What If You Only Ate Once A Day For 30 Days?

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Hello Health Champions. What would happen if  you only ate one meal a day for 30 days? Just  

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once a day for 30 days. Well a lot of people  would probably say that they would get hungry.  

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But what we want to understand is more about the  changes and the behavior the physiology of change  

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that can assist us in making these changes. So  hunger is just a sensation and it's mostly based  

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on habits. That whatever habits you have,  whatever behavior you engage in habitually  

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creates a conditioned expectation your body is  led to believe that things are going to happen  

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a certain way. And your body adapts by  making changes at the cellular level  

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because it can increase and decrease physical  tissues it can make metabolic changes it can  

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increase or decrease up regulate or down  regulate enzymes, hormones, mitochondria,  

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energy production and you even make neurological  changes. Your body constantly makes new synapses  

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and breaks down old synapses that you don't need  anymore. So it rewires your nervous system and  

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your behavior and it lays down physical pathways  that are different. If your behavior and your  

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environment changes the biggest obstacle for most  people to change is that they think they are the  

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way they are. I hear that all the time that's  just the way I am, and my dad was the same way,  

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and it runs in my family, and that's the way we've  always done things. But it doesn't work like that.  

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If you're eating six times a day it's because you  learn to eat six times a day and if you eat three  

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times or once a day it's because you learned to  eat that way and your body started expecting it.  

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So what we really want to get into is to  understand change is change really difficult. And  

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I want to make the argument that it is not hard.  It is inevitable. It's the only way it can be is  

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constant change you're changing all the time  already. So how come then you say that I look  

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like the same person when I get up in the morning?  And I look in the mirror, I see the same person  

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that I saw yesterday or last week or last year and  it's probably going to be the same person I see  

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next week. Well here's how it works it's not the  same person looking back at you because you are 90  

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new cells since last year the person  you're looking at today versus last year 90  

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of those cells are different old cells  break down and you have to make new ones.  

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So if they look the same it's because you made  more of the same. The other way you want to  

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think about this is that your nervous system  is processing billions of bits of information  

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every second it receives information it processes  information and it issues commands. It signals  

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it orchestrates the body and in doing that it's  always changing and adapting every moment of every  

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day you are changing. Your body is reacting to  the things you eat and your thoughts and the air  

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pressure and to gravity and to things happening  around you. And if it looks like you are the same  

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it's not because you stayed the same it's  because you changed, but you recreated  

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the same thing. The way the body changes is  called adaptation and I love to observe these  

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everyday things and really sort of think about  them and be in awe of how incredible the body is  

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so one example is when I'm walking on the mountain  trail and I have a heart rate monitor and I look  

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at the heart rate and I'm walking on the flat  and then as soon as it starts going up even a  

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couple of degrees my heart rate goes up isn't  that incredible there's some intelligence in my  

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body that knows that the conditions are changing  and we're going to need more oxygen delivery more  

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blood flow to cope so automatically i don't have  to think about it I don't know how to do that  

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my body knows how to do that it just blows me  away. I'm in awe I love to watch these things then  

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if you do things on a regular basis now the body  gets so good at it that it anticipates you don't  

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even have to get up on the incline it observes and  as soon as you get even close your heart rate goes  

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up a little bit just in anticipation just to be  ready if you do this and your body gets better  

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at it then you start creating long term changes so  now we're talking days to months so one example is  

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playing the guitar I love playing the guitar but  the first time you pick it up or if you haven't  

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played for a long time the first time you pick it  up it really hurts it feels like your fingers are  

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bleeding after just a few minutes but if you keep  it up then after a few days or a couple of weeks  

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just any amount of regular playing then your  body puts down calluses changes the skin  

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and it only changes it on one hand where you  need it how smart is that if you go to the gym  

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and if you put some tension on a muscle the body  senses hey I'm gonna have to use more strength in  

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the future so it sends more protein to incorporate  into more muscle fibers so it can get better  

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it's called muscle hypertrophy and the opposite  is true as well because if you're a couch potato  

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and you don't put any tension on your muscles  now the body says why should i put precious  

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protein resources into building tissue  that there's obviously no use for  

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so that's called atrophy if you're working on  your endurance now your body increases your  

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blood distribution capacity it will make more  blood capillaries it will increase your red  

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blood cells to increase oxygen delivery it will  up regulate enzymes involved in energy production  

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it will increase the number of mitochondria so  you can make more energy and use more oxygen  

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there's endless pieces that the body improves  to make you better at whatever you do and if you  

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normally live at sea level but then you go for a  couple of weeks maybe a vacation in the mountains  

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now at altitude there is less oxygen in the  air if there's less oxygen the body senses that  

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it says I'm going to need more red blood cells I  need to increase my oxygen carrying capacity so  

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i can keep delivering the same amount of oxygen  even though there is less of it so your kidneys  

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make hormone called EPO or erythropoietin to  make more red blood cells how smart is that bone  

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is another interesting example because if you  load up bone if you do weight-bearing exercise  

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under the influence of gravity you'll make more  bone or you'll maintain and reinforce the bones  

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whereas if you go out into space for any length  of time then the body says well what do I need  

