What Happens If You Don't Eat For 3 Days?

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Hello Health Champions. Why is it that we  as humans have such a powerful drive to eat  

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food and yet scientists are finding more and more  health benefits we get from skipping a few meals.  

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We can go so far in fact to say that most of human  disease today come from the fact that we cannot  

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find a natural balance between how much we eat and  how much we expend the balance between eating and  

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fasting but why is it so difficult for us to find  that balance well let's look at the basics here  

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you eat some food you use that food to generate  energy and if you're lucky enough to eat a little  

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bit more food than you need in the next few  hours then you can store some of it as body fat  

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and then when you don't eat for a while and you're  forced to fast or choose to fast now you can start  

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using some of that stored fat to make energy an  analogy would be that you have a pantry and you  

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put things in your pantry for the sole purpose  of sometimes emptying the pantry the purpose of a  

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pantry is so you don't have to run to the store  every time you need something every few hours  

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but it wouldn't make sense to put something in  the pantry if you're never going to take anything  

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out and it's the same thing with the body why  would you ever store something if you didn't  

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plan to fast if you only put things in and never  take anything out then why would you store it why  

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do we even have that function right this provides  rotation if we put in and we take out that rotates  

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it but if we don't rotate it now we have a  stagnant situation now the stuff in the pantry  

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gets old you can also think of it as a pond if you  only have water flowing into a pond and nothing  

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flowing out it's like a closed off area now that  water is going to get super nasty it's going to  

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get infested it's going to get congested polluted  you're going to have all sorts of parasites and  

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mosquito farms and things in there and the only  reason this happens in the body is that we eat  

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too frequently when we eat too frequently and we  never fast we're only putting things in the pantry  

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we're never taking anything out and that creates  an imbalance and not just any little imbalance  

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but the fact that we can't find a balance between  eating and fasting accounts for the majority of  

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all human disease probably 90 plus percent all of  the diseases of cardiovascular disease diabetes  

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high blood pressure metabolic syndrome it is  all because we never take anything out we're  

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congesting the body so the next question of course  is why do we eat so frequently some say the reason  

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is the USDA guidelines because they tell us to eat  three square meals and then snacks in between so  

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you never have a drop in blood sugar you top it  off every couple hours well I don't think that's  

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the whole truth because i don't know many people  if anybody who will do something just because  

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the government says so but it certainly doesn't  help when we don't know what we're supposed to do  

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the real reason is unstable blood sugar unstable  glucose that we are training the body through our  

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food choices and our lifestyles we have trained  the body into relying on it and depending on these  

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frequent meals a very interesting fact to me is  that we have four hormones to raise blood sugar  

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but we only have one to lower blood sugar  and that's insulin and that has to be  

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because for most of human existence it's been more  important to have a mechanism to raise blood sugar  

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than to lower it so we have these four  hormones glucagon cortisol adrenaline and  

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human growth hormone and they're all involved  in raising blood sugar so it used to probably  

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look something like this for most of human  existence that we would eat a meal we release  

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a little insulin to bring the glucose down and  then we have these four hormones to bring it back  

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up to where it needs to be and then to maintain  it to maintain a rock solid blood glucose level  

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for all the energy demands of the body so they  don't fluctuate just because we don't eat for a  

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little while in other words we're much much better  at raising blood sugar we are better equipped  

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at raising blood sugar than we are at lowering  it because that's what it's been like that's what  

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there's been the greatest demand for most of the  time until the last 50 to 100 years that's where  

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everything has changed we have started eating  more grains more processed foods more sugar and  

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more frequent meals and these all go hand in hand  because they train the body into expecting this  

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so we eat a meal that raises blood sugar a lot  now we need insulin to bring it back down but  

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then we eat so frequently and we eat garbage food  and sugar and processed foods that don't last us  

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so then we get a low blood sugar and we eat again  to bring it up we don't rely on this mechanism to  

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bring up the blood sugar and stabilize it so it  never gets stable if we eat to bring it up insulin  

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brings it down and we eat again and it brings it  down and we eat again so it's this roller coaster  

