Why Is Gut Health Important? - Health and Wellness

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Why is gut health important? In fact so important that the father of Medicine

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Hippocrates said that all diseases begin in the gut. Let's take a look.

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Hey I'm Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So why

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is gut health so important well let's take a look you've probably heard the

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saying you are what you eat and in fact everything that you consist of you ate

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at some point however there is even more to it than that so you are what you eat

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- what doesn't get absorbed so just because you put it into your mouth

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doesn't mean that it's part of your body because the mouth starts your digestive

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tract which is just a tube with an opening at the other end so if you eat a

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marble it's gonna come out the other end and you probably have seen at some point

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that there may have been a little bit of corn floating in the commode or maybe

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some of your poop has been floating well what that means is that you had an

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incomplete breakdown of that food you ate something but your body didn't use

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it so the corn went straight through and if it's floating that means that you

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didn't digest the fat properly so essential fatty acids are a big deal we

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need essential fats to build brain and hormones etc but if we don't absorb it

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it doesn't matter how much we eat okay so you are what you eat but you also

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need to have a proper digestion so you can break the food down completely and

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you are what you eat - what doesn't get absorbed but also you are what you eat

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plus the toxins made by your opportunistic bacteria so you have a gut

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floor and you have as many bacteria living in

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your gut as you do cells in your body there is a whole little world of life

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there's a whole little warzone going on down there if you will and if you feed

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the good guys they're gonna win but if you feed the bad guys then the bad guys

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are gonna take over and toxins are generated pathogenic bacteria make

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toxins and they get released in your gut and they're usually very volatile and

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easily absorb so they get straight into the bloodstream and they start

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circulating and they get to every body part including your brain if you have

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irritable bowel syndrome then chances are you also have irritable brain

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syndrome okay so a lot of how we feel and how the body functions is a

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reflection of how that gut is working they have gone so far as to say they've

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evaluated different combinations of bacteria so if you have a poor balance

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if you have an unbalanced gut that's called dysbiosis and they've gone so far

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as to measure the mix of bacteria and be able to predict which disease you're

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gonna get so the gut flora you really can't be any healthier than whatever

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flora whatever life form whatever health balance you have down in your gut if you

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have dysbiosis then chances are that you're going to develop leaky gut and

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leaky gut leads to allergies and inflammation and even autoimmune

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diseases now the symptoms I'm not even gonna bother to list them because every

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symptom you can think of is on that list so it's not just indigestion and

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heartburn and bloating and constipation and diarrhea and brain fog it is

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literally everything everything that you can think of is a symptom on the list

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that results from a unbalanced or poorly functioning god so Hippocrates

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was not exaggerating when he said all diseases begin in the gut even if there

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are other variables are the components virtually all diseases have a component

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of gut function with it and the way that we deal with it today is rather sad

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because we take antacids because we believe that the body mistakenly makes

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too much stomach acid no it doesn't most of the time it doesn't make enough if we

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had enough stomach acid we would break down the food quickly it wouldn't sit

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around and rot and ferment and give us symptoms of heartburn so when we deal

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when we treat symptoms instead of treating the causes then we always make

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things worse so if you take an antacids to kill off the little bit of stomach

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acid that you had left now you break down even less food so you

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have even more unabsorbed food you get even more nutritional deficiencies you

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get even more dysbiosis and on and on and on we take antibiotics that kill off

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the gut flora we eat processed food that feed the opportunistic bacteria we make

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GMOs that potentially can combine their genes with the bacteria in your gut so

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now you have a bunch of new life forms that the planet has never seen before so

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we want to start understanding that the things that we have done in the last two

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generations have set us up for all of this so even though Hippocrates observed

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this thousands of years ago I doubt that he could have predicted the incredible

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mess that we have ended up with today so gut elf is incredibly important and

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we're gonna make a lot more videos on this topic so stay tuned and we're gonna

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keep updating you and touching on different topics different aspects of

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this topic in the weeks and months to come so

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hope you enjoyed this brief video and if you're new to this channel make sure

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that you subscribe and hit that notification bell and share this video

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so that we can share this information and save more lives together thanks for

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