What Happens To Your Brain When You Stress?

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How stress rewires your brain and what you can do about it

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that was a title of a recent video I saw by The Seeker channel and it was a great

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video, but it didn't explain a whole lot about how stress rewires the brain or

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the mechanisms involved. So I thought I'd fill in a few things. They gave you some

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great tips they basically said exercise and sleep and meditate, but I thought I'd

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explained a little more about how that actually works so first of all you have

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in your brain you have brain cells and they do what they do because they're

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connected to each other you have about a hundred billion brain cells and they

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make connections so each brain cell makes on average about five to ten

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thousand connections so you imagine the complexity of that neural network that

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handles everything about you another thing we need to understand is brain

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cells and just like muscles that if you work them out then they get stronger so

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you work out a muscle by putting tension on it and then it grows it hypertrophies

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if you don't use it it shrinks it atrophies. Brain cells are the same

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way but they you don't put tension on them you send signals to them and

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between them so the more connections a brain cell has the more likely that it's

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going to be part of some communication the more likely that it's going to get

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stimulated and get hypertrophied and stay strong so the stability of a brain

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cell depends on of course the nutrition it gets but also the number of synapses

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how many connections how well anchored how many roots does it have if you will

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so in order to make new synapses you need two hormones in the video they

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talked about one called BDNF called means brain derived neurotrophic

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factor but you need one more hormone and that's human growth hormone and the best

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way the single best way to create those two hormones is exercise

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and a little bit exercise gives you a little bit of those hormones

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high-intensity exercise gives you a lot of those hormones so while low intensity

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long duration like walking is good for circulation it will give you a tiny

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little bit of this what's more important is actually the intensity so if you do

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short bursts like high-intensity interval training for even just a few

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seconds then you're gonna increase your levels of these hormones by three to

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four hundred percent and the other good way to increase them is fasting so

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high-intensity exercise of fasting is a way to increase these hormones and the

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other part of this is the complexity so your neural networks will be as complex

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as the challenge that you put on them if you vary your behavior if you teach

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yourself a lot of different skills whether it's physical skills or thought

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skills then you're going to need a very complex network to handle that when

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we're born we actually have a lot more a larger number of brain cells than we

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have once we get older brain cells die off we wean off the ones we don't need

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but the ones we need are the ones that are connected to others so we actually

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increase the number of connections the number of synapses as we gain more

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experience as we get wiser as we gain more skills and especially if we stay

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active and keep developing then we increase the number of synapses but we

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decrease the number of brain cells and exercise and complex behavior is the

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number one way to maintain the complexity of these neural networks and

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the more connections we have the stronger the brain cells are this more

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stable and solid they are so when we have neurodegenerative diseases like

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Alzheimer's and Parkinson's then the cells are losing their strength their

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degenerating and a large part because they don't get stimulated through

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exercise we don't have these hormones in place and we don't maintain the

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complexity and the variation in our activities nutrition of course is

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another important part but it's not the topic of this video so stress exercise

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is stress but it's a good form of stress it's a form of stress that we're

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designed for stress breaks you down and then you rest you recover and you

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rebuild so exercise is a challenge and when we challenge the body it makes

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these hormones so that we can rise to the challenge so that we can become

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better so we can build stronger cells with more connections so it's not the

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exercise that does it exercise is the challenge that breaks down recovery is

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the thing that produces the health and the result and short term stress is what

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we're designed for but there is another form of stress that's called chronic

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stress and that's the stuff that people hear about that's what we mean when we

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talk about stress that it's bad for us because this is a little bit of stress

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it's not enough to challenge us it's just enough to wear us down and it goes

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on and on and on and on day after day week after week year after year and when

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it does that it does not produce these hormones it does not challenge the body

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but what it does is this it reroutes the blood flow from the cortex to the brain

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stem so the cortex is the surface layer of your brain this is where your

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humanity or your creativity your thinking your motivation all those

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things that make us uniquely human is a function of the cortex of the

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surface layer but when we get stressed then that part of the brain becomes less

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active and the blood goes from the cortex down into the brainstem to the

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primitive to the survival brain so we get more into the animalistic to the

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instinct to reflex action and that's where we lose our creativity our our

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humanity if you will so that's how stress rewires the brain by shifting the

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blood flow and inhibiting all of these functions that keep your brain vital and

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strong and alive so get some exercise to challenge your body make some hormones

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then get some rest so that your body can recover and then get some meditation so

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that you can reduce the chronic stress so you can calm your mind you can help

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your mind settle down a little bit please share this with as many people as

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you can because these are things that are affecting all of us we have an aging

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population and these are things that you want to start caring about and being

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concerned about before they become a problem

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once you have Alzheimer's and you have some degeneration often time it's too

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late to really do something about it so prevention is much much better make sure

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you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we can keep this content

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coming your way and thanks for watching

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