What Is Muscle Testing & What Is It Used For?

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what is kinesiology used for and does it

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work is it valid I'm gonna give you just

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enough information in detail so that you

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can make an informed decision for

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yourself coming right up

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hey I'm dr. Ekberg with wellness for

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life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body

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really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything so

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kinesiology is simply the study of

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emotion but what most people mean when

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they say kinesiology is applied

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kinesiology were a K or muscle testing

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so that's what we're going to talk about

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and that's what we use in our office

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when we do a muscle test then we

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typically start with a arm stretched out

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we push on the bone the bone is held up

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by a muscle and the muscle is controlled

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by a signal from the brain so we're

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really involving three different systems

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the bone muscle and the brain one is

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passive one is active but one is

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regulating so the passive doesn't change

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the active doesn't change

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it's the regulating that changes it's

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the brain processing the signaling that

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changes so it's really the brain that

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we're testing everything in your body is

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regulated by the brain so here's the

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process the body has receptors that send

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input that send efferent information

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incoming information to the brain and

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then the brain processes that so the

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combination of input and processing

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results in perception so that incoming

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information gives the brain enough data

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to paint a picture of what the world

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looks like the brain is never seen or

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heard or touched or felt anything but

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with enough information the brain can

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create a picture of the world if that

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information coming in is correct then

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the brain can paint a true picture and

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it can act properly

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so then the brain processes and it

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creates an output an efferent signal so

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it can affect the body parts that need

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to do things and then the body has

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receptors that give the brain more

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information and so this wheel keeps

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spinning and perception were input can

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come from three different big areas one

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is chemical one is mechanical or

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proprioception and one is emotional so

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all of these things can change how the

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brain processes and perceives things so

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chemicals if you put in chemicals or

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drugs or pesticides or if you get food

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poisoning those are all chemical inputs

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so our hormones and neurotransmitters

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etc mechanical and proprioception that's

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movement ninety percent of what your

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brain processes has to do with

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proprioception meaning where are the

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body parts in relation to gravity and

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the environment this is so important

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that that is 90 percent of what the

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brain does and things that don't move

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don't have brains so the main purpose of

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the brain is to process information and

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proprioception so that you can figure

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out where you are and you can interact

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with your environment and emotional

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obviously thoughts are real things you

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can have a stressful thought and get

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goosebumps or high blood pressure or an

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ulcer and so forth and this is a lot of

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information the incoming information is

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somewhere around a billion bits of

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information per second so that's a lot

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of stuff for the brain to process and

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now if we understand this model then the

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brain is really just a hub it only does

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things based on information it receives

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so it's really the incoming information

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that drives the system and any change in

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the incoming information is going to

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create a change in the outgoing

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information so that's what muscle

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testing is all about

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we test we push we get a response and if

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that response changes it's because we

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changed the input if that input is

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favorable then in our experience we get

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a locked muscle if that input is

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unfavorable we get an unlocked muscle

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okay it's sort of intuitive we can't

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prove that that's the case that locked

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is good for the most part and unlocked

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means that something is not helping the

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body but from millions and millions of

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muscle tests and interactions and people

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getting better it is our experience that

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that's the case we want to think of the

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muscle test as a neurological reflex

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because we have information coming in we

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have brain processing and we have a

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response and that response can be normal

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or abnormal so in the case of muscle

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testing the normal response is for that

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arm to lock the abnormal is for it to

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unlock the most part it depends on on

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what we're looking at and if you do a

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patellar tendon reflex if you have

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someone kick hit your kneecap with a

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little hammer then the foot is going to

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kick out

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that's a neurological reflex normally

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that would only kick out once but if

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there's something wrong with the brain

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then it's going to result in

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hyperreflexia and we get either an

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exaggerated response or multiple

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repeated responses so just like there

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are abnormal neurological reflexes in

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Neurology there are also normal and

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abnormal findings in muscle testing so

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the brain is what modulates and effect

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those things so muscle testing is one of

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the most controversial topics out there

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and for the most part it's because

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people don't understand it or because

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they don't know how to do it properly or

