Top 15 Keto Vegetables - Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want

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top 15 Keto vegetables and three honorary vegetables coming right up

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there is a lot of confusion surrounding Keto and some of the proponents they say

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that I'll just eat whatever you want just don't worry about as long as you

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cut the carbs you can have whatever you want and some of the opponents they

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claim that oh why would you ever want to eat something like keto where you can't

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even have vegetables all they eat is butter and bacon so both of those views

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are actually wrong and with so much misinformation some of you maybe even be

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surprised that you're allowed to eat vegetables on keto so yes you can eat

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vegetables on keto just make sure that they are the low carb varieties so to

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that end I'm going to talk about my favorite vegetables so we're talking

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about 15 true vegetables and we're going to talk about three honorary vegetables

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those are things that people think of as vegetables that but there are actually

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fruit and that still fit the bill so this is data that have taken from

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I've done my best to transcribe correctly and this is my personal

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preference so you may have other favorites and if you do please give me

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your favorite your top list and the more that we share and collaborate the more

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we can get healthy so first of all keto is not a diet it's not something that

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someone sat down and said I'm gonna call my diet the keto diet and here's what

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you can eat that's not how it works ketosis is a physiological state that is

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a result of cutting carbs so low that your body has to start burning fat which

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is a goal for a lot of people so yes it reduces body weight but more importantly

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it reverses insulin resistance which is at the root of 95% or a

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causative contributing factor of 95% of all degenerative disease so here are my

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top favorite vegetables and this is my personal preference it's based on flavor

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what I like it's based on the number of uses how versatile is it how many

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different things can you do with it east of use is it something you can just

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pick up and eat or does it take a lot of preparation and of course it has to be

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very low carb and how much of it can you use because if something super healthy

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but you can only eat a tiny amount then it's not gonna have a huge impact it's

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not gonna be a lot of volume that you can can benefit from so those are the

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factors that I included and here is my favorite list so we're gonna start from

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the bottom we're gonna start with number 18

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so number 18 on my list is olives and it is one of those honorary vegetables

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because it's actually a fruit and it's that thing you know that they make olive

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oil from so we know all know that extra-virgin olive oil is one of the

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best fats that you can have on a ketogenic diet but yes you can actually

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eat the olive straight so some people like them some don't I really like them

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but it's not something that you sit down and eat a half a pound of you you have a

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few and it's a great flavor and it's good to know that they're healthy for

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you as well they have 3.1 grams of net carbs and eight milligrams of potassium

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and this is all these values are going to be per 100 grams that's about three

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and a half ounces or just under a quarter pound so that is also a way of

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expressing in percentage that so these numbers are basically going to be

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percent of net carbs Swiss chard it is super healthy it only has two

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point one grams of carbs and 379 milligrams of potassium so it's one of

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those super super healthy things I put it kind of low on my list because I just

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don't know what to do with it I like it i steam it once in a while but I don't

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find myself keeping it around that often and it doesn't stay fresh all that long

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you have to steam it and so forth so super healthy if you like it go for it

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number sixteen favorite is celery super healthy very very low carbs 1.4 grams

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260 milligrams of potassium I like it I just can't eat tons of it okay you can

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use it in salads you can use it in a Waldorf salad you can make little sticks

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and and dip in things and in hummus and other healthy dips I just don't eat that

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much of it so there are other things that I find I can I can eat more of but

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it's a great thing to keep around and of course all of these things are things

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that you want to mix up you want to use as many different vegetables as possible

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throughout the day because variety is a good thing number 15 cabbage I like

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cabbage you can steam it you can do coleslaw you can do various different

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stir salads with it great vegetable three point three grams of carbs a

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hundred and 70 milligrams of potassium it is also great you can make sauerkraut

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if you want to ferment it then it's one of those things that keep forever and

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also help repopulate the good bacteria in your gut so fantastic vegetable

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number 14 broccoli one of those cruciferous greens that the liver loves

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it has four grams of carbs and 316 milligrams of potassium it is something

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that a lot of people like to eat raw I don't that's one of the reasons it's

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relatively low on the list I do like it steamed or oven baked so I do eat it

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quite a bit the people who like it raw they can also find that it's very easy

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and you can use it for dips as well super healthy number 13 parsley

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I love parsley it has only 3 grams of carbs and a-whooping 554 milligrams of

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potassium it's one of those things you're not going to eat sit down and eat

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a pound of parsley in a sitting but I do love to make tabbouleh and there's a

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recipe on my channel where you can see how to do a keto friendly version of

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that love it eat it as much as you can number 12 asparagus this is one of my

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favorite side dishes it goes with a lot of different things steak one of my

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favorites fish eggs there's a lot of different things that you can use

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asparagus as a side dish I just pan fry it a little bit with some

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ghee or maybe some coconut oil something that's heat stable use some salt pepper

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and some lemon or maybe vinegar and it comes out super super delicious number

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eleven cucumber very very simple very versatile I love to slice it up on

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salads it's one of those always in my salad vegetables and of course you can

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cut it up in little sticks and use it for a dip with various forms of of

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hummus or other dips number ten tomato I love tomato and I put it in all sorts of

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different things I use it fresh in salads but I also use it slightly cooked

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in things like omelets and of course you can use all forms of different meats

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twos and all kinds of different dishes and spaghetti sauce Oh tomato shows up

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everywhere in my household and it only has 2.7 grams of carbs 237 milligrams of

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potassium tomato needs no further introduction except of course it's one

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of those honorary vegetables because it's really a fruit number nine arugula

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and it is one of those things ie with salads sometimes I do the whole

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salad just arugula I love that slightly peppery a little bit nutty flavor

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it only has 2.1 grams of carbs 369 milligrams of potassium and you could

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substitute for virtually any of the salad greens okay so this is one of the

