Which Chiropractic Technique Is Best? (Chiropractic Explained Simply)

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Which chiropractic technique is the best? It's not necessarily a single one but

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I'm gonna tell you what to look for am Doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and

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if you'd like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything. Someone recently asked me a question on YouTube and asked if

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activator was a good technique for chiropractic and I'm gonna fill you in a

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little bit on what to look for in a chiropractic technique so the short

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answer is the technique is exactly as good as the doctor performing it so if

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you have a really really good doctor doing full spine then it's a good

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technique if you have a really good doctor doing applied kinesiology then

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that's a good technique there's over 300 different chiropractic techniques and

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each one does something a little bit different but they all have something in

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common if they're performed properly and this is what sets chiropractic apart in

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chiropractic you observe something and then you find something that is out of

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balance you you measure leg length difference you check postural

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differences you can measure temperature or you can do a muscle test like I do

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and if you find something that isn't the way it's supposed to be if it's not

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level if it's not aligned if it's not holding when you push on the muscle then

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that's a problem then the chiropractor makes an adjustment and then he goes

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back and rechecks so you look for something that's out of balance or

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something that's not working and then you give the adjustment and what that is

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it's giving the body information and if that information is useful for the body

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then you go back and recheck and you can see an improvement if there was a

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postural misalignment then that should be better if there was a leg length

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difference it should be better if there was a muscle

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wasn't working it should now be working and if you have made a change the thing

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that you have made a change to is the central nervous system because the brain

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controls the muscles the muscles move the bones and align things and in the

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time it takes to make an adjustment you can't rebuild muscles you can't make any

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tissue changes to the body what you can do is you can change how the body

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processes and that is what the central nervous system does so what I tell

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people an adjustment actually is is it's a stimulation it's an input of

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information to the nervous system that creates a pattern interrupt you could

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also call it a jumpstart or you could call it resetting a circuit breaker so

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we are an electrical system and all the changes that take place in in a short

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period of time is to that electrical system that manages everything so

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chiropractors tend to favor their own technique and they tend to not look so

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favorably on other techniques mainly because they don't understand them so I

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am so happy that I went through a lot of additional neurology courses where I

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started understanding how the brain works and what chiropractic actually

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does because then I understood the commonality what all chiropractic

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techniques have in common they all do something to affect the nervous system

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chiropractors do not take pressure off nerves they put pressure on receptors

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receptors generate signals and with specific receptor stimulation we can

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rebalance the nervous system that's what all chiropractic techniques have in

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common and like I said if you find a good practitioner then that's a good

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technique however you may have heard me say that the world has changed more in

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the last 50 years than it has in the previous 50

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thousand so the world we live in the rules have changed and even since

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chiropractic was founded a little over a hundred years ago the world has changed

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dramatically and chiropractic has always talked about the three sides of a

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triangle they talk about chemical structural and emotional balance so the

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body is influenced by chemical signals structural mechanical signals and by

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emotional signals so you could have your blood pressure change by thinking

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something different that's an emotional signal you can have signals to your

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brain change depending on your posture or how much you move you can have

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signals change depending on what you eat or if you take a drug a drug is a

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chemical and interferes with signals so if we understand how much the world has

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changed in the last 50 years then we understand that the chemical structural

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emotional all has to be addressed if we want to be truly healthy that's what a

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holistic chiropractor does in our office we address all of those an interesting

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thing is that the founder of chiropractic DD Palmer he wrote a book

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in 1912 and already he said that that bone in your neck is as likely to be

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misaligned due to eating processed food as it is due to trauma I'm paraphrasing

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but that's essentially what he said that the other factors it's not just posture

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and trauma and accidents any of the other factors are equally likely to

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start creating imbalances and in our world we have more food allergies we

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have more chemicals we have more heavy metals we are more pollution we are more

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electromagnetic radiation than we've ever had before and these are factors

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that we must take into consideration so if you were subluxation if you're

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misalignment is caused at least in part by a metal or a chemical or a food

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then that adjustment is going to be a temporary reset it's not going to fix

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the problem it'll make you feel better but you're gonna have to get adjusted

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over and over and over and over until you help the body deal with that metal

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or that chemical or that food sensitivity I sometimes ask a patient if

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your shoulder pain is caused by a heavy metal toxicity would you like me to work

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on your shoulder or your metal toxicity food-for-thought we have to address the

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cause so in our office we work with chiropractic adjustments we show people

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stretches and postural exercises we have nutritional counseling and we have

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detoxification programs so in our office we work on all three sides of the

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triangle and we have good tools to provide help in all those areas so for

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the structural we work with chiropractic and exercise and stretches and postural

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retraining for the chemical side we work with nutritional counseling whole food

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natural supplements and detoxification programs and for the emotional side to

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help people relax to help them enter into a relaxation

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response we have biofeedback we have audio-visual

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entrainment and programs to help retrain the brain into a more relaxed behavior

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so if you want a good chiropractor look for someone who observes something

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adjusts and then re observes and can show you the changes to your

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satisfaction and then in addition I would suggest today look for a holistic

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chiropractor who can address all areas that might influence and interfere with

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your health she knows someone who might be looking for a chiropractor make sure

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to share this information so that they can know what to look for if you enjoyed

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this kind of information and you're new to this channel make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we

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can keep this content coming your way thank you so much

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