Why France is Actually Preparing for War With Russia

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as most of the world's attention remains

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focused on the major Wars still ongoing

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in Ukraine and Gaza there is another

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massive proxy war going on right now

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between the French and the Russians

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across the African continent that also

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has the potential to send shock waves

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around the entire rest of the world for

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a moment last July in 2023 the world's

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attention was briefly focused on this

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emerging proxy war between Moscow and

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Paris when Military Officers in ner a

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large landlocked country in West Africa

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orchestrated a cou d'a and overthrew the

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country's government it was a

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particularly shocking development

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because ner was the sixth country in

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only 3 years since 2020 in Africa's

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Sahel region to experience its

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government getting successfully

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overthrown in a coup following the

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previous successful coups that toppled

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governments in Mali in 2020 and 2021 in

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Chad Sudan and guinea all in 2021 then

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in Burkina Faso in 2022 and then finally

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in ner in 2023 which established this

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continuous belt of recently CED

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countries across the whole of Africa

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from the Red Sea to the Atlantic a

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geopolitical region that some analysts

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have started to controversially refer to

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as Africa's C belt and after the coup

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overthrew the government in nier in July

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of 2023 another coup broke out nearby in

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gabone only a month later in August that

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overthrew the longtime government there

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as well the cou belt overlaps some of

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the most violent conflicts going on in

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the world that tragically fail to

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attract the international attention that

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they deserve with an apocalyptic Civil

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War still raging in Sudan between rival

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generals that exploded in April of 2023

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and with large swamps of territory

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across Mali Burkina Faso and ner

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currently dominated by radical islamist

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factions like Isis and Al-Qaeda then

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might be on the brink of unilaterally

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declaring their own independent Jihad

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States after the collapse of Isis in

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Iraq and Syria and after the expulsion

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of al-Qaeda from Afghanistan both groups

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have reformed themselves and reentered

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their primary territorial bases of

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operations away from the Middle East

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towards here in the Sahel region amidst

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The Chronic instability in the CB Bel

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and tens of thousands of people have

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lost their lives and millions more have

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been displaced in the process for the

Time: 130.64

very first time since the global

Time: 132.12

terrorism index began compiling records

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13 years ago a country other than

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Afghanistan or Iraq climbed into the

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number one spot for Dudley Terror

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attacks in 2023 and it wasn't Israel

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even after the widely publicized scale

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of hamas's October 7th attack it was

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burina Foo who suffered nearly 2,000

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deaths from terrorism in 2023 alone that

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represented nearly a quarter of all

Time: 155.8

terrorism related deaths worldwide and

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represented a surge of terrorism related

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violence in the country up 68% compared

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to 2022 and neighboring Mali wasn't far

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behind it in third place overall

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suffering more deadly terrorism in 2023

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than either Pakistan or Syria this has

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made the TriPoint border region between

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Burkina Faso Mali and ner the new

Time: 177.319

epicenter of global terrorism in the

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21st centur country as much of it has

Time: 181.08

fallen under the direct control of

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either Isis or Al-Qaeda there is a

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genuine fear that many of these

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countries may be on the verge of

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imminent State collapse and with a sole

Time: 190.48

exception of Sudan who has its own

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problems all of these unstable and

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fragile countries and Africa's KUB Bel

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are former and arguably still current

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economic if not political colonies of

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France that in nearly every case were

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home to thousands of French troops who

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were ostensibly there fighting against

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the likes of Isis and Al Kaa but who are

Time: 210.68

also there to defend major French

Time: 212.68

economic interests before the coup

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leaders took power and expelled them

Time: 216.439

from the country since the C overthrew

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governments in Mali Bina Faso and ner

Time: 221.08

French troops and even the French

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ambassadors have all been collectively

Time: 224.319

expelled as a wave of anti-french

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sentiment sweeps across the continent

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and in nearly every instance the

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expulsion of French troops and French

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ambassadors have been met with a

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welcoming of hundreds to even thousands

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of new Russian troops from the mercenary

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Vagner group in the newly rebranded

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Russian Africa Corps to fight against

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the ongoing insurgencies instead as the

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spaces on the board in West Africa begin

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rapidly shifting like falling dominoes

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away from France's sphere of influence

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and towards Russia's it's a complicated

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proxy war that overlaps the struggles

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between West African nations tribes and

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ethnicities themselves that is directly

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challenging France's long profitable and

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largely invisible neocolonial domination

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over their former former directly ruled

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colonies in Africa that has continued on

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for Generations after most westerners

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believed it all ended it is directly

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threatening the foundation that France

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has built its Prosperity upon for

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centuries and it appears to be a theater

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of Russia's war with the West that

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Moscow is currently winning and that

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hardly anybody in the western world ever

Time: 289.8

reports on or really even understands

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and so in order for you to understand

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why Russia is beating France here why

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the Sahel region of Africa has become so

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stable in the 2020s and why it's all so

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important to the outcome of both Europe

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and Africa's future it helps to

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understand the uniquely exploitative

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history of French colonialism in Africa

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and the uniquely longlasting vestiges of

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French neocolonialism in Africa that

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have persisted long past all of the

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other former European Colonial regimes

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in Africa into the present day and how

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this all intersects with geography

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climate change and Russia's own current

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geopolitical objectives and ambition

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the Sahel region is a very long and

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narrow band of Aid land that runs across

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the African continent from more than

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3,500 km or 2200 mi from the Red Sea in

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the East to the Atlantic in the west it

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is a biogeographical transitional zone

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between the vast deserts of the Sahara

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to the North and the wet savanas and

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rainforests further to the South and its

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name Sahel is derived from the Arabic

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word for Shoreline the shore of the

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Sandy Sahara sea across thousands of

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years of History Inland trading ports on

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this shore of the Sahara made the region

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an epicenter of global trade and one of

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the wealthiest regions in the world

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cities like Timbuktu and gaw in modern

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day Molly became major trading hubs in

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the medieval period between subsaharan

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Africa and the Mediterranean as vast

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camel trains carried the Region's

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natural and Human Resources like gold

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Ivory and slaves northward and luxury

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goods Southward which brought enough

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wealth and prosperity to the Sahel that

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timbuk 2 was once one of the biggest

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cities in the world in the 14th century

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and was the core of the empire of monsam

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Musa who is often regarded as

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potentially having been the richest

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human being to have ever lived but then

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beginning in the 15th century European

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trading vessels began sailing down the

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African West Coast and open up new

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Maritime trading routes for these

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resources between subsaharan Africa and

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the European World instead the trade

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routes shifted from the Inland ports in

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Timbuktu and GAO towards the new

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Maritime ports in places like Ghana and

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Ivory Coast and the economic fortunes of

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the Sahel began declining over the

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following century

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by the time of the Berlin Conference in

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the late 19th century the relatively

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small French Colonial Empire in Africa

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that had already been established in

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modern day Algeria Sagal and gaban was

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dramatically expanded along arbitrary

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lines to cover nearly the entirety of

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the continent's West and the vast

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majority of the Sahel region the French

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Colonial Empire then rapidly expanded

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across the continent without taking into

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consideration the historically important

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Overland camel trading routes they were

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still important for the Region's nomadic

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peoples who had no concept cept of

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nation states or settled societies nor

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did the French take into account

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biogeographic realities like the

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ecological differences between the

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Sahara the Sahel and the wetter Southern

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regions and nor did the French take into

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account the boundaries of various ethnic

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groups or consider the differences

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between nomadic groups and settled

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groups the French Colonial authorities

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like the rest of the Europeans who

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carved up Africa at the time were

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exclusively interested in acquiring the

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Region's Rich natural resources

