What Is Insulin Resistance? (Diet Is Very Important!)

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What is insulin resistance? A lot of people have heard of insulin resistance

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they know that it's a big problem but how big a problem is it and where

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does it come from is insulin a bad thing? well today we're going to talk about all

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these things so that you understand it and hopefully so that you understand it

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well enough to help others start understanding it because this is maybe

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the biggest health problem that we have in the Western world

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stay tuned (logo) insulin resistance is exactly what it sounds like it's the body's

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resistance to insulin insulin is a good thing it's been around for as long as

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life has been around and it helps us survive the purpose of insulin is to

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store the excess whenever we have feast versus famine when there's a feast and

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we have some extra then the insulin is there to store it so insulin is an

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anabolic hormone anabolic means to build up and what are we building up we're

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building up tissues we're building up reserves we're building muscles we're

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building fat we're building up anything that can help us survive later so when

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we have plenty we want to save for a rainy day so that later when we don't

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have so much we can start using those stores we can break down the stores and

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that's called catabolic but today we're going to talk about the anabolic part

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because that's what insulin is. the purpose of everything that you eat is to turn that

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food into fuel and building blocks and insulin has to do with both but when we

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talk about insulin resistance we're primarily concerned about the fuel apart

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so anytime that you eat something that raises blood sugar that sugar is in the

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bloodstream and it can't get into the cell without the help of insulin so

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insulin is like a key it's a hormone that plugs into the lock and it opens up

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the door so the glucose can get inside the cell and

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this is a very tightly very precisely regulated process it doesn't happen by

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itself and remember that insulin is an anabolic hormone it stores the excess so

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when we eat carbohydrates then there is an enormous response of insulin because

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that purpose of that carbohydrate is part of it is fuel in the moment but

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most of it gets converted into fat that we can put in storage and use for later

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protein also has a moderate insulin response because protein also gets

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turned into tissues we use it to build tissues and muscles but fat doesn't have

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any insulin response to speak of it's virtually zero because fat doesn't get

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turned into storage or into tissue it is already the form that the body needs it

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which is fuel so when we eat carbs we want to turn it into fat for future use

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but the fat itself is already fuel so it doesn't have an insulin response to

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it everything that you eat is to become blood sugar one way or another and the

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body likes it to be in a very very narrow range and if you eat after a meal

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it should be somewhere between 80 to 120 if it's been awhile since you ate then

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it should be somewhere probably between 75 and 95 a fasting blood glucose and

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that's a very very narrow band that means that at any given time you have it

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about one teaspoon of sugar in your bloodstream so anything more than that

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is excess and it has to be stored and that's what the insulin does and why

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does the body want the blood glucose so tightly regulated because excess is

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toxic to the brain and diabetic without insulin where the blood sugar go

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through the roof they can end up in a coma or if they take too much insulin so

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their blood sugar plummets they can also end up in a coma so on the one hand it's

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toxic on the other hand it is too low to where the body the brain doesn't have

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enough fuel to function that's why the brain functions the best it can do the

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things it needs to do at a very steady supply it's like you throw a log on the

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fire and it gives a steady stream of warmth for for many many hours

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carbohydrates is more like you throw a can of gasoline on the fire and it all

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burns up in an instant so if we want to capture that all that energy then we

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have to be able to convert it to something else and store it so that's

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what's happening so let's look at a normal situation with a cell so this

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here is a cell and inside it I've written little triangles that are

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supposed to be glucose that's not their normal shape but it's just easier to

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draw that way and we have a small number then some of that glucose gets converted

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into fat and some of the fat is circulating around on its own but in

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both cases we have just enough for that cell to function for a while and then

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outside the cell we have more glucose that's the blood glucose it hasn't

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entered the cell yet and the red circles are insulin and the insulin is there to

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assist the glucose to enter the cell so as we use up some glucose inside the

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cell then it needs to be replenished so that the cell has fuel for its continued

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function and this would be a normal situation it's tightly regulated it's a

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flow and it's an ongoing process that gives the body what it needs and not too

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much not too little but when we start eating a lot of carbohydrates and we

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start eating many many times a day and we start eating snacks in between

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now we have more carbohydrate we have more glucose so that's all of these

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little triangles in the cell is jam-packed with glucose and when

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the cell can't use that glucose it starts converting it into fat and it

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starts storing inside the cell first as fat and then it starts spilling over so

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that it gets into the blood and then it can get into other cells to be stored as

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fat anything the body can't use at the time has to be stored and then outside

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the cell we still have tons and tons of glucose there's an abundance there's an

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excess of glucose outside the cell because we keep eating carbohydrates we

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keep eating frequent meals so the body doesn't have a chance to burn through

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the stuff that you ate at the previous meal or yesterday so the stuff just

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keeps building up but remember in the bloodstream it's toxic the brain can't

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handle that much glucose so that's an emergency and the body says hey we got

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to get this glucose out of the bloodstream let's make a bunch of

