What To Eat On One Meal A Day (OMAD) (Intermittent Fasting Diet)

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What do you eat on one meal a day (OMAD)? How do you make it safe and comfortable and

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still get all the benefits? Coming right up. So what is OMAD or one meal a day?

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Well it's exactly what it sounds like you just eat one meal a day you shrink

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your feeding window down to about one hour you eat all the food within that

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window and you don't eat the rest of the day so along with a ketogenic diet which

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is incredibly popular there's also talk about intermittent fasting and OMAD

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one meal a day and they're all just variations of the same thing it's all

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about cutting back the carbs reducing insulin resistance so what drives

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insulin resistance is the amount of carbs that you eat and how often you eat

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every time you eat a carb you drive insulin and the more often you eat the

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more often you stimulate insulin so the reverse of that is to cut back the carbs

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and eat more seldom eat fewer times a day and the extreme version of that if

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you want to call it that is you just eat once a day so why would you do that well

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it is a very powerful way of reversing insulin resistance but another benefit

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is it saves time you don't have to spend so much time eating and preparing meals

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and another benefit is that you give your body a break every time that you

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eat you have to kind of jumpstart you have to start up your your digestive

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machinery you have to make enzymes you have to move things around you have to

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make churn the food and and it has a certain wear and tear on your intestinal

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lining so if you keep eating every few hours then the stomach and the lining

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never really gets a break whereas if you eat one time a day then it gives the

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body a lot of time to get some rest and repair and that goes for all your

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internal organs your liver your gallbladder your pancreas your digestive

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tract etc and the next question then is how do you do

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this and how do you do it comfortably and how do you do it safely so first of

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all I would recommend that you get fat adapted first that means you get into a

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keto lifestyle you start reducing your carbohydrate so that your body knows how

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to use the fat that would be step one because now you're more prepared for the

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one meal a day then you start shrinking the window as you get more fat adapted

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and you don't get so hungry and you notice you could skip breakfast you

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could skip a meal here and there without going crazy now you shrink your feeding

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window first you eat it at 8:00 in the morning you have your last meal at 8:00

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p.m. then you have a 12 hour feeding window then you shrink that you skip

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breakfast you eat at noon and then maybe at 8 p.m. you have an 8 hour feeding

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window and then you gradually shrink that down to maybe six hours and four

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until you're comfortable eating within a four hour window meaning you eat maybe

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at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 7 o'clock and nothing outside of that

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window and now your body is pretty much ready to go

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to one meal a day where you eat all of the food within a one-hour window so

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when you do it this way it's not a shock to the body you get fat adapted you get

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your body used to the concept of eating in a shorter period of time

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then we want to think about a few additional things to make it healthy as

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well so you don't want to crash your metabolism you don't want to get into

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starvation and that the risk of this is much much less if your fat adapted first

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if you if you're not and you start starving your body goes into a crisis

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mode and it starts preserving energy that's not the idea you want to keep

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your body burning the fat off your body but part of that is also don't cut your

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calories too much try to keep it maybe at 70-80 percent so if you're eating

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2,000 calories on a normal basis that's your basic energy

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requirements you probably don't want to cut it below 1,500-1,600 calories a day

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the object is not to go hungry the object is just to give your body a rest

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and reduce insulin resistance and to burn fat so it makes it a whole lot

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harder to get all that quality food in to get all those nutrients into a single

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meal because that could be a really large meal and you may not even be able

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to eat that much so you want to look at quality foods you want to eat things

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like maybe an omelet with lots of vegetables in it and then the eggs are

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nutrient dense you add some good olive oil and you add some cheese and raw

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organic cheese if you can tolerate that and now you could probably eat 12 14

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1500 calories in a single meal and be okay with that

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another trick would be to make you some bulletproof coffee because even though

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that wouldn't strictly stick within the one hour feeding window you could do

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that in the morning maybe and you just sip it throughout the day and if you do

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a bulletproof coffee with some butter and some MCT oil in it it's not gonna

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have a significant influence on insulin it's not gonna trigger any insulin

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response to speak of and therefore you're still technically fasting so

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there you could get if you use a tablespoon of butter and a couple of

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tablespoons of MCT oil now you got 400 calories they're sort of for free that

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you if you get the 400 in the coffee now you just have to eat maybe 1200 in your

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in your big meal it's not strictly a one meal a day but it's a way that you

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essentially stick to the principles of doing that and again you want to think

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quality food don't use anything artificial synthetic process nothing

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like that but the best quality food you can think of organic grass-fed raw whole

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vegetables all that good stuff as far as a percentage this isn't exact

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for everybody but a typical percentage of calories would be from 75% from fats

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20% from protein and probably no more than 5% from carbohydrates again you can

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maybe get away with a little bit more protein and maybe even carbs because

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you're spreading out the feeding window you're increasing your fasting period

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you're going to still keep the insulin really really low even if you increase

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the protein but if you can still keep this really low then you're

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better off so is it safe and is it necessary so I think that it depends on

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what your goal is and I don't think that you necessarily want to do it forever

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because it does limit your food choices a little bit when you have to eat it all

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in one meal it is difficult for a lot of people to eat that large a meal so if

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your goal is weight loss then I would say go ahead and do it

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for a few months and just see how it works engage your results and then you

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cycle in some regular keto and intermittent fasting and I would say try

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to stick for the most part with 80% from fat 15% from protein and no more than 5%

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from carbohydrates pending on the person some people can get away with a little

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bit more carbs but again this is individual I think the top level for

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most people would be maybe 10 percent from carbohydrate which on a 2,000

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calorie diet would be about 50 grams if you're still in ketosis at that level

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then I think that'd be the top level if you're not then figure out where that

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limit is for you. Now if you've lost the weight if you're feeling good if you are

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stable in your health situation and you're just maintaining now is where you

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try to tweak it just to figure out where you feel the best so now I could still

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suggest a one meal a day once in a while because there's some great benefits to

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given your intestinal tract a rest once in a while but it also kicks in

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something called autophagy and that's where your body increases its recycling

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properties it cleans up junk proteins and old debris from from cells that

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break and you essentially recycle better during it autophagy and you kick in autophagy

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at a much higher level if you have a 23-24 hour fast but if you don't need

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to lose the weight then I would suggest you mostly stick with a low carb diet of

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with intermittent fasting of a feeding window of 6 to 12 hours for the most

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part that's basically what I do I usually eat within a 6 to 8 hour window

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occasionally I'll have some breakfast and then I might have a 12 hour feeding

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window but that's not for the most part again I don't have insulin resistance so

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weight loss is not a goal I'm just trying to find out where do I function

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the best so for some people at this point you might want to experiment and

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see where do you feel the best I still don't think that you should go into

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grains or any inflammatory starches but if you want to you could try getting up

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maybe as high as 15% on the carbs that's still a relatively low carb diet and if

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you're physically active I think that you could get away with that

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some people might function a little better at that but figure out where that

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number is for you so 15% of carbs for me would be about 75 grams I probably a

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good bit lower that would be my highest number on any given day for the most

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part you want to stay probably somewhere in the range of between 5 and 15 percent

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of carbohydrates calories so keep in mind that you want to learn

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some principles there's not a one-size-fits-all for everybody but once

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you understand the underlying principles now you can start playing around with it

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and see what does it take for you to lose the weight you need to get off and

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what does it take for you to maintain and to feel the best that you can please

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share this video with as many people as you can because we want to help lots of

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people out there get healthy and understand the underlying principles

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rather than just little things to do that's how you make it sustainable and

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that's how you get the most out of it please share your comments if you want

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to give this a try let me know how it goes and as always thanks for watching

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