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establishing their own authority and

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crushing local political rulers and

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unlike other 19th and 20th Century

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European colonial projects in Africa the

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French went so far as to declare in 1848

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that Algeria was being annexed directly

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into the French Nation itself Algeria

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therefore extended Beyond a mere colony

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from the perspective of Paris and for

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more than a century until the

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1960s it was regarded as a core integral

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part of France the same way as Paris

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hundreds of thousands of European French

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settlers came to colonize Algeria

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following the 1848 an ex to the point

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where by 1959 still under French control

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there were around 1.4 million French

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settlers present in Algeria who

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represented about 133% of algeria's

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entire population at the time after the

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conclusion of World War II in which

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France had been occupied by Nazi Germany

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for years the French economy was in

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Ruins and France's post-war leaders

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sought to use their vast Colonial

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project in Africa to maintain their

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status as a global great power going

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forward and to try compete competing

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with the Americans and the Soviets as

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much as possible part of this included

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France's idea to push back against the

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US dominated Global Financial system

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that emerged after the war by

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establishing a brand new currency for

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all of their African colonies in 1945

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that they called the CFA Frank an

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acronym that in French stood for the

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French colonies in Africa Frank the CFA

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Frank to be used in France's African

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colonies was to be paged directly to the

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French currency the French Frank in a

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way that was deliberately designed to

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strengthen the French Frank against the

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US dollar in the postwar world the

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French Frank was devalued near the end

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of 1945 in order to establish a fixed

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exchange rate with the US dollar and by

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1948 the CFA Frank was paid to the

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French Frank at a rate of two French

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Franks to one CFA Frank which spared the

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CFA Frank from going through the same

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devaluation as the French Frank did and

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deliberately overvalued the CFA Frank

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relative to the French Frank essentially

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what this meant in practice was that the

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colonies using the EFA Frank would

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experience higher costs to export their

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raw materials to anywhere that wasn't

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France since France would benefit from

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the frictionless conversion between

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their currencies which ultimately

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crushed the competitiveness of CFA Frank

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user exports to anywhere that was in

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France while at the same time it also

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made the colony's Imports of

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manufactured goods from France less

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expensive than from anywhere else which

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essentially enabled France to import raw

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materials from their African colonies

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for below Market Market rates and then

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sell them back finished products for

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above Market rates and with a direct

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convertibility of the CFA Frank being

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directly paid to the French Frank French

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companies could open up mines and

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operations in the colonies and extract

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their resources while easily sending

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their profits back home to France

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without the fear of Foreign Exchange

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fluctuations it was a great system and

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deal for the French and it enabled Paris

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to partially fund their post World War

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II economic recovery through a rather

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Sly wealth transfer from their African

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colonies to themselves but by the mid

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1950s there was increasing sentiment

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Rising among the Africans for their

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independence from Europe in the

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beginning France initially responded to

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these calls for Independence in their

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colonies with overwhelming violence in

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1954 Algeria rose up in a revolution to

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shake off the French settler Colonial

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project there and what followed was a

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brutal 7-year war for independence the

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French were particularly ruthless in

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crushing the Algerian independence

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movement because Paris still officially

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considered Algeria to be a core integral

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territory of France itself the French

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army committed brutal and widescale

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massacres and other atrocities across

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Algeria and across the 7 years of war

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it's estimated that around 1 million

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algerians were killed at least 8,000

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Algerian Villages were destroyed and

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more than 2 million algerians were

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rounded up and placed into French Run

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concentration camps the French also

Time: 712.92

treated the sparsely populated Algerian

Time: 715.079

Sahara as their testing ground for

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nuclear weapons during the war as well

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testing and detonating a total of 17

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nukes in the country between 1960 and

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1966 that exposed thousands of locals to

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radiation over time the Algerian War's

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brutality and high costs gradually

Time: 732.32

turned French public opinion against it

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as did international support for the war

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from France's allies like the United

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States which eventually forced France to

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concede and Grant Algeria its

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independence in 1962 which led to a mass

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Exodus of more than 900,000 of the

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French who lived in Algeria back to

Time: 751.079

Metropolitan France who were terrified

Time: 753.32

of suffering Algerian

Time: 755.24

reprisals and as all of this brutality

Time: 757.639

and horror was very publicly going on

Time: 759.959

for the whole world to see in Algeria

Time: 762.279

France began attempting to hang on to

Time: 764.04

the rest of their African colonies

Time: 765.48

through more covert less expensive less

Time: 767.76

bloody and less internationally damaging

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methods after having pressed the CFA

Time: 772

Frank currency on them in 1945 the

Time: 774.639

French essentially hijacked and co-opted

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genuine Independence movements and the

Time: 778.519

rest of their West African colonies by

Time: 780.16

courting influencing and placing their

Time: 782.32

handpicked local Elites into positions

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of power as essentially puppets before

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offering them their theoretical

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Independence each of these colonies were

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then offered so-called cooperation

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agreements by Paris that would define

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their future relationship with France

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going forward post Independence these

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agreements differed from colony to

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Colony they sometimes granted French

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companies continued privileged access to

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their natural resources they sometimes

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enable the French to continue

Time: 807.44

maintaining military bases in their

Time: 808.88

country countries but they always

Time: 810.76

advised the colonies to continue

Time: 812.56

remaining within the CFA Frank Financial

Time: 814.8

system the colonies accepting these

Time: 816.76

cooperation agreements and remaining

Time: 818.48

within the CFA Frank system after 1958

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was and has always been presented by the

Time: 823.88

French as being a supposedly completely

Time: 826.48

voluntary Arrangement where they were

Time: 828.519

all free to say yes or no post

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Independence but the French also made it

Time: 833.8

extremely clear what would end up

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happening 20 any of these future

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countries post dependence if they

Time: 840.36

rejected the arrangement Guinea was the

Time: 843.079

only one of France's colonies in Africa

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who Flatout rejected France's offers

Time: 847.079

post Independence in 1958 including

Time: 849.959

remaining within the CFA Frank system

Time: 852.16

with Guinea's then leader seku té

Time: 854.44

defiantly declaring during a speech in

Time: 856.44

front of France's then president Charles

Time: 858.199

deal that he preferred to be poor in

Time: 860.44

Freedom rather than rich in slavery and

Time: 863.12

the French decided to make as painful an

Time: 865.44

example out of him and of Guinea as

Time: 867.639

possible the French agreed to fully

Time: 869.56

withdraw from Guinea and granted them

Time: 871.199

their independence early but on the way

Time: 873.44

out they deliberately tore down and

Time: 875.279

destroyed everything that they could

Time: 877.16

that they considered to have been French

Time: 878.6

contributions to guinea Society they

Time: 881.12

destroyed Machinery burned their plans

Time: 883.04

for the capital sewage system destroyed

Time: 885.32

their medicine rather than leave it

Time: 886.72

behind and even unscrewed their light

Time: 888.68

bulbs in their offices and took them all

Time: 890.399

back to France all French foreign aid to

Time: 892.88

guinea was eliminated and after Guinea

Time: 894.72

subsequently turned towards the Soviet

Time: 896.24

Union and the Eastern block for

Time: 897.519

financial experts to help them develop

Time: 899.199

their own independent currency in 1959

Time: 902.04

the French took it as a direct threat to

Time: 904.16

their CFA Frank system and so they began

Time: 906.6

flooding Guinea with counterfeited

Time: 908.48

guinean currency to try and generate

Time: 910.48

hyperinflation and crash their economy

Time: 912.959

and they even started to begin arming

Time: 914.759

guinean Rebels and when responding to

Time: 917.24

other threats in Africa against their

Time: 918.72

neocolonial system the French responded

Time: 921.48

with similar violent methods a

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cameroonian anti-colonialist leader of

