What Is Holistic Health? - Dr Ekberg

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What is holistic health? I'm gonna explain how it works

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stay tuned hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to

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truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything some

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people love the notion of holistic health and others thinks that it's

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pseudoscience so we're gonna talk about what it really is and how it really

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works so holistic health has nothing to do with burning incense or waving

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crystals or wearing strange clothing or moving into a cave holistic health

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simply means that you address all of the person you address all of the factors

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that influence health so first we have to understand what is the body and what

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is it that affects the body so if you ask a physicist what the body is he'll

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say well you know it consists of matter and matter is the same thing as energy

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and energy gives rise to vibration and vibration has frequencies and Nikola

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Tesla said if you want to find the secrets to the universe think in terms

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of energy frequency and vibration because if the entire universe is energy

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frequency and vibration then so are we and we have to start thinking of the

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body more in those terms everything that is alive has the ability to process

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signals or information from a little bacterium or an amoeba to more complex

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beings like humans we all have the ability to process signals that is what

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makes us alive so a human brain is one of the most complex things ever devised

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it has the ability to process billions of bits of information per second and it

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receives about 1 billion bits of information per second and for every bit

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it receives its going to turn something on or it's going to turn some

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something off the sum total of all of that is called regulation and when

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regulation works then we find ourselves in a state of homeostasis which is the

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same thing as health so then we want to understand what are those different

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signals what are those different pieces of information so there are three main

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categories and in chiropractic we talked about for a very long time that there's

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a triangle or a triad of health and there's a chemical side to us there's a

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physical mechanical side to us and there's an emotional thinking side to us

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and every one of those is equally important we can't just work on one

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because then that triangle could get lopsided or lose a side altogether so

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just think about this for a second we all know that movement creates signals

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and we get more energized if we stand up and do some jumping jacks

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then we feel more energized we also know that we can eat something that makes us

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feel good or we can eat something that makes us feel bad there's good and a bad

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side to all of these aspects so nutrition proper nutrition is the good

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side toxic nutrition would be a bad aspect of the chemical side as far as

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emotion we also know that you could think something you could have an

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emotional response to the thought and you could feel really tense and your

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blood pressure could jump 50 points so all of these things change physiology

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they change your health so movement chemical nutrition etc and thoughts

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they're all equally important so if they can affect you if they can cause stress

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then they can change your health and then that something that we need to

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address so that's what holistic health is that we don't just look at one thing

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we understand how the body works we understand what

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impact health and then we look at all of those aspects we look at the whole we

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treat the whole patient there's nothing mystical there's nothing

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strange it's just an understanding of how the body really works and we address

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all of it so we don't leave anything out and that is the only way that you're

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going to return the body to health or maintain the body at an optimum level of

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health is through holistic health is by understanding what the body is what

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impacts it and by carefully learning and understanding what those factors are and

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how to develop a lifestyle so that you can optimize all those so if you have

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something about your health that you'd like to change or if you know someone

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who has some health challenges please share this information with them share

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it with as many people as possible because the more people that find out

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what health is and how the body works the more we can help people stop

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suffering if you're new to this channel make sure that you subscribe and hit the

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notification bell so that you don't miss anything thanks for watching

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