Top 3 Reasons To Exercise Regularly

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why you should exercise regularly stay tuned and I'll explain hey I'm Dr. Sten

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Ekberg with wellness for life and if you would like to master true health then

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hit that subscribe button so you can stay tuned why should you exercise

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regularly you've probably heard hundreds of

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different reasons from counteracting depression and anxiety to losing weight

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and getting fit and sleeping better and so forth and those are all true but it

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all boils down to three things the number one reason that you should

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exercise regularly is that it activates your brain that's it that's the number

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one reason so your brain is just like any other body part any other organ use

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it or lose it if you don't work out a muscle it's get floppy and atrophied if

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you don't activate your brain then it shrinks and loses vitality and energy

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and strength and exercise is the number one way to activate your brain most of

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the other health benefits is a consequence of you activating your brain

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so that your brain works better there's something called proprioception

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that's the brain's ability to know where the body parts are and what they're

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doing so proprioception is information from the body that tells the brain

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what's going on and movement accounts for 90% of all that proprioception when

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you exercise when you move it's not necessary so much that you get tired or

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that you have pain or that you exhaust yourself every time but you want to do

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something that involves a lot of movement a lot of complex movement a

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very popular one is walking and that's a great form of exercise but in terms of

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complexity it doesn't provide a whole lot of challenge for the brain it's

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pretty easy to walk the brain kind of gets into a pattern and it's the same

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after you get the pattern it's over and over

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and there's nothing wrong with that but if you can add some complexity then

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it's more challenging for the brain and it has to rewire itself with more

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combinations and and more variable if you like to dance if you like to do some

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kind of sport like tennis or badminton or racquetball or something a little

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more complex then you provide more proprioception jumping rope is great

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lots and lots of different ways so there's the number one way they've even

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found that kids who ran a mile in the morning they improved their grades by at

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least one letter on average people with depression get significantly less

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depression simply by exercising so it's very very powerful and that's again the

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number one way why you should exercise is that it activates your brain

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the second reason you should exercise is that it changes hormone levels and the

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number one hormone that you want to activate with exercise is growth hormone

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and the number one hormone that you want to reduce as a consequence of exercise

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is insulin then there's lots of other hormones but these two hormones really

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sort of override most of the others so when you exercise you make your body

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more sensitive to insulin your cells have an easier time opening up and

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allowing that glucose in your receptors become more sensitive so you will reduce

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insulin resistance and insulin resistance is maybe the number one

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health challenge that we have in this country today probably more than 50% of

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the whole population has some significant degree of insulin resistance

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and exercise is the single most powerful way to reduce insulin resistance of

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course the other one being eating right which we'll cover in another video the

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other hormone that were interested in is growth hormone human growth hormone and

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is an anti-aging hormone it's a rejuvenating hormone it's a fitness

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hormone they sometimes give it to geriatric patients because it helps them

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their vitality it brings them back to life well you don't have to take it

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externally you just need to exercise and we'll do a separate video to talk about

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the specifics on how to activate it but basically the best way to activate human

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growth hormone is high-intensity exercise another benefit of human growth

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hormone is that it's a fat burning hormone so if you'd like to lose that

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weight if you'd like to increase your metabolism then increasing growth

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hormone is the way to go another thing growth hormone does is it

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increases what's called a toff adji meaning it's a clean up function in the

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body so when you're starving or when you have high intensity exercise then you

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increase the growth hormone and when you're starving the body gets better and

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recycling dead cells and waste products you you get a better functioning cleanup

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crew on the inside with more growth hormone so those are the top two reasons

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why you should exercise regularly and the vast majority of health benefits

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come from those two factors and the third one is that you get more fit the

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third reason you should exercise regularly is that it increases your

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fitness level and that's sort of a no-brainer use it or lose it the more

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fit you get the stronger your heart is the better your muscles are working the

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easier it is to get through your daily life the easier it is to bend down and

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pick things up the easier it is to walk across the parking lot and to climb the

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stairs and so forth and just like everything else you want to maintain all

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of your cells in perfect vitality so that counts for all your organs your

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brain your heart your muscles and so forth those are the top three reasons

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why you should exercise regularly all other health benefits are pretty much a

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of improving those three factors so we'll have some more videos for you

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coming up shortly on a little more detail on each of those three areas some

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areas might even be more than one video will go into exercise a little bit more

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if you like this kind of content if you'd like to master true health and not

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just memorize things but understand the physiology of the body then make sure

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that you hit that subscribe button so you can stay tuned and get more of this

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stuff if you have comments leave them behind let us know how this works for

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you if you have questions let us know this channel is for you we want to have

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more questions so we can bring you what you're looking for

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thanks so much

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