What If You Stop Eating Sugar For 30 Days?

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Hello Health Champions. What would  happen if you stopped eating sugar  

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for 30 days? And when I say sugar I'm talking  about anything that has calories and tastes sweet  

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that means sugar honey agave high fructose corn  syrup rice syrup they're all disaccharides meaning  

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there's two molecules linked together they're  small molecules they get processed very quickly  

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and other than the fact that they have different  ratios of glucose and fructose that's the two  

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molecules linked together they're pretty much  the same, all right. They still affect your  

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body very much the same. Glucose raises blood  sugar and spikes insulin and causes insulin  

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resistance over time and fructose clogs up the  liver and causes insulin resistance that way  

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so sugar is the most important thing to avoid the  classic idea of sugar something that tastes sweet  

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but we also want to be aware of the other type of  sugar which is polysaccharide also known as starch  

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and this is what we find in bread and potatoes and  corn and so forth. They don't have the fructose  

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but they have hundreds or thousands of these  glucose molecules linked together and it's  

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only a matter of minutes before this starch turns  into glucose and starts spiking your blood sugar.  

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That's why the glucose the blood sugar impact  between sugar and bread is pretty much the same.  

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So I want to talk about some of the short term  things you would notice some of the mid-term but  

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also some of the long-term benefits with special  emphasis on what happens to the brain. Probably  

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the very first thing that would happen is that  you get some cravings and like a lot of things  

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it might get a little worse before it gets  better because what happens here is if your  

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body is used to sugar and carbohydrate if that's  the typical fuel that you have been provided and  

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now you stop it your body is not going to know  where to get the fuel where to get the energy.  

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So when you eat carbs on a regular basis you spike  blood sugar the insulin suppresses the blood sugar  

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and you get a blood sugar roller coaster. You get  unstable blood sugar and normally whenever your  

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blood sugar was low you would just eat some sugar  or some carbs and you would bring it back up but  

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now your body doesn't know where to get that fix  so it has to first repair its metabolic machinery  

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a little bit. And it doesn't take very long it's  only going to take a few days something like two,  

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three, four days for your body to start adapting  and learning how to get energy somewhere else  

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and in a few days time you will reduce your  insulin levels and when insulin goes down your  

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body will upregulate some of the fat burning  enzymes and you'll learn how to make energy  

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that way but in the meantime you're going to have  a few days that you'll probably have some cravings  

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so just stick with it because the first few days  is probably the only big hurdle. Besides cravings  

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you're also probably going to get some withdrawal  symptoms because sugar and carbs is an addiction  

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and just like cocaine and heroin they feed into  a reward pathway in the brain that has to do with  

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dopamine. And when we trigger dopamine  we get an initial sense of pleasure  

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and that's why we seek out these things that's  why we get tremendous pleasure from them, but in  

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the long run when we get habituated now that turns  into dependence and now it's more like a baseline  

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that if we don't get it now we feel horrible  and that's what the withdrawal is all about.  

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And like Wayne Dyer used to say an addiction is  when you can't get enough of what you don't want  

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and i think if you think about sugar and comfort  foods that description fits pretty well that you  

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really don't want it but you still can't get  enough of it. Dopamine is a natural substance so  

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it's absolutely necessary for us it's what gives  us drive and desire and goals it helps us fulfill  

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goals because it helps us focus on potential  rewards and when we get it in nature it is very  

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finely balanced and tuned so we get just the  right amount. But when we get it via sugar  

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stimulating the pathway and with cocaine and  heroin that can fit directly in the pathway  

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they're isolated forms They're purified. They're  refined they are many many times stronger than  

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anything we would ever find in nature so sugar  is natural in berries and plants and vegetables  

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but it has maybe one or two percent in a  vegetable the sugar is pure and the cocaine  

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and the heroin are very strongly concentrated  so now with these isolated forms the effect is  

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many many times stronger so now we bypass  this fine-tuned regulation that the body  

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normally does and over time we get desensitized.  The tissues don't respond as much anymore to that  

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strong dose and we need more and more and more.  Many of you will probably remember an ad campaign  

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that ran years ago where they said bet you can't  eat just one and it was a potato chip company who  

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shall remain unnamed but what it means is that  they are very well aware that they're selling  

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an addiction and not only are they aware of it  they know all this stuff but apparently they're  

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proud of it too. Now you may be asking why is  it then if these substances are so addictive why  

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is it that some people can drink alcohol without  becoming alcoholics and some people can eat sugar  

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without becoming sugar addicts and it's because  we're wired differently but also addiction varies  

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because of how our brain is configured. Where  are our strong and weak areas because they  

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talk to each other. So we have some lower centers  that's the midbrain over here we in marked in red  

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and that's associated with more primitive  functions like pleasure and survival whereas the  

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higher centers have to do with executive  function with thinking motivation and control.  

