Ultimate Keto Diet Grocery List

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hello health champions today I want to go over a keto grocery list for

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beginners coming right up hey I'm dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a

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former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by

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understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so you don't miss anything whether you're just starting

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out on a low-carb keto diet or whether you've done it for quite some time

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there's always things to learn so I try to compile some basics that you can

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benefit from when you're thinking about what to stock your cabinets with so

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first of all let's talk about what you don't want to do you don't want to go

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and spend hundreds of dollars on things you have no idea how to use so even if

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you have the best of intentions don't go buy a bunch of vegetables you've never

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used you don't know how to cook them because they're probably just gonna sit

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there and they're gonna spoil instead you start off you you empty your pantry

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you throw out the stuff that you know you're not gonna eat anymore the sugar

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and the starches and the processed food and then you buy some staples that

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you're familiar with you buy some things that are not gonna perish right away you

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have used them in the past and those are gonna be your foundation so let's talk

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about those I think it's a great idea to start with frozen things because even

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though that may not be the bulk or everything that you're gonna eat it's

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just great to have it at home you can use it sooner or later and it's not

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gonna go bad so depending on the size of your freezer you can buy various amounts

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and fill it up with good stuff so meat you can buy ground beef you can buy

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fajita meat whatever your you usually get and the better the quality you can

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find and afford the better so I always recommend grass-fed organic but if you

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can't find it or can't afford it start we're all right that's the most

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important thing don't complicate it keep it simple then chicken chicken wings

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chicken thighs I just love those things lamb is a great meat and fish also keeps

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very well in the freezer and fish in a lot of places you can buy the freshest

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fish frozen because they they fish it they harvest it and they freeze it

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already on the boat they pull it straight out of the ocean and they

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freeze it so some of the freshest fish you can buy is actually already frozen

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plus it's convenient and some of my favorites are salmon and then you want

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to avoid some of the larger predatory fish salmon is one of the large fish

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that is actually pretty clean is low in mercury but other than that you

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primarily want to stick with small flatfish so the the white meat fish I

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like flounder and Cod and sole and so forth because they generally if they're

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small then they haven't lived long enough to get contaminated with a lot of

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mercury and another one of my staples is sardines and I know a lot of you are

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just gonna wrinkle your nose and make an ugly face and frown at me but give it a

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try a lot of people love tuna but canned tuna but they just can't imagine eating

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these tiny little fish well I challenge you to buy a good sardine in oil I found

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some great ones at Costco their sardines in olive oil and you probably wouldn't

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be able to tell the difference between that sardine and tuna canned tuna right

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so buy some canned sardines and give it a try they're cheap and they're a

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fantastic concentrated nutrient source for very very little money it's a great

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snack and some other things you can buy frozen are vegetables right the broccoli

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and cauliflower you and find in a lot of places they do very

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well and like at Costco now you can even buy the frozen cauliflower rice the rice

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cauliflower and it's already mixed up with bell pepper and and some onion and

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some good stuff it's flavorful you're just throwing it throw it in the pan and

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and you've got a dish there already some of the things I like to buy fresh our

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spinach and bell pepper and in the first few days I use it fresh for a couple of

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days and then before it goes bad I freeze the rest so the bell pepper I

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chop it up in little cubes I put it in a little Ziploc bags and then I have a

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little portion pack ready to take out if I make an omelet and same thing with

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spinach you put it in a ziplock bags you can squeeze all the air out so they

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don't take so much space and then that's perfect just to throw in the pan when

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you're making an omelet the things I like to keep around the vegetables I

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like to keep in the house fresh or cabbage avocado tomato and lettuce

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because those are things that I use all the time so pick a few things that you

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know you're gonna use a lot and those are the ones you keep fresh cabbage is

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great because it keeps a couple of months even if you don't get right to it

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it's gonna stay good for a while plus it's pretty inexpensive avocados if

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you've never had them I've never used them regularly they can be a little

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tricky because like how do you know if the ripe and how long do they last and

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so forth well I buy them when they're green and hard and then you put them on

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the counter and then you watch them closely you put them somewhere you walk

