What If You Only Eat Fruit For 30 Days?

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Hello Health Champions. What if you ate  only fruit for 30 days? Nothing but fruit.  

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It could be the healthiest fruit straight off  the tree. It could be fruit from the store  

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or from a can or from a juice bottle  and while there are some differences,  

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it's not as much difference as people  like to think. We've heard the phrase  

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fruits and vegetables eat more fruits and  vegetables at least five a day of fruits  

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and vegetables. We've heard that so much that we  think they go together that it doesn't matter if  

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it's fruits or vegetables and as long as  we eat more of it we will get healthier.  

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But I'd like to remind us of this mark twain quote  what gets us in trouble is not what we don't know  

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it's what we know for sure that just ain't so. And  every time in a video that I even mention fruit I  

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have people comment and said you made good sense  until you talked about fruit because it's like  

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this sacred cow it's like this holy grail that  we're not allowed to criticize or question in any  

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way. So let's compare fruits and vegetables and  see how they are like and how they're different  

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so first of all they're both very very low in fat.  They're virtually fat free. Insignificant. They're  

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also very low in protein even though there's  some protein in there they're both still very low  

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oftentimes we talk about fiber and there is a  little bit more there's a few percent fiber in  

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both fruits and vegetables. So far they're looking  very much the same but when we get to sugar and we  

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compare fruits to vegetables, we find that fruit  has about five times more. About 10 percent sugar  

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on average whereas vegetables have about two  percent. And I know that there's a biological  

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classification and I don't really care  about that in this video we're talking about  

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fruit being plants that taste sweet that people  usually refer to as fruit and vegetables as what  

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people refer to as vegetables because they don't  taste sweet. I know that there's a biological  

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overlap but we're not talking about that in this  video. If you were to eat only fruit that was your  

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entire diet and there are people who do this and  they do this for years or even decades and they  

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write books about it and they say that this should  be the healthiest way to eat and you should do  

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it too if you were to eat only fruit then  you would be getting about 85 percent  

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of your calories from sugar and on average fruit  has about 50 calories per 100 grams so if you're  

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to eat all of your food in the form of fruit  and you get 2 000 calories that means you need  

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to eat about 4 kilograms per day or about a little  over eight pounds of fruit then there's something  

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called macros and that's how many percent of your  calories come from carbohydrate fat and protein  

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and we want to keep in mind that the body  has two sources of fuel the it derives energy  

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from carbohydrates and fat whichever one you eat  more of the body will use it can use these almost  

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interchangeably and then protein is primarily  intended for building blocks let's first look at  

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standard american diet sad and there  we are recommended to eat about 55  

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of our calories from carbohydrates somewhere  around 25 from fat and about 20 from protein  

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so these are usually ranges and i just kind of  pick the midpoint of the range to get a simple  

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number to work with and there are many  reasons why this is the recommendation  

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and it's not that a healthy person couldn't  stay healthy on this if they avoided sugar  

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and they ate whole food and so forth but the  problem is that the world as a whole has eaten  

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much too much sugar for several decades and  because of that we have destroyed our metabolic  

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health and now we can't tolerate this much  carbohydrate and therefore there's a lot of talk  

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about something called low carb high fat lchf and  that's what i generally promote and it's not that  

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everyone has to eat that but it is the solution  for most people when people have destroyed  

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their metabolism with a bunch of sugar  they have fatty livers they're overweight  

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their blood sugar is high they're insulin  resistant now it's not enough to just eat  

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what you could have eaten to maintain even if you  eat good food for most people that's not enough  

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and instead we need to cut back the carbohydrates  and the sugar dramatically so basically all we're  

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doing is we're flip flopping instead of getting  most of our calories from carbohydrate we get  

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most of our calories from fat and we're still  getting about 20 percent of our calories from  

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protein for building blocks so like we said you  can get your fuel from carbs or fat and in both  

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of these scenarios we're getting about 80 percent  of our calories of our fuel from carbs and fat the  

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difference of course being that fat is a more  stable fuel it doesn't trigger insulin it is  

