purpose

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generate electricity sure but also

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produce plutonium when natural uranium

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is struck by a neutron it doesn't always

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Vision some of it absorbs the extra

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Neutron and convert con itself into

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plutonium through a process called

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transmutation once it's converted the

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plutonium can be extracted and used

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later so besides being very efficient

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with uranium heavy water reactors excel

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at producing plutonium and for this plan

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to work India was going to need a lot of

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plutonium but then in 1974 India's

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nuclear Journey hit a very large speed

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bump just 2 years after their first

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Canadian supplied reactor went online

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the Indian army tested an atomic bomb

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the reaction from the International

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Community was Swift Canada cut off all

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of its nuclear dealings with India

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completely isolating them but despite

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this with the technology transfer from

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Canada already completed the heavy water

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design would lay the groundwork for

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nearly all of India's future plants and

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they didn't just stick with what they

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got from Canada they scaled up

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domestically designing and building

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reactors as large as 700 megawatt today

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India operates 17 heavy water reactors

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capable of producing nearly 5 gaw of

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electricity that's an impressive Fleet

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but there's a a catch because India's

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uranium reserves are limited there was

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always a cap The Plan called for no more

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than 10 gaw using heavy water reactors

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the plan was always to use the plutonium

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produced in these reactors as a stepping

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stone for the next stage in the grand

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plan while heavy water reactors are

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great at making plutonium they still end

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up consuming more uranium than the

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amount of plutonium they produce which

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isn't great if you're trying to save a

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limited resource but that's where a

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special type of reactor comes in called

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a breeder reactor by arranging the

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plutonium in the center it can operate

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like just any other nuclear plant and

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instead of using water to cool it this

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design uses liquid sodium it turns out

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this Arrangement efficiently produces a

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lot of neutrons many more than the heavy

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Water Reactor so many that if we

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surround the plutonium with natural

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uranium it becomes remarkably good at

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converting that uranium into plutonium

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as well by using this Arrangement there

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are so many neutrons flying around that

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the amount of uranium converted into

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plutonium in the blanket is actually

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higher than the amount of plutonium fuel

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it consumes in the middle it's called a

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breeder reactor for a reason it produces

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more fuel than it consumes and this

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isn't some theoretical dream either

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countries like the US have demonstrated

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this design works in the past operating

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the experimental breeder reactor 2 until

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1994 France operated its massive super

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Phoenix breeder reactor and Russia

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continues to operate two breeder

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reactors having started up the latest in

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20120 this design is at the center of

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stage 2 by feeding plutonium from the

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heavy water reactors and surrounding it

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with natural uranium the breeder reactor

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creates an increasing feedback loop of

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plutonium while still efficiently

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producing electricity India aims to join

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this exclusive club with its own design

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the Prototype fast breeder reactor but

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as with any ambitious plan challenges

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are waiting and this new reactor is a

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lesson in ambition meeting reality the

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Prototype fast breeder reactor was

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supposed to be a scaled up version of

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its predecessor the fast breeder test

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reactor I know very creative names but

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as often happens the was in the details

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scaling up meant dealing with a lot more

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of the sodium coolant not to mention the

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specialized Fuel and ensuring the

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Integrity of all the components involved

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sodium while excellent for cooling and

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efficiently making more fuel comes with

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its own set of challenges unlike water

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which is used in reactors around the

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world and is well understood by pretty

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much everyone sodium is much more

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difficult sodium reacts violently when

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it contacts water so even small leaks

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due to simple things like corrosion can

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cause devastating problems in order to

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prove that this new design could operate

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safely India had to put enormous efforts

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into research and development test loops

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and rigs were built to demonstrate

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components would work as intended

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experience from other operating breeder

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reactors in the US France and Russia

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also led to significant design changes

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over time further delaying the project

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there was also pressure to simplify the

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design and ensure economic viability

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after all the goal wasn't just to build

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a single reactor but to build a whole

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Fleet of them this meant that the design

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needed to be both simpler to construct

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and cheaper to run India's commitment to

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self-reliance added another layer of

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complexity opting for domestic design

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and Fabrication meant the country was

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largely on its own to develop the

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technology required all of these factors

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led to the Project's spiraling costs and

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nearly quarter Century delay despite

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these challenges the Indian government

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support hasn't wavered with budgets

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continuing to fund the first startup

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expected in 2024 while Skeptics might

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point to the continual it'll happen next

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year there's no denying the importance

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of the Prototype fast breeder react

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because its success leads to the third

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and final stage of India's grand plan

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thorium while thorium has had a bit of a

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Resurgence in popularity elsewhere in

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recent years it's always been part of

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India's original plan since the 1950s

