What Is Hypoglycemia? (Reverse Hypoglycemia)

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Today we're going to explain some of the basics of hypoglycemia so stay tuned. Hey

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I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health

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by understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and

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What is hypoglycemia? Hypo means low or under and glycemia means glucose in the

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blood, sugar in the blood. So hypoglycemia is low blood sugar and

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then most people would think well if you've got a low blood sugar then let's

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eat a bunch of sugar to get it up and that seems like a tempting idea and

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that's what a lot of people do and in the short term that's going to sort of

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reset your blood sugar and you feel better for a short time but in the long

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run it is the worst thing that you can do and it is the thing that caused the

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problem and it's the thing that perpetuates it so let's look a little

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bit about the how the system works so blood sugar is measured in milligrams

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per deciliter and your body likes it somewhere between eighty to a hundred

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and twenty a fasting blood sugar should be eighty to a hundred with a sweet spot

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somewhere like eighty five to ninety and with that level of blood sugar your body

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can produce stable energy long term no huge peaks

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no sudden valleys but we have steady supply that's what the brain likes

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that's what your cells like and a hundred milligrams of blood sugar means

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that at any given time the average person has about 1 teaspoon of glucose

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or sugar circulating in their blood that's their energy supply so to speak

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from from blood sugar and that's like a slow drip it's not like throwing a whole

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bucket in at all at once so if your system is designed for about one T's

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boon of glucose carbs at a time then it doesn't know what to do it's it's an

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emergency it's a crisis if we dump a whole lot more than that in at any given

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time so processed foods go into the bloodstream very very quickly so when we

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say sugar we're not just talking about open up a bag of white sugar and start

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spooning it into your mouth it is just as bad your blood sugar rises equally

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quick from a number of other things let's take a look a coke will have eight

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teaspoons of sugar a bagel 10 teaspoons of sugar fries

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12 teaspoons of sugar a muffin 15 teaspoons of sugar and if you go all out

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and you have three slices of pizza that's 24 teaspoons of sugar and your

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body is designed to have about one teaspoon at a time that's what it knows

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how to deal with so let's look at what happens first we have to understand

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insulin in relation to blood sugar so when we eat whole foods like meat and

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vegetables the blue line here our blood sugar is going to stay within a very

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narrow range it's going to rise slowly and it's going to drop slowly and we

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only need a little bit of insulin to help that sugar out of the bloodstream

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and into the cell but if we eat one of these foods or any processed modern

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convenience food then blood sugar is not going to stay in the hundreds it's gonna

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go very very quickly in a matter of minutes not hours but minutes it's gonna

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get into the 200-300 range sometimes and that's an emergency just like a diabetic

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can get a coma from extremely low blood sugar they can get a coma from really

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high blood sugar the brain really doesn't like those huge swings so this

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is an emergency and the body is going to produce

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emergency amount of insulin so you get this huge red spike of insulin to handle

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all that excess blood sugar but if the insulin goes this high and it tries to

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get that blood sugar out very very quickly the blood sugar is going to drop

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very very quickly and do you think that at that sudden drop with that huge

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amount of insulin do you think it's going to slow down and just smoothly

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taper off at the ideal level no there's too much insulin in the system so it's

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gonna overshoot and down here is what's called hypoglycemia and now you get

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fatigue you get irritable you get shaky you lose focus you can't concentrate you

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get in a bad mood until you can get your hands on some sugar because when you're

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really down here when you're really far down that's an emergency too

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you can't function down here and your body is screaming give me some blood

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sugar and now you go to the vending machine and you have something quick a

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candy bar a food bar an energy bar or something a coke chips whatever and now

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we get the spike and we're on this eternal blood sugar roller coaster so

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what caused the problem of hypoglycemia was the sugar because the processed

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sugar creates a rollercoaster the solution even though in the moment the

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thing that will be the quickest to make you feel better when you're down here is

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sugar again that's the worst thing that you can do in the long run because it

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perpetuates the problem the only way to solve this long-term is to stay away

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from these foods learn what low glycemic index foods are meat vegetables fat and

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teach your body how to get back into this range to where it knows how to

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produce stable energy hope that was helpful if you

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enjoy content like this make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification

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bell and if you know someone who has hypoglycemia or blood sugar issues or

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diabetic or insulin resistance make sure that you share this content with them

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because it can be life-saving. Thanks for watching

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