What If You Totally Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days?

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Hello Health Champions today we're going to  talk about what would happen if you totally stop  

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sugar for 30 days and please pay close attention  because you probably can't even imagine how vast  

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the benefits are and how many destructive factors  you can eliminate by stopping sugar and the first  

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thing that might happen once you stop sugar is  some degree of withdrawal and this is the number  

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one thing that keeps people from succeeding  where they try it for a little bit and then  

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they get right back into it and we're going to  talk about these things because sugar is a very  

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addictive substance it triggers pleasure receptors  it has HS reward centers in the brain very much  

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like heavy duty drugs like heroin and cocaine  and a lot of people don't understand that it  

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can actually be that addictive because after all  sugar is completely natural It produced in nature  

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it occurs in all kinds of things but especially  in fruits but then in sugar cane and sugar beets  

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etc. so what's so damaging about it why is it so  dangerous because when we change it when we refine  

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it when we concentrate it now we completely change  those properties and now that refined product that  

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concentrated sugar product has the ability to  bypass normal regulation if you never ate sugar  

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from anything else than fruit or small amounts  of sugar cane or a little bit of honey and you  

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never had processed foods it's not very likely  that you would get very addicted however when  

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you eat tons of this stuff decade after decade  now you get hooked and it bypasses your normal  

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ability to regulate to have just a little bit  the second reason that you get some withdrawals  

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is that your body will experience a temporary lack  of fuel because if you have trained your body into  

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depending on sugar and processed carbohydrates  for fuel for energy and then all of a sudden you  

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eliminate it now for a short period of time your  body is going to have a lack of energy it doesn't  

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know where to get energy where to derive fuel but  it's very very short term because very soon your  

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body starts burning fat instead and very quickly  you become fat adapted because fat is actually the  

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better fuel it is the preferred fuel most of your  organs run on fat and it creates a stable source  

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of energy and this can happen as quickly as in  a few days even in minutes to hours this change  

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initiates your body starts adapting once you cut  out the sugar but it's still going to take a while  

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for your body to fully change around to where it's  fat adapted but in a few weeks time now you become  

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metabolically flexible you train your body that it  can derive Fuel and energy from a lot of different  

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food sources and why are we talking about cutting  out sugar for 30 days because if you do it for 30  

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days now first of all you become fat adapted you  become metabolically flexible but also because  

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we're trying to change a habit and if we just do  it for a short term maybe if you did it for a week  

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you still see a lot of changes but it's not long  enough for you to stick to it and if you don't  

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stick to it and you go back to eating like you did  before now you're going to undo all the benefits  

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that you created I've gotten lots of questions  about how to stop sugar and like this guy he  

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says does this include fruits and complex carbs  so we're going to talk about that we're going to  

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understand exactly what those are and also we're  going to understand the variables because he says  

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I'm an Active Athlete who exercises many times  a week see that changes things and we need to  

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understand where we stand in that regard Does it  include bread rice and pasta Does it include deli  

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meat because they often times have some sugar  in them Does it include coffee milk and sugar  

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because the milk has a little bit of lactose and  often people put sugar in there and the number one  

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reason people are told or want to cut out sugar  is very often to lose weight but that's just  

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such a small thing even if it's important it's  such a small thing out of all the benefits for  

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example emotional benefits how about the improved  ability to focus how about stable energy how about  

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not having these ups and downs a lot of people  they eat breakfast and then they feel good for  

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a little bit but kind of around 10 or 11 o'clock  they start crashing because their body doesn't  

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know how to create stable energy when you eat  sugar and refined carbs very often people find  

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that they have a better mood more stable mood but  also a higher Baseline than what they were used  

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to and a huge benefit like we said is that if  you can get over an addiction now you're really  

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starting to get empowered by not having external  things and substances control you and then very  

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often people wonder should I stop right away  or can I do it gradually so with carbohydrates  

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in general you can usually do it gradually but  with sugar I would suggest that you do it cold  

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turkey stop it immediately and completely and  the reason is that it is so addictive and as  

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a matter of fact the more your tendency is to  be addicted to Sugar the more important it is  

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that you cut it out completely and immediately  because if you have even just a little bit left  

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that's going to keep you addicted and it's going  to trigger your behavior to go back and eating  

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sugar so now we need to understand what sugar  is and what the different types are and which  

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ones should we avoid because when we say cut out  sugar for 30 days what does that mean so sugar  

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is typically when we say that we talking about  sucrose table sugar and that is combined of a  

