What Breaks A Fast? (True Fast vs Intermittent Fasting)

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What breaks a fast? There's been so much conflicting information out there

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so people are confused and asking what do I do

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so today we're gonna talk about what breaks a fast coming right up

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the quick answer to that question what breaks a fast is really really simple

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okay fasting is when you don't eat so if you put something in your mouth and

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swallow you're breaking the fast that's the simplest strictest explanation so

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what we really want to ask ourselves is why are we fasting and for most people

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who watch this or doing intermittent fasting or concerned with what breaks a

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fast I think what they're really asking what can I eat what can I drink and not

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compromise the benefits of the intermittent fast okay so we could do a

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spiritual or religious fast and some of those they say don't eat or

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drink anything and then that's kind of their letter of the law they just

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dictated that's the way it is don't eat or drink anything so some spiritual

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religious fasts might allow nothing or they might allow water

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some people might fast for gut health if you have a leaky gut if you have a

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really upset stomach that just reacts and blows up and explodes no matter what

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you put in there fasting is a great way to allow you gut some time to heal and

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then you're not really concerned with anything other than giving the gut some

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nutrients that help heal it and don't put anything in that irritates it so

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bone broth would be excellent water would be totally okay herbal teas and so

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forth totally all right so we're gonna leave those behind and we're gonna talk

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about what I believe most people ask that question for because they're doing

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intermittent fasting most of those people are trying to lose

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weight and or reverse diabetes and insulin resistance so we're going to

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assume that that's the goal to reverse reduce insulin resistance so I'm going

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to put these in four different categories and we'll talk about this so

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if you're trying to reduce reverse insulin resistance then everything is

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okay you're still technically fasting for

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insulin resistance purposes if you don't put anything in that triggers insulin if

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there is no insulin response if there are no nutrients in there things like

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coffee and tea then they're totally fine black coffee black tea green tea herbal

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teas that aren't sweet they're totally fine they're not going to have any

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influence on your insulin so from an insulin resistance perspective you're

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still fasting because you're not changing that trend things that are not

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okay things that will affect insulin and break your fast are things like sugar

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juice honey and agave okay no matter what the amount they're really gonna

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mess you up and even though honey and agave don't

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have much of an insulin response they're very very low bligh semuc index because

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they're mostly fructose fructose is the main reason that people are insulin

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resistant in the first place because fructose can only be metabolized through

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the liver so the fructose kind of Jam packs that liver full of sugar and it

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develops fatty liver and insulin resistance that the honey and agave is

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full of fructose which as at the core of the mechanism that develops insulin

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resist all kinds of sugars and juices fruits stay away from them so then I

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want to introduce something that a lot of people would say is breaking the fast

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but if we stick to the letter of the law yes they break the fast because they

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might have a little bit in response however I call them one

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percenters because they have such a slight insulin response that it is

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insignificant for the purposes of reversing insulin resistance so when you

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don't eat your insulin is going to go down the longer you don't eat the more

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your insulin is going to go down so if it helps you not eat for a very long

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time if it helps having a few things to sort of get you through the day then

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that is still going to assist you it's still going to help you with that

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intermittent fast and whenever you have something that has what I call the 1%

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response your insulin is going to drop and then you have that 1% response so

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you get a little blip but they're so little

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there's so little substance there's such a small response that your insulin just

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keeps on dropping so for the purposes of reversing insulin resistance it still

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keeps going so these things are not really going to hurt you in small

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amounts ok so good fats those are things like MCT oil coconut oil and butter ok

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they do have some calories technically there'll be a tiny little insulin

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response but not so much that it really matters what's more important is that

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you can sustain that fast if that helps you

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herb teas are fine as long as they're not sweet if they're made with fruit and

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they taste a lot of sweet they probably have a little bit of sugar in them and

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then they would be in the no category lemon water now lemon does have a tiny

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tiny little bit of sugar but it's so miniscule that if you put a teaspoon of

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lemon in some hot water you're gonna be fine

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it's going to be a tiny tiny little blip apple cider vinegar totally fine and

