Ultimate Natural Metabolism Booster For Fast Fat Burning
hello health champions today we're going to talk about the ultimate slow
metabolism booster how do you fix your metabolism if it's broken if it's
crashed if you're burning less and less and less and less energy and you're
eating less and less and less you still can't lose weight so in order
to lose weight you alternately have to expend more energy than you put in and
that's what metabolism is all about today we're going to explain exactly why
it breaks in the first place and what to do about it
coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic
decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the
body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell
so you don't miss anything so a healthy metabolism is really the key to weight
loss but in order to understand how to fix it we first have to understand the
exact mechanics of why it broke why did you crash your metabolism because
otherwise we'll be likely to repeat the mistakes and then we'll just do it over
and over again and that's what a lot of people have done and that's part of the
problem so first of all what is metabolism
well meta means change it's when your body is changing so you can eat food and
you can change that food into tissue it's a turnover and whatever you eat you
can turn it into energy or you can turn it into tissue you can store tissue as
fat and then you can retrieve that as energy so it's the exchange of tissue
and energy of substrate turning into energy and tissue and the better that
your body can use stored resources the better you'll be able to have a healthy
metabolism and then we want to ask ourselves why did the metabolism crash
in the first place and this is where we
want to start taking a different viewpoint of the body we want to
understand we want to ask did it crash because the body is just randomly stupid
well you know sometimes the body just does crazy things or is the body always
intelligent if it lowers the metabolism does it have a good reason for doing
that so we can't get the right answers until we ask the right question and we
have a intelligent viewpoint to get the answers so the answer here is that the
body is always intelligent there is always a reason that the body does what
it does in our symptom treatment sick care system in our allopathic model they
do lots of good they save lives when there is broken bones and bleeding but
in terms of understanding the body in terms of understanding that the body is
always intelligent they have failed miserably because they think the body is
randomly flawed and that we need to treat symptoms with medication we need
to interfere with the symptoms and that's a flawed model you can never heal
you can never get true improvement from that model so first of all the body is
intelligent and therefore if it lowers metabolism it has a really good reason
for doing that and that reason is survival it always wants to survive and
it wants to make sure that it has enough energy to survive tomorrow so whenever
there is lack then your body will conserve resources whenever there is
abundance then your body is willing to spend more resources to make more energy
and we have to understand that that is the ultimate reason that the body does
what it does it's for survival if we have plenty of fuel or if we have not so
much fuel it's going to change what the body does and the result of
this principle is that the body has a setpoint think of it as a rubber band if
your body believes that your setpoint is 120 and you try to raise it you try to
gain weight the body is going to burn more energy to bring you back to the
setpoint if you weigh 120 you try to lose weight it's gonna start saving
energy it's gonna lower your metabolism to bring you back to the setpoint it has
an idea of what is right for you and if you try to deviate from that point then
it's gonna try to bring you back by spending more or spending less all right
and here's the thing though it doesn't matter if you're skinny or fat it
doesn't matter if you're thin or huge it's about your body's perception if
you're at 300 and your body thinks if you're 300 pounds and your body thinks
that is the correct weight for you that is what it's gotten used to then it's
going to do everything in its power to return you to that weight so if you
weigh 300 pounds and you try to lose weight it's gonna try to bring you back
right that's why it's so hard to lose weight or gain weight because the body
has an idea of where it needs to be and now you may say that oh well that
doesn't sound so intelligent that sounds rather on the stupid side well it's
still intelligent and we have to once we understand that then we can ask
ourselves what did we do to make the body believe that it needs to be at that
setpoint what gave the body that perception because if we're open to ask
those questions then we can get correct answers we can get useful answers so
really the goal is not to lose weight or gain weight it's to change the setpoint
it's to change the perception of the body
and if we think about metabolism now from a different viewpoint from a
