Why Eating Healthy Is So Expensive In America? Dr Ekberg

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Hey today I wanted to comment on something I found by the Vox channel on

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Why eating healthy is so expensive in America - or is it? Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg

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with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master health by understanding

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how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything so is food expensive well that's a relative

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term there's a lot of opinion and value in that so let's look at the bigger

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picture so in 1950 we spent 24% of our income on food and in 9 2010 60 years

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later we spent 6.8% so the percentage dropped more than three times and yet we

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think of food is expensive because inflation drives the prices up and we

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only remember what it was last year but over time we spend less and less and

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less on food at the same time in Europe they spent 11 to 15 percent almost twice

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the percentage of their income on food and in terms of real dollars the u.s.

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spends $2,200 France spends over 3000 and Norway spends almost twice as much

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as the u.s. at just under $4,500 we don't spend so much as we think on food

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we spend a lesser percentage than ever and we spend less than most other

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countries in terms of dollars on food what has changed is our priority we

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don't see it as really important anymore we've been sold the idea that it doesn't

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really matter what you eat as long as you get enough calories or it's this or

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that or the government puts a percentage of vitamins and nutrients and

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cholesterol satisfied in the food so we've forgotten what real food is we've

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lost track of what healthy food is and convenience is a big deal we've gotten

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more and more busy so we don't want to take the time if we think that we can

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get the same result picking up something on the way home from work from

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McDonald's or some fast food rather than spending the time if we don't understand

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and the difference then we'll go for the convenience so we need to get back to

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understanding how much of a difference it is in the quality of the food so we

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have to get back to understanding why we eat and the first reason that we eat is

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to get fuel that's why you get hungry that's what you need you need the energy

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to get through today and tomorrow so the primary reason to eat is fuel and that's

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that ugly word called calories all right so we've been taught to think of

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calories as something bad oh don't eat that it's got too many calories don't

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eat nuts don't eat avocado has too many calories eat the the crispy rice cookie

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it only has less than a hundred calories so you can eat as much as you want it's

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guilt-free we've gotten the ideas the basic principles on food completely

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turned around and we're so lost in our low-fat and our calorie principles

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calories are a good thing they keep you alive every other animal on the planet

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eat to get calories and they try to get as many as possible when you fill up

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your car you're getting your car calories in the terms of fuel and you're

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trying to get as many calories as possible for a few dollars as possible

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and this is how we need to start thinking about food also we need to get

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the largest amount of calories for the fewest amounts of dollars but it needs

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to be whole food it can't be processed it can't be sugar it can't be grain or

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starchy things or mass-produced or packaged food none of those are

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actually food and they will ruin our health the second thing we need is GRP

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genuine replacement parts and that is building blocks it's everything that

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whole food has that your body needs to provide fuel and to convert the fuel and

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the building blocks into new tissue so we're talking enzymes we're talking

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vitamins and minerals all of it in the complex form in the combined form that

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nature provides it but also the amino and the essential fatty acids that your

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body needs that it can't get elsewhere and the third part that food provides is

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cleansing vegetables in particular our cleansing we don't eat vegetables to get

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fuel or genuine replacement parts or building blocks we eat vegetables for

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cleansing so the reason we want to eat them is different okay we I'm not

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opposed to vegetables but that is not the key to turn your health around when

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I've watched this video they said oh if we could only have more produce if we

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can only get people to eat more fruits and vegetables then there would be less

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obesity and diabetes because people who eat more fruits and vegetables have less

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diabetes yes but the reason that they have less diabetes is that by the time

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you start eating more fruits and vegetables you understand more about

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food so you eat less cereal and grain and bread and soda and sugar and cookies

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and candy and donuts etc that's why they have less diabetes not because they eat

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more produce and again I'm not opposed to produce I think you should eat

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several cups every day but the reason is cleansing not to get fuel or building

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blocks primarily and a lot of people feel better when they eat a lot of

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vegetables because a lot of people are toxic the more toxic you are the more

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desperately your body needs cleansing that's why it works so great for a lot