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metabolized much slower it doesn't affect blood  sugar and it doesn't destroy our metabolic health  

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but now let's compare that to fruit if we eat  all of our food as fruit now we're getting 86  

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of our energy from carbohydrates and not only  that but it's all sugar it's not just carbohydrate  

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it's a mixture of fructose and glucose which we're  going to talk about we're getting very very little  

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fat and we're getting very little protein  so overall we'll be getting about 40 grams  

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of protein which doesn't look like a whole lot  which it isn't but it's actually worse than  

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that because these proteins are plant-based and  they're not as effectively utilized by the body  

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so this is not the same as getting 40 grams of  protein from an animal source we're getting about  

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16 grams of fat which means we're also going to  have trouble getting our essential fatty acids in  

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and most importantly we're getting 400 grams of  sugar so virtually all the carbohydrate is going  

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to be in the form of sugar but a lot of people say  that's okay because this sugar is natural it comes  

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with vitamins and minerals and fiber and it's a  natural sugar it's different than the other sugar  

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you eat so calorie for calorie though vegetables  typically have more vitamins and more minerals  

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than fruit and as far as the fiber buffering  or slowing down the sugar it will slow down the  

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absorption a tiny tiny little bit but in the end  every molecule of that sugar has to be processed  

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so while it flattens the blood sugar curve a  little bit the more fiber you have in the end  

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it makes no difference because the sugar load is  exactly the same and here's probably the biggest  

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misconception of all that fruit should contain  natural sugar that this would be somehow different  

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than added sugar and even on the food labels they  have to add added sugar they have to list that  

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separately whereas food that has sugar naturally  containing we don't have to call it added sugar as  

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if it was different but the truth of the matter  is that there is fructose and there is glucose  

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and the formula is exactly the same c6 h12 o6  there are 6 carbons 12 hydrogens and 6 oxygens  

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and that's exactly what we get in fructose it's  exactly what we get in glucose and if we link the  

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two together now we have table sugar white sugar  the crystals that you have in that bag that they  

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call added sugar but it's the same thing and it  doesn't matter if we call it agave or honey or  

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brown rice syrup or molasses or demeraro or any of  those different names it's still exactly the same  

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it's c6h12o6 in different forms and in fruit we  have slightly different ratios of these but in the  

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end in fruit we have some of the sugar occurring  as fructose some of it as glucose and some of it  

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as sucrose and when we add it all up if we eat all  of our calories from fruit we're going to end up  

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eating 400 grams of sugar per day and it's going  to be almost exactly 200 grams of glucose and 200  

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grams of fructose one of the characteristics  of fruit is that it's a low density food  

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like we said it has about 10 percent sugar has  a little bit of protein trace amount of fat some  

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fiber but other than that it's all water and that  means there's only about 50 calories per 100 grams  

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so you're going to be hungry you're going to eat  some fruit and it doesn't take long before you're  

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hungry again so you'll find that you have to eat  pretty much constantly which makes sense because  

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if you have to eat 4 kilograms or over 8 pounds  a day then you're gonna have to eat pretty much  

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constantly now back in the 80s there was a book  called eat to win and it was written by someone  

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who was supposedly also a nutrition counselor for  some tennis players who were some of the best in  

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the world at that time ivan lendl and martina  navratilova part of that was not just to eat  

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all fruit but they were supposed to eat only  fruit up through lunch time if there was ever  

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a crazy thing out there then i have probably tried  it because i was always curious i read these books  

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i wanted to figure out how it worked and how would  you know unless you tried it yourself and what i  

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found is i have never been so hungry in my life i  would bring fruit and i would sit and i would eat  

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it constantly for the first part of the day and  i was ravenously hungry another popular trend was  

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juice cleanses and there was a movie called fat  sick and nearly dead that promoted the idea of  

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doing a 10 day or a 20 day or 30 day juice cleanse  so of course i tried that as well and again  

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i was hungrier than ever i didn't feel so bad but  i had to eat constantly and if we look at fruit  