different perspective if we want to increase the body's metabolism if we
want to increase the energy production the burning of fat then we have to
increase the body's willingness to spend alright that's what it is
metabolism is a willingness to spend and if it's not willing to spend it's
because we did something to make it believe that it is unsafe to spend
energy so now that we're open to ask intelligent questions then the next
question is what crashed the metabolism what lowered it what made the body
believe this this set point that we don't agree with well number one is
dieting dieting is quite unnatural right eating less than your body wants is
unnatural and it's gonna start stretching this rubber band you're
moving away from the setpoint you're trying to lose weight and the body is
gonna try to bring it back so dieting and especially repeated yo-yo dieting
every time that you dyed it you lost a little weight then you stop dieting and
you gained it back and then some and you lost a little bit you gained it back and
then some and I don't have to tell you how many people have gone through this
because that's why we have the problems that we do that's why so many people are
overweight because the more you diet the more you teach your body that there's a
lack of food you're not addressing the true underlying causes the second thing
is too much carbs too much sugar things that change blood sugar quickly along
with frequent meals so if you eat something that raises blood sugar now
your blood sugar goes up really fast your insulin goes up the blood sugar
crashes and you get a blood sugar roller coaster and
every time that you're on the low side you give your body a sense of lack you
teach your body that there is no stability in the fuel supply and because
it's so unstable and so unreliable I'd better store some I better make sure
that I have some extra some saved up but the thing that happens when you eat
frequent meals and you eat a lot of carbohydrates is that you teach your
body to become carbohydrate dependent carbohydrates are difficult to store but
they're also dangerous in terms of blood sugar it's very unsafe it's an emergency
whenever your blood sugar goes really high or really low the body has
mechanisms in place to bring it back into a more narrow range because the
narrow range is safe the really high and really low or unsafe that's why the body
has to burn carbohydrates first and if you put in a lot of carbohydrates and
your body has to burn them first then it's gonna forget how to burn fat so now
you become carb dependent you change your whole metabolism to carbohydrates
and now you can't burn fat then this whole thing is made worse by the fact
that every time that you eat something an especially high carb your insulin
goes up every time your insulin goes up you give your body a message to store
the excess and over time as your stuff your cells full they eventually had
enough and now they become resistant to the action of insulin so you become
insulin resistant the more foods you eat that raise blood sugar and the more
frequently you eat the quicker you become insulin resistant and once you
are insulin resistant now you've got the double whammy of not being able to burn
fat so first of all your carbohydrate dependent but now because your insulin
resistant that insulin is a storage hormone as long as insulin
is high you cannot burn fat because with insulin hi the message the direction in
your body is that you're in storage mode you're not going to retrieve and store
at the same time you're going to burn off the carbs but then while insulin is
still high you can't get the stored energy back and what this does now in
effect is it changes the setpoint because you're in a place where you
can't burn fat because insulin is high and it constantly stores more fat
insulin and insulin resistance is the strongest factor in raising the setpoint
and why is that because your setpoint as a result of the
perception of lack and when you have the perception that there is no fuel you're
going to try to raise the setpoint so here you are weighing 300 pounds you
have a half a million calories you have a veritable fortune of energy stored on
the body but the perception is that there is no fuel the body can't see the
fuel it's blind to all that energy in the presence of insulin so what's
happened here is that you have taught your body that food is scarce even
though you have all that energy stored on your body through the yo-yo dieting
you repeatedly taught your body that food is scarce there's a lack of food
you ate a bunch of carbs you had unstable blood sugar you became insulin
resistant so the body is blind to all the energy reserves you have so now you
have a very high setpoint but you have the perception that in the midst of a
fortune you have no fuel and the further that goes the more your body is going to
try to preserve fuel it says I don't have any I'd better preserve it I better
save it so your metabolism goes lower and lower and lower so you go from
eating 2,000 calories to 1800 fifteen hundred to twelve hundred to a