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six carbon ring and if you've seen my videos you  may have seen me do this a few times but I hear  

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from all the questions that people still don't  understand these very Basics we're going to go  

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through this and glucose by itself is if it's by  itself it's a monosaccharide it's a single sugar  

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sucrose which this is is a disaccharide meaning  Two Sugars and then once we eat this and we split  

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this up now we get two monosaccharides we get one  glucose and we get one fructose so the first part  

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here the glucose portion that's the one that  raises blood sugar when we talk about blood  

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sugar we're talking blood glucose so glucose is  a sugar fructose is a sugar but when we mention  

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table sugar or added sugar in the food it's  sucrose It's a combination of the two and the  

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glucose which raises blood sugar also stimulates  insulin because when blood sugar goes up we need  

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to get that into the cell and that's the job of  the hormone insulin fructose on the other hand is  

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very different it doesn't raise blood sugar very  much but instead it clogs up the liver that is the  

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unique proper of fructose they're two substances  that only the liver can process and break down and  

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that's alcohol and fructose so when we eat a lot  of fructose then it's kind of like drinking a lot  

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of alcohol that's why it's so bad for the liver  and fructose today is the number one cause of  

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non-alcoholic fatty liver disease used to be that  only alcoholics got a fatty liver now we find it  

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in kids because we feed them so much sugar which  is 50% fructose but a lot of people are still  

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confused and they get seduced and misinformed into  using other things that are basically the same  

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thing so for example they know sugar this white  sugar they say these white crystals I never touch  

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the stuff but I do use a little bit of honey and  I use some Agave I drink uh just black tea tea or  

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green tea and I sweeten it with agave that's good  for you right well Agave is actually worse than  

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high fructose corn syrup which most people know  is a terrible thing or they say I don't eat sugar  

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I just use maple syrup or brown sugar that's much  better right no there's virtually no difference or  

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molasses same thing a lot of people think that  can juice often times you'll see products that  

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are supposed to be health food that oh well it's  organic and it's natural and it's only sweetened  

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with cane juice or fruit juice or cane sugar well  they're all the same thing and in a moment we're  

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going to show you exactly how they compare now  let's talk about the physical benefits a little  

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bit they of course include weight loss that a lot  of people know about but you'll be amazed how many  

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people will experience reduced pain they cut out  the sugar they reduce some inflammation and a lot  

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of joint pain shoulder pain wrist pain finger  pain knee pain gets reduced because you reduce  

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inflammation and of course you probably know that  you get better teeth fewer cavities less plaque  

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less tartar and buildup because all those things  that you don't want they feed off the sugar and  

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you will also probably experience improved  performance in so many ways we talked about  

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about more mental stable energy but even in sports  you'll probably find that you have more endurance  

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and better performance because as your body learns  to use fat you have a fuel source that lasts much  

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longer and is more stable now let's look at the  different types of sugar and how they compare and  

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we're going to talk about white sugar in terms  of glucose and fructose and then compare those  

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so like we said sucrose white sugar is exactly  50% because one molecule of one and one molecule  

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of the other so we get exactly 50% then we look at  honey and a lot of people think that honey that's  

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so good for you that's much healthier which I  would agree it is but in terms of sugar it is  

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exactly the same thing they float around a little  bit differently but in the end when it's all said  

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and done you get 50% glucose and 50% fructose out  of honey the difference between honey and white  

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sugar is not in the sugar composition they're  the same however honey is a natural substance  

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so it contains certain things it's a natural  antibacterial it has some positive properties  

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and that's where this little green line over here  is I've added that just to kind of symbolize that  

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there are some additional benefits but if if  you're trying to avoid sugar then honey is not  

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something you want to be eating and then we have  agave which unfortunately a lot of health-minded  

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people think is a healthy product they think it's  a good thing because they've been told so in the  

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health food store but Agave has 20% glucose and  80% fructose so because of this it doesn't affect  

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blood sugar as much so you have less of a blood  sugar Spike and then people thought hey that must  

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be good that's great for diabetics well diabetics  also have a fatty liver and Agave has 80% fructose  

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which will clog up the liver so a lot of people  know about high fructose corn syrup well this is  

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higher fructose than high fructose corn syrup  then the next one by comparison high fructose  

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corn syrup normally there's different percent ages  when they buy it but the stuff they put into soda  

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for the most part is 45% glucose 55% fructose  now the difference why it's so much worse than  

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sugar is that white sugar as bad as it is it's  a disaccharide it takes a little bit of time to  