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all these bones for because there's no gravity and  NASA says that astronauts will lose one percent  

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bone mass per month in weightlessness that's  about 15 to 20 times faster than a deconditioned  

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elderly person and another adaptation is insulin  resistance we talk a lot about metabolic health  

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and insulin resistance on this channel because  it's related to weight loss and diabetes and so  

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forth so if you have chronically high insulin your  cells start to resist those high levels of insulin  

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and the cells become insulin resistant and all of  these are changes that you're aware of that you  

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can see changing day to day and if you were to eat  once a day for 30 days then your body would make  

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similar changes relevant to your metabolic  function but if we only eat once a day one meal  

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a day where are we gonna get the energy that's  what we're told all the time that you have to eat  

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breakfast to give you energy up until lunch you  have to eat small frequent meals to keep your  

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blood sugar up otherwise you become hypoglycemic  and your energy tanks well that doesn't really  

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happen right because the people who try eating one  meal a day they actually find that they survive  

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and they feel better so here's how it actually  works that you eat the food but that food that you  

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just ate does not become energy right away there's  a small trickle you're breaking down a little  

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bit of glucose in the mouth you start absorbing  just a tiny little trickle but the vast majority  

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98% or so of the food you ate is gonna become  energy hours later so the way it works is the  

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food that you just ate becomes a signal it tells  the body hey we have some resources coming in  

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you don't have to hold on so tightly to the stores  from before so the body starts breaking down some  

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glycogen for blood glucose it starts breaking down  some fat for energy so that we have some energy  

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while this food is being processed and then in  the next couple of hours you break down the food  

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and after a few hours some of that food is used  up as energy and a lot of it becomes stored as  

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fat and carbohydrate those are the two primary  storage forms of energy in the body protein can  

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become energy but the body under normal conditions  will spare the protein because it's more important  

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for other things but now that we have stored the  fat and the carbohydrate the whole idea would be  

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to use up some fat and carbohydrate but  what happens is we're going to primarily  

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burn carbohydrate first especially if we eat many  meals a day and especially if we eat high carb  

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then we're going to store fat and carb but we're  going to burn the carbohydrate first primarily and  

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I'll get back to that and why is the body going  to burn the carbohydrate first why is it going to  

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have a tendency to do that and there's two reasons  the first is that the body is very poor at storing  

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carbohydrate the vast majority of energy stores  in the body is going to be fat it's a much  

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better storage form if you're a little bit on  the obese side you might store about point four  

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percent as carbohydrate if you're very lean it  might be two percent carbohydrate but almost  

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all your energy stores are going to be fat the  other reason the body will burn carbs first is  

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that high glucose levels are dangerous not short  term not for hours or a few days or even weeks but  

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if it goes on for years or decades that's called  diabetes and diabetes is the number one cause  

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of blindness kidney failure neuropathy joint  destruction heart disease high blood pressure  

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all of those things are associated with high  glucose so the body is going to do the best it  

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can to bring this glucose down anytime it gets  high and there's three ways that the body can  

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reduce that glucose one is that it can burn it  that's why it tries to use carbohydrates first  

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second it can try to store it but we already said  that the carbohydrate stores fill up very quickly  

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the body is very limited in the ability to store  carbohydrate and the third thing it can do is to  

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store fat so now we're back into storing fat and  carbohydrate but mostly burning the carbohydrate  

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so how would we ever get in to burning the  fat we have to eat less carbohydrate and or  

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eat less often it's even more powerful to  eat less often so if you eat once a day  

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one meal a day you go 20 24 hours without food  your body has to get into burning that fat because  

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it will burn through some of that carbohydrate and  then it will switch it will transition to have a  

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tendency to burn more and more fat the longer  you go and now that I've said all that I want  

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you to listen very very carefully because these  are not absolutes we want to think in tendencies  

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and percentages rather than absolutes because  the body always uses a mix of carbohydrate  

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and fat always but the mix is different it's going  to be primarily carb or primarily fat and here's  

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how you want to think about it that depending on  where you are on the insulin resistance on your  

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metabolic health then you're going to be either  on the red side if you are a high carb diabetic  

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person or if you're a metabolically healthy low  carb person you're going to be on this end so if  

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you're eating maybe once a day and you're eating  very low carb you're probably going to burn about  

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95 fat when you get into the fat burning  zone because you're teaching your body  

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to use fat primarily again you're shifting your  metabolic pathways but if you're eating all these  

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carbohydrates why don't you burn a hundred percent  carbs why do you burn thirty to fifty percent fat  

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because some of these carbs that we talked about  they get converted into fat there's always a flux  

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there's always a transition of glucose becoming  fat fat cannot become glucose it's a one-way  

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street one-way trip but glucose is always being  transitioned being converted into fat and the  

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more glucose we have and the more carbs you eat  the more of that conversion is going to happen  

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so a portion of your energy is always going to be  coming from fat even if you eat zero fat but who  

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would not be a good candidate to eat one meal a  day well if you are too thin if you are emaciated  

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if you are scrawny if you have a really hard time  putting on weight then you're not a candidate  

