Top 5 Best Fish You Should NEVER Eat & 5 Fish You Must Eat

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The five best fish to eat and the five worst fish to eat fish can be extremely

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nutritious or at least it used to be but things have changed in the last 50 years

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with pollution and heavy metals and farm-raised fish and so forth so today

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people are very confused they hear good things about fish but they're kind of

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scared to eat it so today we're going to talk about what you need to know about

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fish which ones are safe and which ones do you need to avoid comin right up

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Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if

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you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works

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make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss

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anything fish have some unique nutrients they

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have very high rates of EPA and DHA those are the long-chain fatty acids in

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fish oil there are very very rare in any other food but in fish they're abundant

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and they're important for two reasons the longest of the fatty acids is called

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DHA and it is the primary building block of your brain of your nervous system and

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of your eye of your retina it's the membrane component the primary

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membrane component of every cell membrane in your body is the DHA and the

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other long-chain fatty acid is called EPA and that has been found very

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beneficial to reverse heart disease to prevent heart disease because it's a

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natural anti-inflammatory helps the body balance the inflammatory responses but

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as important as those two fatty acids are they are among the most common

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deficiencies because people don't eat much fish anymore and these fatty acids

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are very sensitive to heat they spoiled very easily so when we processed food we

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pretty much removed them from food complete

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so we're gonna take a look at fish and we're gonna evaluate them and I'm not

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going to look at all the different controversies about fish we're going to

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look at primarily two things the benefits that we get from omega-3s the

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EPA and the DHA those are known as omega-3s but they're different than the

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omega-3s in plant fats because in plant fats is called linoleic acid and the

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linolenic acid can theoretically be converted into the EPA and the DHA that

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we need but the conversion is so poor that less than 1% usually gets converted

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so eating the plant-based Omega threes is not going to give us the EPA and the

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DHA that we need whereas if we eat the fish oil then we get the final end

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product we get a hundred percent of the thing that we need so the milligrams of

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omega-3 from fish are worth many many many times more the omega-3s in plant

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fats we're also going to look at the levels of mercury and we're gonna based

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on the levels of mercury we're gonna talk about how often you want to eat

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those fish and then we're going to talk about some general recommendations so in

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general fish is a high protein food it is very much like any other meat it has

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right around 20% protein in the meat and it doesn't matter which fish it is it's

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gonna vary up and down three or four percent plus or minus but pretty much

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20% so whichever fish we eat we're gonna get a good quality protein it's going to

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be an animal protein is going to be have a complete set of essential fatty acids

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in the right combination for us and one of the benefits of protein from fish is

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that it's generally easier to digest than red meat so people have trouble

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they want to get the the benefits of red meat but they can't necessarily digest

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it then they can go protein from fish and when we talk about

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the mercury the HG stands for mercury that's going to vary tremendously and

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the reason that it varies is depending on the size and the age of the fish so

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the general rule of thumb is that a small fish is much safer and a young

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fish is much safer so you want to avoid the large fish and you want to avoid

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fish who grow very very slowly and we'll talk about a couple of those in here the

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large fish like tuna and swordfish they're predatory fish they eat other

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fish so they concentrate the mercury from the fish that they eat and they

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live for a long time and grow very big so they're gonna have a very high

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concentration of mercury whereas a small fish like a sardine it doesn't live very

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long and it eat mostly algae and plant material so it doesn't concentrate it

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doesn't consume a lot of mercury and it doesn't live long enough to concentrate

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a lot of it so small fish is much much safer and young fish is much much safer

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and the reason I mentioned that is that there's still a lot of variation between

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fish depending on the location so if the fish lives in an area with a lot of

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pollution and obviously it's going to concentrate more toxins in the body so

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that's why we also want to take these numbers with a grain of salt they're

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based on a list of readings that I got from an FDA study but there's very few

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of these studies done so we can't guarantee that whatever number that we

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find is going to hold true for that fish in all situations so we want to keep

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this in mind and use some common sense along with this but just as an example

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something called a tile fish if you catch it in the Atlantic then it would

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have a hundred and forty four parts per billion of mercury

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whereas if you the same fish or the same species at

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least in the Mexican Gulf it would have fourteen hundred and fifty parts per

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billion the highest level ever recorded in a fish was 1450 so it depends on

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where you catch it also as well as the species and we don't always know so we

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want to play it safe and go with the safest ones we can find we're going to

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go where the fish will have the lowest reading and then we also want to know

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that if we choose small and young fish then we're gonna be much safer

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another example is trout that can be a really good option if it's freshwater

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trout so trout can live in streams and lakes but and then it would have 71 in

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the study they published it had 71 parts per billion whereas if they caught it in

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the ocean it had 256 parts per billion so the tile fish could vary a factor 10

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and the trout could vary a factor 4 right so that's a big big difference and

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then a lot of people talk about that you shouldn't eat tilapia and you shouldn't

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eat catfish because they're farm raised and they're absolutely right