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so in other words for as long as humans have  been around we've had this beautiful system of  

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stable energy supply based on these four hormones  we have this sophisticated machinery in place  

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but then the last 50 to 100 years we've thrown  that out the window and we've replaced it  

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with raising blood sugar sort of artificially  through just eating all the time and by doing that  

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we have trained the body to expect the food and to  depend on these frequent meals it doesn't know how  

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to do it without it anymore so we have to retrain  it by reducing the frequency of meals so let's  

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take a look at what happens if we go a little bit  longer without so eight hours without food that's  

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the longest a lot of people have gone because  that's how long they sleep during that time your  

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body is going to regulate glucose with these four  hormones we talked about glucagon cortisol human  

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growth hormone and adrenaline and when you're  sleeping you're supposed to have sort of a low  

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energy level a low arousal level but then when  your body gets ready to wake up and you start your  

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day then you need a little arousal so this is what  these hormones provide they raise your glucose and  

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they arouse you so you're ready for the day and  eight hours in you're using a mix of glycogen  

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and fat and glycogen is your carbohydrate storage  mostly in the liver but also in the muscles  

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and that's how your body stores carbohydrate it  can only store a little bit about enough for a day  

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and depending on how you eat you're going  to use a mix of these carbohydrates and  

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fat if you eat more carbohydrate the mix is  going to be more carbs if you eat more fat  

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you've already taught your body a little bit about  how to use fat instead of carbohydrate but there  

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will always be a balance there and what about  hunger well at this point most people aren't even  

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hungry most people are not hungry when they wake  up in the morning but they eat because they're  

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taught to eat and they think well if I don't eat  I'll probably be hungry in a few hours and they  

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say that breakfast is the most important meal  and everyone knows you can't send your kids  

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off to school because they get all f's they  fail in school if you don't feed them so we  

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have all these misconceptions all these myths  and misinformation about what's going to happen  

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and we mostly eat out of habit and fear of what  will happen if we don't and if you don't have  

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that breakfast not much is going to happen at  all your body is going to increase glucagon and  

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cortisol a little bit it's going to regulate blood  glucose that way it's going to continue using  

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glycogen and fat for energy but it's going to  start shifting it's going to start transitioning  

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from carbohydrate to more fat it's a slow  gradual process and it's going to depend on  

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what you normally eat if you have a high carb  diet then you've trained the body to depend on  

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carbs so the transition to fat is going to  be slower whereas if you're on a low carb  

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diet and you've been eating more fat then it  already sort of has some momentum it already knows  

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how to go over to use more fat after 18 hours  your glucose is starting to run down a little  

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bit carbohydrates become a little scarce in your  body so your body starts making glucose from  

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other things that's called gluconeogenesis and  at the same time we continue the shift away from  

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glycogen to fat your body is sensing that we're  starting to get down to the the bottom of that  

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carbohydrate that glycogen barrel and if we don't  have a lot of it now we need to get better and  

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better at using the fat you probably won't run  completely out of glycogen a lot of people say you  

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will empty the tanks but your body wants to have  some glycogen as an emergency reserve just in case  

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you get chased by something and you need to make  an emergency sprint for a couple of minutes that's  

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where you need just a little bit of glycogen but  more and more of your energy is starting to come  

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from fat and around this time you have something  called autophagy kick in autophagy means self  

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eating and that sounds pretty drastic but really  what it's about it's up regulating recycling  

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so if you don't put any more food resources in  your body then the resources that are already  

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in the body become more precious so as you have  cells die off you have some debris you have some  

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virus you have some bacteria you have some dead  blood cells all of those materials all that debris  

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becomes resources they become more precious your  body can use them so it gets better and better  

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at recycling that stuff and that mechanism is  one of the few things that can clean up inside  

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the nervous system so if you had a concussion  or if you have brain inflammation or brain fog  

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from poor lifestyle habits autophagy is one of  the few things that can start really cleaning up  

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but if you never go 18 hours without food then you  will never really experience autophagy around this  