Time: 925.639

the era named Felix Roland moury was

Time: 928.079

assassinated by the French Secret

Time: 929.639

Service in Switzerland in 1960 using a

Time: 932.399

method evoking the current

Time: 933.8

assassinations carried out by Vladimir

Time: 935.68

Putin against his enemies in Europe they

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poisoned him with radioactive thalium

Time: 940.44

and gave him an agonizingly painful

Time: 942.72

death in 1957 just before the colonies

Time: 946.12

began getting offered their deals on

Time: 947.68

Independence French geologists

Time: 949.88

discovered large uranium reserves in a

Time: 951.8

remote part of Northern ner and as it

Time: 954.279

turned out ner had the seventh largest

Time: 956.72

known reserves of uranium in the entire

Time: 959.04

world and the highest quality uranium

Time: 961.319

ore that has ever been discovered on the

Time: 963.12

African continent initially the French

Time: 965.639

wanted continued access to this uranium

Time: 967.639

and ner to develop their own independent

Time: 969.72

nuclear weapons Arsenal so that they

Time: 971.48

could achieve strategic autonomy from

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both the United States and the Soviet

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Union but later on they also wanted

Time: 977.839

continued access to nier's uranium to

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power their burining nuclear energy

Time: 981.88

industry the first commercial

Time: 983.519

french-owned uranium mines in ner were

Time: 985.68

opened in 1971 and nier's uranium has

Time: 988.92

has ever since become a majorly

Time: 990.519

important component of France's energy

Time: 992.68

strategy no other country in the world

Time: 994.959

has pursued nuclear power as

Time: 996.72

aggressively as the French have to the

Time: 998.92

point where today in 2024 the country is

Time: 1001.24

home to 56 nuclear reactors in 18

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separate nuclear power plants that

