What You MUST Eat Before A FAST

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk  about what to eat before a fast and what is a fast  

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how long is the fast well the fast basically  is any time you're not eating so if you eat  

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every two hours the time period in between is  basically a fast but when we talk about a fast  

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we usually refer to going longer than usual  so anything longer than the usual gap between  

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meals is technically a fast and for some people  the longest time they ever go without eating is  

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when they're sleeping they eat first thing when  they wake up last thing before bed so they eat  

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during 16 hours and then they don't eat for  eight hours so basically delaying breakfast  

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is a fast for those people and how does the  body cope with that so other people are more  

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adapted to a shorter window they practice what's  called intermittent fasting so they eat during  

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eight hours and they fast during 16 hours giving  the body some time to recover and burn through  

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that food so that could be that they're eating at  noon and eight or it could be they're eating at  

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eight in the morning and four in the afternoon  it doesn't really matter as long as you get a  

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continuous fasting window but then the question  is what happens when you go longer what sort of  

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fuel does the body use when you're not putting  anything in where does the body find that energy  

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and why does that last meal matter or why does it  matter even more what you ate in the week before  

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you go into a longer fast and of course there's  a lot of confusion about what to eat if you look  

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it up you might find things like you should  eat brown rice and baked chicken you should  

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eat cooked veggies like carrots or broccoli or a  tossed salad and of course you have to have some  

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fresh fruits for dessert but there's no rationale  about why this would be good to prepare you for a  

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fast or if it would they just buy into the idea  that we should eat high carb low fat because  

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they have this fat phobia and then that should get  you ready for the fast and someone else said that  

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you should eat foods high in protein and fiber  with complex carbs to fuel you through the fast  

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really as if carbohydrates can fuel a fast  that's kind of missing the point that the  

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benefits of fasting start when you've used  up the carbs so if you load up then you're  

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making it harder on yourself to transition and  you're just delaying the benefits of the fast  

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someone else said you should have lots and lots  of water before a fast and you should also eat  

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fruits and vegetables because they contain water  you should eat fruits and vegetables to give you  

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carbohydrates and whole grain and fiber because  fiber keeps you full as if you could eat food  

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to get so full that you can carry on a fast  longer that's the opposite of how it works  

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so water is very important but it's during a fast  it's a continuous thing that you do there's no way  

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to load up water ahead of time that's completely  missing the point and understanding how the body  

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works so other people talk about how do you do  the fast you do only water or can you drink other  

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non-caloric beverages like sparkling water or  coffee or tea and things like that and someone  

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else said that you could have electrolytes on  the one hand or if you're really a purist then  

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you should only lick pure pink Himalayan salt like  where do they get this and as if it was some sort  

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of of ritual right if a ritual works for you great  if it adds some value But realize that you just  

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have to understand what's happening when you fast  how do you prep for it and then you do what works  

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for your goals and some people have weight loss  goals some people have goals to reverse insulin  

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resistance or type 2 diabetes other people  have religious goals and a lot of people  

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who do it fasting and don't have any of the first  reasons they do it for autophagy because autophagy  

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is a process in the body that starts to regenerate  better it recycles better you're boosting immunity  

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you're activating sirtuins which are survival  genes so when resources become sparse then the  

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body becomes much much better at using them  and that's a really good thing so autophagy  

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is a big reason but here's what we really need to  understand that everything that normally goes on  

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in the body that uses up resources like breathing  and beating your heart and cleaning out your liver  

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and replacing cells and repairing things all of  those reactions continue otherwise you would die  

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and those reactions use a lot of energy so where  does the energy come from when you stop eating  

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where does the body go to find that energy now  and the answer is that it gradually moves into  

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using fat as a fuel source and after 24 hours  of not having put anything in then approximately  

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100 percent of the energy you make come from body  fat all right that's of course is the purpose and  

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if you eat a bunch of carbs then you just delay  that transition into using body fat but is your  

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body used to that in other words is your body fat  adapted or metabolically flexible does it know how  

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to start burning fat when you stop putting carbs  in so if it's not then no problem your body will  

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figure it out eventually it's just going to take  a whole lot longer and the biggest issue is that  

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you're going to be miserable in the time being  it's going to give you a lot of discomfort until  