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time you also start seeing some higher levels  of ketones if your high carbohydrate diet to  

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start with it'll probably take a little bit longer  before you have any measurable amount of ketones  

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but if you're low carb this is where your ketones  start increasing and ketones are very interesting  

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you've heard of the ketogenic diet so ketones is a  byproduct of fat and it's something that the body  

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makes as an alternative fuel source for the brain  some people will tell you that the brain uses only  

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glucose that 100 of the energy for the brain is  glucose and that's why you should eat a bunch  

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of sugar but that's not true the brain uses a mix  of glucose and ketones and if you're fasting long  

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enough about 75 percent of the energy supply  will come from ketones you will also see some  

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increases in two super important hormones if  you're interested in brain health human growth  

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hormone and brain derived neurotrophic factor  they're two hormones that are like miracle growth  

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for your brain they're necessary to make new  connections to maintain the vitality and health  

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of brain cells but also to make new connections  and that is how we learn something as you process  

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new information and you organize it you have to  make new connections to organize that and with  

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learning if you fasting and increase this hormones  you will find that you will learn better and you  

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have better focus and that makes a lot of sense  because if you're not eating your body is probably  

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going to start looking for food and if you don't  have food you need to get better you need to get  

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more innovative to pursue it and you need to stay  focused so that you can execute and follow through  

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and there will also be some immune benefits at  this point your glucose will start dropping which  

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is one way but also through this autophagy  you'll start recycling more of the virus  

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and the bacteria because they consist of proteins  and cell components that your body can actually  

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use for other things after 24 hours without  eating now things really start happening and  

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your level the depth the degree of autophagy is  going to keep increasing if you have some blood  

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strips some ketone strips and you measure your  level of ketones you will start finding that  

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you're now in the zone most likely of nutritional  ketosis somewhere between 0.5 and 1.5 millimoles  

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the glycogen by now is mostly gone like i said  the body will probably reserve a little bit  

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but it's not going to depend on carbohydrate  for energy you're going to be almost entirely  

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burning fat and you're going to kick in more  of the gluconeogenesis that i mentioned before  

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and the body makes glucose from other things and  what are those things they're primarily glycerol  

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which is about five percent of any fat molecule a  triglyceride the backbone of that fat molecule is  

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called glycerol so five percent of the energy in  fat actually can be converted to glucose so even  

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if you're eating pure fat about five percent of  that energy is available for glucose it will also  

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convert waste protein so these cell debris and  virus bacteria as well as the circulating pool you  

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don't have all of your protein in in muscles you  have some circulating at all times that's sort of  

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in transit so these are the things that your body  uses to make new glucose when you need it because  

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your brain still needs about 25 percent of its  energy from glucose you also will increase your  

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human growth hormone you'll really start kicking  in now and why is that important because if you  

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need glucose and protein is one of the sources you  don't want that protein to come from the muscles  

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and the human growth hormone spares the muscles  and make sure that muscles will be only as a  

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very very last resort when you're near death  when you've gone weeks or months without food  

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that's when you're going to start using some  of that muscle and what about hunger well if  

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you've never gone long without food you're  probably going to be really hungry by now  

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but also understand that hunger is  just a feeling it's not anything  

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dangerous it's just a body sensation most of  that body sensation is a habit you've trained  

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your body to expect food so your body is going to  create that hunger sensation at certain intervals  

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but if you ignore it then not much is going to  happen it's going to come and go if you drink  

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a glass of water and wait 10 minutes it's  going to go away for a few more hours so  

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it's not a big deal and the better you get  at intermittent fasting you don't have to go  

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super long all the time but if you teach your body  that food doesn't have to come every two hours  

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then that hunger becomes less and less important  and it's not going to come calling as often 48  

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hours into the fast now you're gone two days  without food and you still want to drink plenty  

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of water and you want to supplement with some  minerals because you will lose additional minerals  

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during a fast now your levels of human growth  hormone are going to be up about 500 percent  

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from their base level five-fold increase your  levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor  