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things that you can use for fresh salads over and over number eight romaine

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lettuce another salad green you eat it raw you can actually put these romaine

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and arugula in a blender and make a smoothie as well sometimes I do a fruit

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smoothie or even a chocolate smoothie where you can put some salad greens in

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there works great it has 1.2 grams of carbs 247 milligrams of potassium and

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it's one of the the staples in my fridge number seven favorite vegetable is

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mushrooms and it goes in a lot in my household you could make various forms

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of lasagna with it of course without the dairy and wheat you can do a lasagna

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with tomatoes and eggplant and onion and things like that

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you can also slice it up and cook it slightly and I put mine in omelets or

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you can use it fresh in salads if you like that as well so mushrooms wide wide

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range of uses we use it a lot number six bell pepper and this number I got is

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four green bell pepper has 2.9 grams of carbs 175 milligrams of potassium the

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red yellow and orange bell peppers are gonna have higher values so you may want

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to restrict those a little bit if you're on a really really tight carb schedule

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bell pepper goes in everything you can stir fry it you can use it fresh you can

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use it for dips it goes in omelets it's a great snack there's just no end to the

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ways that you can use bell pepper always keep some around

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number five French green beans this is a surprise to a lot of people and I have

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to explain this over and over that there's a difference between beans and

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beans because most people know they can't have black beans and kidney beans

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and pinto beans and lentils on a keto diet because they're way high in starch

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and protein but green beans are different because the bean portion is

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almost non-existent in comparison to the pod and the pod is a green watery

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vegetable so you could have as much green beans as you desire

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it only has 1.6 grams of net carbs and 209 milligrams of potassium I love love

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this vegetable I always keep some around it's super easy to steam and after you

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steam it you pour out the water you put the beans back in there you throw in a

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tablespoon of butter and a little bit of salt maybe even a drop of lemon and

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they're just super super delicious my two favorite side dishes in terms of

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vegetables are green beans and asparagus a very very regular item on the menu

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number four eggplant very very versatile I sometimes cut it up like little french

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fried potatoes I put butter and olive oil on it then you throw some spaghetti

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sauce on it and now you have kind of a like a pasta dish you can make lasagna

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type dishes with it you can do eggplant parmesan

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lots and lots of different uses 2.9 grams of carbs 230 milligrams of

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potassium this is one of the ones that can sort of become a meal in itself it's

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very very substantial number three spinach another wonderful food you can

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eat it fresh you can saute it you can turn it into soup there's just so many

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different ways of using it it has only 1 point 4 grams of carbs and 558

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milligrams of potassium so it's super super rich in minerals and this is one

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that if you eat it fresh like a salad you can't eat

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a whole lot but if you saute it maybe add a little butter and sour cream at

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the end to make them creamed or if you turn it into a soup you could

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conceivably eat 150 200 grams of spinach and you would get over a gram of

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potassium just from that so get as much spinach as you can find different ways

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that you like to use it I love it number two favorite keto vegetable is

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cauliflower it is so versatile it goes in so many things it has three grams of

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carbs and 303 milligrams of potassium you can use it for so many things I

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don't like it raw like some people like to dip it I don't much care for that but

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you could use for rice cauliflower I do something called stir-fried not rice

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where I use rice - cauliflower diced mushrooms and diced onion a little bit

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of onion that's that higher in carbs that's why it's not on this list but I

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certainly use onion then you add some butter you add a little bit of lemon

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salt and pepper maybe a dash of soy sauce or Bragg's aminos

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and you have a wonderful wonderful side dish I call it stir-fried not rice and

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it goes with just about everything where you would normally have had rice you

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could steam it as well just put a little butter and salt on it so many so many

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different uses some people even do pizza crust from it and because it is so

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versatile you can eat quite a bit you could probably eat a pound of

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cauliflower in a day and that would give you over a gram of potassium just from

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that number one favorite vegetable you all knew that was going to be on the

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list it is avocado and it tops the list even

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though it's not strictly a vegetable it is a fruit but who cares so I eat

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probably a couple of avocados per day I use it in almost everything you can

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slice it put it on omelets you can eat it fresh with a spoon just scoop it out

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I put it in my smoothies whether it's a chocolate smoothie or a fruit smoothie

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or a berry smoothie I put some avocado in there there's so many different ways

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you can use it it is so delicious I sometimes use do a little bit of

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mashed potato and then I'll use a little bit of potato a little bit of

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cauliflower and some avocado you mix it up with salt you steam it mix it up with

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salt butter and a little sour cream and you have a wonderful incredible creamy

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potato mashed potato substitute with very very little potato in it if you're

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not super strict you can put a little potato in there if you're super strict

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just do it with cauliflower and avocado incredible incredible food and it's one

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of those that it has two grams of carbs on 507 milligrams of potassium so if you

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eat two normal two large avocados a day there's about a hundred and fifty grams

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apiece times two is three hundredths you get one and a half grams of potassium

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that's like half of what you need in a day just from two avocados and on top of

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that it's just super super delicious figure out what you like let me know

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what your favorite list is maybe we can share and and make even more progress on

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this and realize that you can eat vegetables on a keto diet even though it

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is a carbohydrate it matters how much carbohydrate plus most of these things

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have a lot of fiber in them which will further slow down the carb

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uptake so it's almost like you really don't even have to count carbs that come

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from leafy greens and from extremely low carb vegetables because there's so much

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fiber that they buffer that sugar uptake so I'm then say you don't have to count

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it I said you almost don't have to count it so eat tons and tons of vegetables if

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you haven't this channel before you even enjoy

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knowing how to get healthy please subscribe and then share this video and

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all of our videos with as many people as you can because the mission here is to

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get people healthy the more we can get the word out the more we can help thanks

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for watching

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