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your body gets adapted So eventually your body  is going to start burning fat because it wants  

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to survive but the more you can prepare it to do  that the more comfortable that transition will  

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be and of course you want to be nice to yourself  so how do you prepare your metabolism to burn fat  

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well first we have to understand what happens when  the body burns fat and what body fat is because  

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body fat is stored as triglycerides almost all  dietary fats including animal fat and plant fat is  

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triglycerides and fat is not all fat people think  of this as fat we hear it's nine calories per gram  

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Etc but that's just not how it works and  there's very very few people who are aware  

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of this and how the body Burns through this fat  and where we get a little bit of carbohydrate so  

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a triglyceride has a glyceride or glycerol  backbone and then it has three fatty acids  

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which are pure fat so these Wiggly things  are fat and this backbone is not but this  

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is stored together when we break this apart we  can use the fatty acids for energy as burning  

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fat but this glycerol backbone we can put two  glycerols together and make a glucose molecule  

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so there's three carbons in glycerol there's six  carbons in glucose and this is a beautiful thing  

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because now we get fat but we along with the  fat we have stored a little bit of something  

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that can turn into glucose so a fatty acid here  has about 16 to 18 carbons these squiggly things  

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at every angle every Bend there's a carbon and  the way we store it the way animals store it  

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is on average with 16 to 18 carbons and that  size fatty acid weighs about 270 grams per  

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mole and mole is just a really big number don't  worry about it but we have three of those fatty  

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acids so in one mole of triglycerides one  mole really large number of these molecules  

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we have 810 grams of fatty acids we know that fat  has nine calories per gram so once we burn through  

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that we have 7 300 calories but then we also have  the glycerin glycerol and that is 92 grams per one  

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mole of triglycerides this is going to turn into  glucose which has four calories per gram so that  

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gives us 370 calories so now we add up 370 plus  7300 we get 76.70 and we divide to see 370 divided  

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by 7670 is about five percent so we can make five  percent of energy from glucose out of the stored  

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body fat and out of dietary fat too the fat is  7 300 calories which is 95 of the energy so when  

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we're fasting once we're using almost all or close  to a hundred percent of energy from body fat then  

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we get into a steady state where body just keeps  doing what it's doing and that is it's a stable  

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line of about 95 of our energy from fat and  approximately five percent of our energy from  

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carbohydrate from glucose and we probably burn  like a half a percent or one percent of protein  

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if we go long enough but the body doesn't want  to use the protein so it makes a bunch of growth  

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hormone to spare that protein so that we have  the protein to preserve the muscle so we can go  

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and work still so the way you really prepare the  way you eat before a fast is to eat macros that  

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give you a metabolism similar to what you're  going to be doing when you're fasting it's  

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not rocket science and coming to think of it I  think there's a diet that's kind of like that  

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I've heard about that when when you eat really low  carbohydrates and and really high fat I think they  

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say that it should only be about five percent of  calories from from carbohydrate what's that called  

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uh oh that's right the ketogenic diet and that's  where you eat about five percent of your calories  

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from carbs 20 from protein and about 75 percent  from fat and when you eat that way you're very  

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close to mimicking the metabolism of fasting it's  not exactly like that because when you're fasting  

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you're getting five percent from the glycerol but  if you're eating a little bit of carbs which you  

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can it's not a bad idea at all then you're getting  the five percent of carbs plus what you're getting  

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from glycerol so it's not exactly that but it's  really really close the basic principles of fat  

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burning and metabolic flexibility are there  and also your dietary protein these 20 percent  

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a lot of that is going to go to building tissue  but the excess that doesn't fit or that you eat  

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extra is going to become glucose so you're  going to have a little bit more and if we if  

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we look at that it would look something like  where you're starting off and you're almost  

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at the level of 95 and then after the meal as  you process through the meals you're using up a  

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little bit of glycogen and then while you're using  glycogen your body is switching to fat burning so  

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your fat goes up and then you're right back at  this 95 and your carbs again they're going to be  

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a little bit higher than five percent which is not  a problem don't be terrified of it just realize  

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how much you need and then as you're using up the  glycogen as that's running out and becoming less  

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available carb burning goes down and now you're  back down to the five percent so this would be  

