Why Is The Thyroid Gland So Important?

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Why is the thyroid glands so important? I'm gonna explain how it works hey I'm

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Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit

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that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So the thyroid gland a

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small insignificant gland that sits right around your Adam's apple is one of

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the most important glands in the body and one of the most overlooked and

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misunderstood so we're going to talk about first why it's so important and

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then what is often being overlooked so the thyroid is the accelerator if you

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will it's the thermostat it sets the speed and the temperature of the whole

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body it determines for every cell in the body how much that cell does of whatever

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that cell is supposed to do the thyroid gland makes thyroid hormone also known

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as thyroxine or t4 so the t4 means that the thyroxine hormone in that state has

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four iodine atoms attached to it and then it gets into circulation meaning

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the blood takes it around the liver takes one of those iodine's off and

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turns it into t3 and now that thyroid hormone is activated it's now in its

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active form and it can do its work in your body you have approximately 40

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trillion cells they used to say it was about a hundred trillion but someone

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recounted and now the official count is more like somewhere around 40 trillion

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and how many of those do you think have thyroid receptors meaning they depend on

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the thyroid to tell the cell how much it's supposed to do or in other words

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without the thyroid telling it what to do without the presence of thyroid

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hormone that cell is not going to perform its work the way it's supposed

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to it's going to slow down well the answer is every single cell in your body

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has thyroid hormone scepters that means when the thyroid

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gland slows down every cell in your body slows down so your metabolism slows down

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which can lead to weight gain so for those people who have cut out the sugar

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and they've cut back they exercise and nothing happens to the weight chances

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are pretty good that there's some thyroid involvement there there's an

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overall reduction in energy production which leads to fatigue or what is

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popular called chronic fatigue syndrome since everything has to be a syndrome

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these days it leads to reduced production of hydrochloric acid and

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digestive enzymes so now you can't digest the food you get GERD or

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gastroesophageal reflux disease you get indigestion you get malabsorption and on

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and on and on you have decreased peristalsis meaning the motility the

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movement of your intestines they're supposed to push the food forward that

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all slows down leading to constipation there is a reduction in the speed of

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nerve impulses even so now you have slow thinking and brain fog lack of focus and

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there is a slowdown of anabolism or repair of building things so what that

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means is everything that breaks everything that needs repairing

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everything that is degenerated now it doesn't heal and recover as fast as it

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could or should so healing is is compromised the list could go on and on

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and on because every cell in your body could be affected so this is a big deal

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and it's one of the most common things that we find in our office that the

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thyroid gland is not working properly and in the vast majority of cases it

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means it's hypothyroid meaning it is slowed down it's underperforming eighty

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to ninety percent of hypothyroid in the Western world at

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least is something called Hashimoto's thyroiditis and that means that the

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thyroid gland is inflamed because of autoimmune attack that your own body's

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immune system is attacking it and the reason it does that is that your immune

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system is confused because you have degeneration and toxicity what we have

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found is that when there is a hypothyroid there is virtually always

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some component of toxicity or immune problem or pathogen presence that has to

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be handled before that thyroid can fully recover so in the medical model there is

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a poor understanding of what all this means because to them all they measure

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is thyroid stimulating hormone which is a pituitary hormone it's a hormone that

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tells the thyroid to produce more hormone so if you need more thyroid

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hormone if the body senses that hey things aren't happening fast enough then

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there is a message that the the pituitary senses that there's not enough

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and now it tells the thyroid to make more thyroid hormone by producing more

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TSH so the TSH tells the thyroid to make more t4 and then when there is enough t4

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then the t4 feeds back and says okay we have enough so in the medical model and

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measure TSH and if it is high meaning there's not enough thyroid hormone they

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simply give you synthetic t4 synthetic thyroxine and this synthetic hormone

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feeds back and tells the pituitary that okay we have enough and now the medic in

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the medical model all the criteria are satisfied but most people at this point

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still feel really lousy they don't have the energy they haven't really fixed or

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improved any of these things lots of books written on the topic

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because in order for the thyroid to work in order for the whole mechanism for the

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whole system to do what it's intended we need the hypothalamus we need the

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pituitary we need the thyroid the liver the gut flora

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we need your immune system and we need there to not be toxicity so in a case of

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hypothyroid usually we have several of these that have to be addressed in order

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for that whole system to recover we can't just look at one little piece and

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say oh look TSH is high let's throw in one component and ignore all the others

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and that's why people keep feeling really really bad even though they get

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enough synthetic thyroid hormone to fix to normalize the level of TSH but again

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that's not really addressing the problem it's not allowing the body to go back to

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functioning with all the systems performing optimally so what I would

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suggest find someone who measures more than just TSH or even better what we do

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in our office is we use something called nutrition response testing which is a

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different method of evaluating the body and finding imbalances at a very very

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early stage and then helping the body address the root of the problem not just

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throwing in one thing to try to compensate for something that is low so

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let me know if you have more questions on this topic it is a huge topic and I

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did a bigger video before a longer video that explained a little bit more about I

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wanted to put it together like this as well because there's so much confusion

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on the topic so the longer video you can check out here and if you enjoyed this

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video make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell and again

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please share this because hypothyroidism is an enormous Lee common

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problem and 99% of people out there are just getting synthetic thyroid hormone

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to remedy and it is not doing much good so please share this video and with as

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many people as you can and as always thanks for watching

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