What is HIIT Training? Why HIIT Works? Fast Weight Loss With High Intensity Interval Training 🚴🏃

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what is HIIT also known as high-intensity interval training today we're going to

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talk about what it is why you want to do it who can do it and how can you do it

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there's a lot of misconceptions out there so we're gonna straighten all of

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them out for you coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you'd

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like to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

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anything first of all what is high-intensity interval training so it's

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not where you go to the gym and you workout really hard for 45 minutes even

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though that feels like high intensity that is not what we're talking about

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just like the name says it is intense meaning you have to get up to a super

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super super high intensity so high that you cannot sustain it for more than

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seconds to maybe a minute so therefore it is short very time-saving if you can

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do it for 30 minutes it's not high-intensity interval training and an

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interval simply means that you're varying the intensity you alternate

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between high intensity and lower intensity or resting periods so why is

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there all this talk about high intensity interval training because when we look

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at the benefits of exercise and we understand what they truly are meaning

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there are hormonal benefits there are Fitness benefits there are circulation

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benefits and some people believe that burning calories is also a benefit that

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you get all of these benefits in less time hormonal benefits that means that

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high intensity that you make something called growth hormone and brain derived

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neurotrophic factor BDNF pretty much in proportion

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to how intense the exercise is so these hormones are extremely beneficial

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they are muscle promoting they are brain promoting you cannot make new brain

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cells or new synapses without human growth hormone and BDNF but with enough

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of those and the right nutrition and circumstances you can actually make new

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brain tissue so those are the hormonal benefits and high intensity again means

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that you make more of these beneficial hormones in direct proportion to how

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intense the exercise is that also has to do with the fitness that the Fitness is

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pretty much proportional to the intensity also and you are getting

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circulation benefits even though the duration is shorter and we'll talk more

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about that also you can get all these benefits in much much much shorter time

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than it would take to go to the gym or go to a spin class or do aerobics three

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four five six days a week the next question is who can do this well pretty

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much everyone however we have to make sure that we do it within the limits of

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our fitness level so everyone can do it but if you have a disease if you have

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pain if you are extremely unfit then you need to be aware of your situation and

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you have to move forward very very carefully and very very gradually so

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that your fitness level increases and so that you're not jeopardizing your health

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if you have a heart condition or you have something else so if you have a a

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disease then you need to consult with the doctor managing that disease before

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you engage in any of this if you have pain you have to obviously accommodate

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the exercises to be the ones that you can handle with that pain and if you're

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unfit then you have to move forward very slowly and then how do you do HIIT

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how do you do it correctly so that you get these hormonal benefits so you get

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the fitness benefit and that you do it within a time frame that is short and

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convenient the first thing you need to know is that it's about producing lactic

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acid if you exercise if you move at a level below which you produce lactic

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acid also known as aerobic then there will be none or negligible hormonal

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benefits as far as growth hormone your body only makes growth hormone in

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response to a challenge but it only makes extra growth hormone in response

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to a challenge so this is all about challenging the body and when we talk

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about lactic acid that means it's gonna hurt it's gonna burn and you need to

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push yourself however the beauty is that most people

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are very willing to push themselves if it's for a short time and we're talking

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seconds here so you could do this on a stationary bike you could do it walking

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jogging running you can do body circuits you could do burpees you could do a

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rowing machine and we'll talk about some of those so the activity doesn't matter

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so much but the principle is as follows so you do you start warming up and you

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do a 5 to 10 minute warm-up just to get your joints ready your circulation going

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your brain engaged all of that good stuff

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but you want to still be in an aerobic range during the warmup meaning your

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part rate is probably going to be below 120 or so and then once you start your

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first interval now you go all out you hit it really hard for 20 to 60 seconds

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and if it's going to be 20 or 60 kind of depends on what you're doing if you're

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on a stationary bike then your legs are going to start burning really really

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fast and you're probably going to tend to go into the shorter interval if you

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are doing something I like to do is I'll go for a

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walk or a jog on a mountain trail and then when I hit it hard I do a sprint

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and I do that uphill and then I'm gonna go probably closer to 60 seconds because

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I can maintain that for that period of time the shorter you do it the more

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repetitions you're gonna do the longer you do it the fewer repetitions you need

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to do so here's what it might look like so let's just use 30 seconds for example

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then you would go all out for 30 seconds and your heart rate would start probably

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somewhere around 120 and again everyone's gonna be different so you can

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add or subtract a lot to these numbers just kind of know the the principles of

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how they change and then you're gonna get up to 140 or so in the first 30

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seconds then you give yourself a rest period and the rest period could be also

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20 to 60 seconds you don't want to go a lot longer because if you go longer then