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when you have eaten in the FED state  says you're processing through the  

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food you're still going to be close  to 95 because you eat mostly fat then  

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you're using up some glycogen and  then you are using gluconeogenesis

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and of course when you're using the body fat  only then all of this is gluconeogenesis this  

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five percent glucose is coming from a source  other than glucose and that's really all there  

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is to it if you want to prepare for a fast and  you know that this is what's happening when you  

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are in a fast you're burning only body fat 95  fat 5 calories then the foods you eat to prepare  

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should be similar which is a low carb or a  ketogenic diet and of course if you are carb  

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dependent then you want to go a little bit longer  on a low carb diet to become fat adapted before  

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you try this again you could go cold turkey just  jump into the fast and your body will figure out  

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how to burn fat but you're kind of be miserable  in the process so on the last video I did on  

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fasting I had a viewer ask a question that they  really believed in it but they were asking what  

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about those people who get physically ill when  they go more than three to four hours without  

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a meal and when people hear about that they hear  physically ill something must be seriously wrong  

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they're thinking does that person have a disease  is there a condition a name condition they must  

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have something and the answer is no they they  don't but chances are someone would want to  

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make up a disease so here's one I made up it's  called idiopathic energy piniosis syndrome so  

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idiopathic means they don't know what caused it  which is most disease energy of course is what  

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it sounds like penia is lack of something osis is  a condition and syndrome is something they add to  

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make it sound more interesting so this is a lack  of energy a condition that causes lack of energy  

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that we can't figure out and then we ADD syndrome  to it but of course there is no such thing we just  

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have to understand how does the body normally  make energy so the number one reason people  

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would get physically ill is that they've trained  their bodies to depend on carbohydrate so as soon  

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as you cut that carb out as soon as you don't top  off your carbs and your blood sugar every two to  

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three to four hours the body has no idea what to  do and they get sick so of course the degree of  

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illness differs between different people and some  people have a harder your time with it but all  

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you really have to do is to untrain the body and  this is going to take a different amount of time  

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for different people but your body knows what  to do you have an innate intelligence that has  

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the ability to adapt so if you stop depending on  glucose and you train it into more of a low carb  

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high fat diet then gradually your body will learn  to use fat and the second reason that people get  

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physically ill it usually doesn't happen after  three to four hours but as you go in longer  

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fasting what happens is that you can lose fluids  and electrolytes and how does that happen well  

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as you stop eating carbs your body initially has  a certain amount of glycogen stored which binds  

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water as you stop eating carbs your body is going  to use the carbs in the glycogen and as you use it  

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up there's nothing to hold that water in because  the glycogen acts like a sponge and now there's  

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no sponge so the water is released so you lose  fluid but fluid and electrolytes follow each other  

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so as you're losing fluid you're also going to  lose some electrolytes and some people get in  

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trouble because they're losing electrolytes and  now they're just drinking more and more water  

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but with doing that they're just flushing out more  electrolytes so you need to take them together the  

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second reason is that as you cut back on carbs as  you go into fasting eating no carbs your insulin  

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will drop and high insulin levels will tend to  cause the kidneys to reabsorb more sodium so  

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as your insulin drops your kidneys reabsorb less  which means you're losing sodium and we just said  

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that sodium and electrolytes go with water so as  you're losing sodium you're losing more water so  

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if you want to try fasting or if you have tried  fasting and you want a game changer and this  

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has been reported to me by many many people is  then you want an electrolyte powder you want a  

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complete setup of electrolytes but you also want  some trace minerals because electrolytes that's  

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like the four or five minerals that we need  in large quantities that relate mostly to the  

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fluid balance but we also use trace minerals we  have about 70 of those that we need in tiny tiny  

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amounts and those also get lost with the loss of  fluid and they're super super important long term  

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most people are deficient as it is but then if you  really want a game changer then you also want to  

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have something in that product with some metabolic  support something that can help you regulate blood  

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sugar and even better if there's something that  helps you with healing because you put your body  

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in a fasting state which is essentially a healing  State now if you can improve conditions to support  

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the body a little extra then you can get even  more out of that fasting so I made a product  

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just like that it's called you light and you can  go to uvexia.com to try it out or you can just  

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click the link below if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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