WARNING! Diabetes Treatment Could Actually Kill You!

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Hello Health Champions. Whether you already have diabetes

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or some other issue like belly fat or stubborn weight or high blood pressure,

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this is a video for you because the mechanism in all those conditions

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is the same and once you truly understand

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that mechanism then not only will you know how to reverse

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diabetes and all those conditions naturally

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but you'll also understand why most standard treatment

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actually makes it worse. Coming right up.

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Hey I'm Dr Ekberg. I''m a holistic doctor and a former olympic decathlete

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and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really

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works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything what is diabetes and insulin

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resistance really well diabetes is when you have high

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blood sugar and that's because you have an insulin

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problem insulin is the hormone that helps lower

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blood sugar by helping the sugar get from the bloodstream

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and into the cell so there's two kinds you can have

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no insulin like in type 1 diabetes the glucose is high because there's no

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insulin to help guide that sugar out of the bloodstream

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but you could also have in type 2 diabetes you could have

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high glucose even though you have too much

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insulin because the insulin isn't getting the job done

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so in type 1 diabetes it's pretty simple because

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if they don't have insulin you give them some and

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the problem is pretty much solved but if you

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already have too much insulin and you give somebody

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more then what happens that's what we need to understand

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because that can be the difference between life and death

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if you look up insulin resistance you will read

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that treatment can help but insulin resistance

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can't be cured so what kind of treatment are they talking about how can

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treatment help well successful treatment means that you spend a quarter million

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dollars from age 50 to age 70 if you get it when

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you're 50 and you will live 10 years shorter than

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average and you have a bunch of complications

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along the way that doesn't sound like really great success in treatment to me

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but the problem is that they're successful in treating

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what they're aiming to treat but there's really two problems

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so the first problem that they are treating is

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high blood sugar and the second problem that they're not

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treating is insulin resistance the blood sugar can cause micro vessel

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disease and that means the tiny blood vessels in your body swell and they

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cause damage and that's the leading cause of

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blindness kidney failure amputation and neuropathy

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so those are nasty things of course we want to treat those but

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insulin is also a problem high insulin leads to

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insulin resistance which leads to metabolic syndrome which

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is associated with belly fat fatty liver obesity

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heart disease hypertension stroke and dementia so here's the critical

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thing to understand is yes these things are bad but in

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treating these the way they do they're causing more of that they're

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reducing and handling these to some degree but in the process

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they're making all of this worse that's a pretty bold

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statement treatment for type 2 diabetes makes type

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2 diabetes worse how is that possible it's because

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every treatment is focused on symptoms rather than the root cause and very

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often when we focus on symptoms we allow the actual problem to keep

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getting worse the other problem with treating symptoms

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is that oftentimes as soon as a symptom is somewhat changed

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they feel that it's under control i can't

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tell you how many times i've sat down with the patient

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and i cringe when they tell me that yes they have diabetes they have high

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blood pressure but it's under control they're taking

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medication to suppress the symptoms so there's nothing to worry about and

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their only issue is that they came in with some neck pain or

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shoulder pain and they really believe that it's

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nothing to worry about because the doctor told them that and

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the doctor is acting under the standard of care which says that all we have to

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do is to lower blood sugar if you look up

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insulin resistance you will also read that insulin resistance is

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when the body stops responding normally to insulin

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and that's true but the question is why why does the body stop

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responding normally to insulin and the answer is going to depend

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on how we view the body if we think that the body is

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random and stupid then the answer could be

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that well things like that happen sometimes

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go ahead and put down in the comments if you've ever heard that

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from your doctor sometimes things like that

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just happen but we're going to get a different answer

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if we assume or understand that the body is

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supremely intelligent and precise because then

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there must be a really good reason why the body stops responding to insulin

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so now we need to understand something called adaptive

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physiology and it's a big word but don't worry it's really really simple

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it just means your body is processing a whole bunch of information about a

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billion bits of information every second and it constantly makes

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small adaptations it makes small changes in to adapt to changes in the

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environment so here's some examples what happens if

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you walk barefoot for any extended period of time your

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body makes thicker skin to protect your feet when i

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was a kid and school was out for 10 weeks

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during that time i hardly ever wore shoes

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and in the beginning of the summer my feet were super tender and i could

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barely walk carefully across the stone tiles in front of the house

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but a few weeks into summer break i could run across

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those stone tiles as if it was soft as grass

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my body had adapted and it does this all the time it makes

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smart changes to make you function better if you play a lot of guitar then

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you get calluses so that you can play more

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without hurting if you lift weights your body is

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going to make more muscles it's going to hypertrophy

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so that you can handle that better that's adaptive physiology

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if you spend some time at high altitude then there is less oxygen in the air

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so your body senses the need for more oxygen carrying capacity so

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it starts manufacturing more red blood cells so that you get

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better at delivering oxygen when there is less

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of it how amazing is that does that sound random and stupid

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does that sound like sometimes those things just happen

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no of course not everything in the body is

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on purpose whenever there is less of something

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your body up regulates it gets better at using that thing it becomes more

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sensitive to it whenever there is too much of

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something you like insulin your body down regulates

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and in a sense it becomes resistant to it

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insulin resistance that's how it works and most people don't realize that the

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very word disease is actually disease ease

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is when you have balance equilibrium homeostasis in your body

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and this is is when you have imbalance and all it is it's an adaptation

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because your body has changed because something in the environment

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changed and if we change that thing back then the body changes back let's look at

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what has changed why does a smart thing like the body

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start resisting insulin well historically there's always

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been times of more food called feast and times of

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less food called a famine and during the time of