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then compare it to soda or coca-cola we see that  there is very very little difference that there's  

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a little bit of fat protein and slight amount of  fiber but for the most part we're basically just  

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drinking sugar water eating fruit or drinking  juice is very very similar to just drinking  

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soda all day long and outside my house we feed  the hummingbirds because they're really really  

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adorable eating fruit and drinking sugar water is  kind of like eating like a hummingbird so you get  

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hungry you get some sugar you feel really really  satisfied and this is the curious part when i did  

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that juice cleanse that i would alternate between  hunger and satisfaction hunger and satisfaction  

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every few minutes throughout the day but  when you got a little bit of sugar you felt  

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remarkably satisfied for a short period of  time and then only a few minutes later you were  

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ravenously hungry again now let's look a little  closer at the glucose and the fructose we have  

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400 grams of sugar 200 grams of glucose so the  first thing that's going to happen is we get a  

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blood sugar roller coaster instead of like we eat  three times or six times per day we get six spikes  

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now we get blood sugar spikes and hypoglycemia  all day long and a healthy blood sugar  

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is basically around 100 milligrams per deciliter  maybe 80 when we're fasting and 100 or a little  

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higher when we're eating and what we want to keep  in mind is 100 milligrams per deciliter is about  

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three maybe four grams of blood sugar depending on  the size of the person so if we maintain the blood  

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sugar here at around 100 milligrams we have just  over half a teaspoon of sugar in the bloodstream  

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at any given time so in the good range we'll have  three or four on the low end hypoglycemic we'll  

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have two grams when it's too high we have about  five grams so it's not fluctuating a whole lot  

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even though the blood sugar goes crazy we're  only talking about one gram up or down in the  

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bloodstream at any given time and that has to  be compared with putting in 200 grams of glucose  

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per day so if you compare this tiny tiny little  yellow line down here is how much you have at any  

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given time and 200 is how much you're adding  through your diet how much you're ingesting  

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throughout the course of a day and if the body  only needs one gram up or down and we load in  

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200 then that's a huge stress on the body the body  has to work overtime in trying to get rid of that  

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so the body can use one or two or three grams at a  time for usage that's what it uses for energy for  

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the brain and the muscles and the organs and so  forth it's also going to fill up the carbohydrate  

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stores the glycogen as much as it can but that's  rather limited it can't store a whole lot of  

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carbohydrate so the only other thing it can do  is to turn all this glucose into fat also known  

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as triglycerides so when it's in the bloodstream  we usually call it triglycerides that's the blood  

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fats when we store it in the body we call it  body fat but it's still basically triglycerides  

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and what you'll probably find on an all fruit diet  is your triglycerides most likely will skyrocket  

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and i remember when dr mercola did a similar  diet and he said that it was supposed to be so  

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healthy but when he checked his triglycerides  they were over 400 and they're supposed to be  

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under a hundred ideally probably somewhere around  75 and his went over 400 just from eating fruit  

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and fruit of course is virtually fat free but it  doesn't matter it's not what you eat it's what the  

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body does with it and if you overload on sugar the  body has no choice but to turn it into fat what  

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about historically hasn't fruit always been around  yes it has but let's look at how it's a little  

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different so the mechanism eat fruit raise  blood sugar turn it into fat get hungry  

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so you can eat more we mentioned that mechanism  and that hasn't changed what is different though  

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is historically everything was organic we  never had pesticides or man-made fertilizers  

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or chemicals in making the fruit extra juicy and  plump and sugary it was all based on the land  

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the second thing was that it was all local  when i grew up in sweden we had apples  

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pears plums and cherries and that was pretty much  it we didn't have oranges we didn't have bananas  

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we didn't have pineapple or mango or any of those  tropical fruits but now with global trade we have  

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every fruit from every part of the world available  everywhere the other thing that's different  

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was seasonal that this system was in place for us  to be able to get fat when there was plenty so we  

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could survive the times when there wasn't so much  so we always had some aspect of feast and famine  

