What REALLY Happens When You Take Medicine?
Hello Health Campions. I'm sure you've heard the expression "don't do drugs" but apparently
there are good and bad ones because some of them are mind-altering and those are illegal. They're
banned. They're called street drugs. And then there are those that are habit-forming like very potent
things like opioids and heroin and those are also illegal, but then on the other hand if they don't
alter the mind, but they alter some other organ function, then they're apparently okay. And if
they have toxicity and side effects then they're still around. If they account for 50% of all the
opioid deaths they're due to prescription drugs then that's still just the cost of doing business.
and if these opioids make you 40 times more likely to transition into a heroin addiction
then that doesn't change anything either they're still okay and we have over a million heroin users
in the united states today the vast majority of those have transitioned from a prescription
drug mostly because the prescription gets you hooked and then they withdraw the prescription
so now people go into the street drugs instead and here's what really really blows my mind is it's
still okay to advertise directly to the consumer ask your dermatologist call your doctor talk to
your doctor ask your doctor ask your doctor that's between you and your doctor we can no longer
advertise for alcohol or cigarettes we don't think it's sexy to get drunk and smell like an ashtray
anymore but it's very attractive it can so enhance your lifestyle by using as many medications as
possible. It's only two places in the world that this is still okay and that's the united states
and new zealand all the other countries in the world have realized that that's probably
not a good idea Because this topic is both sensitive and super important I urge you to
watch the whole video because if you watch bits and pieces and you take things out of context now
you will miss the whole intention and the bigger picture of what we're trying to accomplish here.
Also I want to tell you that this is not medical advice I'm not your medical doctor
that's not the purpose of this I'm just trying to teach you and show you
how the body works and how things interact and give you some solutions some possibilities
I do not want you to for any reason stop any medication that you're taking as a result
of watching this video that's for you and your medical provider to determine. Another reason that
you don't want to stop it is that your body gets used to it anything you've taken for any length
of time it changes your physiology your body down regulates and up regulates and if you just
withdraw it cold turkey it could have some very unpleasant consequences. What I do want you to do
is to start learning as much as you can about the body understand if you have a condition learn
where it's coming from and then if you understand what your body has adapted to to get into that
condition now you can reverse that adaptation you can undo the adaptation and then most of the time
the condition goes away and then once you have reversed or in the process of reversing it now you
can have a discussion with your medical provider who prescribed this medication and you can have an
intelligent discussion about if and when to change or stop that medication. So I want to
use some examples to try to get some points across and the first one I want to look at is health care
cost how much are we spending on health care so since 1970 to 2020 the nominal spending in terms
of dollars have increased 50 times. It's gone from 75 billion to almost 4 trillion dollars and of
course a lot of that is due to inflation but after we account for inflation we still have a 7.6 times
increase so in terms of real purchasing power we are spending 7.6 times more on this healthcare.
And if we relate it to gross national product which is essentially how well a nation is able
to afford this health care it has gone from seven percent of GNP to almost 20%. 281 percent increase
so it's becoming a bigger and bigger burden on the national economy and on the individual economy.
So every time there's an election one of the main questions around election time is
how are we going to pay for this right the only question is how do we bring more people
into the system how do we make sure that a greater percentage of the population
can get into the health care system and then because it's so expensive how do we pay for it?
No one is asking the only question that really matters and the question on my mind is
Is it working? Is anyone getting healthy. If we're spending eleven thousand dollars
close to twelve thousand dollars per person and they didn't spend any on me
zero was spent on me so someone got my eleven twelve thousand dollars as well
with all that money spent are we getting healthier? Unfortunately what we're seeing is that the rates
of diabetes are going through the roof heart disease is increasing dementia is increasing
autism is completely out of control at the current trend is going to be one out of two
kids shortly anxiety is going up sleep disorders is going up and the list goes on and on and on.
So I'm not trying to say I'm not trying to judge this as good or bad but when we call it health
care then people should get healthier right so whatever we want to call this thing then
we can all agree that with all the money spent and with the poor results it is not health care.