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insulin so the more glucose we have the more insulin is needed to push to open

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up the door for that glucose to get into the cell but the cell is already full

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where is it going to go and this is where the cell becomes insulin resistant

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because there is a excess of glucose inside the cell there's an excess of

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glucose outside the cell because of the excess glucose outside there's also an

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abundance of insulin called hyperinsulinemia there's too much

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insulin and all that insulin is trying to push the glucose in but there is no

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room and the cell is saying can't take anymore I don't care

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how desperate you are to get rid of that glucose in the bloodstream we have all

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we can handle that is how insulin resistance happens

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and the problem now is because the insulin is a storage hormone it's an

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anabolic hormone it works primarily to put things inside the cell rather than

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allowing them out then we have all of this fat inside this cell and an inside

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a bunch of other fat cells and inside the liver but we can't get to it because

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there's too much insulin insulin is a storage hormone it's a one-way hormone

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it puts things in it doesn't allow things to get back out so if we look at

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the top reasons of why this mechanism happens then it has to do with one blood

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glucose when we eat a lot of carbohydrates then we're driving up

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glucose on a regular basis but that is typically not enough because there are

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lots of cultures around the world that have subsisted on a high carb diet

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they've eaten potatoes they've eaten corn they've eaten rice at very very

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high levels but they still don't develop insulin resistance or at least not

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significantly or at least not in young ages so the second thing that's

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required is frequency and if you just eat a couple times a day you could

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probably live a long life and eat high carb and not develop insulin resistance

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the third factor though is the key and this is where our societies have changed

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so much and so quickly and the third reason is sugar because sugar is a

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special thing sugar exists in nature in very very limited quantities its present

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in vegetables its present in milk its present in fruits but in small

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quantities but when we refine it when we start adding it when we extract it a

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white crystal stuff and put it in a bag and we add it to catch up and to

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dressings and to cookies and ice cream now we're getting many many many times

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more than we ever could from nature and what's the problem with

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that the problem with sugar is that it is 50% glucose and 50% fructose and the

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fructose is a special kind of sugar the glucose can go straight into the

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bloodstream and it can be dispersed and every cell in the body can use the

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glucose so if you're weighing 200 pounds then you have 200 pounds of cells that

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can use glucose so that glucose gets evenly dispersed and it gets burned off

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by those cells but the fructose can only be metabolized by the liver so now the

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sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose so if you ate a hundred grams of sugar you

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got 50 grams of glucose to go evenly but you also have 50 grams of fructose that

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can only be metabolized and transformed by the liver and the liver even though

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it's a sizable organ it's somewhere around three pounds so the liver now is

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getting 70 times more sugar than the rest of the body on average and that is

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the overload that breaks the camel's back and the liver is your primary

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metabolic organ it's supposed to do hundreds of different things it converts

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one thing to another it detoxifies you it handles your proteins it changes

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blood blood sugar it detoxifies alcohol it makes glycogen and does all these

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different things and now we just threw a 70 times bigger load of sugar onto the

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liver so this the the packed cell this is what happens to the liver and so

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sugar accelerates insulin resistance many many many times it is even you

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could go so far as to say it's difficult to get insulin resistance without sugar

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but once you have insulin resistance now you kind of broke the machine you

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have a certain carbohydrate tolerance built into the machine but the sugar

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broke it and once it's broken now you have to backtrack you have to go much

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much further you have to be much much stricter to reverse it then you would

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have to be to maintain it and then in the light 1900s I don't know the exact

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date 70s 80s somewhere they figured that you know sugar is conceivably the worst

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food ever devised by mankind but let's see if we can make it a little bit worse

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let's see if we can really ramp it up and create some poison on steroids if

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you will and that's when they figured out how to make high fructose corn syrup

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because now they developed a cheap sweetener that has a higher rate of

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fructose so fructose is the stuff that poisons the liver because they can't go

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anywhere else and high fructose corn syrup is anything that has higher than

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50% fructose so they just increased the horrendous portion of sugar even a

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little bit more and now we're seeing and then you combine that with the low fat

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diet and you scare people from fat and all of a sudden we have an epidemic of

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epic proportion of insulin resistance and diabetes and obesity and so forth so

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there are many ways of figuring out if your insulin resistant and we're going

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to talk more in later videos but one of the basic things is to measure your a1c

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your a1c your hemoglobin a1c is a three-month average it's a way of

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measuring what your blood sugar is on average over a period of three to four

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months and if it is below five point three then in my opinion it's good it's

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okay you are insulin sensitive and in the medical world if it is between five

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point seven and six point four then you are pre

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diabetic then your insulin resistance equals pre-diabetes and if it's over 6.5

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then you have diabetes and according to current numbers I don't have the exact

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ones but approximately 20% of the population is diabetic and according to

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official number somewhere around 30 percent are insulin disease resistance

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or pre-diabetic what does that mean it means if you don't change something if