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break it apart just even minutes will make a big  difference because high fructose corn syrup the  

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these two molecules they're separate they're  floating freely from each other and now the  

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glucose gets absorbed instantly it doesn't have  that little DeLay So the glycemic index of high  

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fructose corn syrup is much higher and then of  course it has a little bit more fructose as well  

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and then we look at maple syrup I mean that has  to be good it's just syrup it's just juice from  

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a tree how bad could it be well in the end it's  exactly the same it's 50% glucose 50 fructose  

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and if we want to kind of really promote the  difference then it's a natural product it  

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probably has a few vitamins and minerals and and  some properties that Sugar doesn't have but again  

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it's fairly minimal if on a rare occasion you're  going to use some sugar and bake something then  

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yes all these natural things would be a little  bit better because they have these additional  

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properties but in terms of sugar they're the same  and molasses same thing it has some nutrients has  

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some minerals has a little bit tiny benefit but  it's still 50% glucose and fructose and cane  

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sugar same thing as high fructose corn syrup has  been brought out and people have been shown how  

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bad it is now in comparison all of a sudden cane  sugar white sugar almost become a health food of  

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course these are the stuff that you want to avoid  all of them but now another common question is  

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so how does this compare to other forms of sugar  like bread because people don't realize that white  

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bread all forms of bread rice etc. they are all  sugar but there is a difference and the difference  

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is that bread has something called starch so if we  start off with one of these GL glucose molecules  

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and then we start stringing them together like  big trees like pearls on a string and these can  

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Branch out and they can be hundreds and they can  be thousands even tens of thousands of molecules  

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linked together this is called starch this is  called a complex carbohydrate and now people  

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think hey it's good for you cuz it's complex carb  well these things break apart very very quickly  

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we have enzymes that as soon as you start chewing  already in the mouth you start breaking these off  

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and that's why starch like bread and rice Spike  glucose raise blood sugar even faster than table  

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sugar does but it doesn't have any fructose and  that's why starch is better than sugar it's not  

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because because complex carbs are good for you  they still raise blood sugar like crazy but it  

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matters a lot to some people and not so much  to others which we'll look at in a little bit  

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so while they are all sugar and they turn into  sugar the difference is that the white bread is  

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100% glucose now I know there's a little bit of  water a little bit of fat there's some protein  

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in there but in terms of the carbohydrate they  contain it is 100% glucose now if we do the whole  

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grain bread which is promoted as a health food it  will still raise blood sugar to the same degree  

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but it does have a few nutrients has a little  bit of fiber and a few nutrients in there same  

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thing with white rice it's all glucose brown rice  is all glucose with a Sprinkle of nutrients and  

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if you are to cut this out totally for 30 days you  will start seeing some amazing health benefits and  

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yes you lose some weight you feel better and all  that but this is really where it's lifechanging  

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you will improve your digestive health you will  improve your chances of restoring a healthy biome  

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you will improve your immune function you will  get fewer colds and flu and then we get get to  

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the stuff we talk about a lot here on this channel  you will reduce insulin resistance because insulin  

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resistance is caused by high blood sugar that's  the one factor and by fructose clogging up the  

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liver is the second Factor so cutting out the  sugar with the fructose is the most important  

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thing and that's going to be enough for a lot of  people but not enough for everybody and cutting  

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out sugar is your best bet to reduce a fatty  liver and for some people that's a big deal other  

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people don't get so excited hey what's a fatty  liver well a fatty liver is associated it's the  

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central mechanism around most degenerative disease  such as type 2 diabetes high blood pressure bad  

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cholesterol and also things like Alzheimer's and  Dementia and strokes and high blood pressure etc.  

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etc. now who needs to stop what do you need to  just stop the table sugar the white sugar and all  

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the variations of that or do you also want to cut  out more of the starches so starch is all glucose  

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like we talked about it's found in bread rice  corn they're basically entirely made up of starch  

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whatever isn't water and a tiny bit of protein  is essentially starch also in pasta potatoes now  

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where you are on a metabolic Spectrum a lot of  people ask well is this good for me is this bad  

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for me it depends on where you are some things  can be good for people at this end and terrible  

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for people on the other end so if we look at  something like A1C which is your 3month average of  

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blood glucose and a good value is less than five  and a half even though I want to see it probably  

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just couple of tens lower than that uh if your  insulin resistant if you're pre-diabetic but not  

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fully diabetic you're usually around sixish and  if you're over six and a half then they classify  

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you as a type 2 diabetic and of course that can go  much higher I've seen people with 15 and and even  