The next obvious question then becomes "What is health?" According to the world health organization
health is a state of complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease so if disease is the signs and symptoms of a disease and our health care system
only addresses signs and symptoms of disease but it does nothing to bring you closer to a state
of physical mental and social well-being then that's another indication that it's not a health
care system. Unfortunately most people take health for granted we pay lip service to it and we say
that health is the most important thing there is but most people don't really appreciate it until
it's gone when we have signs or symptoms when we're feeling bad or when something scary happens
that's when people do something. They go to the doctor and the doctor asks what's the problem and
we tell them our symptoms. But the symptom is not the problem the thing that is causing the symptom
is the problem. So this is pretty much like a car the instrument panel is giving you feedback on how
the car is doing and if you get a warning light, an indicator then that's like a symptom. It's the car
telling you that something's wrong something's missing if you don't change and address this
then it will get worse. And if you have more indicators more signs and symptoms now you know
that there's more stuff out of balance and if you don't address it then the consequences are going
to be even worse. So you're driving and you see all these indicators and you feel very uneasy so
you think I need to do something about this. Now here's the big question if you simply solve the
problem by covering it up if you put a piece of duct tape over the indicators if you cover them up
then if you did that a million times or a million people did that how many times would the car
get better? Right. Everyone knows the answer is zero if you ignore the underlying problems the
car will never get better then why do we do that with signs and symptoms because the same thing
applies when we cover up a sign or a symptom we allow the underlying problem to get worse.
In addition to that we're also adding toxicity to the body and we have two marvelous organs in the
body. Two organ systems. The liver and the kidneys, and their job is to figure out what is valuable to
the body what we want to keep and what is a burden on the body what do we want to try to get rid of.
And these organs are so amazing that they have basically a hundred percent success rate in
keeping or discarding the stuff that needs to stay or go. So nutrients like minerals and fats amino
acids glucose the body is very very successful virtually zero of this gets discarded it all
gets kept. And on the other hand the things that are foreign, synthetic materials, toxic materials
things that are not beneficial but rather a burden, the body is virtually a hundred percent successful
at discarding it. Maybe not on the first turn but pretty soon after the circulation has gone through
these organs a few times virtually a hundred percent of this is gone. So urea is a waste
product. Pesticides are foreign toxic substances. All other sorts of waste that are leftovers the
body gets rid of, and the exact same holds true for medication. It is not of any long-term value to
your body, so a percentage of this medication gets discarded every time it passes through the liver,
and that's why you have to keep taking more. Now I know I'm laying it on pretty heavy here but don't
misunderstand this as me saying that medication is all bad it's all about the timing and
purpose so there's a benefit versus risk there's a cost benefit to this. If there's a crisis. If your
normal regulatory mechanism if your physiology has failed, then medication can save a life
if we have extreme depression that's like a vicious cycle that spirals out of control and
if someone is going to take their life and we can give them a medication and
save their life, then that is entirely appropriate. If someone has type 1 diabetes where an organ has
failed the pancreas no longer makes insulin or if we have surgically removed the thyroid
or the pituitary, then we can't make those molecules in the body and they need to be
replenished. Very very appropriate and life-saving virtually 100 percent of
people died with type 1 diabetes and now they can live virtually normal lives. If we have acute pain
burn victims trauma broken bones car accidents, pain medication can get you through that crisis.
If we have anaphylactic shock people could die but a simple shot of epinephrine saves their life.
If you have bacterial encephalitis or meningitis you would most likely be dead within 24 hours
without the right antibiotic. So these are cases where it is entirely appropriate it's life-saving.
It's priceless to have the medication available when we think that just because the medication
is so great here it should be applied to everything such as lifestyle conditions
now we need to think a little differently we have the wrong picture of how these things fit together.
When the problem is due to a gradual adaptation when we have a lifestyle that the body adapts to
when we push the body out of balance over a period of years or decades then the pill is not the
solution. The pill isn't going to change anything about the underlying condition it's not going
to bring the body any closer to balance. And the classic example of course is metabolic syndrome
syndrome x insulin resistance. And the extreme sad example is when you have a type 2 diabetic someone
who has already too much insulin and we give him more insulin, because we think the blood sugar
is the problem well the blood sugar is the problem because it has too much sugar so we need to reduce
the sugar not add more insulin. And also in many cases of chronic pain where the pain is due to
inflammation or it has developed over a long period of time now if you give a pain medication
you give short-term relief but you're not helping restore any function. And most of the time
through conservative care and lifestyle interventions you can solve the vast majority
of chronic pain. I want to ask this question again from my point of view and this is what I ask
patients in the office a lot of times I ask. What is health? And then I say health is when everything
works the way it's supposed to and then I ask. The problem that you have presenting with here today,
if everything in your body was working perfectly would you have this problem?