Time: 1006.56

generate roughly 63% of France's total

Time: 1009.839

electricity output in order to fuel them

Time: 1012.279

and continue generating all of that

Time: 1013.92

electricity France currently requires

Time: 1016.04

around 8,000 tons of raw uranium oil per

Time: 1019.44

year and without any uranium within

Time: 1021.44

France's own borders all of it has to be

Time: 1024

imported from abroad Kazakhstan is by

Time: 1027.039

far the modern world's single largest

Time: 1029.16

producer of uranium accounting for 43%

Time: 1032

of the entire world's production of it

Time: 1033.72

as of 2022 while ner by comparison on a

Time: 1037.039

global scale is a fairly minor player

Time: 1039.6

producing only about 5% of the world

Time: 1041.799

Supply but because of the way that the

Time: 1043.919

CFA Frank Financial system has always

Time: 1046.199

worked in France's former colonies for

Time: 1048.319

decades after their theoretical

Time: 1049.799

Independence n's exports have always

Time: 1052.44

been expensive and uncompetitive unless

Time: 1055.44

they are exported to France who was able

Time: 1058.039

to use their own undervalued currency

Time: 1060

that was Peg to the overvalued CFA Frank

Time: 1062.6

to purchase them for below their market

Time: 1064.44

value ner had no other choice but to

Time: 1067.28

sign grossly unfair deals with French

Time: 1069.799

multinational companies that exploited

Time: 1071.919

their uranium resources and brought them

Time: 1073.88

back to France orano the multinational

Time: 1076.6

uranium mining company that's

Time: 1078.039

headquartered in Paris Paris that is

Time: 1079.559

currently 90% owned by the French

Time: 1081.679

government currently operates three

Time: 1083.679

uranium mines in each air though only

Time: 1085.84

one of them continues to remain in

Time: 1087.28

active operation today as of 2024 and

Time: 1090.039

even though nir is a fairly minor

Time: 1092

uranium producer globally with 5% of

Time: 1094.48

worldwide uranium production it

Time: 1096.44

continues to be a major source of French

Time: 1098.84

uranium Imports to this day Kazakhstan

Time: 1101.559

as the world's largest uranium producer

Time: 1103.72

is also France's largest uranium

Time: 1105.6

supplier having provided roughly 37% of

Time: 1108.52

France uranium Imports in 2022 but ner

Time: 1112.24

is still France's second largest source

Time: 1114.36

of uranium Imports having provided 20%

Time: 1117.2

of French Imports the same year this

Time: 1119.559

meant that in 2022 80% of all the

Time: 1122.72

uranium produced in ner by French owned

Time: 1124.96

multinational companies like orano was

Time: 1127.12

exported to France which went on to

Time: 1129.32

power roughly 12 a half% of France's

Time: 1131.96

total electricity or in other words

Time: 1134.84

about 8 million French citizens continue

Time: 1137.28

to rely on the importation of uranium

Time: 1139.559

from nier to power their homes nier's

Time: 1142.559

uranium has therefore remained a core

Time: 1144.88

strategic interest for France into the

Time: 1146.84

present day meanwhile for ner despite

Time: 1149.72

mineral mining like uranium taking up

Time: 1151.84

40% of the country's export volume it

Time: 1154.48

only accounts for about 3% of the

Time: 1156.64

country's GDP because very little of the

Time: 1159.36

profits from uranium mining have ever

Time: 1161.48

remained within ner and the uranium of

Time: 1163.76

ner weren't the only raw materials in

Time: 1166.4

France's Colonial Empire that Paris

Time: 1168.799

wanted to maintain their access to after

Time: 1170.84

granting them their

Time: 1172.44

independence significant oil deposits

Time: 1174.64

were discovered in Gabon when it was

Time: 1176.2

still directly ruled as a colony by

Time: 1178.08

France in 1931 and after gabon's

Time: 1180.679

theoretical independence in 1960 the

Time: 1183.24

French also wanted to maintain their

Time: 1184.919

access to the oil just like they did

Time: 1186.52

with nier's uranium in the mid 1960s a

Time: 1189.88

gabane man named Omar Bongo was

Time: 1192.12

essentially interviewed by French

Time: 1193.64

president Charles deal for the position

Time: 1195.36

of gabon's President and appointed

Time: 1197.48

shortly thereafter

Time: 1199.159

Bongo was an Ardent Frank ofile who

Time: 1201.48

ruled the country for decades afterwards

Time: 1203.84

all the way until 2009 and then his

Time: 1206.72

young son Ali Bongo took over and

Time: 1209.32

continued the pro- French dictatorship

Time: 1211.24

in Gabon until he was finally overthrown

Time: 1213.72

just last year in August of 2023

Time: 1217.039

throughout the decades that the Bongos

Time: 1218.88

ruled the country they enabled the

Time: 1220.72

precursor of today's giant French Oil

Time: 1222.919

Company total to dominate gabonese oil

Time: 1225.6

production in exchange for an annual

Time: 1227.4

bribe thattime amounted to 50 million

Time: 1230.12

EUR a year in 1988 the New York Times

Time: 1233.799

reported that France was covering about

Time: 1235.6

13 of The Bongo government's budget in

Time: 1238.12

gabone most of which flooded into Omar

Time: 1240.64

bongo's own personal accounts enabling

Time: 1243.159

the Bongos themselves to get ludicrously

Time: 1245.64

rich while the French were able to

Time: 1247

maintain their privileged access to the

Time: 1248.72

country's oil and other resources while

Time: 1251

also maintaining a permanent military

Time: 1252.88

presence in the country too in 1999 a US

Time: 1256.44

Senate investigation into City Bank

Time: 1258.679

discovered that Omar Bongo had about

Time: 1260.799

$130 million stashed in the bank's

Time: 1263.84

personal accounts which alone made him

Time: 1266.12

one of the wealthiest heads of state in

Time: 1267.88

the world despite gabon's oil dominated

Time: 1270.48

GDP per capita growth being among the

Time: 1272.52

highest in Africa during his more than

Time: 1274.159

40 years in office his government only

Time: 1276.88

paved about 5 kmet worth of Roads per

Time: 1280.08

year while he was in charge and Gabon

Time: 1282.559

continued to have one of the world's

Time: 1283.919

highest rates of infant mortality at the

Time: 1285.72

time of his death in 2009 while 13 of

Time: 1288.84

the population continued living in

Time: 1290.76

poverty largely because the Bongo family

Time: 1293.32

hoarded all of the nation's wealth for

Time: 1295.279

themselves and for France Omar Bongo

Time: 1298.24

apparently said at one point that gabone

Time: 1300.52

without France is like a car with no

Time: 1302.4

driver and France without gabone is like

Time: 1304.48

a car with no fuel The Bongo family was

Time: 1307.44

so exorbitantly wealthy from their

Time: 1309.36

Decades of corruption and exploitation

Time: 1311.36

of their own people for the benefit of

Time: 1313.12

France that in 2007 his daughter-in-law

Time: 1315.96

made a bizarre appearance on the US

Time: 1318.039

music Channel VH1's reality TV show

Time: 1321.159

really rich real estate where she

Time: 1323.2

attempted to buy a $25 million mega

Time: 1326.039

mansion in Malibu California France's

Time: 1329.36

deep and endearing grip over its former

Time: 1331.679

colonies in West Africa after granting

Time: 1333.679

them their theoretical Independence in

Time: 1335.4

the early 1960s became so unique and so

Time: 1338.679

all-encompassing that it gave rise to a

Time: 1340.96

new term to describe the phenoma know as

Time: 1343.2

France of freak French Africa to protect

Time: 1346.159

its continued economic interests across

Time: 1348.08

France of freak the French launched no

Time: 1350.32

less than

Time: 1351.6

122 separate military interventions into

Time: 1354.4

Africa just between 1960 in the mid

Time: 1357.36

1990s including a surge of hundreds of

Time: 1360.12

French Marines and tanks to gabone in

Time: 1362

1990 to help put down riots that erupted

Time: 1364.919

against their puppet Omar bongo's Rule

Time: 1367.48

and ever since France's West African

Time: 1369.279

colonies were granted their theoretical

Time: 1371.039

independence in 1960 the CFA Frank

Time: 1373.96

system has remained largely in place for

Time: 1376.36

decades to the continued benefit of fr

Time: 1378.52

France its name has changed over the

Time: 1380.72

decades to what it currently is an

Time: 1382.64

acronym in the French language for the

Time: 1384.24

financial community of Africa Frank

Time: 1386.32

rather than the old French colonies in

Time: 1388.12

Africa Frank though its original purpose

Time: 1390.52

has largely remained intact some

Time: 1392.679

countries have withdrawn from the system

Time: 1394.159

as guiney did early on and as Madagascar

Time: 1396.24

and morania each did in 1973 While

Time: 1399.12

others have joined that were never

Time: 1400.6

original French colonies to begin with

Time: 1402.72

