What Is Autophagy? 8 Amazing Benefits Of Fasting That Will Save Your Life

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What is Autophagy and why would you care. There was recently a Nobel Prize in

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medicine awarded for work on autophagy and the reason is that this shows great

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promise in reversing things like cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Improving

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immune system, reversing degenerative disease. And it has also shown promise

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for anti-aging so today we're going to talk about what autophagy is we're gonna

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explain some of the mechanisms and some of the principles that will help you

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understand why this can be so profound to the health of the body and then of

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course we'll show you some ways that you can start applying this in your life -

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coming right up

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I'm doctor Ekberg. I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympian in decathlon, and

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if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works,

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make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't

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miss anything. The word autophagy means self eating and right on the surface

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that would seem like a really bad thing to most people. I mean wouldn't we want

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to stick around after all, but there's more to it than that. So the word Auto

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means self and phagy means to eat or consume and some of the benefits that

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have been discovered are things like anti aging it can slow or even reverse

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aging it is probably the mechanism that's really involved with calorie

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restriction diets that have been showing longevity but it's really the auto

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fudgie that is at the core of what's going on there it improves

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detoxification it improves clean up in the body it improves immune system it

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can improve the tissue quality it will improve your overall hormone balance in

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the body because it will reverse insulin resistance it will reduce insulin and it

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will increase growth hormone which is associated with maintaining muscle mass

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but also related to anti aging it can help reduce skin sag so when people lose

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a lot of weight then there's often a lot of skin left over well autophagy can

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reduce that amount of skin sag and make it tighten up for people who have had a

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concussion or a traumatic brain injury it can dramatically assist the recovery

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in that and it's been shown to reduce or possibly even reverse early stages of

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Alzheimer's and Parkinson's so we'll come back to that in a little bit and

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explain a little more but how does this work so before we get into that we have

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to change our mindset on a couple of principles because we think that we've

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been told that we eat so that we can build

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new tissue and that's basically end of story so we have this idea that growth

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is good growing muscles growing cells growing tissue it's all good and that

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breakdown is bad breaking down things that's a bad thing but it's not that

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simple and we have to stop thinking of the body as a statue in terms of oh well

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here's my body I see it in the mirror every morning it looks roughly the same

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today as it did last month so it's the same body but that's not really how it

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works the body is more like a river we want to think of the analogy river

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rather than statue because the cells in the body are constantly changing they're

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wearing out they're breaking down and they're being replaced with other

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healthier cells just like the river is never the same because the water keeps

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changing well that's how the body is as well it's not the statue is an

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inappropriate model it's not a good representation the river is a much

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better representation so instead of thinking of growth as good and breakdown

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as bad we want to think of them as equally important and that they have to

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be happening in balance so the health of the body - in order for you to have

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really healthy cells really vibrant tissue you have to get rid of the old

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tissue first the breakdown the cleanup is every bit as important as the

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building so think about that as if you're gonna build a new house and you

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don't build a foundation first you just bring in the timber and there's this

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rock pile but you don't create a smooth surface first you just start putting the

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timber on top of the rock pile that's gonna be a terrible house it's going to

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be hard to move around in it's not going to be very stable because we need a

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foundation we need a clean place to start with before

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start building and that's exactly how the body works as well

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one example is osteoporosis so bone is protein and minerals the protein gives

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it strength and flexibility and the minerals give it hardness and durability

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but if we don't have both we're gonna have terrible bone so there was a drug

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called Fosamax and what did it do well healthy bone needs to be broken down

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that you take away the old rotting the the worn-out bone and then you put in

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new protein and then you mineralize it but the Fosamax

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it just prevented it stopped the breakdown of the bone so it's like you

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just kept keeping the old crud underneath and you kept patching it with

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more mineral and in the end you have a terrible terrible foundation and you

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have more and more and more minerals so the bone looks really good on x-ray

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because the minerals show up on x-ray so it looks like you have a lot of good

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bone but the bone quality is terrible because it's very very brittle it's like

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glass almost it'll shatter at the slightest pressure and every cell in the

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body is the same way that the quality is depending on the proper breakdown first

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so we think a growth is good and growth is great when you're growing when you're

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going from a baby to an adult there's a lot of growth going on but once you're

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an adult then balance is more important and most of the diseases of adulthood

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thinks like cardiovascular disease that's a buildup of plaque Alzheimer's

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is a buildup of plaque there's neural debris there's little fiber tangles that

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don't get cleaned up and we just keep building new tissue on top of the old