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of different disease conditions especially cancer and or autoimmune

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diseases people are so toxic they need a lot of cleansing vegetables are great

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for that right throughout the last 50 years we have been very very misled on

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what whole healthy real food is the food pyramid just confuse things and most of

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the stuff that's really really good for us most of the stuff that has a lot of

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fuel calories most of the stuff that has a lot of building blocks has been deemed

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bad has been demonized vilified cursed so we're

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talking here meat fish fowl game fat nuts those are the stuff that gives you

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the most fuel and the most building blocks and the most nutrients that are

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the most suitable for humans in the long term to rebuild and heal your body then

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we add on the vegetables and the berries for the cleansing and all of these are

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low glycemic meaning they don't raise your blood sugar they don't trigger

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insulin so these are the safest foods to eat for anybody then if you're already

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healthy you don't have insulin resistance or a weight problem or a

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disease now you can add some fruits and some beans and some tubers like potato

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sweet potato various different routes because if you don't if you're not

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insulin resistance then you can tolerate some of this and they give you a good

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nutritional value for the amount of food you eat so that's why we eat food to get

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calories to get things and that's the type of foods that have the most of them

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so now you probably say yeah but that stuff's still so expensive I can't

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afford to buy organic I can't afford to buy grass-fed because it's 30% more it's

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50% more or this or that so we want to think differently about these and I'm

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gonna give you some examples of how inexpensive this food really is think in

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terms of calories and we're going to give you prices in terms of dollars per

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1000 calories and then assume that the average person needs about 2,000

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calories a day now you would only need to eat two times whatever this amount

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here is and of course it doesn't work like that you're not going to eat just

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two things off off all this you're gonna eat eat a variety but it will give you

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an idea of how much money you would have to spend 15% fat ground beef grass-fed

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organic I found that at Walmart I tried it it's excellent some of the best

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tasting ground beef I've had one pound about 550 and gives you a thousand

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calories so that's enough to feed at least two large people if you only eat a

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few meals a day if you eat smaller meals smaller people that's probably enough to

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feed four people chicken thighs organic and I'm lazy trying to save some time be

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convenient so I buy the skin free bone free boneless skinless and it cost me

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350 per pound gives about a thousand calories sardines try to get something

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in a good oil about four dollars per thousand calories cheddar not the cheap

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stuff I'm talking grass-fed organic raw the the stuff that your body can utilize

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that doesn't stress your body 550 per thousand calories eggs six dollars for a

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thousand calories so these eggs are the pastured they are the ones where the

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chickens run around like they used to they have at least a hundred eight

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square feet per chicken that's the standard for pasture so these eggs cost

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about four to five times as much as the cheapest cheapest eggs but it is so

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worth it because if the animal is healthy the food is healthy if the

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animal is stressed and sick and medicated then you're gonna be the same

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sour cream you can find some as low as a dollar fifty for a thousand calories so

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these are primarily with proteins this is the amino acids the building blocks

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that builds most of your tissues then we look at your main energy source this is

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where you get the most calories the most healthy natural calories in their

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natural form per dollar butter grass-fed organic cultured butter dollar eighty

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per thousand calories sure it's twice as much as the cheapest you can find but

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you still can't eat more than a dollar of butter a day okay even at this price

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so switching from the worst - the best butter is still only costing

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you 50 cents a day coconut oil a dollar 30 olive oil less than a dollar 93 cents

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per thousand calories so just drizzle it on everything put it on all your

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vegetables put it in your omelet put it on everything you can think of because

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it is good energy I just came back from Crete earlier this year and they

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consumed 35 liters of olive oil per person per year it's a third of their

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caloric intake and they are some of the had some of the lowest rates of

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degenerative disease anywhere black beans not a fad but I just kind of threw

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it in here dollar 29 per thousand calories again if your insulin resistant

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if you have trouble losing weight then you want to leave those off but if not

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you can tolerate some some of those flaxseed a dollar per thousand calories

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hemp seed a buck 90 - peanut butter dollar 29 again organic not sugar and