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by all the time and every time as you see them start turning from green to a

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brownish black you very gently squeeze them and with some practice you get

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really good and the moment that you can start sensing a little bit of softness

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in that avocado now you put it in the fridge and it keeps for a couple of

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weeks and then before I'm done with those avocados in the fridge

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I'll buy some new ones and as soon as they start to soften I put them in and I

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have in a drawer I put in the newer ones in the back so I kind of rotate and keep

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the stock moving forward so I buy a dozen avocados at a time we go through

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them there's several a day in my household that we eat absolutely

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fabulous food it's keto friendly it is a

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nutrient-dense plant that just works as a wonderful complement to all the other

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stuff tomato lettuce and then cucumber also or some staples I use for salads

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all the time so whatever you use a lot of and you know you're gonna use fresh

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you get some of that and on the keto diet you're gonna eat very very low carb

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you're gonna eat moderate protein and then you're gonna fill up on fat as

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needed so you need some quality fats you want to be able to cook your vegetables

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in high quality fat so the ones I always keep our butter extra virgin olive oil

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coconut oil coconut cream and MCT oil and you do want to spend just a little

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bit extra to get the organic whenever it comes to fat because most poison most

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metals chemicals hormones their fat soluble so when you buy an oil you're

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buying a concentrated version of something and if it had toxins to start

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with then it's gonna have concentrated toxins so as much as possible you want

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to buy the organic to minimize that toxic exposure some people avoid dairy

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some people are sensitive to Dairy and then you want to cut that out but if you

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feel that you tolerate dairy well then you go for the full fat and the

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fermented those are the best ones so the ones that I keep around our sour cream

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and cheese and I try to get the raw cheese whenever I can but at least get a

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good quality cheese so it hasn't been processed and

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mixed in with pasteurized milk and things like that some of the pre-made

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slices of cheese for example you want to avoid because they have milk

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they have pasteurized low-fat milk mixed in with them so then you're not really

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getting the cheese you're getting pasteurized milk with it those are the

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ones that people tend to be the most sensitive to and next I think that you

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can go by the deli counter and get some ham and some sausage and some pepperoni

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but it depends on where you live and what you have access to because this is

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a maybe category it could be perfectly fine if you find

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some organic if you find some good sources if they haven't added a bunch of

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sugar and preservative and nitrates been been there fine and these are great for

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snacks right there perfect you you're in-between meals you just want a little

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something then grab a few slices of ham or a sausage and these also keep in the

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freezer deli to me is totally fine as long as you're selective about what you

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get and fortunately there's more and more good alternatives coming out I mean

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there's tons more stuff than even just two three years ago then you want to

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load up on some nuts and seeds all right if you have room in the freezer you keep

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them in the freezer if you don't then they keep fine on the counter but on the

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counter they last for weeks or months in the freezer the last four years so if

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you have room you can put them in the freezer and these are things that are

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not going to spoil and as you start exploring different keto options at some

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point you're probably going to want to bake something you might want to make

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some oatmeal substitutes you want to make some some cookies or some bread or

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some crackers and these things are gonna be your staples for those they're also

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great for snacks and if you use them for snacks you want to try to get the nuts

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that are tasty when they're raw so macadamia nuts

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walnuts almonds for example are great and then for the seeds

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I like the Chia the flax the hemp and the pumpkin seeds and then I buy almond

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flour because that's great for baking and filling and mixing if you're making

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smoothies then these nuts also come nuts and seeds

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also come in handy and there's a great staple unless you just happen to be

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sensitive to them or eggs and any old egg will work but as you get into a

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healthier lifestyle you want to look for pasture-raised eggs not pasteurized but

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pasture-raised that means the chicken had a normal chicken life and they ran

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around they had grass and blue skies and they could eat a variety of things in

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their environment that's pasture raised and as you get used to that you will

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appreciate the quality those eggs the yolk is large and orange and beautiful

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and tasty you also want to keep some condiments around I like to have hot

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sauce we have a recipe for hot sauce and I like to keep mustard and mayonnaise

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the only thing about the Mayo is as you get into the keto lifestyle and you