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one and that's where we get plaque of course cancer is an overgrowth of

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unwanted tissue so there's a lot of things that happen in disease processes

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there's too much growth and if we can just back off and clean up first then

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the body has a much better chance of creating healthy tissue so that's the

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first thing that we need to understand about why autophagy

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is such a powerful tool that growth is not all good it's all about balance

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autophagy happens when we fast when we don't eat for a while so here's the

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mechanism normally if you would eat all the time you eat your three meals a day

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and you have regular meals you never miss a meal and let's say that you eat a

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hundred grams of protein and this protein goes into the body's amino acid

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pool that's all the stuff that you've eaten that hasn't been made into protein

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yet so the body eats protein breaks it down to amino acid and then reassembles

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it into protein for the body into body parts into new tissue so we have an

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amino acid pool that's that's the pile of raw materials if you eat a hundred

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grams a day then that hundred grams goes into the amino acid pool and then that

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same hundred grams gets built into new tissue but the fact is that you actually

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build a lot more than a hundred grams a day you use about 300 grams a day of

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amino acids to make tissue so if you only eat 100 that means they have to

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have a recycling mechanism so you make 300 grams you eat a hundred so 200 grams

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of that new tissue actually comes from recycling so again you break down old

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tissue you use those raw materials you use the breakdown products those amino

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acids and the body assembles them into new healthy tissue

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because you put in a hundred grams every day then there's a hundred grams left

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over the body builds 300s and breaks down three hundred again assuming that

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you don't grow and if you're done growing then that would be the normal

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state so there's a hundred left over and that gets discarded that gets excreted

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or it gets converted into energy we can convert protein into energy we can burn

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it for fuel four calories per gram so that would that's what would happen on a

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normal feasting situation which is most people's reality because they've never

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missed a meal and with that though they're constantly just packing more

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into the system and the excess gets sloughed off but there's always so much new good

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raw materials that the body doesn't have to become very efficient at the

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recycling it doesn't have to do a very good job

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however when we're fasting when we go without food for a while we we skip the

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eating so now for a period of time we add zero grams of protein we still have

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the same requirements of building tissue so we have the amino acid pool we have a

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requirement of 300 grams of new tissue the body is going to put a few things on

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hold but for the most part it still has to make the same tissue so what do we

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need to do we need to make red blood cells for example they only live for

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about three to four months and you make about 300 million new red blood cells

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every minute that takes some raw materials you also

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make white blood cells for your immune system you need to repair and replenish

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and tune-up tissue that is getting worn and this is an ongoing process it can

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never stop because then you wither away and die but now if there's nothing

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new coming in then the body has to get that much better at recycling

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it has to get really really good it has to put an extra crew on the

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recycling team and it has to go out and scour the body for any little remain of

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what's left over has to look in all the little corners all the nooks and

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crannies and every little molecule of debris and unwanted things gets brought

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back by the recycling crew so fasting is a powerful powerful upgrade of your

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cleanup crew of the recycling and as we said the breakdown is just as important

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as the build-up and if we always eat then we're not really paying attention

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enough to the breakdown to the cleanup so now we understand a little bit better

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why it improves the immune system because we are up regulating our white

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blood cells that's part of the cleanup crew and they have to go out and they

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have to find things they have to find raw materials and some of those raw

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materials are going to be virus and bacteria and dead debris and even cancer

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cells so immune system is upregulated and it becomes more effective your

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tissue quality improves because it gets cleaner it starts pulling out old fibers

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old debris thinks there are kind of marginal that the body might have left

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for later but now they say oh you know this one this little piece here could be

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used better so let's let's pull it in let's do something with it

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insulin goes down because you're not eating growth hormone goes up because

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during fasting is really important to preserve your muscle mass you don't want

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to be burning protein because you need this protein for making new tissue so

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the growth hormone makes sure that we preserve that we care for the protein

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and use it very very effectively so that the 300 grams can get into the recycling

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and now be burned for fuel skin sag decreases

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because part of that extra skin is debris it's extra tissue that now

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becomes a resource for the body so it recycles it more effectively traumatic

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brain injury concussions the brain is very different from the rest of your

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body the brain has the separate circulatory system so to speak it has

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something called a blood-brain barrier and brain tissue is different than

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muscle for example muscle is supposed to get damaged every time you work out

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you're supposed to break a few fibers and the body has an excellent system of

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repairing that you get a little inflammation you get some lactic acid