thousand and eventually you weigh 300 pounds you eat a thousand calories and
you still can't lose any weight because your body has a set point it wants to
get back to that so now let's talk about how to fix it so we got ten steps ten
thinks that you can do and I've listed these in reverse order of importance so
we start with the least important and end with the most important and now that
you understand the basic mechanics if you stick with me through all these ten
steps we're gonna finish up with a bonus that you're really gonna enjoy the first
thing you can do is to take some apple cider vinegar right I've done some
videos on that in the past it won't do much by itself but if you start doing
many of these steps if you start moving toward more insulin sensitivity then
apple cider vinegar is a great tool to add to that effect
number two fermented food things like sauerkraut and tofu and pickled
vegetables and things like that anytime you ferment something you're
making more vinegar so you're adding a little bit of the acidic benefit but
more than that the fermentation process the bacteria uses the sugar in the food
so if something has this much carbohydrate to start with then the
bacteria in the process of fermenting they're gonna consume some of that sugar
so now there's less carbohydrate left in the food so sauerkraut has less sugar
than cabbage and then in addition to that you get the benefits from the acid
and the probiotics in the food number three eat foods with lots of fiber why
is that because fiber slows down the absorption of nutrients so just like fat
and protein are absorbed slower if you eat carbohydrate foods with fiber
especially leafy greens that have very little carbohydrate to start with
then the sugars in those foods are absorbed very very slowly and it helps
you maintain a stable blood sugar it minimizes the blood sugar fluctuations
another benefit is that both fiber and fermented food can improve your gut
flora and a healthy gut flora can have a positive impact on your metabolism
number four eat more fat you want to cut back on sugar and carbs but you don't
want to give your body the sense of starvation you want to give your body
the sense that there's plenty of energy rich foods around so you cut back on
sugar and carbs but you've eat until you're satisfied when you eat and you
fill up the difference with fat fat helps stabilize the blood sugar because
it has virtually zero impact on insulin and it creates a long-term stability for
your blood sugar number five make sure you get enough sleep lack of sleep is a
form of stress that can really start unbalancing your hormones and make it
harder to improve your metabolism and lose some weight number six
exercise exercise is fantastic not necessarily to raise your metabolism
but it does a million different things that are beneficial for your body in
terms of circulation it does use up some excess energy and it helps balance your
hormones as well now the key is that you keep it slow okay it needs to be aerobic
exercise don't fall into the trap that burning calories is the purpose of
exercise and that exercising harder doing aerobics or spin classes and
getting your heart rate up and huffing and puffing that that would be good for
your metabolism it is not it is one of the worst things that you can do because
when you exercise at a high intensity and you huff and puff now you make
cortisol which is the stress hormone that raises blood sugar and
drives insulin so high-intensity exercise is a stress that will interfere
with the recovery from insulin resistance so there's a balance we
talked about in some other videos between aerobics and hid you want to do
just a tiny bit of high-intensity exercise but you want to do the majority
of your exercise as aerobic if you're trying to reduce insulin resistance if
you're trying to break the world record in something that's a different story
but if your goal with exercise is to reverse insulin resistance you want to
minimize stress and keep almost all of it at a low intensity aerobic level
number seven stress cortisol cortisol is a stress hormone people who get
corticosteroids they become insulin resistant they gain weight they get
bloated because cortisol raises blood sugar and stimulates insulin it makes
you insulin resistant and you can inject it like they do with people who have
inflammation and they try to help them with that which isn't a good idea but
emotional stress physical stress in your life will also raise cortisol and for
some people it's a tiny little bit of impact and for other people it makes all
the difference for some people they've tried everything but when they start
meditating or breathing exercises or some organized form of relaxing and
their cortisol goes down their stress levels go down all of a sudden their
insulin resistant releases so everyone's different that's why you want to learn
as much as possible about a lot of different things because it's never
going to be a single quick fix for for anything so to reduce cortisol you want
to learn to relax through meditation and yoga and breathing exercises and