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they have unrealistic expectations

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patience so let's look at a few things

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here the proper way of doing a muscle

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test is to first understand that you're

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looking for a lock it's not a strong or

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a weak muscle it is a lock or an unlock

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it's a yes or a no it's not a gray scale

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of strong or weak and that's a skill

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that you have to develop it's an

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understanding you probably have to push

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on a few thousand or tens of thousands

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of arms before you get really good where

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you're sure that yes I know what a lock

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feels like and in order to establish

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that lock you need to have both the

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tester and the person being tested

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totally stable so you can either have

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them standing or you can have them

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sitting or laying down but it has to be

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in a stable position and then you want

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to use gradual pressure so you start

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with an ounce of pressure over the

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course of a few seconds you gradually

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increase to a couple of pounds and

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during that you sense if there is a

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change where if there's a rigid end feel

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to it so by practicing that you can tell

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if you have a lock or not it is not

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about a strong versus a weak muscle so

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I'm sorry if you've been exposed to some

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people who don't understand this and

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I've seen some horrendous examples on

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YouTube I don't know if I want to laugh

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or cry because it misleads people and it

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takes advantage of people like the

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stability portion for example sometimes

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I see people test like this and they say

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oh stand on on one leg and then they

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push way out here and the person goes

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flying there's nothing to do with a

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muscle test that has to do with balance

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and vectors and what direction you apply

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the pressure it's absolutely nothing to

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do with what we're talking about and the

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other thing is it has to be gradual and

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very often I'll see testing where they

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go oh look here and when they want to

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make it strong they do a gradual

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and when they want to show you how weak

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you went then they do it's superfast and

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you go flying again so realize that you

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have to know what to do and be

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consistent to get consistent findings

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and as good as this is there are

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limitations and we have to be aware of

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how to establish consistency but we also

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have to understand what the limitations

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are so the first limitation is bias

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because we are dealing with an

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information system and thoughts and

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emotions are part of this then it is

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sometimes not entirely possible to

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eliminate all bias that's why we don't

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use this as the single test we use it as

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an adjunct and we use it in cases where

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our bias is not very influential so I'll

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give some examples of that then it

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depends on skill and like I said you

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might have to do this a few thousand

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times before you get reasonably good and

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skill also understanding what we are

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looking for so that you put the patient

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in the consistent place so that you know

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to look for a lock that you don't change

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things up that you understand that this

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is one test and this is another test and

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this is another test so you have to be

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consistent to get consistent results and

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then you want to know that there can be

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other interference like I said we're

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dealing with information and we are

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changing with the muscle test we are

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working through a system of mechanics

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and proprioception but the body can also

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be influenced by chemicals and thoughts

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so if they have an interference with

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some chemical or metal or pathogen in

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their body in addition to what we might

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be testing then that can throw off the

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results and if we don't know how to

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an account for that then we may not get

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readings but if we do know how to

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account for those then we can get very

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very consistent and get very valid

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reading so very often people who don't

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understand this they'll say oh that

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stuff doesn't work

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this is pseudoscience or we haven't done

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any double-blind placebo-controlled

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trials or something like that and that's

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their opinion of the validity so well

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we'll get to that next but so far

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everything that I have discussed is

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physiology it is science you can read

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about this stuff in books you can verify

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this for yourself you can educate

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yourself and understand that everything

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that I've said so far is simply about

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neurophysiology it's about signals it's

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about how the brain processes things

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it's about the brain turning things on

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and off so if you disagree with

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something so far then you're just

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uninformed the rest of it however gets

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into opinion and experience so when

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people question the validity then this

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is where they have a right to their

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opinion and we also want to understand

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how can we use this so that it it's

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consistent and when I use this I cues it

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to test for toxicity and sensitivity for

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deficiencies and for subluxations and

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some people also use it to test for

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emotional states and beliefs and so

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forth I don't get into that because I

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think there are too many variables I

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think there's too much emotional bias I

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think there might have some validity for

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some people but I think you want to be

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very very careful and I just stay away

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from that now when we do when we test

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for toxicity sensitivity I am NOT