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you just keep doing what you're doing then if you're pre-diabetic you are more

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than likely to become diabetic at some point in time and the official

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guidelines suggests that you're okay all the way up to 5.7 but it kind of it's

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obvious that it doesn't start at 5.7 you don't just all of a sudden end up there

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it's a slippery slope so I would say that you want to start paying attention

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as soon as you get over 5.3 now you know that you're developing you're starting

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the early signs so instead of waiting for the full-blown diabetes or the

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severe insulin resistance why don't we start working at it when you have mild

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or slight insulin resistance and just to give you an idea of how widespread this

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problem is then you could just look around and imagine the number of

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overweight people which is somewhere around three-quarters of the population

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in the United States and that matches very very closely to these numbers 20%

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diabetic 30% insulin resistant and in my opinion 30% and I'm guessing at the

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number of people that have that but just based on overweight people and

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lifestyles I would say some around 80% of the population have mild to severe

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insulin resistance or diabetes and again if you don't change something then that

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pre-diabetes that insulin resistance will continue to get worse and why

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should you be concerned because pre-diabetes and

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biddies are associated with weight gain increased blood pressure increased risk

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of stroke and increased risk of cardiovascular disease so all of the

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stuff that kills the most people is associated with insulin resistance and

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pre-diabetes when is the best time to stop it when

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it's full-blown or in the early stages the answer is pretty obvious so let me

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ask you something based on what we've talked about based

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on your current understanding of based on what we talked about does this have

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anything to do with food and if you paid any attention I think you would say that

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yes it has everything to do with food and why am I asking that because when I

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went to do get my own blood test done there was a little flyer on the wall

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from the CDC government agency Centers for Disease Control and they had a

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screening test where they wanted to check and have a little questionnaire to

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see if you were insulin resistant and here's what they were asking have you

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had a baby that weighed over nine pounds at birth then give yourself a point do

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you have a sibling with type-2 diabetes give yourself a point do you have a

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parent with type-2 diabetes give yourself a point are you overweight

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give yourself five points are you under 65 years of age but you do little to no

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exercise then give yourself five points are you between 45 to 64 years old give

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yourself five points are you over 65 give yourself nine points and then

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they're saying if you are three to eight points then you should watch your

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lifestyle you should eat low-fat food you should

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eat high grain food you should try to be active don't smoke and lose weight isn't

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that great advice eat low-fat because that has no insulin response eat

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high grain because that has the most insulin response be active is a good

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idea because activity helps the body burned through the glucose that's in the

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muscles and the muscles can get the glucose from the bloodstream with less

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insulin when you're active so that is a good idea and of course don't smoke

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that's not a new thing that's good advice and then they say lose weight and

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you're screaming after understanding this I would love to but I can't because

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I'm insulin resistant alright they're getting everything backwards the insulin

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resistance insulin is a storage hormone it's the insulin that stored the weight

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and it's the insulin that keeps you from burning it so that's useless advice

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because it's sort of just stating the obvious you would if you could and if

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you're nine points or more which the only thing you have to do is to be over

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65 to get nine points then you should see your doctor because you're probably

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insulin resistant and they're right there the statistics point to that fact

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but what they're missing is there's not a single question here about food how

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many sodas do you drink how much sugar do you eat do you eat processed foods

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none of that all of this means is if you had a baby over nine pounds you produced

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a lot of insulin because you ate a lot of carbs if you have a sibling with

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type-2 diabetes they ate a lot of carbs so probably you eat a lot of carbs if

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you had a parent with type-2 diabetes they ate a lot of carbs so you probably

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ate a lot of carbs if you are overweight then you probably ate a lot of carbs if

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you are let under 65 and you don't exercise then you probably ate a lot of

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carbs but you didn't exercise to give your body a chance to burn it off and

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by the time to develop insulin resistance now the exercise is still

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beneficial but it can't really fix the problem if you're 45 to 64 then that's

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how long you've been alive eating carbs and if you're over 65 years old then

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you've had more than 65 years to eat carbs this is what they're saying but

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there's no question about food in here and then they tell you eat low fat high

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grain etc so based on that based on that complete ignorance it is no mystery why

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we have 80 percent overweight people and 80 percent insulin resistance and why

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the top killers are things like cardiovascular disease stroke and

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diabetes we have to start understanding that it's a storage problem the cells

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have too much fuel and in the presence of insulin they can't use it and what's

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the medical solution is to give people things to push even more to help the

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body push more sugar into the cell to be converted to fat that's the solution and

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when the body can't keep up anymore and when the metformin and the glucophage is

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aren't enough then we inject them with insulin to try to push even more inside

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and it's the exact opposite of the solution so that's how insulin

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resistance works we're going to do some more videos on it so that we can expand

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and and provide more detail and specific situations if you enjoy this kind of

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content and you're new to the channel make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so we can keep this content coming your way and as you can

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tell by now this is a big problem please share this information with anyone that

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you care about because it could save their life thanks for watching

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