What If You Drink Lemon Water For 30 Days?

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Hello Health Champions. Today we're going to  talk about what would happen if you were to drink  

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lemon water every day for 30 days. You may be  surprised by some of the benefits you will learn  

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plus at the end we're going to talk about under  what circumstances you really want to drink  

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lemon water. Lemon water is supposed to help with  all kinds of things such as kidney stones and  

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cancer and heart disease it's supposed to help you  lose weight and help with anxiety and depression  

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reduce anemia improve your digestion cleanse the  liver and even lower cholesterol and help with  

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cardiovascular disease and stroke so in today's  video I want to help you understand which ones  

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of these claims might actually be valid and  which ones you want to take with a grain of  

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salt what about kidney stones well kidney  stones are primarily made up of calcium and  

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oxalates and lemon contain citric acid or citrate  and this citrate can bind with these oxalate  

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and transport them out of the body without forming  stones so the citrate can actually protect you  

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from kidney stones however keep  in mind that it takes quite a bit  

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so if you have a problem with kidney stones it's  probably a good idea to drink some lemon juice  

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but you would have to have about half a cup of  concentrated lemon juice in order to have enough  

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citric acid to really make a difference but that's  not all that much so you could certainly do that  

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so we put a green check mark on kidney stones  but it's probably gonna take a little more than  

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squeezing a wedge of lime in there how about  reducing cancer can it do that well there's  

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some research that suggests that phytonutrients in  lemons can actually kill certain cancer cells but  

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they did this in a test tube and when they do  it in a test tube you have to ask yourself how  

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does this translate to the human body what  kind of dosage did they use can we replicate  

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that dosage and get any kind of effect in  the human body and you also have to ask  

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are they really going to spend millions of dollars  on research just to make some lemon farmers happy  

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I don't think so I think they're doing it so that  they can extract one molecule and mass produce it  

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and sell it as a medication so chances are that  the concentrations that they use in a test tube  

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would be vastly higher than what you can get from  drinking lemon water so here just my opinion I  

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would give it a question mark but then again lemon  water is not going to hurt you so what's the harm  

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can lemon water protect you from heart disease  well someone claimed that research showed  

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that eating fruits and vegetables high  in vitamin c can protect you from stroke  

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and cardiovascular disease and then they  concluded that lemons are high in vitamin c  

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and then they said therefore lemons protect  you from heart disease so here's the problem  

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the research doesn't say anything about the  vitamin c being the protective thing it just says  

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certain vegetables are good for your heart and  they happen to be high in vitamin c so we don't  

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know if it's that or something else that helps  so we have no idea if it's actually the vitamin c  

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in the lemon that's going to help so they're  just two totally unrelated statements that they  

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put together and draw some conclusions so I'm not  saying that lemons are bad for your heart or that  

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they wouldn't protect it I'm just saying you can't  make this kind of deductive reasoning it's not  

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valid and there's all kinds of claims  out there they find a shred of evidence  

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and they extrapolate on it and then make some  wild claims here's another wonderful piece i  

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found it says it helps losing weight because lemon  juice is high in fiber and that helps suppress  

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feelings of hunger now that's a little surprising  I never thought of lemon juice as a high fiber  

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food so why don't we go check the facts if you  drink raw lemon juice and let's say that you take  

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2 tablespoons 1 ounce 30 grams of lemon juice then  you're going to get 0.1 grams of fiber which is  

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0 of your daily recommendation someone else  claimed that lemon water can help with anxiety  

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and depression and the reasoning for this was that  sodium and potassium are the two mineral ions in  

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the body that are responsible for signaling in  the nervous system and that's absolutely true  

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and you can get neurological symptoms if  your levels of potassium go extremely low  

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so a normal level of potassium is about three  and a half to five point two but you really  

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have to get down to about three or less before you  start seeing symptoms and this is extremely rare  

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personally I don't think I've ever seen a blood  test out of hundreds and hundreds that has been  

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under four so potassium deficiency to that degree  is kind of rare then they said that lemon is rich  

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in potassium and therefore lemon water can help  with anxiety and depression now first of all a  

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potassium deficiency would probably not even make  the top 50 list of things that can cause anxiety  

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and depression but let's just bear with them and  then go check the facts again now let's double the  

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dose of lemon juice we take 60 grams or a quarter  cup of lemon juice and that gives us 62 milligrams  

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of potassium which doesn't seem so bad but that's  only one percent of your recommended daily intake  

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so the claim that lemons are rich in potassium  is incorrect and that it would help with anxiety  

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and depression is just extremely far-fetched in  fact if you want to supplement some potassium  