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The lower centers respond and produce pleasure  they feed into this reward pleasure pathway  

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so sugar, heroin, cell phones anything that  creates a reward a pleasurable feeling is going  

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to feed into this pathway. And anything that is  done repeatedly and has the potential to create  

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an addiction is also going to alter the neurons  and when these neurons get altered we get stuck  

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in a different communication pattern and that  creates dependence on this substance or this thing  

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that creates the pleasure. And the only thing  that keeps us a little bit in control are these  

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higher centers so the better the higher centers,  especially the frontal lobe is working, the better  

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it can control and and turn down the volume on the  demands of the other areas. The good news is that  

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there's something called neuroplasticity that the  brain can change itself and the strongest driver  

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of that change is movement exercise and this is  why I talk so much about exercise all the time  

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because it affects almost everything we also want  to understand something called BDNF, brain derived  

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neurotrophic factor and don't worry about the name  all you have to know is that it's miracle grow for  

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the brain it makes things happen it makes things  change and repair and connect better and this BDNF  

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it protects against shrinkage in the brain  so when we have these substances alter the  

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neurons they can actually degenerate and shrink as  a result of that constant stimulation that barrage  

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they down regulate essentially but BDNF will  protect against that process so in other words  

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exercise will reduce the likelihood of getting  addicted to these substances. On the other hand  

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sugar will do the opposite. Sugar will reduce the  production and the effect of this BDNF so it will  

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shut down this miracle grow and the two really  powerful things that will help produce BDNF is  

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exercise and fasting. So in other words cutting  the sugar increasing the exercise will make  

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more BDNF and it will make you more resistant to  this addiction tendency and the effects of these  

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substances and I think it's sad that any time we  hear about exercise it's either about looking a  

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certain way or about burning calories. If you eat  a cookie you have to burn so many calories well  

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if you see how wide the influence of exercise  is i think you can see that it goes a little  

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bit further than just calories. So it's important  to understand those things to see why it can be  

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difficult to break out of a habit an addiction.  But if you make it through the first few days  

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it gets a whole lot better now you're going to  notice less cravings only a few days into this  

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you will start to stabilize your blood sugar  and your body will start becoming fat adapted so  

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that results in less cravings. Also after just  a few days you will notice less hunger this is  

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partially because of the more stable blood sugar  you don't have those constant swings but also now  

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after a few days your insulin is starting to come  down your insulin levels and insulin is a storage  

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hormone it locks away the fat so with less insulin  now you can start accessing that fat. It allows  

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fat burning and it allows access to that body fat  and of course a huge benefit which is maybe the  

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biggest reason people try this is that now you get  some weight loss. And when we look at the brain  

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we also see some big improvements most people are  going to notice an improvement in mood. Their mood  

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lifts they have less of a tendency for depression  and anxiety. They notice improved mental clarity  

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and improved focus. They get more done and the  reason these things happen are several again  

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stable blood sugar. Why? Because the brain  is the primary reason blood sugar is so  

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tightly controlled we love to have it around  a hundred we can get a coma from either very  

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high blood sugar or very low blood sugar so the  brain really really likes it at a tight controlled  

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level. And mostly the brain depends on glucose  for fuel but if you become insulin resistant then  

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the brain may not be getting all the energy it  needs from the glucose and that's when people find  

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you become fat adapted and you quit the sugar  and the starch now you go really really low  

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on carbohydrates. You're going to find you make  some ketones and ketones are an alternative fuel  

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for the brain. So if your brain can't get it  from the glucose now it has an additional fuel  

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source. And not just the brain has more energy  but your whole body has more energy you'll notice  

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with the stable blood sugar and being fat adapted  your body has now started repairing that metabolic  

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machinery insulin is dropping fat burning  enzymes are increasing so you don't have to  

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top off your blood sugar with carbs your body  makes energy in a very stable manner. Another  

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very interesting thing is that your taste buds  are going to change or more specifically the  

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receptors from your taste buds. So you're going to  rewire your brain to perceive food differently and  

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this can be a huge experience for people because  you get a whole new appreciation for real food.  

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You're going to probably notice that it tastes  amazing you'll find flavors that you never noticed  

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before because they were all dulled by fast food  and sugar. And I hear all the time that people are  

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off of sugar off of sweets for a few weeks or  a couple of months and then there's a birthday  

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and now they go have some cake and what do they  think? They think it's too sweet they don't  

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even like it anymore some of the things that  they said oh I waited months for this and then  

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they go back and have it and now they don't even  like it anymore or even worse they eat that cake  

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and now they feel nauseous because their bodies  know better. And if you get through the first few  

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days and you make it to day 30 don't stop now you  have a good lifestyle but if you decide to do some  

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blood work now is where you can get some objective  proof of how much healthier you have become.  