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margarine and shortening and all that stuff but organic natural with sea salt

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dollar 29 per thousand calories walnuts dollar 50 so a lot of different nuts a

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lot of different seeds get them as natural as you can and you have a

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tremendous value of fuel and replacement parts per dollar so now we get to the

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vegetable kingdom now we get to what they're calling the the healthy food

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which again I agree but we eat it for a different reason

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avocado $4 per a thousand calories eggplants $9 bell pepper $22 broccoli 12

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cauliflower 13 and then spring mix these organic little baby greens $62 per a

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thousand calories so then you're saying oh I thought you were going to show us

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inexpensive things look how expensive that is true per thousand calories but

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you would never ever try to eat a thousand calories of spring

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greens trust me that's like 15 pounds that's like 15 buckets of spring greens

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to get you a thousand calories so that's not why you eat those that's not why you

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eat the vegetables you eat the vegetables for the cleansing you eat the

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meat and the fat the animal product and the fat to get the fuel and the building

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blocks so here's how you want to think about this okay

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you start off trying to get a regular supply of vegetables get several cups

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get as many different kinds as you like it asparagus and green beans and

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broccoli and cauliflower and bell pepper and kale and whatever else that you like

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and enjoy a good variety then you pour fat on it you pour butter olive oil

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coconut oil you put nuts and seeds on it you've seasoned it with lots of healthy

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good salt the pink salt the sea salt season to taste salt is not a bad thing

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your body needs it as long as it's not a chemically pure sodium chloride table

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salt and then you add on some for protein so this doesn't need to be most

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of the meal this is maybe 20 30 % on average you get a good variety of

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different animal products and there you have a good balance of food and it's not

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going to cost you an arm and a leg and the more you eat like that the more

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you'll notice you don't get so hungry so you don't have to eat three times a day

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with snacks in between you eat twice a day with one snack and then once a day

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with a small meal and maybe a snack okay so that's also time-saving and then in

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some future videos we'll talk about how to lard make larger batches how to buy

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in quantity how to prepare and freeze things because a lot of this stuff you

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can make a larger batch and freeze and then it is not so time consuming so we

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have to chain some things that we do but we have to

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also learn and understand why we're doing it

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so that we understand why it's worthwhile as you probably notice the

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absolute cheapest calories are not up here

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that's the grain and the sugar and the soda and all those different things they

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are dirt cheap and they're not food they are the things that cause disease and

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that caused the obesity and the diabetes humans have not had them for a very long

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time we've certainly not had them in the abundance and the processed form that

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we're getting them today so that's one thing that we start have to start

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understanding is that certain things they're not food and we just can't go on

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consuming them if we want to be healthy so is food expensive not really we spend

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less than we've ever had we spend less than most countries and the reason we

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think it's expensive is because we don't understand where we get the biggest bang

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for the buck and we've been told the wrong things about most of the really

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good food like meat and fat chicken fish not just beef but all sorts of animal

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products and the fat that comes from them and from nuts and seeds in in their

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natural form the other way to think about this is that the most expensive

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food is the one that makes you sick because you either invest in a little

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bit better food and health or you pay for disease later and we have the most

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expensive health care system in the world and it's accomplishing very very

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little because we keep ruining the body with the wrong kinds of foods so when

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you look at that doughnut which is arguably the worst possible food out

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there it is processed sugar it is processed flour processed vegetable oils

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topped off with chemicals then that is not something that can sustain your body

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so it's gonna make you sick and if you think about that doughnut

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and it costs you a dollar to purchase what if you weigh in the cost of the

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future medical costs and the emotional and physical suffering then that

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doughnut suddenly becomes very very expensive

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maybe it's not a dollar maybe it's more like a hundred bucks now and maybe it's

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not so attractive anymore so I hope this was helpful I hope that you know a

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little bit more about how to eat healthy what healthy food is and how it doesn't

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have to be expensive if you're new to this channel and you enjoy this sort of

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content make sure you subscribe so we can keep this content coming your way

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thanks for watching

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