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then you would have to drink three full cups of  concentrated lemon juice to equal what you get in  

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about one large avocado I think I know which one  I would prefer and if you truly had symptoms like  

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anxiety and depression you were that deficient  in potassium then you would probably want to have  

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a therapeutic dose something like the  full 100 daily allowance of potassium  

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which means that you would need to drink  1.2 gallons of concentrated lemon juice  

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or 4.6 liters and if you were to do that of course  you would also get 317 grams of carbohydrate  

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and 116 grams of sugar but bless your heart if you  were to drink over a gallon of lemon juice then  

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you earned yourself a little sugar but seriously  there are actually some potential benefits  

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if we understand the mechanism what some of these  ingredients do then it would actually make sense  

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why it could reduce anemia why it can help  digestion it can even help cleanse the liver  

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it might help lower or improve cholesterol  and you could even make an argument for why  

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it could help you lose weight and help reduce some  cardiovascular disease and stroke let's start with  

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anemia and citric acid just like the name says  is an acid that means it has a very low pH and pH  

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is very important for signaling in the  body so when we have citric acid which is  

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acidic then it's going to signal and increase the  production of hydrochloric acid so that we start  

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making acids we reduce the pH in the stomach  much sooner than we would otherwise and with  

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a lower pH in the stomach we're actually  going to improve the absorption of iron  

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and this is especially important for vegans  because the type of iron in plants is different  

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it's called non-heme iron versus the heme iron  that we have in meat and animal products and it's  

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much easier to absorb the heme iron whereas  it's very difficult to absorb the non-heme  

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iron without the acid so if you're vegetarian  especially then that can absolutely help to  

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increase your acidity a little bit and potentially  reduce your anemia and that increased acidity  

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can already help improve your digestion but  it can do one more thing because this acid  

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further stimulates and signals and it  stimulates something called CCK which stands for  

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cholecystokinin and that's a hormone that is  responsible for kicking the gallbladder into  

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gear it makes the gallbladder contract and release  bile and bile is another component so we need acid  

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to break down proteins to stimulate pepsinogen  to become pepsin which is an enzyme to break  

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down protein but then the cholecystokinin helps  release bile and this bile helps digest fat but  

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interestingly this can also help cleanse the liver  because what the liver does it basically takes fat  

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soluble toxins and renders them harmless by making  them water soluble and then it dumps these water  

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soluble end products into the bile and that's  one way that we get rid of things it's a main  

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method that the liver gets rid of toxins by  dumping them in the bile which are stored in  

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the gallbladder but then the cholecystokinin  comes in and makes the gallbladder squeeze  

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and release some of that toxin so there's  a dual purpose here it helps us get rid of  

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toxins and it helps us digest fats better but  without the acid without the cholecystokinin  

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the gallbladder can become sluggish it  gets backed up and if it gets backed up  

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now the liver doesn't really have a place to dump  its toxins so the outflow of the liver gets slowed  

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down or clogged up so with acid we can keep that  process going and allow the liver more easy exit  

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of the toxins now this same mechanism can even  help your body regulate cholesterol and the reason  

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is that bile is made from cholesterol so when we  have a stagnant gallbladder if we're not flushing  

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out that bile then there is no reason for the  body to make new bile because it's clogged up  

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and then if we release that gallbladder if we  empty that on a regular basis then we need to  

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make more bile we need to make nubile  from cholesterol so that helps us keep  

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that cholesterol in circulation and it helps the  body regulate cholesterol when there's a turnover  

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but now this story gets really interesting  and this has to do with how carbohydrates  

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are digested in the body so in the mouth you  have saliva and there's something called salivary  

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amylase and this is an enzyme that breaks down  carbohydrates we have some in the mouth and  

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then in a pancreas we have pancreatic amylase and  they used to think that the salivary amylase just  

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worked while you were chewing for a few minutes  and then when the salivary amylase got into the  

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stomach it was neutralized by the acid because  that's what happened it's an enzyme and as soon  

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as there's some acid it degrades and degenerates  that that enzyme but what actually happens  

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is that the acid in the stomach could  take 30 minutes 60 minutes or sometimes  

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even more and during all that time the salivary  amylase is digesting carbohydrates in the stomach  

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so if you eat just carbohydrates like bread with  nothing else with it then all of that or most of  

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that carbohydrate is going to be quickly digested  in your stomach and spike your blood sugar and  

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your insulin but if you take something sour like  citric acid with that bread not that I suggest you  

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would eat bread but if you did then that citric  acid would inhibit the salivary amylase because it  

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would stimulate the hydrochloric acid much sooner  and now we don't have that spike of blood sugar  