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for this i don't do well eating one meal a day  for very long i do it a couple of times a week  

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because of convenience and i feel good doing that  i don't have a problem but if i eat one meal a day  

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for a couple of weeks then i start losing too much  weight it's difficult for me to maintain that so  

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if you're too thin then you shouldn't eat one meal  a day if you are pregnant or breastfeeding you are  

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eating for two and that's not the best time to  experiment your body as you well know is crazy  

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enough with everything going on so that's not when  you want to make changes if you are a small child  

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or a growing child or teenager then that also is  not the best time to make far reaching changes  

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anything else well it would be any kind of  condition if you have a digestive disorder if  

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you have anything else going on where you feel you  need more if your body isn't ready to make those  

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kind of changes just use your common sense so if  you fit any of these does that mean you have to  

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eat six times a day? No. I would recommend that you  for most people you can safely eat two to three  

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times a day in a six to eight hour period and if  you eat good solid foods with a good mix of meat  

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vegetables and fat then you're going to get plenty  of nutrients to fill you up and sustain you so now  

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that you understand the physiology of change  and you know that you can do this what's going  

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to happen if you eat once a day for 30 days you  will probably get some hunger and some discomfort  

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and if you are a carb addict if you've been eating  six times a day you might have more discomfort  

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if you're metabolically healthy you might have  very slight discomfort but the key to understand  

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here is that it's very short term your body adapts  physiologically very very quickly so we're talking  

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a few days and then your body will be on track  with your new habits and what you find then  

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is you actually have less hunger because now you  taught your body to burn fat you taught your body  

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to use the reserves more efficiently and they  often say that it takes 21 days to change a habit  

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and i don't know if that's a magic number but i  think it's a good rule of thumb so if you go 30  

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days then you've got the 21 plus a little bit of  extra which means that you have probably created  

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a new habit you have rewired your nervous system  this is what your body expects now and it becomes  

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easier and easier to maintain it one of the  most important changes you will probably see  

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is a change in blood glucose and insulin they will  both have a tendency to drop and they are related  

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to something called syndrome x or metabolic  syndrome and that's associated with the majority  

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of degenerative disease chronic degenerative  disease like type 2 diabetes high blood pressure  

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cardiovascular disease stroke they're all  part of metabolic syndrome and if you eat  

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once a day for 30 days you will start healing your  metabolism you'll start teaching your body better  

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metabolic habits you will learn how to start using  some of those stores and you will be dramatically  

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reducing your risk of chronic degenerative disease  a lot of people will also start losing weight some  

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people with the most stubborn weight may not see  this immediately but 80 - 90 percent of people will  

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probably have a significant weight loss and then  we get into some of the quality of life you will  

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find that it's a huge time savings if you're only  going to eat once a day it doesn't take that long  

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and you can also increase the quality of your food  you have time to create a gourmet meal every day  

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basically because you're only going to eat once  you can take the time to do that you'll also find  

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that because your metabolic health is improving  now you start burning some fat stores your  

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energy becomes more stable you're not dependent on  topping off your blood sugar every couple of hours  

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your mood improves your energy is much more  stable and because of this you also find that  

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you have more freedom because your life no longer  revolves around a feeding schedule you don't have  

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to structure your entire life around where am i  going to find food if you get to food you eat if  

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you don't you're going to be fine anyway so  let's say you do one meal a day for 30 days  

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then what well it kind of depends on where you are  what were your aspirations what did you hope to  

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accomplish by doing this if you're done then you  can start playing around with some other things  

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but if you still have some ways to go then  you keep it up you do another 30 days and  

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another 30 days and so forth and there's nothing  wrong with with changing it up a little bit but  

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by now you're so good at this your body is so  adapted it's very easy to go with one meal a  

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day however if your weight is very stubborn or if  your blood glucose or if you're fasting insulin  

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is just really stubborn it won't budge now what  can break that plateau is to add some longer fasts  

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so if you are used to eating one meal a day if  you but you've got your body conditioned to that  

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then it's very easy to just skip a whole day  entirely and by the time you wake up the next  

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morning you're probably gone at least 36  hours and then if you make it to lunch  

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you have 42 hours so doing these little bit  longer fasts can typically break those plateaus  

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and get you much deeper into that fat burning  so let's say that you've done one or more 30 day  

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periods with this and now you have reached a good  weight or a good blood glucose or you reversed  

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your type 2 diabetes or your cholesterol values  then what is you start playing around with it  

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so now for some people they're going to be fine  eating one meal a day like i said for myself i  

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have a hard time maintaining my ideal weight i get  too skinny so i like to increase and i eat two or  

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three times a day in a six to eight hour period  so this is going to be different for different  

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people just play around with it and see what works  for you and then from time to time you watch this  

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video again because every time you're tempted to  think of yourself and say I am the way I am you  

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scratch that thought and you remind yourself  that I am the way I recreate myself moment to  

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moment change is inevitable change is easy if  you're going to change then why not change it  

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to something that you'd rather be? If you enjoyed  this video, you're going to love that one, and if  

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you truly want to master health by understanding  how the body really works, make sure you subscribe,  

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