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start appreciating the quality of fat you realize that the fats I listed here

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are inflammation and neutral whereas most Mayo on the market is made within

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pro-inflammatory soybean oil and canola oil so you want to look for some Mayo

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that is made with something like avocado oil or you make it yourself you can

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stock up on a good variety of coffee and tea ok coffee speaks for itself the tea

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can be black green white or any herb tea just watch on the herb teas the vast

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majority of them are great but there are some that have added sugar or some

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chemicals or some weird stuff in them so go with reputable brands and and figure

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try to figure out what's what's in there so you're getting good things and like I

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mentioned you're probably gonna want to get into

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baking something at some point I've discovered some great keto breads I'm

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doing some cookies for treats and for these you want the same nuts that we

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listed above but you could also have nut butters like peanut butter cashew butter

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almond butter go easy on the cashew because it's kind of high in carbs and

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you can have seeds same ones we listed the Chia flax hemp and pumpkin but also

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shredded coconut in a lot of health food stores and farmers markets you can find

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unsweetened finely shredded coconut and that's the one you're looking for not

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the regular shredded coconut because that's like 50% added sugar

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I keep almond flour around I grind my own pecan flour and walnut flour for for

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baking and also you want to keep cocoa powder because you can make hot

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chocolate from coconut cream you can make smoothies with it you can make some

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cookies and treats with it some Quito bombs and baker's chocolate really dark

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chocolates you can keep around some eating chocolate as well some as long as

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it's in the 80% range 80% cocoa or above the dark chocolate then it's gonna have

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very very little sugar in it so you can enjoy an occasional treat but if you go

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down to like 50 percent cocoa in the chocolate now it's gonna have too much

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sugar so you're gonna eat a lot of sugar but it's also gonna stimulate cravings

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so you're not gonna be able to stop as easily but once it's 80% or above a

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single piece is often very satisfying you want to try to do away with just

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about every sweetener that you've ever used such as sugar or honey or agave or

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maple syrup etc but there are some sweeteners that I think can be useful

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and acceptable you want to give up soda for sure except something called Z BIA

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and that's a soda with a variety of flavors I don't get paid for

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this and they sweeten it only with stevia and they have nothing artificial

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no artificial colors even the cola and the orange soda is perfectly clear like

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water so it's a good product don't overdo it but it's a nice treat once in

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a while you can get some stevia and monk fruit but you want to get it in the

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concentrated powder form or you want to get it in a concentrated liquid form try

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to avoid the ones that have a lot of fillers and that have a lot of sugar or

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multo dextran and things like that in them it's not terrible to get those

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little packets but if you use them on a regular basis even that little half gram

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coffee or tea and they can't drink it just straight so then they add a little

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bit of stevia and monk fruit and I don't personally like stevia in coffee I just

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don't like that flavor however I love stevia in smoothies and on yogurt and

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thinks there are kind of tart or sour the stevia works wonders so basically

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everything on this list is gonna have less than 4 or 5 grams of carbs per

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hundred net carbs per hundred grams of food so less than 4 or 5 percent of this

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food is going to be carbs and that means it's very keto friendly as long as you

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stick to these things it's going to be very difficult to exceed your

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familiar with in the beginning and then you slowly branch out and you develop

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new skills and you find and develop new recipes a new repertoire for things

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then things get too complicated and you want to be nice to yourself and not

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available so that you don't fall for the temptation it whether you're home or

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whether you're out somewhere you want to have something that if you get a craving

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or desire that you can grab something real quick and some of the best things

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then would be for me I know this sounds strange but sardines are great you could

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have something like avocado those are things you can eat like the right the

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way they are but also ham sausage pepperoni cheese those are great snacks

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nuts a great snacks keep something handy keep something in your purse in your

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when I recommend overtime is that you learn to cook large batches of things so

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when you make a stew or when you bake something or whatever you make then you

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make a big batch that does well with freezing and then you can cook on

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weekends and you can cook enough of something for a month or two and then

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you start kind of increasing your repertoire you fill up your freezer with

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ready-made things that you can just pull out and defrost and make life much

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easier if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out that one thank you so

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