Vitamin C: Ascorbic Acid vs Natural Vitamin C - Dr Ekberg

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Vitamin C ascorbic acid versus natural

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is there a difference and what do you

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need to know to not get hurt coming

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right up hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with

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Wellness For Life and if you'd like to

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truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything. Ascorbic

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acid is not the same thing as vitamin C

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and here's how this works

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early research nutrition genius Royal Lee

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found that in nature the things that

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they call vitamins is a working process

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it's a complex it's a machinery that

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contains a nutrient enzymes coenzymes

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antioxidants and that it needs to be

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activated by trace minerals so if any of

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these pieces are missing then the whole

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machinery falls apart so in the case of

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vitamin C for example it contains

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something called ascorbinogen,

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bioflavonoids, rutin, tyrosinase there's

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a factor J K and P it has mineral

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cofactors and ascorbic acid in it so

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think about this as a clock if you will

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a clock is a mechanical or used to be a

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mechanical device now it's more of an

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electronic but think of it as a

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mechanical device back when they had

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lots and lots of pieces and it's

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something that tells time you have the

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hands and you have the face and you have

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all little cog wheels and all little

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pieces and now someone comes up and they

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ask you which piece tells time is it

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this one that tells time is it that one

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that tells time that's a ridiculous

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question because it's the sum total it's

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the pieces working together that results

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in the ability to tell time and that's

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how it is with nutrients that in nature

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nothing ever occurs in an isolated

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fraction form but unfortunately once

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they started

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nutrients they were more concerned about

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synthesizing nutrients they wanted a

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cheap way of mass-producing something so

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they said okay which one of these can we

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mass produce and they found for example

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the antioxidants in vitamin C was easy

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to mass-produce so they said oh that's

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the ascorbic acid and we can turn it in

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we can mass-produce it from corn starch

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and glucose and sugar and and

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hydrocarbons in doing that along the way

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they equated they said ascorbic acid is

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the same thing as vitamin C but they

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were mistaken and test after test have

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shown that pure ascorbic acid does not

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have the biological effects that the

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complex has the ascorbic acid is

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important it's the wrapper it's a

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protective an antioxidant is a

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preservative it's there to preserve and

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protect the other nutrients from

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oxidative damage while they're still

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growing the antioxidant is not the

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nutrient it's the protector it's just a

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wrapper so if you just eat the

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antioxidant it's like you're just eating

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the wrapper and throwing away the

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content so what happens in the body is

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these things have a certain affinity for

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each other they have a liking for each

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other they fit together and they attract

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each other over the course of the years

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you have accumulated a certain amount of

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these in your body you're using them but

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you also have a certain amount now if

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you eat a large amount of ascorbic acid

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by itself in its isolated synthetic form

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then it will have a tendency to attract

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these other components it will pull them

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to itself it will fit in a certain way

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and by eating an excessive amount of

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ascorbic acid you're depleting yourself

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of these other components that's why

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it's so important to get all of these in

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a certain balance and in nature they

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always provide the right balance so

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isolated ascorbic acid is not

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vitamin C and it's not a good idea so

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then there are some companies that call

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themselves natural that say oh well we

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can do better than that so we'll take

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the ascorbic acid and then we'll take

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some natural things we'll sprinkle some

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acerola cherry powder on it will isolate

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some bio flavonoids and some tyrosinase

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and we'll add it to the ascorbic acid so

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now it's natural again we took these

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pieces and we just gave you more of all

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of them or more of some of them so they

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change the proportions maybe and thought

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that they had improved on something but

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what they're really doing is they're

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taking the cogwheels they're taking the

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pieces of the watch out and they're

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saying okay well I don't think that

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one's so important I think this is

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important and that's important and

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that's important so let's let's take a

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bunch of that and we'll throw it in a

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bag for you and shake up the pieces and

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and here you go here's your clock but

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it's not gonna tell time okay it's not

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going to tell time if you have

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disassembled it and scramble the pieces

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nature put things together in a certain

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order and it's the it's the context that

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your body recognizes it wants the pieces

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in the order that they occur in nature

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that's how they can be beneficial that's

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how they sustain life nutrients come

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from things that were alive to keep

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things alive so what about antioxidants

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aren't they a good thing well let's talk

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about what it means accident means that

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something is under the influence of

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oxygen so oxidation in the body means to

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use oxygen to turn fuel into energy

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that's how we get energy we oxidize the

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fuel that's why we need to breathe all

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the time an antioxidant is something

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that interferes with that process it

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makes it harder for the body to utilize

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the oxygen and turn fuel into energy so

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therefore and is you probably know

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oxygen is the most important new

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that we have and if you don't agree with

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that then I suggest the following

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experiment you put a piece of duct tape

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over your mouth and then you hold your

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nose for a couple of minutes and let's

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see if you don't change your mind and

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agree that it's the most important

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nutrient we have because without it we

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can't make energy and if you take large

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amounts of antioxidants it is the same

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as suffocation therapy you might just

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sort of take every other breath and try

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to conserve oxygen to get healthy it's

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not going to work so what about all

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these healthy foods the vegetables and

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the berries that have all those

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antioxidants and they tell us that's why

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those foods are healthy it's because

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they have a lot of antioxidants and

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that's not true they are healthy despite

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the fact that they have a lot of

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antioxidants blueberries for example

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have such a significant amount of

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nutrients in them that they need a

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significant amount of antioxidants to

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protect those nutrients so blueberries

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are healthy for you despite the fact

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that they have antioxidants not because

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of it so eat whole food eat things that

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nature have produced eat lots of berries

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and plants and good quality meats and

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stay away from anything synthetic

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anything man-made anything fractioned

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anything processed because when you

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change the perfection of nature you make

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it worse it doesn't get better than what

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nature made in the first place

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supplements can still be a good idea

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because even with the best of diet it

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can be difficult to get whole food whole

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organic food that has all of the

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nutrients in sufficient quantities

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depleted soils pollution added stress

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means that a lot of us are still needing

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a little bit of supplementation and if

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you get something a nutritional

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supplement then make sure that it has

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all of these pieces in it the ones that

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we use primarily a standard process

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because they concentrate food they do it

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below body temperature

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they retain all of these nutrients

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enzymes coenzymes etc that were present

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in the original food so please share

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this video with as many people as you

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can because these videos are about

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saving lives if someone that you know is

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munching down massive amounts of

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antioxidants they are shortening their

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lives and they're reducing their energy

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if you're new to this channel and you

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enjoy the sort of content make sure that

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you subscribe and hit that notification

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bell so that we can keep this content

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coming your way thanks for watching

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