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there were times when we could eat more when the  land provided more and that's when we feasted  

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so we can put on fat and survive the  famine so in that historical scenario  

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fruit serves a purpose for survival but when we  change the rules in the modern world now this  

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doesn't serve that same purpose anymore and if we  have too much all the time it becomes a problem  

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so out of all that sugar in fruit half is glucose  which we talked about and half is fructose so if  

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we eat only fruit we're going to get about 200  grams of fructose per day as well and fructose  

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causes problems at a whole different level than  glucose does you're probably familiar with high  

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fructose corn syrup it is what it's a synthetic  product used in soda and in a 12 ounce or about  

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three and a half deciliters of soda or coca-cola  we get about 16 grams of fructose so there's  

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about 30 grams total of sugar but 16 of that is  fructose because it's a little more than half in  

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high fructose corn syrup so 200 grams of fructose  from fruit is like having 12 coca-colas every day  

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in terms of metabolic damage it is exactly the  same and what it does it causes liver overload  

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because the glucose it is spread out evenly over  all the cells in the body but the fructose can  

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only be processed through the liver so all of this  substrate has to be processed through the liver  

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only this causes something called non-alcoholic  fatty liver disease so this is like drinking a lot  

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of alcohol in terms of the burden on the liver  it's like you have many many alcoholic drinks  

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every day even though a lot of the glucose gets  turned into triglycerides fructose gets turned  

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into triglycerides and fat even more and this is  where the fatty liver comes from and while glucose  

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has an impact on metabolic disease fructose is  the key it is by far much worse in causing insulin  

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resistance and type 2 diabetes and here's some  other problems that often happen to people who eat  

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nothing but fruit they tend to have low levels of  vitamin b12 low levels of calcium iodine and iron  

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which of course is very critical calcium for bone  but also for signaling and muscle contraction  

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and so forth iodine is critical for metabolism for  the thyroid and iron of course has to do with red  

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blood cells and the distribution of oxygen also  vitamin d levels tend to be lower and they tend  

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to be deficient in fatty acids essential fatty  acids like omega-3 fatty acids and also because  

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they're very low in protein and the protein is not  utilized as effectively they tend to have protein  

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deficiencies as a result very commonly you'll find  anemia fatigue immune dysfunction and osteoporosis  

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in these people some of you may remember a few  years back when ashton kutcher was playing steve  

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jobs the founder of apple in a movie called  jobs in 2013 and steve jobs who later died of  

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pancreatic cancer he was a fruitarian at least  off and on because he had read some things  

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about fruit having healing properties and high  energy foods and so forth but what happened to  

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ashton was he ended up in the hospital because of  eating only fruit and he had severe pancreatitis  

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and the pancreas of course is involved with  regulating blood sugar it makes digestive enzymes  

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and it makes insulin to regulate blood sugar  and some people even said that steve jobs  

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might have died from pancreatic cancer because of  eating all that fruit now i don't think there's  

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any foundation for that statement but on the other  hand being a fruitarian certainly didn't save his  

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pancreas either but then what about all the books  written about being a fruitarian what about people  

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who claim that they solved all of their health  problems that they have been eating nothing but  

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fruit for 10 20 30 years and apparently they're  rather healthy so what we have to keep in mind is  

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everyone is very very different and there's  a difference in age there's a difference  

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in metabolic health in liver health inactivity  level there's a difference in duration some people  

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might do really well eating only fruit for a day  or a week or a couple of weeks and other people  

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can get away with it for years but some people  would perish doing that and we also have to keep  

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in mind that there is a enormous difference in  our genetic carb tolerance some people can eat  

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fruit they can eat glucose they can eat sugar for  decades and never develop any metabolic problems  

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whereas other people have a predisposition for  type 2 diabetes so as soon as they start eating  

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a little bit higher carb of any kind they turn  into diabetics so we have to keep in mind when we  

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hear about these stories when we read these books  that they're a very very limited section of the  

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population there may be a fraction of a percentage  that have tried this and if it's great for them  

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great let them do that but it does not mean  that it is the best solution for the population  

