Why Are Trans Fats Bad? Very Bad! - Dr Ekberg

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Why are trans fats bad coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For

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Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body

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really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything.

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So did a couple of videos on what trans

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fats are and how to read labels to avoid

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them but here we're gonna talk about

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what do they really do what are the side

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effects what do they cause so that you

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understand how important it is to avoid

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these things so first of all how are

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they made well it's a very unnatural

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process they start with a liquid oil

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that has already been processed from soy

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beans or safflower or canola or

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something to make it liquid and

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tasteless and odorless but then they add

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high pressure they add high temperature

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and these are very very high pressures

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and temperatures and we know high

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temperatures destroy oils then they

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inject hydrogen gas in the presence of a

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metal catalyst such as nickel and

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working with Nutrition Response Testing

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I can't tell you how often people come

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in with metal sensitivities and nickel

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being one of the top sensitivities that

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we see so metal it's not something that

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we want to add to our food. Some of the

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diseases that are associated that have

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been found correlated: cardiovascular

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disease heart disease so trans fats they

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increase the LDL they decrease the HDL

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in the increased triglyceride so all of

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the markers these aren't bad in

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themselves but they're markers of health

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problems and trans fats worsen every one

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of them and it worsens all the ratios

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all the risk ratios as far as evaluating

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cardiovascular risk pregnancy it's been

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shown to increase preeclampsia and

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gestational diabetes that means the

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blood pressure that people that mothers

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get during pregnancy and the diabetes

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the blood sugar spikes that they get

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I've all been associated with trans-fats

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the length of the pregnancy they tend to

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deliver sooner resulting in more

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prematurely born babies and these

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trans-fats they compete with the body's

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long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids

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that's a big name for the fish oil types

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of essential fatty acids the EPA and the

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DHA that we have in the body so the EPA

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is anti-inflammatory the DHA is maybe

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the most important building block for

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the retina and the central nervous

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system so if the baby is developing and

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the nervous system is growing at an

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incredible rate it has to have a lot of

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this DHA and trans fats compete with it

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interfering with the proper formation of

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the central nervous system and the

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retina for vision it's been associated

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with diabetes trans fats increase

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insulin resistance and thereby type-2

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diabetes it's been correlated to

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increase allergies and also to breast

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cancer and it does this by three

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different mechanisms that influence all

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of the others combined so there's a lot

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of overlap these are not separate

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conditions trans fats interfere with the

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body in its most fundamental mechanisms

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so it alters immune responses

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cancer is an immune condition it alters

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the cell wall integrity and this is huge

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because everything the nervous system

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does everything that every cell does

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depends on the integrity of that cell

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membrane every cell is a is an enclosed

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entity that and the membrane decides

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what gets to come in and what goes out

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so if we compromised that cell wall

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integrity now the brain can't signal

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properly the cells can't do their job

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properly because they can't regulate as

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tightly what comes in and what goes out

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it alters

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the prostaglandin synthesis and balance

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of prostaglandins are chemical

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messengers that are involved with

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regulation of inflammation so

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inflammation isn't a bad thing there's

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the time to increase and there's the

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time to decrease inflammation and the

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body knows how to regulate that

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but the trans-fats mess with that

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ability and that balance and trans-fats

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selectively stimulates the

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pro-inflammatory prostaglandins and

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every degenerative disease that we know

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has a low-grade chronic inflammation at

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its foundation so why is there so much

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controversy about fat okay it's the food

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source that has been the most demonized

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of any food out there and everyone has

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an opinion is it sugar that's bad is it

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fat that's bad and the controversy goes

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on and on here's what it's all about

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in my opinion that everything bad that

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we have gotten the idea that fat causes

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is because we have been eating man-made

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fats since we started making margarine

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50 70 80 years ago and they become part

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of mainstream and we ate more and more

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man-made fats and trans fats we get

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sicker and sicker and sicker and we

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didn't differentiate between natural

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fats and man-made fats we just called it

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fats and we created this idea that fats

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are bad when in effect it is man-made

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fats that are bad and the trans fats is

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the icing on the cake in the worst kind

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of way everyone today agrees this is as

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bad or worse than processed sugar this

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is a poison it's a toxin it's up there

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with with lead and pesticides and

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artificial sweeteners so in 2006 the

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government started requiring labeling

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and we talked about that in another

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video but all they saying is if it has

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less than half a gram of trans fats per

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and you can make the serving tiny tiny

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tiny then you can label that product

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zero grams of trans-fat so we have all

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these products that have up to 10% trans

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fats they're riddled with this nasty

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stuff and they still get to put a big

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fat zero on the package so even today

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even though they have basically try to

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ban trans fats every one is the the

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processed food industry is always

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working to sneak around the rules so

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today we still have according to the FDA

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95% of cookies have trans fats in them

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80% of frozen breakfasts it says

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desserts should be breakfasts 75% of

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snacks and chips 70% of cake mixes 50%

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of cereals

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and you know those health foods that you

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serve your kids for breakfast the best

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way to start your day

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50% of those are have trans fats in them

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so everyone knows that it's a problem

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but what do they do about it so they

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turn their hope to science hoping that

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science will once more come to the

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rescue and what does science do well

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they go and try to modify the

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hydrogenation process so they're playing

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with the the components the pressure and

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the temperature and the gas and the

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metals to see if they can play with

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these variables to create less trans

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fats and there's a process called an

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esterification where they try to put

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together the the way the triglycerides

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fit together they try to alter that and

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then they try to genetically modify the

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they start playing with the genetics of

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the soybean oil and the sunflower seeds

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to see if they can create an oil that is

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already more solid from the beginning

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really seriously so you have a

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frankenfood that causes death and

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destruction and your solution is to make

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frankenfoods have we learned nothing

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nature makes the perfect food we don't

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have to mess with it

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show me one time where science has

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created a new food has altered a food at

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the chemical level at the bite at the

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molecular level and created a healthier

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food has never happened and it is my

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opinion that it will never happen

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because we're working in the wrong arena

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let the scientists make better cars and

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smarter cellphones and and better

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computers but don't think that they can

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mess with biology we we have no

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knowledge of biology at that level to

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start messing with it if science learns

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how to make a living cell show me how to

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make a living cell and I'll start paying

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attention I'll start giving them some

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credit and saying ok maybe you can start

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playing now but until that time they

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better stay out of it so what you can do

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is stop spending your money if you don't

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buy it they won't make it ok so what is

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the solution what's the real solution by

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whole food by natural food by butter

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grass-fed butter by coconut oil by

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extra-virgin olive oil

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stick with the things that Mother Nature

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has already produced for us and you'll

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be in good hands so learn how to select

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the good foods if it says partially

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hydrogenated or hydrogenated it has

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trans fats no matter how big the zero is

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on the front of the box learn this stuff

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and teach it to others so you can save

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your life and theirs if you're new to

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this channel make sure you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that we

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can keep this information coming your

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way and as always thanks for watching

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