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diagnosing I'm not saying that you have

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metals or chemicals in your body

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I'm saying it appears your body has a

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reaction to something let's see if we

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can find something that makes it work

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and this is completely different a blood

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test will test and see how much

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pesticide how much metal how much

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pathogen is in your bloodstream it's an

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absolute measure we don't do that we

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don't diagnose we're asking about the

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body's reaction and then we're using

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that reaction to see if we can find

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something to reverse that finding so

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that's very very important to understand

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that some people say oh this isn't valid

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because you can't diagnose they believe

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that we use this for diagnosing and we

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don't we absolutely don't and we don't

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want to so let me give you some examples

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of ways that I is this so for example

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the infraspinatus is a muscle in the

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rotator cuff so if you push down here

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while you stabilize here then you're

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testing the external rotator of the

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shoulder and that's the most common weak

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muscle that ever found more than half

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the people coming through the office

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probably have that one weak and then

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what we have found is that through a K

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through people collaborating they have

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found that there are certain reflex

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points and there's certain organ

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relations and that muscle most commonly

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relates to the immune system so again we

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don't diagnose we're not saying you have

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an immune deficiency we don't say that

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you have a disease but we pick an immune

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support product and we see if it

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reverses that finding and we don't care

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if you have an immune deficiency or not

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we just found something that isn't

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working and the finding gives us a

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reason to pick a particular product and

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now if that reverses the finding we

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believe that's a good solution so we can

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test in real time and we can bypass a

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lot of steps and we can get quicker

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results more specifically and it saves

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the patient money another muscle we can

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test is the subscapularis

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which is the opposite it's an internal

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rotator so if we push this way instead

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then we're testing the subscapularis

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which is related to heart and if we give

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the person something that typically

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supports the heart then that muscle

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tends to be stronger or get a lock so

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again we're not diagnosing the heart

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we're not telling anyone that you have a

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disease or you have a heart problem

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we're using the body's responses to tell

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us a likely product that will reverse

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this non function if we go to the

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latissimus which is if we test the

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straight arm into the body we pull

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straight out that's testing the

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latissimus and if that's not working

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there's usually a relationship to the

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pancreas and if we support the pancreas

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through a digestive enzyme then we

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typically can strengthen that muscle a

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lot of low back pain is due to a

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dysfunctional soaz which in turn can be

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due to a stressed adrenal and if we

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support that adrenal a little bit not

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calling it a disease but checking does

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an adrenal supplement does an adrenal

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support supplement strengthen that so as

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and then we give them some adrenal

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support and they come back and their

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back is better then we think that that

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was a good idea so when people say it

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doesn't work they're questioning the

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validity in terms of a diagnostic

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function again we're not diagnosing

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we're using this to ask the body we're

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changing the receptor input and we're

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asking the body what does it take to

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reverse this finding we never diagnosed

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anything we never said that you have any

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of these things but we're just looking

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for what does the body need to improve

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the function so I hope that was helpful

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in clearing up some confusion because

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there's a lot of it out there and a lot

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of it is based on lack

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of physiology knowledge and jumping to

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conclusion about the interpretation

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about the validity so let me know what

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your experiences are let me know if

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you've had good or bad experiences and

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if so let me know what happened so we

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can maybe figure out if they were

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following these steps or not if you want

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to have some fun with this I encourage

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you to start playing with it test each

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other push on some arms hold different

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things and see what changes just be

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careful until you have some really good

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skill don't read too much into what you

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find and be careful with the questions

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you ask and this is especially true if

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you go into the emotional stuff which I

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don't recommend once you start asking

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mental questions there's a whole lot

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more variables and complexity and

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confusion and chances for for false

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readings so if you want to have some fun

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just start playing with this I encourage

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you to do this on your own because it

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can be very helpful to figure out what

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you have if there's some foods that your

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body would rather not have or even in

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the grocery store if there's something

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that you're questioning whether you

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should buy or not once you get good at

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this it can be very helpful until you

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get good though I would encourage you to

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practice and be very very careful with

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how you interpret what you find until

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next time thanks for watching

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