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as a whole i even know of people who have lived  a very long time on basically cigarettes coffee  

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and coca-cola and 10 20 30 years and they're slim  and they look healthy does that mean that this is  

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a good human diet that if someone wrote a book  on the benefits of this that you should try that  

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obviously not just because a small percentage  of people can survive despite doing that  

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does not mean that it is a healthy lifestyle  that's why we need to understand the principles  

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the metabolic mechanisms so that we can  understand how is it going to work for us and  

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how is it going to work for most people and when  is it not going to work what are the exceptions  

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that might be different and here is the  million dollar question is fruit good or bad  

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well that's the wrong question isn't it  based on everything that we've talked about  

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it is not good or bad it's about how much and  for whom so it depends on where you are on the  

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metabolic spectrum if you have type 2 diabetes if  you have a metabolic problem if you have destroyed  

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your carbohydrate and your sugar handling capacity  then you need to cut way way back on carbohydrates  

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and sugar and the strictest version of low carb is  called keto where you need to be under 30 or under  

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20 or even under 10 grams of net carbs per day but  even then a lot of people can have some fruit but  

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i would suggest you have blackberries strawberries  and raspberries because they have less than 5  

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grams of sugar less than 5 grams of net carbs  so depending on how strict you need to be  

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some people probably need to be less than 5 grams  some people less than 10 grams of carbs from fruit  

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that would still let you eat maybe 200 grams  of berries or if you're a little stricter maybe  

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10 grams so it's not that you have to eliminate  it completely you just have to stay within your  

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budget so to speak but some people don't have  to be that strict so if you are fit and you're  

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in maintenance meaning you've either reversed a  metabolic condition or you never had a metabolic  

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condition in the first place and you're reasonably  active and you burn through energy pretty well  

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i think you can probably have about 25 grams of  sugar per day that would be about two to three  

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fruits a day and i wouldn't suggest you have it  365 days a year but you could probably do this  

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most of the time and not really mess with your  metabolic health if you go most of the year  

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without fruit but you have some apple trees  in the back and you only eat fruit seasonally  

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and you are fit and you're maintaining you're  in good metabolic health then i think you can  

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really sort of pig out during that seasonal  growth you could probably eat almost as much  

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fruit as you want and have maybe a hundred grams  just be prepared that you will put on some weight  

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you will get more hungry and that's the key  to understand here that if you have reversed  

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a metabolic condition and you're now in  maintenance it's not just about the grams  

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of sugar it is what does it do to your hunger  signals if you can eat a couple of fruits  

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and it doesn't mess with your hunger then you're  probably fine but if you've really struggled and  

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you've found that the only way that you  can control your hunger the only way you  

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can have some stable mood and energy is to eat  extremely low carb and avoid all forms of sugar  

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then you probably can't have that amount of  fruit not because your body couldn't tolerate  

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it metabolically but because it would change your  behavior and make you lose control again so all of  

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these are factors that you have to account for and  then there is the extreme example of a cleanse or  

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doing something for a therapeutic purpose so i'm  not saying that most people should do this but  

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i'm not also saying that no one could ever do it  i think it's insanity to do it as a lifestyle but  

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as a cleanse if you were to do only fruit or only  juice for a short period of time therapeutically  

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there are some benefits to that there are  various different therapies like the gerson  

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therapy that reverses cancer rather successfully  that basically live primarily off of fruit juice  

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just understand that there's always a trade-off  that while you're allowing your liver to cleanse  

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in one regard you're also overloading it with  a bunch of fructose so different people could  

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react differently to that and i wouldn't jump  into that without studying a lot and also maybe  

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having some guidance from someone with experience  who can monitor and help you along fruit is often  

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called nature's candy and that's how you want to  think of it as a treat it's not that you can never  

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eat it just don't think of it as something healthy  that the more you eat the better off you are but  

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if you're given the choice between fruit or  man-made artificial junk then obviously go  

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for fruit every time if you enjoyed this video  you're going to love that one and if you truly  

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