like Equatorial Guinea in 1985 and

Time: 1404.88

guinea BAU in 1997 and is still

Time: 1407.52

ultimately used by 14 countries in West

Time: 1410.08

and central Africa today though the

Time: 1412

majority of whom used to be directly

Time: 1413.4

ruled as colonies from Paris and ever

Time: 1415.84

since 1999 after France adopted the Euro

Time: 1419.039

the CFA Frank currency simply evolved to

Time: 1421.559

become PID to the euro instead instead

Time: 1423.84

of the old French Frank the current Peg

Time: 1426.279

as of 2024 has remained the same ever

Time: 1429.039

since 1999 and remains set at € euro

Time: 1432.48

equals precisely

Time: 1434.84

65597 CFA Franks modern proponents of

Time: 1438.72

the CFA Frank system continuing which

Time: 1440.76

are very often French or european point

Time: 1443.2

to the fact that the CFA Frank being Peg

Time: 1445.4

to the euro has helped keep these 14

Time: 1447.559

African countries currency stable and

Time: 1449.559

kept their inflation rates low when

Time: 1451.279

compared to their neighbors for example

Time: 1453.6

the inflation rate in Ivory Coast which

Time: 1455.64

has always remained a CFA Frank user has

Time: 1458.12

been markedly lower than what the

Time: 1459.72

inflation rate in neighboring Ghana has

Time: 1461.48

been which has never been a CFA Frank

Time: 1463.36

user Equatorial Guinea and guinea basau

Time: 1466.08

two countries that were never French

Time: 1467.6

colonies and were there for not original

Time: 1469.36

members of the CFA Frank back when it

Time: 1471.36

was originally conceived of in 1945 each

Time: 1474.44

decided to join the CFA Frank system

Time: 1476.559

later in 1985 and 1997 respectively

Time: 1479.96

largely out of a desire to stabilize

Time: 1481.84

their own currency systems and to crush

Time: 1483.72

what at the time was their rampant

Time: 1485.559

inflation rates the system is not

Time: 1487.96

completely without its merits but the

Time: 1490.159

counterarguments against the CFA Frank

Time: 1492.48

that largely come from Africans

Time: 1494.24

themselves revolve around a lot of

Time: 1496.279

notable issues for one thing because

Time: 1498.6

their currencies are directly pay to the

Time: 1500.48

euro their monetary policies are

Time: 1502.36

effectively still outside of their own

Time: 1504.24

sovereignty and are still decided by the

Time: 1506.36

European Central Bank in Frankfurt and

Time: 1508.52

the European Central Bank has very

Time: 1510.6

different economic priorities than the

Time: 1512.279

CFA Frank countries in Africa do the

Time: 1514.6

European Central Bank is primarily

Time: 1516.279

interested in combating inflation within

Time: 1518.2

the highly developed economies of the

Time: 1519.799

Euro Zone in Europe While most of the

Time: 1521.76

underdeveloped African countries who use

Time: 1523.52

the CFA Frank are primarily interested

Time: 1525.84

in investing in infrastructure and

Time: 1527.399

creating jobs for their people which are

Time: 1529.679

policies that drive inflation up

Time: 1532.08

historically there was also a condition

Time: 1534.12

all the way up until 2019 that CFA Frank

Time: 1537.279

members had to maintain 50% of all their

Time: 1539.76

liquid reserves with the French treasury

Time: 1541.76

in Paris for safekeeping but even though

Time: 1544.399

that policy was removed via reform in

Time: 1546.88

2019 France still prints all of the CFA

Time: 1550.159

Frank currency in circulation while the

Time: 1552.44

European Central Bank still effectively

Time: 1554.48

controls their monetary policy that is

Time: 1556.559

often against their best interest which

Time: 1558.799

has led many people over many decades to

Time: 1561.36

argue that without any control over

Time: 1563.279

their own monetary policy these

Time: 1565.32

countries in France ofek have never

Time: 1567.399

truly achieved their full sovereignty

Time: 1569.279

and independence from France and so

Time: 1571.84

their struggle for True decolonization

Time: 1574.039

has continued into the present day and

Time: 1576.799

since the CFA Frank countries exports to

Time: 1579.159

the Eurozone and imports from the Euro

Time: 1581.36

Zone have remained cheaper than

Time: 1583

elsewhere it has continued financially

Time: 1585

benefiting France and Europe while also

Time: 1587.159

crippling their own ability is to make

Time: 1588.799

significant revenues from their exports

Time: 1591.08

which has made export-driven economic

Time: 1592.799

growth in them largely impossible to

Time: 1594.799

achieve and which has further

Time: 1596.399

discouraged any domestic Industries in

Time: 1598.48

them from ever developing and so for

Time: 1600.64

these reasons while CFA Frank users

Time: 1602.72

inflation rates have indeed been lower

Time: 1604.76

than that of their neighbors their

Time: 1606.24

economic growth rates have also

Time: 1608.08

generally been significantly lower too

Time: 1610.6

comparing Ivory Coast who uses the CFA

Time: 1612.679

Frank with Ghana who doesn't again

Time: 1614.84

you'll see that Ivory Coast's constant

Time: 1616.88

GDP per capita actually peaked decades

Time: 1619.559

ago back in 1978 and has never since

Time: 1622.559

recovered well ganos has consistently

Time: 1625.039

risen ever since 1983 nearly year after

Time: 1628.24

year and the story is largely the same

Time: 1630.559

across the whole CFA Frank area nier's

Time: 1633.6

real GDP per capita peaked at an

Time: 1635.6

all-time high in 1965 only 5 years after

Time: 1639.44

their official independence from France

Time: 1641.919

and is never recovered ever since

Time: 1644.2

gabon's real GDP per capita peaked in

Time: 1646.64

1976 and is also never recovered while

Time: 1649.6

the Republic of The Congos and

Time: 1650.88

cameroon's real GDP per capita is each

Time: 1653

peaked in the 1980s and have also never

Time: 1655.559

recovered and because domestic economic

Time: 1657.84

growth has always been so low in all of

Time: 1660.039

these CFA Frank countries it has

Time: 1662

incentivized the local despotic Elites

Time: 1664

who lead them who are usually very

Time: 1666.08

closely connected to France to Simply

Time: 1668.48

plunder what little wealth there is for

Time: 1670.44

themselves and their own tribes which

Time: 1672.6

exacerbates the underlying economic

Time: 1674.44

issues and barriers to growth even

Time: 1676.519

further the whole system has benefited

Time: 1679.279

France at the expense of the vast

Time: 1681.12

majority of Africans for more than 60

Time: 1683.36

years now after most westerners thought

Time: 1685.519

that European colonialism in Africa

Time: 1687.48

ended in 2007 the then French president

Time: 1690.399

jacqu shurak summed the whole situation

Time: 1692.48

up when he said quote don't forget one

Time: 1695.039

thing and that is that a large portion

Time: 1696.76

of the money that we have in our purses

Time: 1698.799

comes precisely from the exploitation of

Time: 1700.96

Africa over the centuries so we need a

Time: 1703.48

little measure of good sense I didn't

Time: 1705.519

say generosity but good sense and just

Time: 1708.08

ice to render to Africans I would say

Time: 1710.48

what we took from them this is necessary

Time: 1712.679

if we want to avoid the most severe

Time: 1714.32

turmoil and difficulty with all of the

Time: 1716.279

political consequences that this will

Time: 1718.08

bring in the near future end quote so

Time: 1721.24

Shak knew as early as 2007 that without

Time: 1724.08

major reforms to France's exploitative

Time: 1726.159

system in Africa the Africans themselves

Time: 1728.6

would one day eventually rebel against

Time: 1730.72

the system especially as the Region's

Time: 1732.919

demographics were expected to continue

Time: 1734.88

growing further into the 21st century

Time: 1737.48

ner Mali berina Faso and Chad have all

Time: 1740.44

seen their population growth rates

Time: 1742.08

exceed 100% since the turn of the 21st

Time: 1745.399

century and as their populations rapidly

Time: 1747.519

increased so too did each of their

Time: 1749.72

demographic abilities to question and

Time: 1751.96

challenge their France Centric economic

Time: 1754.72

systems moreover the borders of nation

Time: 1757.399

states that the French imposed on the

Time: 1758.96

Sahel and elsewhere in Africa were

Time: 1760.64

mostly arbitrarily defined and didn't

Time: 1763

line up with the Region's ancient and

Time: 1764.88

still important Overland trade routes

Time: 1767.12

nor with the Region's many different

Time: 1768.64

ethnicities and tribes many of whom have

Time: 1771

always been nomadic hurting people who

Time: 1772.679

have never understood the concept of

Time: 1774.399

European style nation states and have

Time: 1776.72

never respected what they consider to be

Time: 1778.6

arbitrary in Porous borders carving

Time: 1781.039

across their ancient hering lands the

