Trans Fats Definition. What You Need To Know To Optimize Your Health

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Trans-fat definition. What do you need to

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know to optimize your health coming

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right up

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Hey I'm doctor Ekberg with Wellness For

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Life and if you like to truly master

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health by understanding how the body

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really works make sure that you

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subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything. It's

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kind of interesting with all of the

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diets and all of the ideas and all the

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philosophies of vegetarianism and keto

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and and eat this and that and the - diet

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and the Mediterranean diet there's so

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many different opinions but there's two

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things that everyone agrees on across

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the board and that is white sugar is

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really bad and trans fats are really bad.

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So we've gotten that far we have some

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that much agreement but let's talk about

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what trans fats are so a fatty acid is a

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chain of carbons linked together usually

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the fats we eat are anywhere from from 4

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carbons up to 20 ish and each carbon can

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connect with 4 different things so it

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connects to another carbon and that

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leaves it 3 other connections and at the

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one end it connects with 3 hydrogen's

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then along the way it binds with 2

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carbons so it only has room to bind with

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2 hydrogen's and then at the end it

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binds with what's called a carboxyl

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it's a COOH I didn't put that on here

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but that is what makes it a fatty acid

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the the carboxyl group is what makes it

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a fatty acid and every fatty acid has

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one at the end but along the way they

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can look differently so if it's a

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straight chain where every carbon is

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only bound by a single bond to every

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other carbon it makes a straight chain

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and there's hydrogen's plugged in on

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every position and that's called a

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saturated fatty acid because it's

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saturated it's jam-packed it's gonna be

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straight and when you have straight

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things they pack closely together like

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pencils in a box

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and that makes the fat solid at room

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temperature so it's going to have a very

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high melting point these carbons can

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also make double bonds they can use two

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of their connections between each other

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and in nature what happens now is that

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wherever it makes a double bond it puts

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both the hydrogen's on the same side so

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they take up space on this side and

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there is less stuff on the inside which

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makes this molecule bend and when

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they're bent they don't pack so tightly

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together and this is what makes an oil

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or a liquid at room temperature so these

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things have low melting temperatures and

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if they have multiple double bonds so

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they're polyunsaturated they can even

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stay liquid in the freezer sometimes

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like fish oil and flax oil so if the

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hydrogens are on the same side this is

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called a CIS bond now there is a strange

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animal where the hydrogen's end up on

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opposite sides and that's called a trans

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fat so this is different because there

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is a double bond but it's straight so

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it's a it's an unsaturated fat that's

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behaving like a saturated fat that's why

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they started doing this because they can

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take an oil that is liquid and they can

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turn it into a solid and make margarine

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so that takes it from liquid to solid

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but it also improves the shelf-life

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because an unsaturated fat is very

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reactive but once they turn it into this

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even though it has a double bond and is

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strictly still unsaturated it still

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behaves as a saturated so this is kind

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of a hybrid most of the time these are

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man-made they're synthetic there is one

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unique case in nature and it's called a

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conjugated linoleic acid and this is

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where in nature it actually made

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a CIS and a trans it makes this and

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this at the same time and this is a very

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very healthy thing so if you have a

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healthy gut flora if you have lots and

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lots of healthy bifida bacteria your

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your gut will manufacture this and this

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has been shown in research to have

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multiple health benefits it's even sold

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as a nutritional supplement so even

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though it is a trans fat it is not the

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man-made synthetic toxic trans fat

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everyone agrees that this is one of the

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worst abominations of chemistry that we

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have ever produced but just because

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they're a trance doesn't mean that this

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is a bad one the synthetic is terrible

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and the natural is healthy so if you

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have good health gut bacteria you can

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make this but you can also consume it

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from dairy and meat if the cows were

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grass-fed because if the cows are

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healthy if they eat a natural diet then

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they produce this healthy thing so a

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grass-fed cow will make up to five times

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more CLA than a corn-fed cow once again

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it's fascinating to me how well Nature

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has all of this stuff figured out so the

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reason this one doesn't fit is because

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it's a straight molecule acting like a

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saturated but it's not and every place

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that these molecules are different we

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need a different enzyme to process it so

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Nature has provided us with enzymes

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through the generations for every

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conceivable combination except the

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man-made ones so when these find their

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ways into your membranes then they

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disrupt the function your brain cell

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membranes your blood vessel cell

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membranes their impulse

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they don't act chemically they look one

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way and act another so your body gets

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really confused and they kind of

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infiltrate your cell membranes and your

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body doesn't know what to do with them

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and as these accumulate then they create

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damage so that's the difference man-made

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trans fats are terrible trans fats in

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nature are very beneficial for us so

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