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but it's not just the tilapia and the catfish that are bad because they're

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farm raised it is all farm raised fish it's just that the catfish and the

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tilapia are the cheapest and the sturdiest so they're very very easy to

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raise okay they get a lot for their money when they raise them because

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they're so sturdy but any fish that your farm raised is going to be a bad idea

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why because farm raised fish it's unnatural it's not their natural habitat

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they don't get to move they don't get to eat the things they're used to a lot of

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these fish they normally eat algae and seaweeds and and small plankton and

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things like that and in captivity they feed them grain and corn and soybeans

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and and garbage and just about anything these animals will eat so it's a very

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unnatural situation for the animals and if they're not living the life that

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they're supposed to then they get sick and then we get sick eating them as well

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and then they have to feed them lots and lots of antibiotics okay just like the

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the cattle and the chickens and so forth and one example of how absurd this is is

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salmon that in the wild salmon fights against the stream and fighting the the

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intense work that the salmon does is what makes the flesh red and because in

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captivity they don't move the the salmon is actually gray it is totally pale and

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unappetizing so what do they do they feed them red dye they feed them little

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pellets that end up in their tissue so you're basically just eating artificial

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color that that the salmon ate farm-raised salmon would basically have

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no color unless they fed it color pellets and they also found that the

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farm-raised salmon could have as much as 16 times as high a level of PCBs which

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is a very toxic carcinogen it's just like mercury it accumulates in in the

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tissue of the fish furthermore the fish is just like the grass-fed meat in that

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when you feed them grain when you feed them things they're not supposed to eat

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you change the ratio between the Omega 6s and the Omega 3s so normally they're

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gonna have a very very strong omega-3 to omega-6 ratio but when you feed them

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garbage and and corn and grain then you're going to disturb that that ratio

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in the wrong directions you're going to bring up the omega sixes and bring down

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the omega threes and if you think about the Omega 3s that was the reason that

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we're told to eat fish in the first place but if they farm raise it and they

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feed it the wrong thing the

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and it doesn't have as much of the thing that we want when we eat the fish so it

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sort of defeats the purpose of eating fish in the first place so when we're

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talking about these fish we're not talking about anything farm-raised right

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it doesn't matter which fish it is it is not gonna be a good idea if it's

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farm-raised so let's start off with the fish that

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you want to avoid and the reason you want to avoid them is that it is very

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very high in mercury so from the very bottom of the list it's the tile fish

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from the Mexican Gulf like I mentioned over there fourteen and hundred and

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fifty parts per billion it's the highest level of mercury ever recorded

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then next on the list we have swordfish that again it's a large predatory fish

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so it lives for a long time it concentrates a lot of mercury that's why

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the levels are extremely high and the same thing about a shark its predatory

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it's gonna eat other things and concentrate that then we get to the king

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mackerel and even though mackerel can be

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extremely healthy and we're gonna have it higher on the list later on here it

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depends on the size of it so the healthy mackerel that you buy in the in the jar

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or you buy them smoked or fresh they're going to be small mackerel whereas the

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king mackerel is somewhere around this size and it lives much longer and it

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accumulates a lot of toxins so even though mackerel has a lot of good fats

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the king mackerel you definitely want to avoid and then it's everybody's favorite

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tuna and there's many many kinds of tuna and the readings they had vary from 350

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to 689 but all of those readings are too high

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next is orange roughy at 571 parts per billion and it really hurts me to see

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these two the orange roughy and the tuna because those are my absolute favorite

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fish that if it didn't have this mercury I would eat each of them a couple of

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times a week probably I love those fish but

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because they're so high in mercury I still eat them on occasion but I pretty

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much don't have it more than every two months or so I'll have each one maybe

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every two months and that way you spread out it would probably be better to avoid

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it altogether but if you're gonna have it because you just find it so super

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delicious then make sure that you don't have it on a regular basis so now we're

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moving up in the categories and we have a category that I would call good or

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okay okay these are the bad you want to avoid them these are okay but they're

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not great okay so if you like these fish and you want to eat them for the protein

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then go ahead but it's not going to have a tremendous benefit because it doesn't

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have a whole lot of omega-3s in it you would have to eat literally pounds worth

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of of these fish to get any significant amount number 10 on the list is the

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mahi-mahi and if you really like it then it's something that you can eat but I

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wouldn't eat it all the time because the mercury levels

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are creeping up a little bit it has almost five to ten times more mercury

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than some of the best fish and it doesn't have a whole lot of omega-3s

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okay so there's not a tremendous benefit to it other than it's a good protein

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okay it's a good easily digested food if you love it have it once in a while then

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we have Cod which is very popular it has a little bit more omega-3s a little bit

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less mercury but it's still not like super beneficial so on these in terms of

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frequency I would say the mahi-mahi sort of avoid it but eat it once in a while

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the cod is pretty much okay but I wouldn't eat it all the time trying to

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get benefit from it thinking that fish is is super and next in the okay group