Time: 1783.399

targ are one of these nomadic ethnic

Time: 1785.399

groups in the area still today without a

Time: 1787.32

state of their own whose traditional

Time: 1788.919

lands span across the sparsely populated

Time: 1791.039

parts of Mali BAU nier Algeria and Libya

Time: 1794.48

the fani are another ethnic group across

Time: 1796.44

the Sahel without a single state of the

Time: 1798.159

own who number about 38 million today an

Time: 1800.799

estimated 1third of whom continue to be

Time: 1803.159

fully nomadic which makes them the

Time: 1805.44

largest nomatic pastoral group remaining

Time: 1807.6

anywhere in the Contemporary world and

Time: 1810.08

on top of all of these problems climate

Time: 1812.039

change has been exacerbating the

Time: 1813.559

potential for conflict in the region in

Time: 1815.24

the 21st century as well it is estimated

Time: 1818.32

that since the start of the Industrial

Time: 1819.84

Revolution worldwide temperatures have

Time: 1821.799

risen by an average of 2° fah or 1.1 de

Time: 1825.32

C but the average temperature rise in

Time: 1827.48

the Sahel region has been estimated to

Time: 1829.399

be 50% higher than that since the mid

Time: 1832.08

20th century the rapidly increasing

Time: 1834.44

populations in the Sahel have stripped

Time: 1836.36

most of the land bare of trees for

Time: 1838.08

firewood while a corresponding increase

Time: 1840.279

in the numbers of cattle present in

Time: 1841.88

nomadic herds meant that more of the

Time: 1844.12

sahel's grass began getting gedon which

Time: 1846.88

combined with the loss in trees led to

Time: 1848.72

rapidly increasing soil erosion and

Time: 1850.84

increased desertification as the Sahara

Time: 1852.96

Desert began expanding Southward into

Time: 1855.24

the Sahel like a slow moving tsunami of

Time: 1858.039

sand since 1950 the Sahara Desert is

Time: 1861.32

believed to have grown in size by

Time: 1862.919

roughly 8% and advanced into the Sahel

Time: 1865.799

region by about 100 km or 62 Mi a trend

Time: 1870.399

that is only expected to continue across

Time: 1872.44

the rest of the 21st century when their

Time: 1874.72

lands are flooded by sand and when

Time: 1876.559

increased droughts and erosion kills

Time: 1878.399

their grasses for grazing the nomadic

Time: 1880.519

people of the Sahel like the targ or the

Time: 1882.48

fani are physically forced to move their

Time: 1884.88

herds onto other areas usually further

Time: 1887.6

south into more traditionally sedentary

Time: 1889.639

societies and cultures which frequently

Time: 1892.08

leads to the opportunity for violence

Time: 1894.76

the targs in particular have never

Time: 1896.679

really recognized the legitimacy of the

Time: 1898.44

postcolonial states that they have

Time: 1899.88

always viewed as being forced upon them

Time: 1902.24

the first targ rebellion in the Sahel in

Time: 1904.2

the postcolonial era happened in 1962

Time: 1907.12

only 2 years after these countries

Time: 1909.159

theoretical independences from France

Time: 1911.039

were granted and theyve continued

Time: 1912.88

periodically ever since a major tarag

Time: 1915.72

rebellion in Northern Mali in 2012

Time: 1918.159

managed to take over the entire north of

Time: 1920.24

the country before declaring their

Time: 1922

independence as the so-called state of

Time: 1923.88

azawad before it all got Itself co-opted

Time: 1926.32

by islamist forces like Al-Qaeda at the

Time: 1928.679

time it appeared to Paris that Al-Qaeda

Time: 1930.799

backed militants were on the verge of

Time: 1932.279

expanding from the north of Mali and

Time: 1934.2

toppling the entire country and setting

Time: 1936.519

up a jihadist state like the talibans

Time: 1938.559

Afghanistan on the doorstep of Europe

Time: 1941.159

which was one of the most catastrophic

Time: 1943.12

challenges to the France of freak system

Time: 1945.159

that had ever presented itself if they

Time: 1947.399

had been successful millions of refugees

Time: 1949.88

would have likely fled northward to

Time: 1951.639

Europe the targs might have gotten more

Time: 1953.679

ambitious and begun expanding across

Time: 1955.32

their other ethnic lands like in nier

Time: 1957.84

where France's uranium mines are located

Time: 1960.039

that power millions of French homes with

Time: 1962

electricity and so at the request of the

Time: 1964.32

malan government itself the French

Time: 1966.48

decided to launch a major military

Time: 1968.48

intervention into Mali in 2013 to beat

Time: 1971.32

the rebels in Mali back and to restore

Time: 1973.399

control over the entire country to the

Time: 1975.32

Malian government more than 5,000 French

Time: 1978.2

troops were rapidly deployed and quickly

Time: 1980.639

res secured control over the country for

Time: 1982.639

the malan government and afterwards the

Time: 1985.12

French settled in for a long

Time: 1986.88

counterinsurgency campaign in the Sahel

Time: 1989.279

there was ostensibly in place to push

Time: 1991.2

back against islamist rebels in the area

Time: 1993.159

to defend the sovereignty of States like

Time: 1994.84

Mali Bina Foo and Chad but was also to

Time: 1998.519

protect France's neocolonial interests

Time: 2000.76

in the area like the uranium in nier and

Time: 2003.2

the continuation of the CFA Frank

Time: 2005.24

Financial system at its peak the French

Time: 2008.159

counterinsurgency operation in the Sahel

Time: 2010.08

in the late 2010s co-named operation

Time: 2012.08

barain had 5,500 deployed French troops

Time: 2015

assisted by 5,000 more troops committed

Time: 2017.32

by the Sahel States themselves of Chad

Time: 2019.12

ner Burkina Pau Mali and morania but

Time: 2021.679

that was only a little more than 10,000

Time: 2023.399

total troops tasked with patrolling and

Time: 2025.12

monitoring a vast area of the African

Time: 2027.32

continent roughly 1.9 million square

Time: 2029.96

miles in area which is about 60% of the

Time: 2032.6

size of the Continental 48 United States

Time: 2035.36

they could not possibly adequately

Time: 2037.039

defend this whole area and so were

Time: 2039.039

largely forced to rely on drones and

Time: 2040.96

Special Forces instead in this huge and

Time: 2043.48

sparsely populated expanse of land that

Time: 2045.919

the islamist forces could always just

Time: 2047.559

Retreat back into and virtually

Time: 2049.24

disappear from sight and as the years

Time: 2051.639

went on the islamist Insurgency that

Time: 2053.8

began in Mali among the targs in 2012

Time: 2056.599

began to creep back to life and then

Time: 2058.399

expanded rapidly into other groups in

Time: 2060.32

the Sahel that had longstanding previous

Time: 2062.639

grievances against the system including

Time: 2065

among the fani al-Qaeda and later Isis

Time: 2067.76

seized on these people's deep-seated

Time: 2069.599

Grievances and by mid 2015 they were

Time: 2072

already back in Northern and Central

Time: 2073.679

Mali and by 2016 they had expanded their

Time: 2076.56

operations across the poorest sparsely

Time: 2078.599

populated and lightly defended borders

Time: 2080.399

into neighboring Burkina Faso and ner as

Time: 2082.639

well and the scale of violence exploded

Time: 2085.56

to unprecedented levels between 2007 and

Time: 2089.32

2022 deaths from terrorism in the Sahel

Time: 2092.079

Rose by an almost unbelievable

Time: 2094.879

2,000% while the epicenter of global

Time: 2097.2

terrorist attacks shifted away from the

Time: 2099.119

Middle East to the TriPoint area between

Time: 2101.52

the borders of Mali Bina Faso and ner

Time: 2104.28

which has since become one of the most

Time: 2105.68

dangerous places in the entire world

Time: 2108.24

since 2015 alone the year after the

Time: 2110.68

French Le counterinsurgency operation in

Time: 2112.56

the Sahel began around 20,000 people in

Time: 2115.4

Burkina Faso have been killed in Terror

Time: 2117.48

attacks and after the French troops were

Time: 2119.32

expelled from the country in 2022 the

Time: 2121.52

violence surged even higher to the point

Time: 2123.56

where currently in 2024 the country has

Time: 2125.72

become the deadliest in the entire world

Time: 2127.839

for terrorism an islamist faction in

Time: 2129.88

Mali known as Jim that's backed by

Time: 2131.88

Al-Qaeda currently controls a large

Time: 2133.76

swath of Northwestern Mali along the

Time: 2135.8

border with morania while another group

Time: 2138

that calls itself the Islamic State

Time: 2139.64

Sahel Province dominates the TriPoint

Time: 2142.119

area and large swas of land across Mali

Time: 2144.4

ner and Burkina Faso while more moderate

Time: 2147.119

secular tarag Rebels are back in control

Time: 2149.359

over most of the rest of Northern Mali

Time: 2151.24

again within these countries frustration

Time: 2154

steadily mounted at the lack of progress

Time: 2156.119

against the insurgencies that their