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the the repair crew goes right there and it's done in 48 to 72 hours the brain is

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different it doesn't have that kind of cleanup crew it is much much slower

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because it is protected by the cranial vault the brain is not supposed to get

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damaged the rest of the body is supposed to take a hit here and there the brain

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is not supposed to get damaged so he was never equipped with as good a cleanup

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crew but when you're in autophagy when you're up regulating this now there's

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two reasons first of all the autophagy improves the cleanup crew but also

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you're not eating so the sugar goes down you're improving ketones which is a

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cleaner fuel and the glucose is not there to interfere and create

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inflammation anyone with a concussion or a traumatic brain injury of a trauma of

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some other kind the single best thing that you can do is

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to stop eating sugar immediately go for an intermittent fast try to go as long as

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you can but then transition into keto and low carb because your brain will

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heal faster Alzheimer's and Parkinson's those are Alzheimer's is neural the

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accumulation of neural debris and if we upgrade the cleanup crew then we're

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going to be able to clean out that debris

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more effective so I think autophagy is incredibly exciting I think it holds the

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key to the reversal of a lot of disease process that we haven't been able to

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touch until now by understanding this but remember that it doesn't mean that

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you should just stop eating and you live forever that's not how it works it's all

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about balance we have to find the balance between anabolism which means

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building up and catabolism which means breaking down there is a golden balance

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there we have to find a balance between activation and recovery between being

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awake and sleeping between exercising and resting there's a balance the body

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doesn't need one more than the other it needs the balance of the two and maybe

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most importantly or not really because all of them are super important but the

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one that a lot of people miss is the balance between feasting and fasting

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that historically humans have had times of feast and times of famine we have had

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natural periods where we went 18 hours 24 hours 3 days without food and the

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body is perfectly equipped to deal with that and not only equipped but it sets

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in motion this process of autophagy that can be life-saving so it's balanced

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so our modern lifestyle of being a couch potato working at a desk for 8 to 12

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hours sitting at a computer in the same posture coming home sitting down in the

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sofa burning the midnight oil creating a lot of stress with deadlines or video

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games and sitting up all night we have the benefit of artificial lights that we

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don't have to follow the sun well our ancestors they follow the sun they were

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up when it was light and they slept when it was dark and that created a certain

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rhythm and we are often upsetting that rhythm because we've found ways around

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and one of the worst ways is our official recommendations of never

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missing a meal to eat three meals a day plus a mid-morning snack in an afternoon

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snack in an evening snack and then having a sweet drink to sip on all the

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way to top off your blood sugar so it is about balance we need to understand how

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our modern lifestyle has changed that balance we are violating laws of nature

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so now of course you want to get into autophagy at least once in a while and

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how do you do that there are two tools that are powerful above all others and

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one is high-intensity interval training and the other is fasting so again

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high-intensity interval training it's a challenge on the body it changes it it

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makes the body have to do something different it forces the body to respond

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to change something and fasting is the same way when there's no more food

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coming in it forces the body to do something different to start recycling

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better to start burning fat instead of other fuels so how long does it take

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well that depends on how clogged your system is how dependent you are on

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carbohydrates and how insulin resistance you are so if you're coming straight

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from the standard American diet and you just stop eating cold turkey you'll

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probably go 72 hours before you see any significant autophagy going on however if

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you are already fat adapted if you are already on a keto diet your body burns

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at least a good amount of ketones maybe not like a maximum amount but a good

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amount of ketones and you've done some intermittent fasting so your body is

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used to generating fuel to kind of go in in and out on the edge of autophagy

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then you can probably get significant autophagy in about 24 hours so yeah

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these are not laid down in concrete they're different for everybody but

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it'll give you an idea of of what it's gonna take so if this is all new to you

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I would recommend that you follow the these steps you start going into low

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carb you drop your carbs down in the 50 gram range and then once your body is is

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used to that then you drop them a little further and

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you make sure that you're in ketosis that you're generating ketones so you're

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getting your body and your brain accommodated used to burning ketones for

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fuel and less reliant on carbohydrates then you can extend your fasting a

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little bit so now you skip breakfast you get into maybe a lunch and dinner lunch

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and noon dinner at 6:00 so you have 18 hours of fasting and six hours of

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feeding and once your body is used to that

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then try some longer fasts and I'm gonna make some more videos to talk about how

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to measure this and what you're looking for to know when you're in autophagy if

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you enjoy this and you'd like to learn more about related topics make sure to

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check out our other playlists we have videos on just about every topic

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