What Is The Paleo Diet? Paleo Diet for Beginners

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What is the Paleo diet? Here's a common

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sense explanation for the beginner

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coming right up.

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Hi Iam doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life

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and if you like to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really

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works make sure that you subscribe and

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hit that notification bell so that you

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don't miss anything so paleo has become

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a buzzword these days and there's a lot

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of confusion as usual and what humans do

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best is to complicate really really

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simple things. So if you go on some

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forums and you start nitpicking before

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you long you're just go crazy so first

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of all what does it mean where's they

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come from why do we do it the

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Paleolithic era was from about 3 million

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years ago to about 10,000 years ago

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that's the time that humans first

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started making stone tools and and they

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got better and better at innovating

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things until about 10,000 years ago we

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started the agricultural era so during

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this whole time there was no agriculture

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and the humans and the humanoids were

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hunter-gatherers they were walking

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around they were moving their

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settlements they didn't build cities and

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then about 250,000 years ago we got Homo

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sapiens and that's what you and I are if

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you're listening to this you are a homo

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sapiens and that means that you shared

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the same genetic code as the people did

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about 250,000 years ago we haven't had

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time to adapt our genetic code it

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changes very very slowly so what that

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means is whatever they ate they have

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become adapted to and that's me that

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means that's what you and I are adapted

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to that's the foodstuff that fits into

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your genes that's what your body knows

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what to do with what did they eat they

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ate primarily meat, fish and poultry if

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you could hunt it or catch it or pick it

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then it was food they eat fruit berries

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and roots and they also had some nuts

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and seeds but now we have to realize

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that could make the Paleo diet a whole

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bunch of different things depending on

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where you live did you live in the

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Arctic did you live in the tropics did

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you live in the mountains or did you

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live by the coast was are we talking

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summer or we talking winter so it's not

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a single thing that could be a huge

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amount of variation to it but what's

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more important is to understand what we

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eat a whole lot of that they had none of

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and now we're talking

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they had no grains they had no legumes

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those are things like peas and beans and

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peanuts and things like that they had no

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processed foods and now we're talking

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primarily sugar and they also had no

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Franken foods and what we mean by that

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is that there's this tale of dr.

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Frankenstein who tried to create life

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making Frankenstein's monster well

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that's kind of what we're doing with our

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food alteration we're making monster

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food we're making things that has

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disastrous effects it didn't work for

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Dr. Frankenstein and it's not working so

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well because we're getting sicker and

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sicker and sicker the more of these

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processed Franken foods that we eat and

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one of the worst ones is margarine

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because there is nothing it's like

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plastic there's nothing no similarity

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between anything nature has ever made

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- what margarine is same thing with

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artificial sweeteners it is a neurotoxin

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it's a chemical and all these other

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chemicals preservatives food additives

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flavor enhancers colorings etc those are

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frankenfoods they're chemicals they're

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poison they have no place at all

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so these are things that they never ever

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got not a single ounce or gram ever that

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makes it pretty clear-cut that yes there

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are some things they could eat and there

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were some things they never ate

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but then the question is do we use this

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as a guideline as a template to give us

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some ideas and some common sense or do

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we say that nothing ever changes and

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therefore we should treat this like

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religion like a firm rule this is the

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way it is and one of the most common

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things that come up then is can we have

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dairy so according to the religious view

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this the stern the firm view of course

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we can't have any dairy because these

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guys didn't have it well you could argue

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that maybe they killed an animal that

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they could get some milk out of sure but

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here's the way I look at it dairy is

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from mammals humans are mammals it is

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probably the most natural food on the

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planet because every mammal baby starts

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out on Mother's Milk

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we pretty much continue until that baby

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can fend for itself until it's old

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enough to go out and start picking

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things and doing things so for different

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animals that that lasts different

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periods of times but most

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hunter-gatherer populations

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breastfeeding is commonplace up until

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six or seven years old not exclusively

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not the only food source but as a

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supplement food source so basically at

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that age they they don't need it because

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now they're old enough to start moving

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around but what that tells me is dairy

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is natural to humans because we are

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mammals and we are adapted to that food

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so then we can talk about well should we

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drink the milk from other species so yes

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we should have human milk but can we

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have goat's milk or cow's milk and I

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believe based on muscle testing that and

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and clinical results that any milk is

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perfectly fine as long as it is not

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pasteurized that is the key because milk

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is alive it's always in nature is always

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delivered straight from the source

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to the person eating it to the baby and

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that means it was never pasteurized it

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was never processed the pasteurization

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happened because they wanted to extend

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the shelf-life and now they turn it into

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a frankenfood because they kill off the

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enzymes and the bacteria and everything

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that was in there that helped you digest

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it that made it alive and natural so to

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me Dairy is okay but never pasteurized

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and if you make sour cream or yogurt out

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of it now you bring it back to life so

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now it's okay again so once you read

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online about this you quickly get very

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confused and as always everyone turns it

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in to another diet and does it work can

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you lose weight on it and yes if you eat

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this way you lose so much weight and as

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always they're missing the point it's

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not a diet and we don't care if it works

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for weight loss it's an understanding

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it's a it's an idea

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it's a metaphor for understanding what

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food is what food is suited for us and

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what is non-food what is it that's

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foreign and poisonous and what is it

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that can sustain us there was a guy

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called Weston Price who travelled the

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world about a hundred years ago and he

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found that there were populations all

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over the planets who were extremely

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healthy who had no tooth decay no

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degenerative diseases they were doing

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absolutely fine and some of them ate a

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lot of vegetables and some ate no

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vegetables some ate almost all fish

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because they live by the coast and some

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ate no fish because they lived in the

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mountains they had goats they drank goat

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milk they had cows they drank cow's milk

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they made cheese and butter and no

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matter where he went they were perfectly

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healthy as long as they ate whole food

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as long as they didn't mess with it as

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long as they didn't process it or turn

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it into Franken food

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humans can survive on a wide variety of

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different foods the problem we've gotten

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into is we've added too much grain too

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much legumes we process too much

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everything is sugary we have the

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high-fructose corn syrups and the agave

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and all these different things that we

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never got in those amounts from nature

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so there's the problem so that's the

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Paleo diet in a nutshell that's the idea

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behind it can you use it religiously and

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get good results absolutely go for it

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can you use it as a template I think

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that's the better that's how I look at

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it I look at as a great metaphor to

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start understanding why certain things

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might be good for us and why certain

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things might be creating a lot of damage

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so the take-home message is use it any

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way you like it's a great metaphor for

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understanding what foods might be

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suitable and what might not but in the

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end you eat whole foods you avoid

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processed foods and you eat it in the

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freshest and most natural state that you

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can if you enjoy this sort of content

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