Time: 2157.319

government in the French were achieving

Time: 2159.48

which also revived old and hard feelings

Time: 2161.88

in them over the lasting negative

Time: 2163.56

impacts of France's neocolonial

Time: 2165.599

practices in the area as the

Time: 2167.16

insurgencies continued spiraling out of

Time: 2169.359

control many Africans in these countries

Time: 2171.44

began wondering if the French were

Time: 2173

really there to protect the Africans at

Time: 2174.72

all or if they were really just there to

Time: 2177.24

protect their own continued national

Time: 2179

interests and the continuation of the

Time: 2180.64

exploitative fronts of freak system that

Time: 2182.76

had lingered on for the past 60 years

Time: 2185.88

this building anti-french sentiment in

Time: 2188

the Sahel eventually boiled over in

Time: 2189.88

Molly by 2021 when a coup led by

Time: 2192.76

Military Officers brought a new

Time: 2194.28

anti-french military regime into Power

Time: 2196.52

led by a man named aimi go in the

Time: 2199

aftermath the new government expelled

Time: 2200.88

the 1,000 French troops that remained in

Time: 2202.8

the country as a part of France's swide

Time: 2205.16

counterinsurgency operation and even

Time: 2207.2

severed their relations with Paris by

Time: 2209.04

expelling the French Ambassador and then

Time: 2211.48

immediately sensing the unique

Time: 2213.079

opportunity that this presented the

Time: 2214.839

Russian mercenary Vagner group that was

Time: 2216.88

then led by of gu prosan stepped in to

Time: 2219.599

fill the vacuum that Francis sudden

Time: 2221.599

departure had caused by offering up

Time: 2223.68

their own troops to replace the French

Time: 2225.599

in Molly's continued fight against the

Time: 2227.72

islamist insurgencies to which the Molly

Time: 2230.119

and hun quickly accepted and then before

Time: 2232.92

hardly anyone even knew it there were a

Time: 2235

thousand Russian mercenaries contracted

Time: 2237.119

by the Vagner group deployed into Molly

Time: 2239.4

and Molly had flipped from being firmly

Time: 2241.599

within the French sphere of influence

Time: 2243.319

into the Russian the Vagner group's

Time: 2245.48

operations in Africa had been a fairly

Time: 2247.2

recent development dating only back to

Time: 2249.4

2017 when they sent a few advisers and

Time: 2251.599

geologists to Sudan to assist the

Time: 2253.48

warlord hamon hamedi dealo and his rapid

Time: 2256.56

support forces and to acquire access to

Time: 2258.76

the Sudanese gold mines that he

Time: 2260.44

controlled the neighboring Central

Time: 2262.319

African Republic then became the Proving

Time: 2264.24

Ground for vogner's potential

Time: 2265.72

capabilities the country has been locked

Time: 2267.72

in a civil war for more than a decade

Time: 2269.72

ever since 2012 but the country's

Time: 2272.079

government began hiring vogner's

Time: 2273.88

mercenaries for military service in 2017

Time: 2277.119

and by 2021 roughly 2,000 Vagner

Time: 2280.68

mercenaries took part in the

Time: 2282.04

government's major counter offensive and

Time: 2284.319

returned most of the country's major

Time: 2285.96

towns back to government control

Time: 2288.079

vogner's success in the Central African

Time: 2290.2

Republic proved to be a valuable

Time: 2291.839

advertisement to other African nations

Time: 2294.04

struggling with containing their own

Time: 2295.64

rebellions and it came just in time

Time: 2298.4

after the new anti-french government in

Time: 2300.44

Molly took over and expelled their

Time: 2302.44

previous French Partners Vagner happily

Time: 2305.48

came to replace them and then after

Time: 2307.72

Russia invaded Ukraine shortly

Time: 2309.28

afterwards the following year in 2022

Time: 2311.64

and the French began imposing massive

Time: 2313.8

sanctions on Russia the vogner group was

Time: 2316.28

also happy to begin Fanning the

Time: 2318.04

pre-existing flames of anti-french

Time: 2320.079

sentiment across the Sahel to their own

Time: 2322.119

benefit too the Vagner group and by

Time: 2324.92

extension Russia was able to present

Time: 2326.92

itself to these countries as a capable

Time: 2328.64

and alternative security partner to

Time: 2330.52

France without any of the colonial and

Time: 2332.839

neocolonial baggage that Paris drags

Time: 2335.04

around with it in the region and despite

Time: 2337.079

the group having been accused of

Time: 2338.76

committing multiple war crimes and

Time: 2340.56

massacres across Africa their

Time: 2342.28

anti-colonial message was cleverly

Time: 2344.52

crafted to resonate very well with

Time: 2346.68

Africans who are already sick of France

Time: 2349.44

after pran's ill-fated Mutiny against

Time: 2351.76

the Kremlin and March on Moscow failed

Time: 2353.92

that almost certainly cost him his life

Time: 2355.88

in a supposed plane crash in August of

Time: 2358.2

2023 the Russian government recognized

Time: 2360.839

the usefulness of his operations he had

Time: 2362.76

built across Africa and so they've

Time: 2364.599

largely all been reformed now into the

Time: 2366.48

semi-officially named Africa core this

Time: 2369.079

rebranded vogner group in Africa is no

Time: 2371.28

longer a privately owned Enterprise like

Time: 2373.079

it was under progan but is now directly

Time: 2375.8

controlled by the Russian military

Time: 2377.44

intelligence service the gru after

Time: 2380

further anti-french coups replaced

Time: 2381.88

governments in Burkina vau in 2022 and

Time: 2384.319

in ner in 2023 the new Africa Corps has

Time: 2387.599

been quick to offer them similar deals

Time: 2389.8

as they have with Molly which are

Time: 2391.64

so-called regime survival packages

Time: 2394.52

essentially the Africa Corp will send

Time: 2396.4

their troops into these countries to

Time: 2397.88

protect their leadership and fight

Time: 2399.56

against their insurgencies and

Time: 2400.839

rebellions going on in them in exchange

Time: 2402.96

for access to their raw materials that

Time: 2405.359

Russia wants especially gold Mali and

Time: 2408.56

Bina Faso are the second and third

Time: 2410.68

largest producers of gold in Africa

Time: 2412.68

remaining only behind Ghana and if their

Time: 2414.88

gold Productions were combined they

Time: 2416.599

would be the fourth largest gold

Time: 2418.16

producer in the entire world remaining

Time: 2420.4

about equivalent to Canada and only

Time: 2422.28

behind the top three big Global gold

Time: 2424.48

producers Australia Russia and China

Time: 2427.359

control over or access to these gold

Time: 2429.44

mines in the Sahel has been a major

Time: 2431.44

objective of the islamists like Al-Qaeda

Time: 2433.319

and Isis to continue covertly funding

Time: 2435.4

their operations and it's now also a

Time: 2438

major objective of the Russian Africa

Time: 2440.04

Corps who desires to smuggle the gold

Time: 2442

out of these major mines across the

Time: 2443.68

Region's poorest borders back towards

Time: 2445.68

Russia itself as a means of covertly

Time: 2448.079

evading Western sanctions to keep

Time: 2449.96

funding their war effort in Ukraine in

Time: 2452.599

addition to securing Russian access to

Time: 2454.48

raw materials here like gold the Africa

Time: 2456.48

core is also being tasked with

Time: 2458.4

disrupting French access to as much of

Time: 2460.52

the same raw materials in the region as

Time: 2462.68

possible leaked documents have already

Time: 2464.56

shown the Africa core's intentions to

Time: 2466.44

weaponize their budding relationship

Time: 2468.04

with ner to threaten continued French

Time: 2470.52

access to the uranium mines in the

Time: 2472

country that power more than 12% of

Time: 2473.88

France's electricity the three main

Time: 2476.04

anti-french hun Leed sahal States Mali

Time: 2478.44

Burkina Faso and ner have all either

Time: 2480.599

welcomed the Africa core into their

Time: 2482.119

countries already or are in the process

Time: 2483.92

of doing so in nier's case while all

Time: 2486.28

French troops from them have been

Time: 2487.64

expelled and relations with France

Time: 2489.4

severed the three states also announced

Time: 2491.56

their own new military defense pact

Time: 2493.56

called The Alliance of sahelian states

Time: 2495.64

and then in January of 2024 they all

Time: 2498

announced their formal withdrawals from

Time: 2499.599

the EOS Regional Alliance System months

Time: 2502.16

after fears of a war between themselves

Time: 2504

and the rest of ecoas had largely

Time: 2505.92

subsided and then in February of 2024

Time: 2509.079

the alliance of sahelian states began

Time: 2510.88

hosting highlevel discussions on further

Time: 2513.64

withdrawing from the CFA Frank system

Time: 2516.24

with the new leader of ner insisting

Time: 2518.16

that in order for decolonization from

Time: 2520.04

France to be finally completed and for