whatever else that you like that helps you to relax number eight carbohydrates
if you have a lot of these issues if you've done the yo-yo dieting if you
have insulin resistance you probably will not be able to change your
metabolism unless you cut the carbs right everyone is different some people
can do stiffer --nt into the really critical areas that you cannot burn fat
in the presence of insulin and your metabolism can't go up to burn that fat
and the presence of insulin and carbs Drive insulin now if you become very
insulin resistant if you have a stubborn body then this is going to be more
important for you than someone who has never really been very very stuck right
so it's different for different people some people can cut carbs down to a
hundred grams and that's low carbon that gets the result other people are gonna
have to get down to the ketogenic level where they eat 5 or 10 or 15 20 grams of
net carbs per day number 9 reduce the frequency of meals because every time
that you eat if you eat carbs it's worse but every time you eat you're
stimulating a little bit of insulin you're stimulating a message to store
food and if you want to reduce insulin resistance then you want to reduce the
carbs and then the frequency of the meals so a lot of people are eating
three meals a day plus snacks so six times a day they're telling their body
they're triggering insulin and they're hiding the fat stores from their body
they can't raise the metabolism and use those fat stores when they tell their
body six times a day that it's time to store more number 10 the most powerful
thing you can do is fasting now this is kind of a two-edged sword but for some
people it's necessary so when you're fast
your body is perceiving lack all right but for some people it's the only way
that you're gonna teach your body to burn fat for some people you can go
ketogenic you can do one meal a day you can do 36 hours maybe even and their
bodies are still so stubborn it's refusing to burn that fat so it depends
on the person but if your body is really stubborn and refuses to burn that fat
then longer fasts are the way to go and even though short term you're
putting your body into a sense of lack of a perception of lack you're teaching
it to burn fat again and that is the key you can't get back into balance unless
your body learns how to burn all that fat that you have stored on your body
and for some people if they eat keto they increase the fat and they decrease
the carbs the body still can't see the fat on the body but with a longer fast
it has no choice it's got to go find that fat thanks for staying with me all
the way through now you understand the principles of setpoint and perception
and all that good stuff you understand the ten steps that we can do now in the
bonus I want to talk about the Biggest Loser that was a show that went for many
many years where people lost dramatic amounts of weight they lost they went
from 400 pounds to 180 pounds sometimes in a six to nine month period and they
ate very low fat they ate low calories and they exercised
at a very high intensity so a lot of people say we'll look at Biggest Loser
they lost all that weight that must be the way to go that's that's a success
story but what they don't know a lot of times is that the contestants at The
Biggest Loser all but one as far as a research paper
that was published all one gained all the weight back and why
did that happen because they didn't change the setpoint they didn't change
the underlying mechanism even though they forced the body into a state of
reduced insulin resistance because they worked the body so hard the body had to
burn off the fat stores they also crashed the metabolism completely they
changed this that didn't change the setpoint so the people who weighed 300
pounds it's like a rubberband they just stretched it longer and harder than ever
before so these people they would eat a low-calorie diet they would exercise
enough to get a three four five thousand calorie deficit per day so the body was
in a state of shock the body was in a state of emergency
they had an extreme lack of food they were pushing the body with cortisol but
in that extreme circumstance with the three four five thousand calorie deficit
the body will lose weight but it's also gonna try harder than ever to get back
to the setpoint and that's exactly what happened these people mean when they
went from maybe a normal diet of 2,000 calories now their metabolism went down
to maybe 1,200 and they would eat 1200 calories and not be able to lose weight
they would even gain weight back at that level because the body would do anything
to get back to the setpoint so the key is that you've got to follow these rules
you can't do it with stress you can't do it with cortisol and you have to reduce
the insulin resistance and the setpoint you have to put the body in a place
where it's willing where it has the perception that it's safe to spend the
energy if you enjoyed this video make sure that you check out that one thank
you so much for watching else you in the next video