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your heart rate drops too low and then you don't get the benefit of the

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previous interval pushing your heart rate higher and higher and higher

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so you're depending on the previous lactic acid to not go away all the way

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before you start the next one and that's how you move this higher and higher why

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wouldn't you just want to do one interval of three minutes well you kind

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of could and that would still be beneficial but then you don't get the

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benefit of each period pushing the next higher because with each resting period

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by giving yourself a little bit of time your body is going to up regulate its

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circulation it's going to open up the capillaries it's going to upregulate

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enzymes and the whole machinery for oxygen utilization for energy production

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so it works a whole lot better if you do it with intervals like this so then you

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rest for about thirty seconds and now when you start

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over again your heart rate might be at 130 so it's higher than it was and

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because of that and because you have some lactic acid the next interval is

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going to take you higher than the previous one so now you might your heart

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rate might hit 150 for example then you go 30 seconds you rest 30 seconds and

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now your heart rate is gonna drop but it's not gonna drop as much as it

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dropped from the previous one then you hit it again

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30 seconds all-out you might hit 160 and then you rest another 30 seconds and you

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hit it one more time and now you might have reached your maximum heart rate so

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you may or may not get another increase there typically you might get a few more

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points but it again depends on your fitness level and how hard you push

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yourself so the goal really is only to get you up to what your maximum heart

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rate is and what is that it's different for everyone but the rough rule of thumb

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is you start with a 220 and you subtract your age so I am rounded 55 years old so

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my maximum heart rate should be 220 minus 55 is about 165 if I was to hit

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once between 160 and 165 I would be happy I'd be done for that day later on

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you can try to push it higher and see where your actual level is it might be a

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little higher like I have recently gotten mine up to about 177 which is a

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few beats higher than I should theoretically have but again everyone's

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different so just use that as a ballpark measure and then you can repeat this

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three to eight times and it all depends on how high are you getting your heart

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rate how are you feeling and how fit are you so

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in the beginning I would probably stop after three or four intervals especially

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depending on if you're if they're longer then I would not do too many if you're

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on an exercise bike and you're just going 20 seconds you could probably

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start off with four or five or six even but you don't want to go more than eight

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because there is no benefit you're just breaking your body down too much it's

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excessive break down to go too far and this is also why you want to try to get

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this done in a few minutes high interval training is not about

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going 15 20 30 minutes that's not what we're talking about we're talking about

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doing it in a way that you get all the hormonal benefits all the health

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benefits but without causing excessive stress and without spending a lot of

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time so now let's talk about a few examples so first let's say that you've

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never exercised or at least not in the last 20 years that you are overweight

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your insulin resistance your knees are achy sometimes that you're basically

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pretty unfit hey don't beat yourself up just do something about it so if you can

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walk then do some walking just start there and then you could do intervals

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just walking a little faster or if you get to a hill then you could walk a

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little faster uphill but if you're not very fit then you probably should aim

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for maybe 70% of where you think your max is just start conservatively and

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then better be safe than sorry and then a few days later you do it again and

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then if everything feels good if your body recovered then you push it a little

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further you still follow this pattern you're just walking walking and then you

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walk a little faster and then you walk a little slower and you walk a little

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faster if you're not really comfortable about walking even if you feel a little

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unstable you have a stationary bike that's a

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great place to be because you're not going anywhere you can hold on to

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something and you can do the same type of intervals here again if you're unfit

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don't push yourself too far start easy and then you can always add to it later

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over time then you would work your way up to a hundred percent but I wouldn't

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add maybe more than five percent per week because this is not about rushing

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into something it's about developing a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain

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so who cares if it takes a few months to get up to where you're getting all of

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the optimal benefits if you're a little bit more fit

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now you could maybe do a treadmill you if the treadmill has an incline then you

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could use that for your intervals and if you're doing something like walking on a

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treadmill then I would imagine and even with an incline that these intervals

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would probably be closer to 60 seconds because it's gonna take you a bit longer

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to get up to to the top peak heart rate and the other option might be climbing

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stairs especially if you have some stairs where you could hold on to

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something and maybe you don't want to walk a whole lot of stairs maybe you

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just have one stair that you step up and step down while you can hold on to

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something it doesn't really matter what it is as long as you're doing something

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you can always progress from there so if you're medium fit then maybe you could

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push yourself up to 80% I wouldn't go to a hundred again I would let that be a

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goal in the next couple of months and if you are really fit highly fit then you

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could do pretty much anything that's safe within the limits for you so you

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could do body circuits you could do burpees jumping jacks pull-ups you could

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do sprints you could do sprints on the flat which is much more demanding than

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doing sprints uphill for example because doing sprints uphill