Time: 2522.319

ner to achieve its full sovereignty it

Time: 2524.92

needed to acquire its full monetary

Time: 2527.2

sovereignty back from Paris which it

Time: 2529.44

hasn't ever truly enjoyed for centuries

Time: 2531.839

now while the new leader of Bina Pau has

Time: 2534.24

vowed that his country will never again

Time: 2536.359

be dominated by Europeans if they do end

Time: 2539.52

up moving forward with abandoning the

Time: 2541.319

CFA Frank it will represent the largest

Time: 2544

defection from the system that France

Time: 2545.76

has ever witnessed in her former Colony

Time: 2547.72

since the system was devised in

Time: 2549.76

1945 and they have discussed replacing

Time: 2552.16

it with their own new mutual and

Time: 2553.839

independent currency and whether they're

Time: 2555.88

successful or not their open Defiance to

Time: 2558.599

France has already captured the

Time: 2560.359

imagination of millions of other

Time: 2562.28

Africans living across the rest of the

Time: 2564.359

CFA Frank system that have similar

Time: 2566.559

long-standing grievances against the way

Time: 2569.2

that the French have treated and

Time: 2570.559

exploited them for Generations now it

Time: 2573.079

was only a month after n's successful

Time: 2575.28

coup that another successful coup broke

Time: 2577.28

out in Gabon that finally toppled the

Time: 2579.96

56-year intensely pro- French

Time: 2582.48

dictatorship in the country dominated by

Time: 2584.68

The Bongo family that had been

Time: 2586.2

personally appointed into place in the

Time: 2587.96

country by Charles deal himself and

Time: 2590.48

there's no telling how many more might

Time: 2592.8

happen across the region in the future

Time: 2595

Russia didn't cause the wave of

Time: 2596.92

anti-french sentiment sweeping across

Time: 2598.88

the region of francea freak it merely

Time: 2601.24

saw the wave of change that was coming

Time: 2603.2

and decided to ride it out and use it to

Time: 2605.079

advance their own objectives and

Time: 2606.559


Time: 2608.04

in many ways it has been a longtime

Time: 2609.96

Reckoning for France's exploitative

Time: 2612

project in Africa and a huge part of it

Time: 2614.599

all goes back to that massive targ

Time: 2616.88

Rebellion that exploded in Northern Mali

Time: 2619.2

in 2012 that set this entire chain of

Time: 2621.44

events into motion that the sahell is

Time: 2623.48

still witnessing and struggling with

Time: 2625.28

today the year before that Rebellion

Time: 2627.72

erupted another Rebellion broke out

Time: 2629.96

across the Sahara and nearby Libya

Time: 2632.079

against the longtime regime of muamar

Time: 2634.04

Gaddafi NATO war planes including French

Time: 2636.68

War ples initiated a military

Time: 2638.88

intervention against Gaddafi's Army and

Time: 2641

effectively destroyed it which opened

Time: 2642.92

the door for the Libyan rebels to

Time: 2644.599

rapidly overthrow Gaddafi and murder him

Time: 2647.24

in the ensuing chaos of Libya's State

Time: 2649.52

collapse thousands of Highly experienced

Time: 2652.079

TG mercenaries who Gaddafi had hired and

Time: 2654.48

paid for with his oil wealth simply took

Time: 2656.8

all of their heavy weapons and traveled

Time: 2658.72

back home to Northern Mali and within

Time: 2660.92

months of them arriving they were

Time: 2662.68

helping to lead the new targ Rebellion

Time: 2664.92

against the central government in mly

Time: 2666.76

and then then after in a way having

Time: 2668.44

caused this rebellion in Mali to have

Time: 2670.24

happened in the first place by bombing

Time: 2672.04

Libya first the French were forced into

Time: 2674.599

fixing their mistake by sending 5,000

Time: 2677

troops in Amali to push back the tarag

Time: 2679.44

Rebellion that became influenced by

Time: 2681.04

Al-Qaeda France's intervention into Mali

Time: 2683.559

then sort of became France's own version

Time: 2685.68

of Afghanistan or Iraq thousands of

Time: 2688.24

French troops remained in place

Time: 2689.8

conducting counterinsurgency operations

Time: 2691.76

as groups like Al-Qaeda and later Isis

Time: 2693.92

appeared on the scene and continued

Time: 2695.88

spreading taking over over territories

Time: 2697.72

across Mali ner and Burkina Faso and

Time: 2700.119

transforming the region into the

Time: 2701.96

epicenter of global terrorism that the

Time: 2704.2

French were incapable of stopping it

Time: 2706.48

evolved into France's Forever War as the

Time: 2708.8

territorial cores of Isis and Al-Qaeda

Time: 2711.359

shifted from the Middle East to the

Time: 2713

Sahel but unfortunately due to the

Time: 2715.48

inherently violent controversial and

Time: 2718.04

recent nature of discussing how

Time: 2720.119

organizations as Infamous as Al-Qaeda

Time: 2722.44

and Isis managed to establish themselves

Time: 2725

so thoroughly here and how the fren

Time: 2727.16

operations against them went the next

Time: 2729.28

part of this video covering all of it

Time: 2731

would almost certainly cause the rest of

Time: 2732.72

the video to become demonetized and age

Time: 2734.839

restricted which ultimately would mean

Time: 2736.64

that YouTube's algorithm would have

Time: 2738

never promoted any of this video to you

Time: 2739.76

and you would probably never have seen

Time: 2741.319

any of it but thankfully I was still

Time: 2743.359

able to produce the next part of this

Time: 2744.8

video anyway because of the power of

Time: 2746.64

nebula where you can go and watch the

Time: 2748.4

next 40-minute part covering exactly how

Time: 2751.079

Isis and Al-Qaeda were able to spread so

Time: 2753.8

rapidly across Mali binau and ner and

Time: 2756.68

how the French military fought its

Time: 2758.44

campaigns against them and this is also

Time: 2760.359

just one of more than 30 exclusive

Time: 2762.24

fulllength real life lore videos that

Time: 2763.96

you can only find on nebula in My

Time: 2765.92

overall modern conflict series that can

Time: 2767.92

all only be found over there because of

Time: 2769.44

all of their darker more controversial

Time: 2771.52

subject material there are other

Time: 2773.079

episodes you can go and watch right now

Time: 2774.839

covering other relevant topics from this

Time: 2776.599

video like the Civil Wars in Libya that

Time: 2778.68

cover the 2011 NATO intervention and the

Time: 2780.88

death of Gaddafi two episodes covering

Time: 2783.079

the rise and fall of Isis as an

Time: 2784.68

organization in Iraq and Syria an

Time: 2786.52

episode covering the entire us war in

Time: 2788.599

Afghanistan videos covering the Civil

Time: 2790.52

Wars in Syria Lebanon and Yemen and the

Time: 2792.76

Israel Hamas conflict and many many more

Time: 2795.359

with brand new episodes releasing over

Time: 2797.4

there every single month and brand new

Time: 2799.76

for this month is also the launch of my

Time: 2801.48

latest exclusive series on nebula called

Time: 2803.72

war room which will track all of the

Time: 2805.599

latest breaking news developing from

Time: 2807.359

conflicts all around the world into a

Time: 2809.319

single easily digestible monthly video

Time: 2811.64

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Time: 2813.559

even more upto-date and informed on

Time: 2815.44

what's happening around the world why

Time: 2817.72

the first episode of this series

Time: 2819.04

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Time: 2820.64

crises that took place in February last

Time: 2822.68

month is live on nebula for you to go

Time: 2824.4

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Time: 2826.52

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Time: 2828.8

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Time: 2830.52

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Time: 2832.64

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Time: 2834.64

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Time: 2837.24

what's even more you'll also get access

Time: 2839.119

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Time: 2841.319

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Time: 2843.2

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Time: 2844.8

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Time: 2847.48

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Time: 2849.2

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Time: 2851.319

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Time: 2853.04

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Time: 2855.119

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Time: 2856.64

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Time: 2858.88

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Time: 2860.24

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Time: 2862.079

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Time: 2932.799

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