Top 10 Worst Foods You Should NEVER Eat

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Worst foods to eat what are they and why coming right up. Hi I am doctor Ekberg with

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Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master health by understanding how

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the body really works make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell

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so that you don't miss anything so when you try to get healthy and we have our

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nutrition program that we do in our clinic people often really have no idea

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of what good food or bad food is so we're gonna go over that and what we're

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trying to avoid primarily are sugars meaning refined sugar sugar occurs in

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nature in the form of fruit and vegetables but when we process it then

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we screw it all up hydrogenated fats these are man-made fats those are

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frankenfoods they're plastic they have no place in the human body

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they are altered molecules that your body does not recognize and they become

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poisonous to your body white flour is flour that they have removed the germ

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wear which holds all the nutrition so you're just left with a starch so it

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keeps forever but it has no nutrient no food value and chemicals of course those

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are things that interfere with your body's biology so the worst thing about

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sugar is that it stimulates insulin and it drives inflammation and the same

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thing with white flour the others don't drive insulin but they're poisons for

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four other reasons so if we were to pick the absolute worst food and I'm

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excluding things like there are pure poison like arsenic and plutonium and so

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forth but something that people think of as food and the people eat on a regular

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basis I think the absolute worst food ever device would have to be donuts

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because it has all four of these categories that were trying to avoid if

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we want to be healthy it is made of sugar hydrogenated fat white flour and

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chemicals so do yourself a favor and stop eating donuts next Worst on the

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list is soda because it has no nutrients and it is extremely addictive it is pure

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sugar it drives up your blood sugar like crazy because there's nothing to slow

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down that that sugar uptake and because of that it's gonna drive your blood

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sugar up it has no nutrition and it's extremely addictive you can't really

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tell how much you're drinking it's so easy to have one after another after

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another after another number 3 margarine shortening these are

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the hydrogenated fats they're man-made fats they are probably the worst idea

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since artificial sweeteners and just industrial toxins for ice cream very bad

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combination it is pasteurized dairy with sugar so

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now you have the sugar that drives insulin and inflammation but you also

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have the pasteurized dairy that most people are sensitive to so you combine

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the two and you have a really bad combination 5 cookies and cereal this is

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almost the same thing even though people think of one as a bad vice and the other

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is a healthy breakfast food well they're really the same thing they are they are

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processed flour and sugar then they add some chemicals some artificial flavors

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they sprinkle a few synthetic vitamins and pretend to make it healthy but this

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is all man-made sugar foods with lots and lots of chemicals and allergens in

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them so avoid cookies in serial number six is any kind of processed food any

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packaged food that has a lot of sugar starch chemicals artificial flavorings

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they've taken food they deplete all the nutrients they nuke it they bleach it

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they chop it up and now it has no flavor so they have to add chemicals and flavor

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enhancers and color enhancers to make it appear to be food which of course is not

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number seven chips because chips are typically made from potatoes or corn

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which is a pure starch and then they fry them and frying the fat in itself isn't

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necessarily bad except the fat that they used to fry with has to be processed it

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has to be hardened or bleached or neutralized in some way because if you

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use a healthy oil like extra-virgin olive oil first of all it has too much

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flavor and impart so much flavor on the chips that you probably wouldn't be able

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to eat them most people wouldn't enjoy them but also in the process to heat

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something to that high of heat you destroy the oil so they have to start

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with a bad quality oil in order for it to tolerate the heat and now you're

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imparting all of that bad stuff into the chips so it's all starch and low quality

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toxic oils number eight bread and pasta now we're back to all white flour it is

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processed they have taken the nutrients the germ out of the food and of course

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now you still have the starch that drives the blood sugar and the insulin

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and the inflammation plus most people are sensitive to wheat number nine

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pasteurized dairy dairy is not a bad thing per se because we are mammals we

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are raised on mother's milk from day one or we should be and all the other

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mammals on the planet are as well but when we pasteurize it now we change

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something that was a good food into a terrible food we changed the protein

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structure we kill 100% of the enzymes and the beneficial bacteria that would

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have helped us digest it and process it so not only can't we process it but

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they've also altered the structure of a lot of the proteins and the minerals and

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absorbability and all that so if you can get raw milk I think that's okay for

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most people but pasture I Darry you want to stay away from as much

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as you can the good dairy are good quality cheese's if you can tolerate

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them and fermented there is such as yogurt and sour cream

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number ten luncheon deli meats so here you start with usually a pretty poor

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quality meat something that's been raised in a factory been fed chemicals

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and hormones and grains and then you add chemicals and flavorings and

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preservatives to it so it's not to say that deli meats can't be good because it

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could if you start with good meat and you don't add chemicals and a bunch of

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sugar you just kind of smoke it and and and prepare it however cook it then deli

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meats could be a good thing but form up for the most part they are highly

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processed and full of chemicals so be very careful number eleven farmed fish

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so fish is a wonderful food in and of itself but farmed fish are extremely

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unhealthy they are fed the worst absolute food you can think of they're

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fed chemicals and hormones and they're so sick their meat has no texture and no

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color so they add artificial colors to the feed to make them look like they

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were healthy so fish you should eat wild-caught find out which ones don't

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have so much mercury find out which fish are healthy in a wild state and eat

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those on a regular basis but stay away from farmed fish in our dozen of foods

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to avoid is grain fed beef so again meat fish chicken lamb they're

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all healthy if the animal was healthy but the way the animals are raised today

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in mass production facilities in factories were thousands and thousands

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of animals under one roof being fed artificial things and hormones they're

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so sick they have to have antibiotics and chemicals to even survive long

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enough to be slaughtered that is not a healthy animal so again

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find the great grass-fed sorry find the grass-fed meats whether it's lamb or

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beef or chicken or anything else it needs to have had a healthy life a

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natural life where it ran around in its natural environment so these would be

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pretty much in the order and again the list is not complete you could probably

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find other things and throw in between but I just want to give you an idea of

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what are the absolute worst categories of food and which foods contain the

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things that you want to avoid and then you start cutting these out in that

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order but what's important is once you cut something out you have to put

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something else in because you can't live in deprivation there are so many foods

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that are satisfying there's so much good food out there but you have to change

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your habits to figure out what they are so when you take something out you have

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to put something else in otherwise you feel deprived which is not sustainable

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and then you're gonna go back to the terrible things that got you sick in the

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first place and then you didn't really gain much of anything so change

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gradually take the bad stuff out put some good stuff in make sure that you

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are satisfied from the food hope you enjoyed this little information and if

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you like this kind of content make sure that you subscribe and hit that

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notification bell so that you can keep getting this content coming your way and

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please share all of these videos with as many people as you can because this is

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the stuff that saves lives thank you so much for watching

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