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and insulin because it doesn't happen so quickly  anymore now this alone would not solve all of  

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your metabolic problems and reverse diabetes  and cardiovascular disease and all that but it  

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would be hugely important in reducing the spikes  of blood sugar and insulin and one of the most  

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important things about blood sugar is to keep it  stable that's stable is even more important than  

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low because the unstable has tremendously harmful  effects on the body and if you can stabilize the  

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blood sugar a little bit then you're probably not  going to get as hungry either so for someone who  

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is relatively carbohydrate tolerant and who  is just maintaining their health this would  

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be a really cool trick because you can just take  some apple cider vinegar or some citric acid from  

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lemon with your food and you would dramatically  reduce the blood sugar spikes however if you are  

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metabolically unhealthy if you have diabetes  if you're trying to reverse a condition if  

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you're carbohydrate intolerant then you need to  realize that you still have the exact same amount  

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of carbohydrate and therefore you don't really  want to rely on this method because you're still  

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going to drive a lot of insulin it's just going  to be spread out over a longer period of time  

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but nonetheless it could certainly have some  benefit for heart disease and stroke because  

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it would stabilize blood sugar it would be a  good step toward metabolic health now what can  

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you expect if you drink lemon water every day for  30 days well one video I found there was a lady  

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talking about how she had a lifelong struggle  with weight and then this cartoon character  

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went on to tell us that she lost 20 pounds in 30  days and now that sounds really really impressive  

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that's kind of hard to believe but I have to  tell you I was totally convinced when they showed  

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visual proof of how this cartoon character lost  all that weight I mean I've never seen anything  

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like that just imagine in 30 days and then this  cartoon character instructed us to immediately go  

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to the kitchen and make a glass of this magical  drink and I'm having a little bit of fun with them  

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but there were actually some testimonials like  this one he says that it does work because he lost  

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10 kilograms in three months and that's pretty  impressive that is 1.8 pounds per week or about  

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0.8 kilograms so that would be pretty impressive  if that was due to lemon juice alone but he does  

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go on to say that he also cut out all junk food  that's a huge step when you change from processed  

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junk with no nutrition to actual real food that's  one of the most important steps that you can do  

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and then he went on to say that he stopped eating  after five o'clock now that is called intermittent  

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fasting that is time restricted fasting and  that is huge that is maybe even a bigger step  

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than just learning to eat real food so  if you combine those two that's fantastic  

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but it doesn't even stop there because he even  goes on to say that he added some workouts he did  

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daily aerobic exercise and then he says if  you do all this with the lemon water then  

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you will see results and i have no doubt because  he is doing the things that we're talking about  

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on the channel about eating real food time  restricted feeding and getting some exercise  

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and did the lemon water play any role in this  I think it did I think it might be that last  

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one percent but we have to put this in perspective  and understand the bigger picture so in 30 days  

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you could probably see some definite benefits  like we talked about the mechanism is sound  

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I just want to bet my entire health on  drinking lemon water however here is the  

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number one reason to drink lemon water and that  is if you enjoy the flavor I love lemon water  

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I drink lemon water almost every day I add  it to bubbly water I add lemon to virtually  

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every food there's hardly a dish in the house  that doesn't have some lemon in it because I just  

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absolutely love the flavor of lemon or lime but  if you're looking for some massive health benefits  

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then I would ask what else would you do what  else did you do during those 30 days and maybe  

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for some it may just be that you used to drink  soda and now you drink lemon water and if you  

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drank a six pack of soda and you now drink lemon  water that alone could be transformative you just  

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have a new quality of life from that piece alone  but another big piece of this that a lot of people  

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don't realize is mental when you set out to do  something for 30 days that has tremendous power  

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because all of a sudden you feel better about  yourself so just like the guy who left the  

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testimonial he talked about drinking lemon  water but actually he changed his whole life  

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at the same time and people have a tendency to do  that when you make a decision and say I'm going to  

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try this I'm going to do this then very often you  start doing other things as well because you feel  

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better about yourself so maybe you end up joining  a gym and getting some more exercise and maybe you  

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start walking more getting some more exercise on a  regular basis or you take the dog out but you go a  

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little further maybe you skip that cookie and eat  a lot less sugar maybe you stop drinking so much  

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and maybe you start sleeping better now that you  have more even blood sugar and you're tired from  

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all that workout and that is how you really got some  truly amazing benefits from drinking lemon water  

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and then of course you go tell all your friends  how you changed your life with lemon water  

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now you're too smart for that if you enjoyed this  video you're gonna love that one and if you truly  

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