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You'll probably find that your blood glucose has  dropped that your A1c which is your three month  

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average glucose has dropped significantly that  your triglycerides are lower and that's the fat  

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in your blood so even though you might be eating  a whole lot more fat your triglycerides will drop  

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because they come from sugar. You'll  find that your cholesterol has improved  

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not necessarily that the total is lower but you'll  find that the HDL is probably higher and the ratio  

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between your total cholesterol and your HDL will  probably have dropped and that's one of the most  

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important indicators for heart disease risk  even more important is probably the number of  

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small LDL particles if you run a more specialized  cholesterol profile that number will probably drop  

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and even if LDL stays the same  total you'll find that the ratio  

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of the small oxidized damaged LDL to the total  LDL will be much much less and what all of these  

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indicate together is if they're going in the right  direction that indicates a lower inflammation.  

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And if you measure it you'll probably also  notice that your blood pressure has come down  

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but most importantly is the profound impact that  you can have on your future health. In just 30  

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days of cutting out sugar you can completely  transform your future health picture of course  

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you have to keep it up you can't do it for 30 days  and then go back on junk food but you will start  

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burning through some of that liver fat when you  stop feeding your liver fructose now it can start  

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burning up some of that fat and you reduce your  fatty liver. You will reduce your type 2 diabetes  

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you can reverse type 2 diabetes rather quickly  by cutting out sugar you can reduce your risk of  

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kidney failure of blood pressure elevated blood  pressure. You reduce your risk of heart disease  

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stroke and dementia. You will also reduce your  risk of cancer and you will improve your immune  

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function and I hope this next piece is going to  get your attention because we're all very familiar  

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with something called covid19 which is a pesky  little virus but what most people don't realize  

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is that this virus tends to kill some people  and spare others. And what's the difference?  

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The biggest difference is everything that we have  talked about these all these factors are due to  

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insulin resistance metabolic syndrome and a low  grade of inflammation and what they found early on  

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in the epidemic is that the people with metabolic  syndrome and a number of these risk factors  

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they had about a 15 percent mortality  whereas people without this had a 0.1  

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percent or less so you could improve your  statistics your odds 100 to 150 times  

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by stop eating sugar. So let's go through and  see how these factors the sugar and the brain  

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start affecting our covid19 situation. So we have  the epidemic and they tell us to stay at home  

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and then when we stay at home we don't have our  normal social interactions. We don't go to work we  

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don't get that stimulation so we worry about our  jobs. We worry about Covid and we don't get our  

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normal stimulation and joy in our life so with  worry we also get more anxiety and we get more  

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depression. And before the covet epidemic we  had about 17 percent of the U.S. population  

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had some degree of anxiety or depression that  was sort of significant enough to be called a  

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problem now mid-epidemic or late epidemic we are  at 40 percent. So almost half the population have  

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anxiety or depression as a result. And as we  talked about when we're feeling bad we want to  

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feel better so we look for rewards and the easiest  drug to get a hold of is called sugar. So when  

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we're worried or anxious or depressed we tend to  eat comfort foods and most of those have sugar  

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or starches. And then when we're told to stay  home and we can't even walk on the beaches or  

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in public parks, now we stop moving and because  we're also depressed we don't have the motivation  

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we don't feel like going for a walk or doing  anything. And when we stop moving now we weaken  

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the brain the brain doesn't get that stimulation  to make new synapses and make brain-derived  

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neurotrophic factor. And when the brain weakens  now of course we don't have that inhibition  

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so we get more depressed and when we're more  depressed we move even less we get a weaker brain  

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and so on and then because we're more depressed we  eat more sugar and this sugar further blocks the  

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BDNF and makes the brain even weaker now the weak  brain can't inhibit stress anymore so we have more  

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stress than ever but the brain is weaker so the  stress rises to the surface and goes uncontrolled.  

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And then of course with more stress we weaken the  immunity and then we eat more sugar that further  

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weakens the immunity and all along this is the  immunity that we needed to fight off the virus.  

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So I don't mean to paint a bleak or depressing  picture for you what we have to understand is that  

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we can do something about it but first we have to  understand how these things work so that we can  

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get a goal so we can get some motivation and stop  eating sugar and start moving and start reversing  

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the situation. I really hope you're ready to  cut out the sugar for the next 30 days but if  

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you need one more reason let's talk about money  that tends to get people's attention. And where do  

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a lot of people put a lot of their money  is into something called health insurance.  

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Now there's two types of health insurance there's  either health insurance with an I that's what most  

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people have health insurance and then you spend  a whole lot of money every month so that when  

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you get sick then they can treat your symptom and  you don't really get any better. The other type of  

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Health Ensurance is spelled with an E and that is  the action that you take to Ensure that you stay  

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healthy or that you even reverse the disease that  you have so if you spend a little extra money on  

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real food that will give you much better health  Ensurance with an E and I'm still in clinical  

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practice but in my office we do not accept any  health insurance with an I because they don't pay  

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for any health Ensurance with an E. If you enjoyed  this video you're going to love that one, and if  

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you truly want to master health by understanding  how the body really works, make sure you subscribe  

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