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you're moving your body mass up so it is takes more energy and you can't go as

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fast so it's much safer you don't have to be as fit to run uphill as you have

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to be to run flat and I would never recommend anyone to sprint downhill

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because that's just asking for trouble if you're already fit then I would aim

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for maybe 95% of what you think your max is I would shoot for 95% in in every

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workout and then you see how high you can push it over time what you'll find

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especially if your fit is that it takes a lot to get your heart rate up that

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high so the more you can use of your large muscles the large body parts all

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at once the easier it is gonna be to get into the high range if you're really fit

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it's gonna hurt a lot to get on a stationary bike because you're not using

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your upper body you're using the leg muscles and you can get a significant

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you can get a severe burn and still not be even close to a hundred percent so

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everyone's different for me it's tough on a stationary bike to get really

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really high that's why I do the sprints but try things out and realize the more

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of your body that you're using so swimming sprint swimming should work

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fine body's circuits work great because if you do burpees for example you're

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using your entire body using pretty much every muscle in your body sprints are

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the same way what about weights a lot of people ask about weights well they're

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great and you can actually get virtually the same benefit as you do with maxing

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out your heart rate and with maxing out on weights but to truly get the benefits

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of hormones you have to raise your systemic level of growth hormone you

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have to use the large muscle groups so pretty much the only one that would

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count would be squats so if you can do squats safe

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we may be in Iraq or if you can do them on a leg press machine and you have

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strong knees and a strong low back then you can go with really heavy weights and

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you can push yourself to where you miss the last rep then why does that work

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because the body makes growth hormone in response to a challenge why does it make

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growth hormone because it wants to build a bigger muscle so it can handle the

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challenge so it can handle the abuse for next time so if you push your body to

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where the body says hey you know if he's gonna do this again I have to get better

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then the body is gonna make a lot of growth hormone you can still get the

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same benefit as far as muscles with using smaller muscle groups like arms

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but you're not going to recruit as large a volume of muscle and you're not going

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to race the body systemic the total growth hormone as much but weights are

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great I highly encourage it and again if you do it with high intensity then you

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will have more fitness than if you're just doing lots and lots of reps and

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going through the motions if you do the weights though you have to be really fit

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you have to be pain free you have to use good form and all of that stuff so use

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someone to help you with good form if you are not very used to that

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alright so the workout itself is pretty short you could do get the whole thing

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done in with warm up and warm down in 15 to 20 minutes that's a great time-saver

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but how often do you need to do that because some other prominent channels

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have suggested that you do it every day and that is a really bad idea and we'll

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talk about that the half-life of a growth hormone when the body makes

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growth hormone it does downgrade pretty fast and I had been informed earlier

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that the half-life was like a couple of days but it's only about

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20 to 30 minutes what does last are the secondary effects and they go on for

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days so what we need to understand about growth hormone is that while you sleep

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is the period where you release up to 85% of your growth hormone

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so sleeping is one of the most important ways to make sure that you get your

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growth hormone release but what they found in a study was that even though

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the half-life of the growth hormone was only 20 to 30 minutes the people who did

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HIIT they had improved growth hormone release during their sleep cycle so

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growth hormone is released in sort of a pulsing wave pattern throughout the day

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but especially during sleep and the HIIT didn't change the pattern but it

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improved the volume so even much much later

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you got additional growth hormone release if you had done HIIT the other

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thing you want to understand about exercise and this is a huge huge

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misconception is that exercise makes you stronger that exercise makes you feel

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better this is not true exercise is a stress it breaks you down what feels

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good what makes you stronger what builds muscle is when the body repairs the

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damage because if you challenged if you wore the muscle down if you broke a few

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fibers you release a lot of growth hormone so that you can repair the

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damage that's why you want full recovery between the days that you do the

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high-intensity training another prominent channel suggested that you do

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full recovery between each repetition but that is not a good idea because then

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you're not benefiting from the lactic acid of the previous session pushing you

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higher so you don't want full recovery between each rep you

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between each interval but you do want full recovery between the days that you do

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this high-intensity stuff because it is very strenuous it will break down some

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tissue in your body and you want to give your body the time to repair it before

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you hit it again so the rule is two days complete rest that means that you do

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this no more than two to three times a week if you're looking for health if

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you're looking for these benefits you do two to three times a week as people get

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more and more busy it's hard to find time to go to the gym and to do

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something for an hour or two four five six days a week but by understanding

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this you can get all the benefits of exercise the hormones the fitness and

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you can condense it into something that you can do in less than thirty minutes

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two to three times a week if you felt like you had some good understanding

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from this video then I bet you're gonna love that one thank you so much for

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watching and I'll see you next time

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