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I've already made two videos on thorium

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so I don't want to repeat too much here

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but essentially thorium can act as an

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efficient alternative fuel to uranium

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and just like natural uranium can be

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converted into plutonium and breeder

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reactors thorium can be converted into

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something just as valuable uranium 233

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since India has massive reserves of

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thorium you can start to see where this

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is going by replacing the natural

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uranium and instead introducing thorium

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into the blanket in the breeder reactors

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India plans to convert it into usable

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uranium 233 the final stage is to then

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take this newly created uranium 233 and

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put it in the center of its own breeder

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reactor and as you probably guessed

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surround it with Mor thorium once this

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final cycle is self-sufficient there's

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no need for the first two stages anymore

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and the process can go on liter

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literally for centuries this makes India

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unique in that it's the only country

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with a national long-term plan of

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operating a fleet of nuclear reactors

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powered by thorium so why has India's

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Journey towards this sustainable future

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been more of a slow Marathon rather than

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a Sprint well from the beginning India

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decided to take The Road Less Traveled

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after first importing reactor technology

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from Canada India set its sights on

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achieving self-reliance developing

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designing and deploying its own nuclear

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technology is a bold move given the

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complexity of atomic power India is full

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of Brilliant Minds and some of the best

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scientists globally but even the most

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ambitious projects still need a helping

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hand sometimes the only other country

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operating a large breeder reactor today

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is Russia which could at least in theory

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provide valuable insights and

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cooperation however that's likely

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dependent on diplomatic relations

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between the two which as we've seen can

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change rapidly still India's commitment

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to internal development means they're

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reluctant to seek potential

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collaborations but India isn't alone in

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its nuclear Ambitions Around the World

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Private companies are pushing the

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boundaries of nuclear technology take

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OKO in the United States the California

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based startup is building on the legacy

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of breeder reactors aiming to bring

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efficient small-scale plants to life

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then there's Copenhagen atomics which is

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working on plutonium fueled thorium

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breida reactors just like India only on

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a smaller scale the question then is can

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India navigate through the technical

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mazes and bureaucratic hurdles that lie

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ahead after all India's ambition isn't

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just to be a member member of the

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nuclear Club it's to lead it now let's

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see how India a country forging its own

Time: 754.36

path does on the atomic blender nuclear

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energy leaderboard starting with size

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India currently produces just over 40

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tatt hours of electricity annually from

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its nuclear stations which is just above

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average for countries with nuclear

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energy so on a scale of 1 to 10 it gets

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a 6 out of 10 the country is still

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heavily dependent on coal which makes up

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the vast majority of its electricity

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production the remaining moderate amount

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of nuclear energy is spread thinly over

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India's massive population accounting

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for just 3% of the total electrical

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output which is well below that of other

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nuclear countries so it gets a two out

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of 10 India has a decently long history

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of operating nuclear power starting with

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its first reactor from Canada in the

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1970s however performance hasn't been

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very good with extended downtimes for

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maintenance and refurbishments resulting

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in capacity factors that leave a lot to

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be desired so for operating experience

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it gets a 5 out of 10 infrastructure

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because of its domestic ambition India

Time: 809.959

has developed an extensive supply chain

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research Labs skilled personnel and

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Fabrication facilities while it has

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limited domestic uranium supplies it's

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planned to transition to what is

Time: 820.48

essentially an unlimited supply of

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thorium means if it ever manages to get

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there it'll be set for centuries so it

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gets an easy N9 out of 10 finally growth

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very few countries have experienced as

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much nuclear expansion in the last

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decade as India and more is expected in

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the future with eight reactors currently

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under construction and many more planned

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however like China that growth has been

Time: 842.759

more or less only keeping up with

Time: 844.24

increased demand rather than expanding

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nuclear share of the total still

Time: 848.519

government support is exceptionally

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strong with long-term policies that aim

Time: 852.079

to continue that expansion for years to

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come so it gets an 8 out of 10 overall

Time: 858

that gives India a final score of six

Time: 860.199

tying it with the United Kingdom a score

Time: 862.279

that could be improved if its ambitious

Time: 864

plans for breeda reactors in thorium

Time: 865.88

ever take off and remember to check out

Time: 868

brilliant to see everything they have to

Time: 869.56

offer for free for a full 30 days at

Time: 871.72

brilliant.org Atomic blender or click

Time: 874.04

the link in the description you'll also

Time: 875.72

get 20% off an annual premium

Time: 877.68

subscription and if you'd like to see

Time: 879.399

how the UK another country struggling

Time: 881.44

with nuclear delays did you should check

Time: 883.24

out this video and thanks for watching

Time: 885.16

I'll see you in the next one

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