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are going to be at similar levels your levels of  ketones will now be into a more therapeutic level  

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like nutritional ketosis like we talked about  that's more of a maintenance level now you're  

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stepping it up between one and a half and three  is where you start getting some really therapeutic  

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your levels of autophagy will keep increasing  and now even though your insulin is dropping  

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as long as you don't eat from the moment that your  body has processed through the food a few hours  

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after a meal and you don't eat now your insulin  will keep dropping but once you go about 48 hours  

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or longer now you can really make a dent in  that insulin if you have stubborn insulin very  

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stubborn insulin resistance then that insulin  tends to kind of get on the plateau but now  

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after 48 hours that's where you can really sort of  force through that plateau and make a difference  

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and at this point you are probably deriving about  95 of your energy from fat most of the other five  

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percent come from the glycerol in the fat backbone  the triglycerides a lot of people will ask well  

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what about exercise can you exercise when you're  fasting is it dangerous what are you supposed to  

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do what kind of exercise and yes you can exercise  as long as you don't do any exercise that requires  

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carbohydrates you don't want to do anything  that looks like an emergency so if you do purely  

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aerobic exercise if you go for a walk if you keep  your heart rate under 120 no huffing and puffing  

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now you're staying in a pure fat metabolism  now you're enhancing the growth hormone  

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the autophagy the ketones you're accentuating  all of that without really creating a stress or  

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a hazard for the body because you stay in fat  metabolism but you don't want to do any kind  

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of high intensity stuff because you don't have  the carbohydrate reserves for even short bursts  

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if you did then you probably wouldn't feel so good  you get very exhausted and there's a chance that  

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you'll be using up some muscle protein to make  glucose and as far as hunger it seems like you'd  

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be almost dying at this point if you're not  used to this if you've never done this before  

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but it turns out most people will tell you that  the second day the beginning of the second day is  

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worse that if you could just make it through the  second day to like the second half of the second  

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day then things get easier it's like i said the  hunger is just a habit it's a habitual signal  

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if you ignore it long enough then it goes  away and it actually gets easier and what  

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happens if you don't eat for three days well 72  hours into it all the same processes continue  

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but at a deeper level so you're getting more  profound benefits from autophagy you're getting  

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some deeper levels of disease reversals so  type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease  

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and high blood pressure and even cancer you're  starting to actually reverse those in many cases  

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there's a lot of cancers certain types of cancers  that they've shown you can shrink tumors and a lot  

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of researchers are pointing out that you can  probably reduce your overall risk of cancer  

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by doing a three-day fast a couple of times a  year also around this time we get hematopoiesis  

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stem cell regeneration and rejuvenation so stem  cells are your baby cells they're the cells that  

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are born to become new cells in your body and  they're not differentiated means they're baby  

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cells that can become different things in your  body but these particular ones when they say  

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hema something that means blood cells and when  you're making more of them and you're rejuvenating  

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then you're making more white blood cells you're  strengthening your immune system and cancer is  

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primarily an immune problem so that's part  of how you can fight off and reduce the risk  

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of cancer but you're also improving your overall  immunity toward your everyday virus and bacteria  

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and they have also found that this level of  fasting provides very very strong protection  

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against chemotherapy so there's a reduction  in the nausea and vomiting and hair loss and  

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all of the harsh side effects from chemotherapy  are reduced by fasting your body gets better  

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at defending itself against the toxins which  chemotherapy is and let me just point out that  

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I think most people should go into this gradually  but if you decide to do 72 hours straight off the  

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bat the main thing that you want to figure out is  how do you feel you don't want to push through it  

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if you're nauseous if you're light-headed if  you're not feeling well then don't continue  

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but as long as you're feeling well you are doing  okay it is not hazardous to your body to do this  

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especially if you make sure that you supplement  with some minerals if you're on a low carb diet  

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you're going to be losing some minerals and it's  a good idea to supplement but if you're doing this  

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level of fasting then it's an absolute necessity  you need to get some salt some sodium and some  

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potassium into your body. If you enjoyed this  video you're going to love that one. And if you  

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