What Is The Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight or Flight)?

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so I've done some videos on stress and

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you can look for those here as well but

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today we're going to talk a little bit

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more specifically we're going to

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elaborate on the sympathetic portion of

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that autonomic nervous system just to

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see a little bit more detail on what

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it's affecting the autonomic nervous

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system is what this part of the nervous

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system that handles everything that you

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don't have to think about so beating

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your heart and digesting food and

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growing nails and so forth pumping blood

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regulating blood pressure all of that is

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done for you by your autonomic nervous

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system and there's two branches one is

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called the parasympathetic that slows

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things down and the other is called a

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sympathetic which is sort of like an

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accelerator and that's where we're going

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to talk about today it is very much like

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an accelerator in the car because these

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two systems they work opposite each

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other so the sympathetic is like the

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accelerator and the parasympathetic is

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like the brake you can only do one at a

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time and you can't speed up and slow

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down at the same time depending on what

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you do with your pedals your your car is

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going to do one or the other and the

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body works exactly the same way so it's

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like a seesaw and the more that you fire

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off your sympathetic or your fight

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flight the more you're gonna turn the

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parasympathetic off so it's not like a

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switch but it's a gradual thing it's

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like a percentage thing for every

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percent that you increase your

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sympathetics you decrease the

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parasympathetics by one percent and

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that's because it's a resource

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allocation system we only have so much

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blood there's only so much resources in

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the body and this system determines

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where is it most important to send it

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right now in this moment depending on

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what's going on around us so

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fight/flight is exactly what it sounds

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like it's about defending it's about

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danger stress defending yourself it's

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situations where you have to fight or

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run so what it means it has

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to rev things up it has to speed things

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up to make available resources to make

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that happen the first thing that happens

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is that you detect a danger or you

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something makes you feel stressed and

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then your body releases adrenaline

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that's the primary stress hormone the

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fastest stress hormone so now your heart

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rate increases so you can pump more

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blood because the blood is going to

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provide energy so you can fight or run

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you breathe faster you start

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hyperventilating extent essentially and

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that's to bring in more oxygen so that

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the blood can carry more oxygen and more

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fuel out to the body parts to do the

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work your blood pressure increases your

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blood vessels constrict called

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vasoconstriction because in a tighter

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blood vessel the blood moves faster so

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the burp the blood can get out faster to

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the peripheral body parts to the muscles

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that are going to do the work you

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increase muscle tension because you

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preload the muscles like instantly

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there's something to defend against then

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instantly you have that muscle tension

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so you're ready to act and do the work

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and it works differently above the waist

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or below the waist so above the waist

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you preload the muscles on the front of

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the body on below the waist you preload

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the muscles on the back of the body and

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that makes a lot of sense because this

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is for protection this is about fighting

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and on the back it's about pushing off

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and running so what you can notice from

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this also then is when people are

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stressed they tend to pull their

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shoulders up they that's to protect the

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the neck and the head they tend to bite

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down their teeth they tend to clamp

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their jaw down so to protect the the jaw

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from dislocating they tend to roll their

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shoulders in they tend to turn their

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palms backwards so a stress posture

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looks very much like this

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and I'm exaggerating of course and of

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course a lot of pain and tension comes

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comes from that you're going to increase

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some parts of your immune system and

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decrease others so you're going to

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increase the part of the immune system

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that helps you the blood based immune

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system to help clotting because in a

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fight you're more likely to get a wound

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if the tiger comes after you and and

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gets a claw on you or if you have to run

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through some thorny bushes then you

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might start bleeding and you don't want

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to bleed to death until before you've

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had a chance to to run to safety so your

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body tries to prevent that and increase

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the blood clotting part of that blood

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clotting is cholesterol so your body's

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gonna up regulate LDL cholesterol the

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bad cholesterol but it's not bad because

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it's there it's being produced and

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distributed just in case there's a wound

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so you can help close that your cell

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mediated immune system is going to

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because your body says you know that

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that food you ate five minutes ago I'm

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not so concerned about defending against

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bacteria or digesting food right now I'm

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concerned about that threat out there so

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the short term immune system the blood

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clotting a cholesterol is going to

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increase but the cell mediated your

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white blood cells that fight off

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infections and antibodies etc they're

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gonna that's going to decrease your

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cortisol is going to increase and today

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everyone sort of thinks as cortisol as a

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bad thing but again there's a balance to

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everything and cortisol the purpose of

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cortisol is to raise blood sugar so

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whenever your body senses that it has to

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rev things up through flight flight it

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anticipates needing more energy so it

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starts making cortisol right away so

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that it has that energy available

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through blood sugar and then your body

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reprioritize --is your brain resources

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so the frontal lobe is where you

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normally think and evaluate abstract

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creativity planning etc but during fight

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flight there is very little need for

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that so the body says I'm gonna take the

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blood from the frontal lobe I'm gonna

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send it down to the brainstem where you

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have your reflexes where you have your

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your primitive your automated behavior

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in taking the blood away from the

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frontal lobe you lose focus at etc so

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now let's look at so all of these things

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the body does on purpose in a fight

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flight response so let's look at what

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the physiological effect what are the

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symptomatic effects of this if it goes

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on long terms so all of these responses

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are for short term and they can save a

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life but long term this increased heart

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rate leads to arrhythmias and heart

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palpitations the blood pressure course

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is hypertension which can be very

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destructive if it's gets very high

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muscle tension results in spasms so now

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we can have neck pain and shoulder pain

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as a result from this constant tension

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on the lower body we can have hip

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problems knee problems sciatica the

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blood clotting Reed leads to increased

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risk of stroke the increased cholesterol

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is associated with cardiovascular

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disease the reduced right blood cells

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leaves us more vulnerable to infections

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the increased cortisol is going to dis

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is going to create stress it makes

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tissues more fragile and it causes

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abdominal fat deposits decreased blood

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flow to the frontal lobe results in

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decreased focus and concentration

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increased anxiety increased chronic pain

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ad D etc etc so I know what you're

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saying now you're thinking well he said

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that the body is smart he said the body

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does this all on purpose then why would

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the body create all these problems if

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it's on purpose why doesn't it just do

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something different because the system

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has kept us alive in emergencies it's

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designed for short-term

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bursts of activity it saves our lives in

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those situations but it was never

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designed for the way we're using it

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today it's not just triggered the

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sympathetic nervous system isn't just

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triggered by bears and lethal emergency

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it is also triggered by anything that

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gets you tense or frustrated or upset or

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angry or irritated or overwhelmed and it

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can also be triggered from postural

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things from sedentary lifestyles and

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from from chemical insult as well so

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because we have more of all of those

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than we've ever had before we're getting

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just a little bit of stress we're

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getting a little bit of activation all

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the time so we end up with a sympathetic

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dominance in a system that was designed

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to have and Kahneman all-or-nothing

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activation we kind of fired off a little

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bit all the time and it's not designed

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for that so that's why the chronic

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activation of that system leads to all

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of these different diseases and disease

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conditions so look at some of the other

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videos to learn about how to reduce the

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stress and how to combat this and how to

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balance your body through holistic

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health pretty much every video on this

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channel relates to these topics and in

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some way so the more that you watch the

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more you'll start getting the whole

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picture please share these videos so

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that people understand how devastating

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stress can be and how it's all part I

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mean normal physiology that it's not the

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body that's wrong it's we have to change

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something about our lifestyle to give

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the body a chance to rebalance if you're

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new to this channel and you enjoy this

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sort of content where you learn about

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the body how it really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so we can keep this

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content coming your way and as always

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thanks for watching

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