And they say, no of course not. I wouldn't have any symptoms I wouldn't have this disease
I wouldn't have this pain if everything was working then they wouldn't be there.
So then I suggest, well why don't we make it work again. Because if it's the lack
of function that's causing the problem, if we can restore the function then the body should return
to health and no symptoms. And this is what happens most of the time especially if we're patient
and we take the time to understand and change. But this is a completely different perspective
than medication because medicine does not add back any function. If something's not working there is
no medication that makes it work better again. It does not restore anything that is degenerated or
missing and it does not actually provide anything the body needs. But then what does medication do
if food supports and provides things that the body needs to create function, then medication actually
does the opposite. Medication interferes when we in our opinion think that the body is doing something
wrong then we put in the medication to interfere with what the body is doing. So medication
blocks function it blocks receptors and in doing that it either suppresses or increases
certain functions. It changes the balance the body is trying to accomplish it suppresses and
it stops physiology. Now if we're interested in health wouldn't it be a great question to ask
"What is required for health?" and I often talk about the triad of health this triangle where
structural and mechanical has to do with the movement that builds the brain the emotional
is about purpose and well-being and peace of mind because if we don't have this we can't
really be in a healing state. But for the purposes of this video we're going to talk about the
chemical side of this triad because medication is chemical it's biochemistry and how does that fit
into the body versus nutrients. The closest most people come to be amazed by the miracle of life
is when someone gets pregnant. When they're growing a new life inside them or when they give birth and
they see this new living being that wasn't there before. But think of this baby which indeed is a
miracle it started with genetic material from two people it became a cell and then that cell
replicated and grew. Well that is exactly what's happening inside your body
every day. That miracle of life is happening inside you all the time. And why am I saying that because
you have cell turnover you have cells breaking down wearing out and you make
new cells. So this surprises a lot of people 90 percent of your cells are new every year
so you go to the doctor and they look at you they have your picture in the file they have
your social security number and your name and they treat you they think of you as the same person
but you're 90 percent different. Right? That's a miracle and then we want to ask
what are these new cells made of where they come from is any part of these new cells consisting of
medication? Did medication contribute to build any new cells? And the answer is no unless there's some
toxic residue from some medication that your body didn't get rid of yet.
But the medication does not create any of this miracle of life instead what makes that is
building blocks that you get from food from fat and protein. You need fuel to put these building
blocks together and this fuel comes from fat carbs and protein. And then you also need some catalysts
to convert this fuel into energy and into the building blocks and these are called vitamins
minerals and enzymes. These are the things that your body needs. Well what about side effects?
If we take the time to read the fine print there's pages and pages of unpleasant stuff.
"...lower your ability to fight infections serious sometimes fatal events including infections,
tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions..." and
we get the impression that if we experience these side effects which might happen sometimes then we
might get some symptoms and that would constitute the side effects. We think that if we're unlucky
then we get symptoms if we don't then we're free and clear. But that's not how it works because
the by definition these medications interfere and they always create interference. You may not
notice if you don't have a symptom, but it always interferes. It always blocks physiology. It always,
by definition, prevents your body from returning to the balance that it thinks there should be. And
in doing that, if we understand that homeostasis is health, then we always have a lesser expression of
health with a medication than without. Again it doesn't mean they're all bad, but we just have
to understand when they're appropriate and not. I really hope you can see by now that I'm not saying
that it's all good or bad, but it's more about understanding what the body normally does and
how medication interacts; so when it's appropriate to use. They absolutely save lives in emergencies.
They can absolutely get you through a crisis if you're a burn victim if you have broken bones.
I would absolutely opt for some painkillers in that situation. They can temporarily
provide some value if you have sky high blood sugar Metformin isn't always
a bad idea as long as you do something to address the root cause in the meantime. However while this
is super valuable in my opinion in my experience I don't have an exact number but I would estimate .
somewhere around 90 percent of all the prescriptions are for lifestyle conditions. It is
used in a way where it's not getting you through a crisis and we think it solves a problem when a lot
of times it actually perpetuates the problem. If you enjoyed this video I think you'll really
appreciate that one next. Thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time. "...abdominal pain and
yellowing of the skin or eyes rash, hives, swelling of the lips tongue or throat or difficulty
breathing or swallowing, aggressiveness, agitation hallucinations or confusion, uncontrollable muscle
movements as these could become permanent, sudden death, stroke, heart attack, and high blood pressure..."