Walking Arm Swing Predicts Dementia

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So your arms don't swing when walking. How does that reflect on your health?

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Coming right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. Arm

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swinging may seem like a trivial thing it's like

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what's the big deal if you swing or don't tell what it looks it's just

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aesthetic you mean dancers maybe or but does it really matter for everybody yes

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arm swing is one of the most fundamental patterns in the body the gait reflex is

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a foundation of a lot of patterns in your nervous system it starts developing

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when you first crawl so some around six months or so your body learns your

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nervous system you figure out that the arm should move opposite to the leg and

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that holds true for walking it holds true for crawling it's a gate reflect

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it's called a cross crawl pattern and because it's so fundamental because it's

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involved with so many different developments in the body it can be

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devastating if this doesn't develop properly so dyslexia for example has

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been associated with poor gait patterns and a lot of people with dyslexia will

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actually benefit from going back to crawling from practicing the basic gait

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reflex again and people who are clumsy who sprained their ankles who are injury

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prone or accident prone that is also a reflection of brain patterns how well

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balanced how precise is that nervous system and it all starts with a gait

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reflex but where most people really start to pay attention is when we start

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talking about dementia because one of the earliest signs of dementia that you

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can pick up way way way before there's any memory

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issues or any brain scan abnormalities it's a slight loss of gait pattern so if

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you lose the arm swing if there is less of a mount of arm swing if there is less

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magnitude or if there is more on one side than the other or if there's an

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arrhythmic gait pattern all of those are very early indicators of

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neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's so here's a

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quote from New England Journal of Medicine 2002 the presence of gait

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abnormalities is a significant predictor of risk of developing dementia so even

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in the medical field they notice in chiropractic neurology and functional

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neurology they've worked with this for decades and they know that one of the

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very first things to look for is gait when you evaluate a person when you

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evaluate their neurological reflexes gait is one of the very first things

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that you want to look at so prevention is key though and as with everything if

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you prevent it if you build up a function stronger before it deteriorates

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then your chances of not having a problem is much much greater so in the

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case of Parkinson's for example by the time that they diagnose the disease once

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they have some stiffness and and some shuffling gait and and some speech

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abnormalities even in the early stages of that they have about 50 to 80 percent

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loss of the critical neurons of the dopamine-producing neurons in the

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substantia nigra area of the brain so by the time they find that you already lost

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50 to 80% what if you could prevent it what if you could support the body's

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function as much as possible with all the other things that we talked about on

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this channel but in this case more specifically by practicing

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by practicing paying attention to how you're moving to what's the extent

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what's the excursion of the gates and what's the symmetry of the pattern from

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side to side so in order to understand a little bit more we're going to know that

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the brain controls everything in the body but the brain doesn't know anything

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it's not being told so the brain relies exclusively on signals and these signals

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come from receptors that provide feedback so once we have lost some of

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that gate pattern some of that gate arm swing movements then the brain has lost

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the control over the muscle but part of that is because the brain lost some of

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the feedback and now the brain starts degenerating because it is not as active

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because it is not receiving information it is not sending signals out the brain

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and neuroplasticity is functioning in a way that the brain is just like a muscle

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if you work it out you'll maintain the strength you work out a muscle by

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putting tension on it but you work out the month the brain by sending signals

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to it and making the brain produce signals and gate is one of those things

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so that the more precise your gate the more precise the execution the more

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precise the feedback have to be and the stronger and healthier the brain cells

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have to be so can you reverse neurodegenerative disease

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I believe you can reverse some of the early stages I don't know to what extent

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and I don't know if you can reverse some of the severe cases but I think that you

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can reverse some of the earlier stages but even more importantly you can

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prevent it by giving the body the signals and the nutrition that it needs

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you can maintain optimal function so gate in arm swing is tremendously

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important for your health it is not a small little trip

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we'll deal so look around you look at the people that you care about and look

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at how many people are walking around like this or walk look at how many

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people who are swinging one arm and not the other

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that is a brain imbalance in the early stages you can correct it but you have

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to pay attention you have to do something about it and you have to be

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consistent and patient if you enjoy content like this where we learn how the

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body really works for optimum health make sure that you share this content

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with as many people as you can because this is the life-saving stuff there is

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nothing more important than health if we don't have health we have nothing help

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