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is number eight croaker which again it has a little bit more of the omega-3s

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but now we're getting into what they consider really safe ranges of

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mercury so from now on up with these mercury levels the mercury is low enough

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that you can eat it as much as you want unless you have like a severe that you

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know that you have a severe heavy-metal sensitivity then you probably want to

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avoid anything at all but if that's not the case then these levels are low

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enough that according to official guidelines you can eat them freely you

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can enjoy them as much as you want but again it doesn't have a tremendous

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amount of omega-3 so if you're eating fish for the omega-3 benefits then none

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of these are gonna cut it they're not going to provide enough omega-3s

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to really make a difference the flounder number seven that's something that I eat

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a lot because it's very low in mercury it doesn't have a ton of omega-3s but I

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just really liked the flavor it's very very easy to digest and it's a good

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option to alternate with with meat and chicken and other forms of food number

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six on the list is shrimp everybody's favorite or a lot of people's favorite

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and even though it doesn't have a tremendous amount of omega-3s you would

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have to eat a lot of shrimp to get significant amount it is very very low

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on the mercury it only nine parts per billion it is the lowest item that we

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have here on the list word of caution any time that you eat shrimp in a

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restaurant or you most of the stuff you buy in the store it will be farm raised

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okay you have to look very carefully for the wild-caught because otherwise with

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the farm raised now you're back into the same situation as what we talked about

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before number five trout but it has to be freshwater trout the ocean trout is

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much much higher in mercury and trout is so delicious it is a quite a bit like

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salmon and it's so delicious when you if you can find it smoked

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that's my favorite great food but again it

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to be fresh water now we're up to significant amounts of omega-3s it has a

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thousand and seventy milligrams of omega-3s and we're not just talking fish

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oil here it's not like a thousand milligrams of fish oil it's a thousand

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milligrams of the actual precious omega-3 fatty acids it's the DHA and the

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epa and something called DPA so those are the three top long-chain fatty acids

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that do wonders for our brain and nervous system so this might be

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equivalent to actually about 5,000 milligrams of fish oil depending on how

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that oil is concentrated it is very moderate it's not the lowest but 71

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parts per billion of mercury is probably not going to hurt you so that's again in

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the green category where they say that you can eat it and enjoy it as much as

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you want number four on the list is herring this is an old favorite and

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Sweden they used to pickle it but if you're not a fan of pickled herring then

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you might want to try it smoked now we're getting up to really good levels

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we have almost 2,000 milligrams almost twice as much as the trout and 1,890

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milligrams of omega-3s and about 84 parts per billion of the mercury number

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three on the list one of my absolute favorites is sardines

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I love sardines I eat them probably at least twice a week it is so inexpensive

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it is so convenient you just pop open a can you get a fork and and you have a

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meal right there it has 1500 milligrams of omega-3s per

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100 grams so all these numbers by the way are per 100 grams of food so the

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number you see here is basically a percentage so 1500 milligrams means

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that's 1.5 percent of the entire meal is concentrated omega-3s it only has 13

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parts per billion of the mercury because again remember it's

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a very small very young fish and it doesn't have time to accumulate a lot of

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toxins so most a lot of fish oil is actually made from sardines

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now we're getting up into the heavy hitters number two on the list is

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mackerel and it's the Atlantic mackerel unlike the king mackerel so size matters

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okay the larger ones are going to accumulate more toxins they live longer

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they eat more other fish but the small mackerel and the version they tested was

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the Atlantic is very very safe it only has 50 parts per billion of mercury but

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it has the highest level of mega threes of any fish two thousand six hundred and

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seventy milligrams of omega-3 so here you can have one serving of fish a

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relatively small serving of fish and get equivalent to a handful of official

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capsules okay so here is where it starts to really matter this is where you can

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really have an impact down here you can probably still need to take fish oil no

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matter how much of these fish you eat but up here is where you get a

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significant amount of these omega-3s number one on the list you all knew that

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it had to show up somewhere number one is salmon it is the crowning

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achievement it is the perfect combination of very very low mercury and

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very very high omega-3s two thousand five hundred 90 milligrams omega-3s and

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only 22 parts per billion of mercury so no wonder the salmon is so popular it's

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not just the taste and the availability but it is extremely nutritious again you

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got to get the wild caught because the farmed salmon is just as bad as the

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other stuff so use these numbers with caution okay use some common sense take

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it with a grain of salt because like I said these mercury levels

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they're based on one set of readings okay the FDA published numbers but it

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was between 1990 and 2010 or something like that it's not something that they

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do every year everywhere in the world so just because a number is low doesn't

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guarantee that that fish is always going to be that low or at that level so

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you're some common sense and remember that the safest way to go by is small

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and young fish are gonna be your best bet so is it safe to eat fish anymore

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yes but you got a stick to the green ones so everything here would be safe to

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eat but everything on top the top five here would be the most beneficial if you

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enjoyed this video make sure you check out that one thank you so much for

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watching I'll see you in the next video

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