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cream in small amounts I would also say is fine so a teaspoon a tablespoon and

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some coffee or tea is going to create a tiny little blip and then you'll get

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right back into getting more insulin sensitive again now that doesn't mean

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you can drink a bottle of whipping cream because that's a meal okay then that

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totally breaks the fast but so all of these are quantity dependent all right

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just like insulin responses are quantity dependent these things also a quantity

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dependence the only other thing to keep in mind is that if you're doing it for

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weight loss and you are fasting to burn off fat then obviously you don't want to

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eat so much fat that the body doesn't need to burn the fat off the body if you

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supply enough fat in the diet it's going to burn that first and it'll never get

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around to burning the fat on the body so again that's a quantity issue then I'm

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going to quickly address something that most people on keto don't talk about and

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that's poison because there are certain things that may help you stay in ketosis

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or in fasting but if they're poison you're not getting healthier and what's

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the point of losing weight if you're going to get sick

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okay that's not why people do this they try to lose the weight because they want

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to get healthy and we want to get healthy first so that we can lose the

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weight so things like aspartame sucralose margarine and bad fats they

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are poison they interfere with the balance and health and function of your

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body so just stay away from them they're man-made they're chemicals they're made

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in a laboratory or a factory chemical factory so don't ever touch those don't

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doesn't matter if it helps you stay in ketosis or not there are good fats and

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there are healthy non calorie sweeteners so so stick with those on that note

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though I want to mention something else and that is when you eat something or

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even when you don't eat something and you have an insulin response so how does

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that happen well sweet taste so it's not just what

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you ate what you put into your mouth and swallow it's what your brain perceives

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there's a cephalic effect so anytime you eat something you taste something your

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brain starts sending signals to your pancreas to make insulin long before

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that food ever hits the stomach just having it in your mouth so you haven't

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ingested any nutrients and yet your pancreas is producing insulin why is

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that because the body is so smart it anticipates so they have found that

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things that take that have a sweet taste even though they have no nutrients no

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calories no technically no blood sugar impact stevia erythritol

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any sugar alcohols I little maltitol etc and some of the sweet herb teas if you

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perceive a sweet taste chances are you're making insulin in the pancreas

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okay so it's very hard to quantify this because it's a subtle effect but I would

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encourage people as much as possible if you do in keto if you're doing

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intermittent fasting try to get away from the sweet taste because the sweets

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is sort of what got you in trouble in the first place and if your body is

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wired to make insulin based on that that can get you in trouble so everyone is

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different and because this is sort of a non-material effect then it just depends

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on how you're wired so the depend the responses could vary widely and I also

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said that you might actually have an insulin response from not eating

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something well how would that work well stress actually produces cortisol

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whenever you're stressed your body senses that hey there's danger here I

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need to mobilize resources so that I can deal with this danger

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and now your core your adrenals release cortisol and the cortisol raises blood

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sugar and when blood sugar goes up so does insulin so cortisol can actually

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drive insulin resistance and has been proven to drive insulin resistance so

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merely the fact of being stressed could actually break a fast so to speak so

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keep all these things in mind sometimes it's not just about following the letter

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the the the tighter you follow the letter isn't necessarily the best thing

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if something helps you stay in fasting state or almost fasting state longer

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such as here then then it's a good thing and you can consume a few hundred

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calories in a day of non insulin triggering fats and and still get the

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benefits so don't look too closely on on the technicality of it ask yourself why

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you're doing it and learn what how insulin responses affect you so the

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things that are off is anything that has significant calories any sugar any carbs

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any protein because they definitely will trigger a significant insulin response

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but the one-percenters and the coffee and the tea are in my opinion gonna be

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safe bets just don't overdo these keep them in moderation and you'll be alright

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so please share this video this channel we try to make sense of things and

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explain them in a way that you can understand and apply them and there's a

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lot of people out there looking for this information so do them a favor and help

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them share this video so if you have any questions please leave them below let me

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know what your experiences are and I will do my very best to comment and

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answer your questions thanks for watching

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