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feast when there's more food we fill up our

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stores and during that time insulin is high because insulin is the

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storage hormone and obviously during the times

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of less food or famine then we can start using what we have

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stored and the body doesn't just use things for

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energy it uses it for building blocks and when food is in low supply the body

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goes into something called autophagy where proteins and amino acids

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become precious so the body starts going around the body and recycling so

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in a sense it starts to clean out the pantry it gets really really good at

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using that stuff and during that time the insulin is very

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low so we've always had periods of filling

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up the pantry and cleaning out the pantry that's

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always been like that until the last 50 to 70 years

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since 1950 in the prosperous part of the world there has never been

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any famine so we have pretty much a constant feast and historically we used

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to have maybe one to two meals like very ancient times our

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ancestors but then since about 1950 we had a steady

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three meals a day but then in the last few decades

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we've gone from three meals a day to six or more meals a day and the more

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often we eat the more often we're in storage mode on top of

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that they tell us to eat low fat which is less sustaining it

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doesn't sustain us for as long it's less satiating so now that makes us

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eat even more so most people are snacking up to eight times

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a day and under these circumstances now we're in a feast we're constantly

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storing we're always at a high insulin level

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preparing for a famine that never comes so we never have a chance to clean out

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the pantry and during these times the only

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intelligent thing to do for the body is to start developing

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insulin resistance so that we might have a little bit of a chance

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to stop cramming that pantry fuller and fuller

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but then clever people invent tricks to make the cell accept more anyway

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to make the insulin do its job anyway and those tricks are things like

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insulin drugs and insulin stimulating drugs

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so now the cell says i don't want any more but

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the drugs keep cramming them even fuller and in the process they're making the

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cell even more insulin resistance driving metabolic

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syndrome even further but let's take a look at

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the 20 years that we have before we would need the

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drug if you have a normal blood sugar

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initially of 90 fasting blood sugar of 90 and a fasting

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insulin of three then these variables are in balance

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you're very insulin sensitive and even if

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you ate an occasional high carb meal or even

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sugar then your body would know what to do with that

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you had a functioning carbohydrate tolerance a carbohydrate processing

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machine and you would use some for energy and

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whatever you didn't use in the moment you would store away and if this only

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happened once in a while then you could go back

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and clean out the pantry and use that energy later on

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but if you live in the modern world and you eat six to eight meals a day

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and you eat low fat and high carb now you keep pushing that insulin up

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and let's say after seven more years you check your blood sugar again and your

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blood sugar is about the same and you're thinking hey

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great i'm doing fine because you never measured fasting

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insulin and you don't understand adaptive physiology but if you did

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understand those things and you did measure it you

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now see that you have three times

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more insulin it's the body has to work three times harder to keep the blood

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sugar down it's useless to measure blood sugar

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because it's a controlled variable the body works

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very hard at suppressing and controlling that

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in a safe level but if we understand adaptive physiology then we understand

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that your body has moved quite far away from

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homeostasis now let's go a few more years into the

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future and year 15 you get another blood test

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and your doctor looks at the blood sugar and he says great job it's normal and he

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congratulates you on your symptom-free health but

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if they understood and measured physiology

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the insulin now we would see that your insulin resistance is at a steady

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incline and then finally somewhere around year

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20 now we measure the blood sugar and it's not normal now you're a

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full-blown diabetic because even this enormous amount of insulin can

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no longer keep the blood sugar under control the cells are so insulin

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resistant that even very large amounts of insulin

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will not get the job done but even if they measured your fasting insulin along

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the way chances are that they wouldn't do anything about

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it because normal range is considered all the way

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from 3 to 24.6 in other words you have to be

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a full-blown diabetic or you have to be bordering on full-blown diabetic

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before your insulin is considered high does that sound normal to you

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that you could have 800 percent more insulin than the insulin sensitive

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person and they think that you're doing just fine and then

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they think that oh this just happened suddenly he

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was fine last year and now all of a sudden he's a

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diabetic no it takes years it takes decades to get

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to that point unless you start feeding kids sugar

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in large amount at a very early age then you can destroy this carbohydrate

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handling system you can create a fatty liver in pre-teenagers

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and this is why they're generally considered

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that treatment can help and they're talking about blood sugar

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but there is no cure because they're not treating the root cause which is insulin

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they just add more and that's why it's so key to

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understand physiology and adaptation because

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once we understand that it's nothing more than an adaptation

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all we have to do is undo the adaptation we have to stop

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putting the things in the body that created the problem

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and what are those things they are in order

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number one high fructose corn syrup which has

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55 fructose but a lot of people think that oh well high fructose corn syrup is

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bad but sugar is good well they're virtually

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identical this one's five percent worse right but sugar still

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has 50 fructose which is the substance that

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destroys the liver causes fatty liver three

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is processed food four is frequent meals and five is carbohydrates

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in general unfortunately the standard medical treatment

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is to focus on blood sugar while ignoring

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or missing the point on most of what causes these adaptations and if you

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understand that then you understand why the treatment is actually killing

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people but if you instead understand how to

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undo the adaptation if you understand that these things

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force the body to make changes and if we undo these

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things the body will change back to normal now not only can you reverse

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this naturally but you also have no side

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effects in fact all you have are bonuses

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bonuses like healthy weight healthy energy and feeling better

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overall now there's a lot to understand about

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each of these five items these five issues so

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rather than trying to cover that here i'm going to make a separate

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video where i cover all of these in more detail if you enjoyed this video

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and you'd like to learn more about health and how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell and i think you'd

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really enjoy watching that video next thank you so

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much for watching i'll see you next time

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