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higher than that and the corresponding levels  of glucose would be somewhere around a fasting  

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level of less than 95 a fasting level of 110 or  less and for type 2 diabetes a fasting glucose  

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level of 130 or above but as I also talked about  my videos you don't only want to look at these  

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the much better indicators of insulin resistance  are triglycerides and actually measuring insulin  

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so there'll be a link down below for blood work if  you want to get that checked out a little bit more  

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and a lot of people also hear that well if I stop  eating sugar I will lose weight and then they're  

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worried because they think that they're already  too thin what if I lose too much weight well  

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that's not a problem you stop the sugar because  of its detriment on every function every system  

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in the body and if you trend toward the thin side  if you have trouble keeping weight on then you eat  

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more fat and protein from healthy sources but  you can also include some of these starches so  

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a diabetic they want to avoid all carbohydrates  very strictly especially the sucrose but also the  

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starches however if you're more over on this side  now it is probably good for you to start eating  

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some starches your body might actually work better  on that and it doesn't mean that you base your  

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diet it doesn't mean it becomes a foundation food  but you can have a little bit more and I would  

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probably tell you to favor potatoes over grains  because a lot of people are sensitive to grains  

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and they tend to create some digestive problems so  everyone needs to avoid the sucrose but if you're  

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thin then you can have some starches if you are  heavy and or type 2 diabetic insulin resistant  

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then you avoid both the table sugar and all added  sugars and the starches but then people also ask  

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about the other little things like deli meats now  this is becoming more of a personal preference if  

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you want to keep it totally strict then you cut  out everything that has sugar or if you have a  

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tendency toward addiction that's just super super  strong you probably don't want even deli meats but  

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from a metabolic standpoint they don't really  matter because they'll have something like one  

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gram of sugar in a serving and that's not enough  to really mess with your metabolism if that's all  

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the sugar you're getting then don't worry about it  however if you want to be strict about it if you  

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want to be a purist then by all means absolutely I  recommend you cut that out as well or if even that  

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little bit of sweet taste kind of sets you off  then you want to avoid that as well what about  

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coffee with milk and sugar well you can definitely  have black coffee that's not a problem and as long  

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as you're not sensitive to milk I think you can  have a little bit of that don't pour tons and tons  

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of it but if you want to have a tablespoon or two  that's fine and if you want to make that half and  

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half instead of milk that's probably even better  I would however strongly suggest that you cut out  

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all the sugar don't put any sugar in there at all  and if you're used to Sugar it's going to taste a  

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little funny for a few days and then you'll never  miss it again and what about fruit fruit is so  

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healthy right well if you are on the green side  of the spectrum then you can probably have some  

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fruits you can have some berries you can have a  few fruits here and there what I want to caution  

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against is this idea that you hear to eat more  fruits and vegetables more fruits and vegetables  

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they do not go in the same category fruits and  vegetables are not in the same category so eat  

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more vegetables as long as you tolerate them well  but be very careful with fruit on this side you  

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could have one or two a day but maybe not every  day maybe not every month of the year on the red  

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side on the diabetic side of the spectrum you  can have a few berries you could have a handful  

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of berries here and there but I would strongly  suggest you avoid the other fruits now there are  

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even more benefits besides all the stuff we've  already talked about and one thing that people  

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will find is that you get new taste buds as you  get rid of all that sweet all that chemical all  

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that artificial processed flavor you will reset  your taste buds and your brain Pathways and you  

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will start tasting food maybe for the first  time and it will taste absolutely amazing to  

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you there is also probably going to be a cost  savings because even though healthy food tends  

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to cost a little bit more you get so much more  out of it and you will stop overeating so in the  

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end you'll probably save money you will even  possibly get better eyesight sometimes people  

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with very high blood sugar their blood vessels in  the retina they swell and that can affect Vision  

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diabetes is the number one cause of blindness  but even if you don't go blind you can still  

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start getting reduced Vision reduced focus and  Clarity just from a little bit of swelling and I  

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would suggest I would strongly recommend that you  take the challenge to stop sugar for 30 days and  

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see what happens and then you can come back and  leave a comment and tell us and tell others most  

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of all how many of those things came true for you  and if you've already done this challenge before  

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then please comment because it's so powerful for  other people to read these comments and see that  

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it is indeed true that you can transform your  life that it is life changing when you make  

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these changes if you enjoyed this video you're  going to love that one and if you truly want  

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to master Health by understanding how the body  really works make sure you subscribe hit that  

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